![]() Chapter 13: Witches?! Part 3A Chapter by Imagination-mageThe next morning was how Vice predicted. The third year students were sent on a rather violent field trip to dissect a mammoth while it was still alive. Though many of the students didn’t want to go, Stein said if they didn’t come he’d bring down their grades ever so slightly. Rylie called Shinigami-sama that they wouldn’t’ be attending school for the day. Shinigami-sama didn’t sound surprised that more students were calling in stating that they would be staying home. Once done with the phone call, Rylie quickly joined her friends on the couch. She coughed and felt her head, she was a bit warm. “You okay Rylie?” Jaya asked. “Feeling a bit dizzy that’s all.” Rylie replied. “You guys ready?” Vice asked. The three girls nodded, Vice holding out his hands motioning them to join hands. They all joined hands and Vice closed his eyes, in deep concentration. He breathed in and out evenly, the girls following his example. They suddenly felt like they were being pulled in into a blackened hold, the room around them darkening. Vice’s hands were shaking vigorously as he tried holding onto their link. Rylie’s wavelength suddenly grew in sizes including Jaya’s showing storm clouds surrounding her soul. Rylie’s soul looked as if trying to take form. The link suddenly broke when Vice gasped for air and they were back in the living room, Vice’s head hanging and him breathing heavily. “Vice…you okay?” Jaya asked. “I-I’m fine, lets try again.” Vice said forcibly taking her hand and trying again.
When the cackling moon rose high in the sky, blood pouring from its mouth was when the four moved out. They were still unsure of Vice’s soul wavelength because he constantly blamed Rylie saying her soul couldn’t seem to make up her mind. They wore black cloaks as they made their way to Hook Cemetery, Rylie leading the way as they entered the spooky place. A giant sign surrounded by hooks rose over the entrance that read Hook Cemetery but another sign hung around it reading keep out! Safety tape covered every inch of the gates and fence of the cemetery. Vice took out a small dagger and ripped at the tape so that they could walk through. “Come on.” Vice said and led them in. The girls followed, bringing their hoods more over their faces. “It says that the underground shelter is right under Sid’s old grave.” Rylie said, pointing to a barren spot in the cemetery. A sudden rumble vibrated through the Earth causing the girls to fall over and onto their backsides. Vice chuckled behind his shadows face and said “We’re close, can’t you feel it?” “The insanity yes, B-mel no.” Rachel said. They came in front of Sid’s old grave seeing nothing but an empty patch of dirt. Vice scooped hands full of dirt out of the way until they came to a black trap door. When he touched the handle, a great force pushed him away causing him to crash into a dead looking tree. He cringed but forced himself up. “You okay?” Rylie asked. “I’m fine; we have to hurry this up though.” Vice said, taking out a watch. “I told Allen and Ultimo to wait for us till ten; if we don’t come back they have to call the teachers.” “It’s already eight fifty!” Rachel said. “How do we open the door?” Vice transformed into his scythe form and Jaya took hold of him. She raised the scythe up and sliced the door in half, a gust of energy shooting out. The insanity was intense but Vice yelled “Don’t fall for it, just keep going forward!” Jaya went down first and ran down basically, Rachel and Rylie following close behind. When Jaya calmed herself, the gust of wind faded and Jaya realized it was her witch powers acting with her moods again. Gripping onto her scythe handle tighter, Jaya led the way knowing that if anything attacked, hopefully not Bethany, she’d be the only one to protect them. Jaya put her hand out and a ray of sun light leaked from it. “That’s so cool.” Rylie said. “Come on, the insanities getting more intense.” Jaya said, soon running down. They ran down the spiral staircase till they came to a door. Bethany’s name was engraved into it; pressing their ears up to it they could hear breathing. “She’s defiantly in there…” Rachel mumbled. Vice returned to human form, going for the handle and gripping it. He looked back at the girls and asked “You guys ready?” The girls nodded their heads, actually terrified of what their friend had come down to. Vice gripped the handle even harder, pulling it open and the four were welcomed to a white room, Bethany sitting in the middle with black candles surrounding her. Bethany appeared to be sleeping. Vice shushed them as they slowly approached the sleeping Bethany and surrounded her. “Vice, do it now.” Jaya whispered, Vice nodding. He slowly approached her and held her hand; it was so cold and lifeless that he almost mistook her for being dead. He motioned for the others to quickly surround Bethany. Rylie gently pushed her up, getting her in a sitting up position and taking her hand. Everyone joined hands and Vice soon went into meditation. As soon as Vice’s meditation began, the room blackened, and the candles becoming white and melting the wax as the flames became larger. Suddenly, Valentine appeared before them. “What do you think your doing?” Valentine asked bitterly, stepping forward. “We’re saving our friends what’s it look like?” Jaya replied, only getting a chuckle from him. He walked towards the lifeless Bethany, poking the side of her head and saying “Can’t you see that she’s busy at the moment?” Rachel squinted towards Bethany, seeing some odd aura engulfing her soul. Rachel quickly released hands, breaking the meditation and pushing Bethany down. “What’re you doing?!” Vice asked angrily. “There’s something wrong!” Rachel said urgently, trying to shake Bethany awake. “BETHANY, WAKE UP!” Rachel screamed, Bethany’s head turned meeting Rachel’s eye. Rachel froze in sheer terror as she looked into Bethany’s soulless eyes. Bethany gripped Rachel’s shoulder, throwing her off herself and soon picking herself up. Rachel smashed into the wall and crumbled to the floor. Bethany picked herself up went for the other three. Vice quickly transformed into a weapon and went into Jaya’s hands. “Stay behind me!” Jaya said, Rylie looked over at Rachel who seemed to be recovering despite her horribly bruised shoulder. “But I need to get to Rachel!” Rylie said, Bethany suddenly charging. Her skin suddenly turned shadow black, her eyes becoming yellow and a bright star appearing on her chest. Her fingers turned to sharp claws and tried swiping at Rylie. Jaya came charging in, blocking the attack and screaming “GET RACHEL OUT OF HERE!” Rylie quickly ran to Rachel, who was desperately trying to get up. Bethany cracked a sinister grin, charging towards the vulnerable technicians. Jaya was there in a heartbeat, blocking the attack and calling over her shoulder “GET THE TEACHERS!” Rylie got out of the room, with Rachel’s arm slung over her shoulder. Jaya flipped over Bethany who swiped at her landing behind her and capturing Bethany by placing the blade at her neck and causing her to fall onto the floor. Bethany swiped at the air, screaming out “The Great Old One wishes for me!” “Who?” Jaya asked. Don’t let her distract you, just knock her out and we can continue with the meditation! Vice ordered strictly. Jaya was suddenly picked up by a hovering hand, she could see Bethany hissing words from her lips and the hand threw her aside. The hand disappeared, Bethany rising from her spot and roaring towards Jaya whose grip tightened on the scythe. Jaya charged this time, Bethany only standing there with her head down. When Jaya was about to slice, Bethany’s head shot up and she stopped the blade with her bare hands, grabbing hold of Jaya’s neck and holding her up. Bethany wrenched the scythe from Jaya’s hands as she began to squeeze the life out of her. Bethany then slammed Jaya into the ground, causing Jaya to cough up a small amount of blood. Jaya! Vice screeched and transformed back into a human. He tackled Bethany, causing her to release Jaya and roll to the side. The two fought, Bethany with her clawed fingers and Vice fighting her off with her scythe blade. He made a quick jab at Bethany getting her side and causing her to cringe in pain. Valentine suddenly appeared a large dagger in his hand. “You little b*****d!” Valentine said angrily and hit Vice in his neck, slashing it open till blood came spurting from the wound. Vice fell over, lying in his pool of blood. Jaya watched in horror at Vice’s limp corpse, the puddle growing larger and larger. Jaya suddenly had the urge to kill, looking up at Valentine who laughed menacingly. “Finish her…” Valentine said, snatching Vice’s soul and disappearing. Bethany stepped towards Jaya. Jaya’s hands clenched into fists, her soul suddenly growing larger as wind began to surround her. “A witch?” Bethany questioned, seeing cat ears appear on top of her soul, tiger stripes covering Jaya’s skin and her hair suddenly being tied at the ends, a witches hat on top of her head and her eyes becoming blood red. “Finish her off I say!” Valentine commanded. Bethany charged, Jaya only putting her hand out as she mumbled “Ririsu…” Bethany froze in place, a large whirl wind appearing around her and a storm cloud above her head. Lightening struck down on her and electrocuted Bethany who cried out in pain. The black covering her soon began to peel off till Bethany was back to normal. The attack faded, Jaya crumbling to her knees and Bethany falling forward, breathing heavily. The door suddenly burst open, revealing Shinigami-sama, Spirit, Marie and Stein racing in. Rachel and Rylie came in last, wielding their weapons. “How’re they?” Rachel asked. “Bethany seems to be coming back to us!” Marie said, seeing Bethany’s eyes slowly open. Bethany sat up and rubbed the side of her head, groaning a bit at the dull pain pounding in her head. “Wha-what happened?” Bethany asked. “You were taken by insanity.” Marie explained. “Shockingly, Jaya was able to save you!” Jaya was currently being checked on by Stein who said “She’s fine, just weak.” Jaya reached out to Vice’s limp body, muttering “V-Vice…” Shinigami-sama was looking down at the dead body, seeming to mumble a prayer. After, he lifted the body and said “Come along, he deserves to be buried at least.” © 2011 Imagination-mageAuthor's Note
Added on December 3, 2011 Last Updated on December 3, 2011 Author![]() Imagination-mageSuna, AZAboutI'm a young mage who enjoys creating adventure, romance, horror (if i can) and sometimes a good angst. i do hope you can enjoy the stories i create, everyone enjoy! more..Writing