![]() Chapter 12: Witches?! Part 2A Chapter by Imagination-mage“Yes, it appears Jaya is one hundred percent witch.” Shinigami-sama said. Jaya and Rylie had packed everything away, moving into their new apartment with Rachel. They didn’t tell Rachel just yet, not knowing what her reaction might be. The next day, they went straight to Shinigami-sama, not really caring that they had to make an appointment in order to see him and explained everything. “What do we do?” Rylie asked. “At the moment, Jaya will have to have separate classes.” Shinigami-sama said. “If her powers are that active to her emotions then she’s a dangerous hazard to the students. She’ll stay with me, where she’ll take classes with Kim.” “But what type of witch am I?” Jaya asked. “Well, you seem to be something that has to do with the weather.” Shinigami-sama said. “But normally there would be signs; do you remember anything out of the ordinary that had to do with you and the weather?” Jaya thought about it, thinking back to when they first entered Shibusen, she snapped her fingers when she remembered. “It snowed and no one knew about it except me, also the other day when we were at Kid’s mansion it rained when I felt upset.” Jaya said. “That good enough?” “So you can predict the weather and control the weather according to your emotions.” Shinigami-sama said, thinking thoroughly. “Well problems just keep adding up. First BREW, now the disappearance of Yasmine, Bethany’s having problems and now I have another witch to train.” “Wait, what’s wrong with B-mel?” Rylie asked. “Apparently she’s being sucked into madness…” Shinigami-sama said. “I don’t know how or why but she refuses to come out of her room. Kid informed me this morning when she suddenly started talking gibberish during breakfast, as if talking to someone. She had a breakdown then, flipped the table over and broke her plates. She has gashes on her hands but she didn’t do anything to heal them. So she’s in her room as we speak.” “We have to help her!” Rylie said. “No, oh no, that’s dangerous. Bethany has to calm down.” Shinigami-sama said. “The insanity that she’s giving off is so outrageous that you can feel it when ten feet from her location.” “You moved her?!” Rylie asked. “Yes, if you knew where she was you’d go check on her.” Shinigami-sama said. “You students are so predictable.” “But you can’t just lock her up, she’s a living human who needs oxygen, sunshine-well I’m not so sure about the sunshine part- and a life!” Rylie said. She was suddenly Shinigami-Chopped over the head going to her knees in pain. Jaya turned to him about to shout insults but seeing his readied hand she decided against it. “Don’t worry, she gets out when her madness settles but at the moment she must stay in her secluded location until we can find the source of her madness. Stein’s with her, trying to read her wavelength to see if there’s anything out of the ordinary.” “But Shinigami-sama-“ the two girls said in unison but were cut short by Shinigami-sama putting his giant cartoon hand in front of them. “No buts, now Rylie return to class! Jaya, Marie is waiting for you outside to take you to your witch classes. I’ll call you when Bethany has calmed down.” Shinigami-sama said like a father. “You’re both dismissed.” The two glared, soon leaving Shinigami-sama in his office. Once the door closed, Shinigami-sama released a tired sigh slumping his shoulders. He turned to his mirror and it gleamed as he received a call. “Hello?” Shinigami-sama asked, an image appearing before him. Shinigami-sama, we need back up! Kim shouted through the mirror. In the background, he could see Ox being thrown into a tree, falling to his knees. “What’s wrong?” Shinigami-sama asked. We’ve located Yasmine in Medusa’s forest but… Kim was suddenly cut off as Kirikou crashed into her. A half fox half human stood in the screen, soulless eyes, razor teeth and blood red fur covering every inch of human that was left. “Kim, Kim are you there?!” Shinigami-sama asked. The demon looked at Shinigami-sama, sniffing the reflection that rippled. Shinigami-sama…. Came the raspy voice of the demon fox. Shinigami-sama caught Yasmine’s voice and asked “What happened to you?” Almost about to answer, Yasmine suddenly began to cough. She spat out a large amount of blood breathing heavily. TRAITOR TO EIBON-SAMA!!!!! Yasmine screamed, slamming her fists into the puddle. The line was suddenly lost and Shinigami-sama was trembling. “Damn you Medusa…What did you do?” Shinigami-sama asked, his head touching the glass on the mirror. A ringing interrupted his thoughts and he quickly picked up. It was Kim again; she was breathing heavily, Ox and Kirikou standing behind her. She got away, sorry Shinigami-sama… Kim said, she was healing a large gash on her calf. The boys seemed perfectly healed along with their weapons. “What happened?” Shinigami-sama asked. Ox took over, clearing his throat and saying We found where Yasmine was sleeping and tried getting to her calmly when her guard was down. But then she had like a skeletal woman attack us and wake her up. She suddenly attacked us like she didn’t recognize us, she was badly injured and when Kim tried healing her she clawed at her leg. We’ve been battling her for only twenty minutes and she beat us without us laying a scratch on her… “Seems Medusa messed with her body…probably new blood.” Shinigami-sama said. “Medusa’s forest had too much insanity in it, Yasmine could literally explode. You must find her and bring her back to Shibusen. I’ll send Maka, Black Star and Kid to assist you, the whole team of Spartoi will reunite, besides maybe Maka can calm her down…” Alright, thank you Shinigami-sama, but what about her friends? Havar asked through his weapon form. “They can not know of Yasmine’s conditions, I have a feeling that their one of those people who disobey orders no matter what.” Shinigami-sama said. “Until Yasmine is returned to school, Yasmine’s condition remains a secret, understood?” The three nodded soon hanging up. Shinigami-sama then called in Spirit who stood by his side. “You called?” Spirit asked. “I would like you to send the remaining team Spartoi members to Medusa’s forest.” Shinigami-sama said. “Make sure the girls know nothing of it…” “Understood.” Spirit said and left. ~ ~ ~ “Why can’t we help her?!” Rachel asked at lunch. The school day dragged on till they reached lunch. Once Rachel had gotten her food, about to sit down and feast on sushi till Jaya and Rylie ambushed her, dragging her away with her small black box of sushi still in her hands. Rachel was eating her food while they spoke to her about Bethany’s situation. “Shinigami-sama thinks we can’t handle the insanity she gives off.” Rylie said. “We have to help her; maybe we can calm her down.” Jaya said. “But Steins with her, can’t he handle it?” Rachel asked. “Remember, Stein’s just as insane. He could easily side with her and let her out!” Rylie said. “We just gotta find out B-mel’s location and then we can try figuring out a way to get her out of her insanity.” “Got it!” Rachel said. “In the manga or anime, Maka let herself go into insanity in order to speak with Chrona. Maybe we should try something like that?” “But none of us can read wavelengths….” Jaya said gloomily. “Let’s ask Maka if she can help us then!” Rachel said till she was slapped in the forehead by Jaya. “That’s a stupid idea; she’d be defying Shinigami-sama’s orders.” Jaya said sending a cold glare at Rachel who was rubbing her forehead to numb the pain. Vice soon came in and said “I can…” The three girls looked at him with shock; Vice had been going through changes lately. He didn’t get into as many fights with Ultimo; he was willing to help more and even stopped with the rude insults towards Jaya. Jaya of course was skeptical about his help. “What do you want Vice?” Jaya asked suspiciously. “Nothing really.” Vice replied. “I can’t help my technician at times like these?” Jaya glared down at him and said “We need you to read B-mel’s wavelength, deep enough to send us into the insanity so we can get B-mel past it all.” “I guess I can do that.” Vice said. “So do you know where she is?” The three girls shoulders slumped and they all replied “…No…” Vice glared up at them and said “Pathetic, well you’ll need to break into the filing room and look up Bethany’s files. They probably contain her location.” “Yeah but the filing room is…gulp….in Shinigami-sama’s office….” Rylie said everyone looking at the door that led to Shinigami-sama’s office. “You three haven’t done something like this before?” Vice asked. “I think since your high scholars you’d have done thing before, this is pretty sad.” “So you’ve don’t thins before?” Rachel asked. “Yes, I was trying to find clues to my parents, both dead, and I succeeded.” Vice said. “But since this is Shinigami-sama, it’s gonna be harder. We’ll need more men.” “Ultimo will most likely wanna help us.” Rylie said. “Allen will too, he’d been worried about B-mel.” Rachel said. “Well there’s our team.” Vice said. “Now here’s the plan.” ~ ~ ~ The next day they began Vice’s plan. Rachel and Allen were walking through the halls, acting like they normally did when they were heading to class. Rachel then bumped into Rylie who turned around, looking angry. “Watch it b***h!” Rylie spat. “Well sorry for ruining your day!” Rachel spat back. “Well look whose the cocky little goody two shoes!” Rylie said. “Scum like you make me sick!” Rachel then slapped Ryle making Rylie dramatically fall to the floor. Rylie held her cheek, growling under her breath. Ultimo was at her side, who transformed into his scythe form, Allen doing the same with Rachel. They two collided their weapons, making the students run. “Call Shinigami-sama!” one student screamed. Jaya was in the crowd, grabbing Vice’s wrist and running to Shinigami-sama. She burst through; he seemed to be having a meeting with the other teachers. “Rachel and Rylie are fighting in the halls!” Jaya said frantically. Everyone dispersed from the room, running out the door. Till every teacher was out including Shinigami-sama, Jaya stopped the door from closing fully. She slipped in and quickly looked everywhere for the file cabinet. “Hurry, who knows how long Rylie and Rachel can hold off Shinigami-sama?” Vice said as the two frantically looked for the cabinet.
“Stop this immediately!” Marie said, trying to stop the two female technicians. Rachel brought down her sword and Rylie was able to block the sword, pushing it back causing Rachel to fall back on Marie. The teachers were desperately trying to calm the two down till Shinigami-sama came in. “SHINIGAMI CHOP!” he yelled, hitting the two girls causing them to fly into the wall with a loud thud. The two girls slid down the wall and onto the floor. Shinigami-sama turned to them and said “I will not allow fighting outside of the sparing room! Rylie and Rachel, I will be confiscating thirty of the souls you have collected.” “WHAT?!” the two yelled. “Your punishment, don’t think I’m soft.” Shinigami-sama said. “Come along, we’ll be taking it in my office.” Rylie and Rachel looked at each other in horror, as they were seized by the arms and brought to Shinigami-sama’s office.
“Found it!” Vice said successfully. He had found a trap door in the floor where it contained all the student files. Jaya looked through the files till Bethany’s name came into view. She grabbed it, stuffing it in her jacket and zipping it up the two quickly moved out of Shinigami-sama’s office, to only intercept him in the hallway. “What’re you two doing?” Shinigami-sama asked. “We had to check if I left Vice’s homework somewhere over here.” Jaya lied. “Sorry, but its not here so it’s probably at my house. Sorry for disturbing you.” The two excused themselves and hid around the corner till Rylie and Rachel came out. Once out the two ran to Vice and Jaya’s sides. “Did you get it?” Rachel asked. Vice nodded and said “We’ll wait till we get to the apartment to discuss further plans after school, until then return to class.” Vice left the presence, the three girls watching him go. Rylie soon leaned in and asked “We’re still not trusting him right?” “Oh big time.” Jaya replied. “He’s up to something and I’m gonna find out. But at the moment let’s just play along okay?” “Sure, hope B-mel’s okay.” Rachel said and three returned to classes. ~ ~ ~ After school they went to their new apartment, sitting on the floor of the living room. Vice closed the blinds of the windows and turned the lights on. They sat in a circle as Jaya held the closed files of Bethany Coady. “What I’m about to open…is extremely private.” Jaya warned. “This very file holds all things B-mel, her grades, her whereabouts and even future. What we read stays in this group got it?” “Got it, I don’t want an insane B-mel on me if she figured out we read her school files.” Rylie said with a shutter. “Remember she works for Stein basically, whatever he knows, she knows.” The girls shuttered and Vice just rolled his eyes saying “Oh god you bunch of sissies just open it!” Jaya sent a glare at Vice before setting the file in the center, taking the cover and flipping it open. Everything on Bethany was sprawled out before their very eyes. They scrambled for their current location going through grades, weapons, abilities, personality even a DNA sample (that was taken by Stein). “Got it, she’s in Hook Cemetery!” Rylie said, holding up a slip of paper that looked like an ID card. Everyone crowded around Rylie as she read out loud “Bethany Coady, mallet technician, is being held in Hood Cemetery where the dead atmosphere can take the madness. She is currently under ground, getting visits from Sid and Stein every Thursday to have her food. Her condition is unbelievable, she constantly scratches at her own skin saying that something’s crawling under her skin. Her irises are basically star shaped now as if she were apart of the Star Clan….” “She’s turning into another Black Star?!” Jaya asked. “Hell no, that’s like another Yasmine on our hands!” Rylie said and shuttered. “Have three of them I’d probably ask Death to take me away.” “True, she’s not giving off any of the crazy attitude like Black Star does.” Rachel said. “We’ll see when we see her.” Vice said. “Look, the only free time we have is Tomorrow night; our classes are going on a science trip with Dr. Stein, you guys can’t go.” “Why is that?” Rachel asked. “Because you’re first years and it’s a third year’s trip.” Vice said smugly. “We don’t even have to go to school tomorrow. So we’ll practice my soul wavelength, I need to practice bringing in three souls at once.” “I-I guess, for B-mel!” Rylie said. “Yeah let’s do it for her!” Rachel said. “Alright until tomorrow, goodnight.” Vice said with a yawn and switched off the lights. © 2011 Imagination-mageAuthor's Note
Added on December 3, 2011 Last Updated on December 3, 2011 Author![]() Imagination-mageSuna, AZAboutI'm a young mage who enjoys creating adventure, romance, horror (if i can) and sometimes a good angst. i do hope you can enjoy the stories i create, everyone enjoy! more..Writing