![]() Chapter Two: The Skeleton KeyA Chapter by Imagination-mage“Hiccup, I need that bolt screwed tighter!” a large man with a long white beard bellowed, making Hiccup dash by and to the car with its hood up. Hiccup wore her long baggy brown pants and leather boots today, her top a tight tang top that really showed her chest, her cleavage showing for the whole world. She hated her top but it got hot and sweaty in her work place, an auto shop where she fixed cars and motorcycles. Hiccup went on a board that had wheels on the bottom, helping her slide easily under the car and taking her large wrench with her and tightening the bolt, her hands blistering a bit. Once done, she got up and ran to the motorcycle that needed to have its engines checked and tires replaced. “Hey where’s the bolts, I need those fifteen long bolts!” Hiccup screamed over the sounds of drills and hammering. “It’s in the cupboard god!” Hiccup’s coworker called, he was currently drilling through a large piece of metal. Hiccup hopped over the large piles of filled tool boxes and reached the cupboard, opening the doors and looking into the compartment. She found the bolts and went back to the motorcycle, screwing on the bolts and leaning over to connect the wires, the motorcycle roaring to life. “Nice a*s.” One of the workers said and mockingly laughed. Hiccup kicked the man in the shin causing him to cringe then limp away, afraid she would smack him over the head with her wrench. As soon as her hands weren’t pushing the two wires together, the motorcycle died. She pulled up her pants and got an old seat belt from a card board box, clipping it around her waist and ensuring her pants would remain where they were. “Stop messing with the employees!” bellowed her boss who slapped the worker who mocked her not to long ago. Her boss was a buff man, tall and well built with a muscular body. He was always seen wearing a white buttoned up shirt, the sleeves rolled up and wearing a leather apron over, jeans on his legs and big black boots on his feet, a long beard on his face and a red bandana wrapped around his head. Hiccup had respect for this man; he had always looked out for her like a father and taught her everything she knew today, making her the best workers he had. Hiccup grabbed some leather gloves and slipped them on over her hands, grabbing two pliers and a small piece of metal. “Jerry, I need your help!” Hiccup called, one of the workers looking up. He held a blow torch in his hand and quickly ran to Hiccups need. She brought the two wires together, making the motorcycle roar to life again and Jerry placed the piece of metal over it. He bent it over with a larger pair of pliers and over the wires, sealing it with the torch. The motorcycle remained alive till Hiccup switched it off. “Now I gotta replace the flat.” Hiccup said and quickly got to work on it. “Wow, always busy yet finding time for school.” Jerry said, walking beside Hiccup as she tried finding the right brand for the motorcycle. “How do you do it?” “Hard work.” Hiccup replied bluntly. “But don’t your parents worry about you?” Jerry asked, making Hiccup freeze. She took a deep breath and took out a tire, walking back to her work. “They don’t care, trust me.” Hiccup replied. “Well the old mans like your dad.” Jerry said, referring to their boss. Hiccup giggled under her breath making Jerry blush madly. “Wh-What?” Jerry asked. “Your right, the old man is sort of like my dad.” Hiccup said. “I mean, he took me in when I ran away and taught me everything I know.” “Oi, get that car out now!” their boss bellowed, scaring Jerry. Hiccup only laughed, walking over and helping with unloading the car. Once on the ground, the customer paid them and left. Hiccup wiped the sweat from her forehead and sat outside, the work place was heated to the extent where she could feel the sweat rolling down her skin. She let the cool breeze cool her off, the towel on her shoulders and dabbing her forehead. Hiccup looked up at the sky, seeing the clouds roll by. That was when she heard someone approach her. Looking up, she found a tall black girl wearing a black doll dress and a long over coat, long heels on her feet and a nappy afro with a small hat on top, its mysterious purple ribbons flowing in the wind. The thing that really made this a mystery woman was the grey scarf wrapped around her mouth, concealing her identity. She also carried a cane, which hung on her forearm now. “Uh…hello.” Hiccup said. “Sirius…Sirius Hiccup?” the woman asked, her deathly eyes looking down at her. “That’s me.” Hiccup said. “Well hello there!” the woman said gleefully, pulling down the scarf from around her mouth and sitting beside her. She threw a long slender arm over Hiccups shoulders and pulled her in, not caring that Hiccup was drenched in sweat. “Wh-Who’re you exactly?” Hiccup asked, now wondering if this was someone from her classes or not. “You don’t remember me?” the woman asked, seeing Hiccup shake her head no made her look rather sad. “Oh…Well my name is Brooke and… Let’s just say we were really close.” Brooke said her hands on her knees. “Oh well you already know my name.” Hiccup said. “How’d you know mine?” Brooke placed a slender finger on her lips and replied slyly “All will be revealed over time.” Hiccup looked at her with a raised eye brow; she then heard the sound of her boss calling her name from inside. She dabbed her forehead again with a towel and said towards Brooke “I’ll see you later?” “Yeah, of course.” Brooke said enthusiastically. “Very soon actually.” With that Hiccup returned back inside the workplace. Brooke soon parted and walked down the street, passing an alley way. “Hey, did you find her?” a voice said, the figure was shrouded in the darkness. Brooke gave the figure a crooked smile and replied “It’s her alright…” The figure smiled a toothy smile, revealing large dragon like teeth and saying “That’s excellent news indeed.” “I told you Celty was never wrong.” Brooke said. “Especially in this case, we need this girl.” “I know, it’ll be my turn soon.” The figure said. “Don’t scare her off or so help me…” Brooke threatened, pointing her cane at the figures neck, pressing against it. The figure chuckled, revealing a boy with droopy dark hair, a clothed collar around his neck and dragon like yellow eyes. “Oh please, don’t boss me around grandma.” The boy said. “She’ll come to me like a fat man to a doughnut.” Brooke laughed and said “You’d better be right.” ~ * ~ The skies swirled over the volcano, a girl with amber colored hair stood before it. A boy with large dragon wings on his back and wearing a tunic with long droopy dark hair and clawed hands stood beside her. He leaned in and his lips brushed against her cheek, making the girls freckled face heat up. “You don’t have to do this.” The boy said. “I have to do this…” the girl said and climbed up the volcano. The boy sighed; knowing that arguing with his stubborn mate would lead him nowhere. He stretched his wings wide and took flight, grabbing her by the arms and lifting her up into the sky. The girl seemed accustom to this, feeling the hot air fly by until they reached the volcano’s entrance. He set her down and the girl peered down. She was suddenly hugged from the back by the boy who said “Please don’t…” The girl only smiled, turning back to him and kissing him lightly on the lips. “You’ll see me again.” The girl said. She pushed away from the boy and fell back into the volcano, being shrouded in the blackened smoke.
Hiccup woke up to the sound of thunder clapping outside, making her jolt a bit. She rose in her bed, the sheets rolling off her body. She wore a baggy white shirt and short pants on. The window was wide open and allowing some rain water in. Hiccup smacked her lips and rose from bed, scratching her head making the matted mess even more unruly and came to her window. The rain drizzled down on her, causing her to pause. Hiccup soon crawled outside from her window and sat on the roof, doing this every thunder storm. Thunder clapped and lightening flashed far off. She liked the feeling of the water drizzling down her skin, it brought comfort to her. “What was up with that dream?” Hiccup questioned herself. She got up and returned inside, her pajama’s now drenched with rain water. She changed into a loose tang top which she rarely wore (mainly because her friend had bought it so the neck line was too low) and baggy Christmas pants. She sat on her couch and flipped on the T.V., America’s funniest home videos was on and she was cracking up. She was just clutching her stomach because a man had did some unknown move in the air when the owner place his phone on it, till the door knocked. Hiccup turned down the volume, looking over her shoulder to see if she was just hearing things; the knocking came again. She switched off the television. She walked over to the door, pulling up her pants along the way. She opened the door with a “Hello.” She found no one. She looked both ways, ensuring that whoever had knocked on her door would be somewhere nearby. “Pranksters…” Hiccup thought, the apartment she stayed at was known for the cities best. She closed the door only for it to get stuck when only a crack left to close. She looked down, finding a small chest blocking it. She picked it up and looked at it all over, seeing if it had any identification. Probably that lame peanut box prank. Hiccup thought bluntly. I’ll amuse them. Hiccup tried opening the chest, but found it locked. She brought it inside and set it on the small coffee table in front of her. A gold lock was on the front, Hiccup thinking deeply about how to open it. That was when she remembered the key. She got up and dug through her drawer, easily locating the key and returning to her living room. She looked at the key closely, seeing a skull on top. “A skeleton key, how original.” Hiccup mumbled. But I’ve heard that skeleton keys can open any door…then again I learned that from Beetle Juice. Hiccup inserted the key inside the lock and turned, hearing a click soon after. Her eyes went wide with surprise. Oh my god its true!!! Hiccup thought excitedly. She set the key aside and slowly opened the chest, only to find torn up bits of newspaper. She dug through it, pulling out three items. A dragon scaled necklace that brought out rainbow colors, a large tooth and finally a gold ring. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think this was a confession… Hiccup thought plainly. She sighed, rather annoyed with her findings and placed them back inside the chest, locking it and hiding it under her bed. She tied the skeleton key onto a string and placed it over her head so it dangled around her neck. She switched on the T.V. and continued watching her show. ~ * ~ Outside Hiccups apartment, laid an impatient figure. He snapped his fingers irritably and cursed “Damn it, it didn’t trigger anything.” “Oh calm down Dreki, she’ll realize soon.” An annoyed Brooke answered, she was filing her nails and blowing at them. As the shadows lurked over her, she became a skeleton. The boy, Dreki turned to her and replied “There isn’t much time left if we leave her like this! She needs to know now!” Brooke pulled his ear and released making it snap. He yelped like a puppy and rubbed his ear to dull the pain. “Pish, posh little nephew.” Brooke said. “The time will come tomorrow, you’ve mastered your human form yes?” Dreki nodded, his yellow eyes gleaming in the lighting. Far off the two heard the sound of a roaring motorcycle, they both turned the direction it came from. “Celty is your signal.” Brooke said and disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Dreki only remained where he was, watching Hiccup closely as she rose from the couch and returned to bed. He smiled sweetly and whispered “I found you at last…” © 2011 Imagination-mageAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on December 3, 2011 Last Updated on December 3, 2011 Author![]() Imagination-mageSuna, AZAboutI'm a young mage who enjoys creating adventure, romance, horror (if i can) and sometimes a good angst. i do hope you can enjoy the stories i create, everyone enjoy! more..Writing