![]() Chapter 10: The Warlords Slaves part 2: The Great Old Ones slaveA Chapter by Imagination-mageBethany’s head was pounding. She felt like she was sitting in a chair, she reached up and touched her head feeling a sticky substance on her forehead. Her eyes slowly opened, she didn’t see red anymore. She opened her good eye and found her other eye wrapped in bandages. She felt a sudden pull at her hair making her squeak with surprise. She turned her head finding Kid combing, brushing and moisturizing her hair. “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!” Bethany cried, almost jumping out of her chair. “HOLD STILL, YOUR HAIR WAS A DISGUSTING MESS AND I’M IN THE MIDDLE OF PERFECTING IT!” Kid yelled back. Bethany began swinging her fists in the air, feeling a horrible pain in her shoulder after landing a punch on Kid’s head. Once out of his grip, Bethany ran out of the nurse’s office. Her leg was hurting and her arm had bandages all over the wrist. Bethany tripped a few times but managed to run to Shinigami-sama’s office. Bethany was about to open the door till she heard “I am very disappointed in you Jaya.” She froze, pressing her ear to the door. “I’m sorry Shinigami-sama; I thought they were right behind us.” Jaya said. Bethany cracked open the door and peeked inside. Jaya was bowing to Shinigami-sama who looked rather serious compared to his normal attitude. “You were unsuccessful with the mission; causing one of your friends to get seriously injured and having the other to get captured by Medusa. How do you plan on saving her?” “I’ll get her myself Shinigami-sama!” Jaya said. “No you won’t, you are relieved as leader of your group. Your group will stay on standby until Yasmine is safely returned.” Shinigami-sama said. “I shall be confiscating twenty souls from you and your witch’s soul will stay with me until you reach ninety nine again.” “Understood, Shinigami-sama.” Jaya said in a shaky voice. “You are dismissed, and tell Bethany to come in.” Shinigami-sama said. Jaya stood up and walked towards the door. Opening the door, she welcomed Bethany in with a small smile. Bethany mouthed an I’m sorry while Jaya just turned and went back to classes. Bethany walked back inside, till she was in front of Shinigami-sama. There was an awkward silence till Bethany said “Please don’t punish Jaya for my stupidity.” “Jaya was leader; it was her job to make sure everyone returned safely to Shibusen. She failed and she must take the punishment.” Shinigami-sama said. “But enough about that how do you feel?” “Like sh!#.” Bethany said, not really caring she spoke foul mouthed to the headmaster. She received a Shinigami-chop which made her grovel to the floor, rubbing her head in pain. “I do not like potty mouths Bethany.” Shinigami-sama said. “Now I’ll ask again, how do you feel?” “Terrible, like a terrible technician.” Bethany said once the pain in her head began to numb. “Yasmine could be dissected by now all because I was weak!” “True, very true.” Shinigami-sama said bluntly. “That wasn’t called for, you’re the adult you’re suppose to say something like No that’s not true, and you’re a great student.” Bethany said, leering at Shinigami-sama. “Yes but that would be lying now wouldn’t it?” Shinigami-sama asked with a wink. “Yes but it’d make me feel a little better.” Bethany said. “Don’t worry Bethany; Yasmine still had her walkie talkie.” Shinigami-sama reassured. “I’ll be sending a team to go fetch her and bring her back here. But the problem is that Medusa has somehow blocked her location. All we now is that she’s still in Medusa’s forest.” “Then let me go!” Bethany said. “No, you’re too weak.” Shinigami-sama said bluntly, Bethany could fell a giant arrow pierce into her back with the words weak written in big black letters on it. “I know I am but I can redeem myself!” Bethany said. “I have already sent a team to rescue Yasmine as we speak. Ox, Kim and Kirikou have volunteered.” Shinigami-sama said. “While they are away you shall be training.” “What?!” Bethany asked with disbelief. “May I remind you that I have captured ninety nine souls?!” “Yes I know, but that was with Yasmine’s assistance.” Shinigami-sama pointed out, waving a finger in her face. “Without Yasmine, your abilities are limited.” Thinking back at it, Bethany knew he was right. Letting out a defeated sigh she asked “So who am I training with?” “Stein and my son Kid have volunteered.” Shinigami-sama said, snapping his fingers. Stein and Kid came in, Kid holding an ice pack on his head and glaring at Bethany. “You called?” Stein asked his glasses gleaming. “Bethany’s training starts now.” Shinigami-sama said and looked down at Bethany. “When would you like to start?” “Now!” Bethany said and looked down at her clothes. At the moment she just wore a white patient dress and looked at Kid, her hand out. “Where’re my clothes?” Bethany asked. ~ ~ ~ “Come on put your back into it!” Kid screamed, high above. Kid was riding his flying skateboard, Liz and Patty transforming into their gun forms and he was shooting down at Bethany as she worked on her speed, Stein also popping out of places. Bethany quickly stopped, Stein sliding to the side and Bethany continued to run. She had returned to her normal clothing, her wrist still wrapped in a bandage and an eye patch over her eye. Bethany jumped over an obstacle, kicking down a cardboard cutting of Medusa which she used as a skateboard. Jumping into the air, she grabbed onto Kid’s skateboard and brought it down. Kid crashed into the wall, sliding down and slightly dizzy. Bethany wiped the sweat from her forehead, not noticing Stein pounce. With only his hand, he pushed Bethany to the ground and shocked her insides. When Bethany’s wound reopened, Stein stopped. “You have failed again Bethany.” Stein said with a tired sigh. Bethany forced herself up and took the bandages off her wrist, the stitches that Stein did two hours ago had already come undone. Stein took the string still attached to Bethany’s cut and tightened it till the wound closed again, wiping the blood away with a napkin and wrapping it with new bandages. Once done, he said “You only get half credit because you were able to defeat Death the Kid but not being able to withstand my attacks makes you rather weak in battle.” “Then teach me!” Bethany said angrily. “Teach you what?!” Stein bellowed back. “To be stronger, you’ve taught me to dissect a dodo bird in twenty minutes, how to leer, how to even punch someone so hard it dislocate a shoulder! Teach me, please!” Stein crossed his arms, thinking it over until he said “Alright, I’ll teach you Soul Perception, it’ll help power your wavelength and be able to read your opponents moves, think you can handle it?” “If I can operate on a heart in only thirty minutes then I think I can master the Soul Perception.” Bethany said with a smug smile. Stein smiled and said “Good, because your friends wish to train along side with you.” Rachel, Jaya and Rylie appeared through the doorway waving. “LET’S DO THIS!” Rylie said, throwing her scythe in the air and catching it. “FOR YASMINE!” Rachel said. “WHO-WA!” Jaya said something rather unexpected from her. They ran inside, sparing with Bethany until night fall. The day had rolled by, soon coming to a close. The girls decided to have a sleep over to discuss their training for tomorrow. Jaya of course was organizing it, since she was leader she wanted to prove it. “So you gotta unleash your strength into your soul, to boost the power.” Jaya explained. “Yeah but not too much, or it’ll explode.” Rachel said making everyone shutter. “Okay moving onto other business.” Rylie said. “The witch hunter soul renaissance, if Maka can do it then we can too!” “Defiantly, but how is the question.” Bethany pointed out, soon yawning. “Lets discuss this tomorrow, we have classes tomorrow and I highly doubt they give us a break.” Rachel said, snuggling in a sleeping bag. “Night everyone.” When her head made contact with her pillow, she instantly fell asleep. The others followed suit, sleeping as well. As Bethany closed her eyes, she suddenly felt like she was being sucked into something. She came to a dark room, the lights turning on she found herself in the dress she wore to the Winter Ball. The room looked old, almost antique. She heard the soft playing of a flute somewhere in the room, looking around to see if she could identify it. “Hello?” Bethany called. “Hello…” a voice replied, the flute music stopping short. A single light shined down on a boy who looked as if someone had painted him completely white. He wore what looked like only bandages, a bushy white tail in the back with his unruly spiky hair shining in the light, a sword was set beside him and the thing that really scared Bethany was his blood red eyes. “Wh-who’re you?” Bethany asked. “Isn’t it obvious?” the boy replied. “I am your Power.” “Are not.” Bethany said suddenly not afraid. The boy grinned, revealing his fangs pointing at the side of mouth. He growled, making Bethany flinch, stepping back a few paces. He chuckled darkly and replied “I could also be your fear, your evil or better yet…your insanity.” “I’m not insane!” Bethany said. “Don’t try to lie to yourself.” The boy replied. “I am also here on behalf of your master.” “I have no master!” Bethany said, the room suddenly shuttered and Bethany had a hard time breathing suddenly. The boy looked at the ceiling, emotionlessly and said “Calm yourself, she just doesn’t remember you.” The room shook harder making the two fell over, the boy quickly picking himself up and dusting himself off. He picked up a wooden flute and began to play a soothing tune. The rumbling stopped and a low moan echoed through the room. “What was that?!” Bethany asked. “Your master, you’ve upset him.” The boy replied. “That explains why I’ve been awakened. I’m here to make you stronger and mine. But in order to do so, I’m going to make you remember.” The boy approached Bethany placing his fingers on her forehead, they were cold. The cold fingers burned but Bethany remained where she was. Images flooded through her mind, her serving someone who was incredibly kind to her. Also giving compliments, always giving her everything she desired. But he suddenly vanished and Bethany suddenly blacked out, three horrible eyes revealing themselves in the darkness. Bethany screamed, she was back in her sleeping bag breathing heavily. It was morning and Bethany felt strangely different. She felt her forehead, it was warm but she could still feel the cold fingers. “Bethany you okay?” Rachel asked. Bethany turned to Rachel and smiled “I’m fine.” Rachel became worried, no not because Bethany was rather happy to be waking up screaming so early but the fact that Bethany’s pupils became like stars…. ~ ~ ~ Yasmine was thrown back inside a dark room, pillows surrounding her and only one window that was high above her head, barred. Yasmine could’ve easily used her mallet powers to reach and break the bars but Medusa made it a routine to drug Yasmine, inject her with a shot and bring her back in her room, rather loopy. Yasmine’s mind was foggy as she looked up at the window, trails of blood from the useless attempts of escaping. Yasmine looked at her fingers; they were wrapped because Medusa was afraid she’d die of blood loss. Why me…what do they wants with me? Yasmine thought. Yasmine was interrupted by the sound of the locks coming undone. Yasmine froze, trying to scurry away in the darkness but only falling over. The door opened, revealing Medusa. “Come out Yasmine, its time for your next shot.” Medusa sang, holding up the needle. Yasmine wrapped her arms around her legs, bringing them to her chest as she shivered. Medusa approached her, seeing the blood stains on the walls. She grabbed Yasmine’s arm and injected the shot into Yasmine’s wrist without warning. Yasmine screamed in pain, feeling the fluids rush through her veins made her faint moments later. Medusa dropped her, leaving Yasmine unconscious on the floor. When the door closed Yasmine’s eyes bolted open, she forced herself up. Rubbing her head she groaned at the pain, looking back up at the window. The sun was cackling down at her and soon Yasmine found herself laughing insanely. When she looked at her arm, it was red, clawed fingers and looking like fur. Her laughter soon stopped and she screamed in sheer shock trying to rip the fur off. She began coughing, blood coming out, and all these things happening so fast that she soon broke down. She was soon blinded by her own tears and going deaf from the sound of her wailing bouncing off the walls. She covered her face with her hands and sobbed for what seemed like forever. “I’m gonna die here!” Yasmine wailed. She attempted to climb the wall and slid down, her fingers bleeding again. “SOMEONE HELP ME!” She fell backwards and on her back, cringing at the pain going up and down her spine, making her cry even more. She curled into a ball on the floor, sobbing. “Get up…” a voice suddenly said, poking her in the back. Yasmine covered her head as she sobbed even louder. “I said GET UP!” the voice said, this time poking her harder in the side. Yasmine suddenly got up, expecting Medusa to be there with another shot but came to someone else. A skeleton woman stood before her, with a head filled with hair turning into an afro with a small hat on top, long ribbons tied around it. A grey scarf wrapped around her mouth wearing a frilly black jacket with a tiny doll dress on, thigh high boots and a cane in her hands. Yasmine was shocked till she asked “A-Are you Sh-Shinigami-sama’s w-wife?” She received a slap on the head from the cane. “How rude.” The skeletal woman said, looking at her cane. “I’d rather die then be married to that man…oh wait…I AM HAHAHAH” Yasmine sat up and asked “Who are you?” The skeletal woman looked at Yasmine and ruffled out her hair a bit and replied “I go by many names…but you can call me Brooke.” “Brooke?” Yasmine asked. “Why are you here?” “Eibon sent me, knowing you forgot your very purpose in life… to serve him.” Brooke replied. “E-Eibon?” Yasmine asked till she felt Brooke’s skeleton fingers on her lips, shushing her. “Don’t push yourself…” Brooke said. “I’ll be here to unleash your real self…for now except the new blood.” “But…but…” Yasmine began to feel tired. Brooke brought Yasmine’s head to her lap and stroked her head. Brooke then took out a violin and began to play a song that soothed Yasmine, soon lulling her to sleep, a most unexpected dream approaching.
Chrona knocked on Yasmine’s prison doors, a plate of food in her hands. She shivered when she didn’t hear Yasmine tell her to go away. “Yasmine…b-breakfast…” Chrona stuttered opening the door, finding Yasmine still looking up at the window. Chrona approached Yasmine, poking her in the shoulder. Yasmine turned and Chrona saw nothingness in her eyes. “Hello.” Yasmine said a small smile on her face. She took the food and hungrily ate it. After eating Yasmine said “You’re only keeping me here till you unleash my inner servant…Then returning me to Shibusen to destroy all, am I right?” “How did you know?” Chrona asked, suddenly frightened. Yasmine got up, her arm still as it was the night before. She grabbed Chrona around her neck and pinned her down to the floor, her teeth much sharper and her eyes soulless. “A certain friend told me.” Yasmine said darkly. “Now if you’ll excuse me…I have my master to find.” Yasmine got up about to leave but Chrona quickly got up and pointed her sword at Yasmine’s head. “I can’t let you do that!” Chrona said, trying to gather courage. Yasmine turned, her ears turning into fox ears and having the same fur color as her arm. She grabbed Chrona by her dress and threw her, roaring and jumping out the window. Chrona laid lifeless on the wall, both sore and terrified. “What has mother done?” Chrona whispered. © 2011 Imagination-mageAuthor's Note
Added on November 26, 2011 Last Updated on November 26, 2011 Author![]() Imagination-mageSuna, AZAboutI'm a young mage who enjoys creating adventure, romance, horror (if i can) and sometimes a good angst. i do hope you can enjoy the stories i create, everyone enjoy! more..Writing