![]() Chapter 9: The Warlords Slave Part 1: Eibon's SlaveA Chapter by Imagination-mageThe next day, the students prepared for battle. Yasmine’s wound healed remarkably fast and she began to have dreams. Yasmine went into her usual clothes, tying a red ribbon around her head with the kanji for victory written on it. Bethany was packing a first aid kit and a mini surgery table in her bag, Yasmine packing other things. They met up with Rachel, Rylie and Jaya in front of Shibusen. Rylie’s mijumaru, Cedric, on her shoulder blowing bubbled like smoking a cigar, Jaya had Jirachi in her bag and Rachel’s pet Timcampy was sitting on top of her head. Their partners were already transformed into weapons so Yasmine follow the example. “You okay Yasmine?” Rachel asked Yasmine. Yeah, I’m fine. Stein and Bethany helped me with my wound, it wasn’t deep so I’ll be fine. Yasmine replied. What’s more important is getting the students back from that wretched hag! “Great insult Yasmine.” Bethany said sarcastically. The girls entered Shibusen, weapons in hand soon bumping into Black Star, Death the Kid and Maka. “Is your father there?” Rylie asked. “Yeah, he’s waiting for us.” Kid said, entering the headmaster’s office. Shinigami-sama, Stein, Marie, Sid and Spirit were waiting for them. The technicians approached Shinigami-sama, Rylie asking “What’s the plan?” “I’ll be sending three groups out to search for the missing students.” Shinigami-sama said. “Who will be the captains?” “Jaya.” The girls instantly said, shoving Jaya forward slightly who nearly tripped and fell. Shinigami-sama looked down at Jaya and said kindly “Make sure you bring everyone home.” He patted her head to encourage her even though Jaya felt like she was going to throw up on the spot. Vice remained silent, rethinking his plan of taking over Shibusen. “Ox and Maka’s teams will be assisting you as well in the rescue mission.” Shinigami-sama said. “The teachers will remain here with me to protect the remaining students. Are we clear?” “Crystal clear Shinigami-sama.” Jaya said. “Alright then, the children are in Medusa’s forest where they are being held hostage.” Spirit said, handing the girls communicators. “You’ll be able to stay in contact with us through these microphones; we can also hear whatever is happening. When you’re separated and in real danger, press the red button.” “Don’t worry dad, we’ll come back together.” Maka said. “Move out and be careful.” Marie said as the technicians began to leave. They took a black van out of Death City, soon coming to a barren desert where the van dropped them off and soon drove off, throwing camouflage cloaks at them as it sped away. Once in the cloaks, they became invisible to the human eye. Cool. Yasmine said through her mallet form. “Yeah, these will come in handy especially against Medusa’s forces.” Bethany said, looking at the cloak. The fabric on it looks like scales as sun light flashed on them. The sun cackled in the sky, a terrible wind soon blowing sand at them. “Everyone, stay together!” Ox called back, bringing the hem of his cloak over his mouth and adjusting his glasses. Ox was an odd boy, his hair completely shaven with two pillars on each side wearing swirl looking goggles. He held a lightening spear and wore a waiter’s uniform it looked like. The girl standing next to him had short pink hair, wearing a school girl’s uniform and she held a type of bizarre lantern. She clung to Ox and said “Which way do we go?” “Shinigami-sama gave us a tracker to get to Medusa’s forest.” Ox answered. “We’ll know when we’re there from the arrows. Jaya, you need to lead your group deeper inside.” “Right, I’ll clear a path for us.” Jaya said and turned to her friends. “Looks like we’ll be getting those witches souls, Medusa’s bound to have an army of them to protect her.” “Yup, we’re all on ninety nine right?” Rylie asked. “No, I’m on eighty nine.” Rachel said. “But there’ll be all types of kishin there, I’ll be able to reach ninety nine and get the witches soul.” The girls high fived and Vice said I can already taste that witches soul! Oh how exciting, a whole kishin buffet with witches as the main course! Ultimo said excitedly. Allen how about you? I’m as excited as you Ultimo, my mouth is already salivating! Allen said excitedly. I’m already excited and I haven’t been used for battle yet! Let’s go, let’s go, let’s GO! Yasmine said excitedly as they walked towards Medusa’s forest. ~ ~ ~ Eruka came rushing in on Tadpole Jackson, soon hopping off and running towards Medusa who was setting out all her medical tools, sharpening her knives and scissors. “Medusa!” Eruka said out of breath. “Th-They’re coming, what do we do?!” “Get the Mizune family and Free ready for battle then.” Medusa said. “How are our prisoners?” “All in the jail cells just like you asked.” Eruka said. “Can you get the snakes out of me now?” “Your task isn’t completed just yet.” Medusa said bitterly. “Get Chrona ready to capture our objectives.” “Yes Medusa.” Eruka said gloomily, running off to check on Free. He was sitting in a chair, talking to the captured students scaring them every now and then. “Free, prepare yourself.” Eruka said. “Right away.” Free said, transforming into a werewolf. Leaving the children, growling at them and having the students scurry into the corner. As the two left the jail room, Chrona walked in, gripping her arm tighter then usual. She shivered when the students sent death stares at her. “Don’t mind them Chrona, we did what we had to do!” Ragnorock said. “Get ready to capture your friend.” “Bu-but Yasmine’s always been kind to me.” Chrona stuttered, only receiving a punch in the stomach and a pull at her nose. “Don’t let that dimwit brainwash you!” Ragnorock said, pulling hard at her nose and pulling up her dress. “No stop, your embarrassing me!” Chrona said, Ragnorock stopped on command and glared down at her. “Get yourself ready Chrona; don’t wanna disappoint your mother now right?” Ragnorock said deviously. Chrona shivered at having to deal with her mother’s wrath. Ragnorock chuckled under his breath and transformed into a sword, finding his way into her hand. “Don’t worry, it’ll be like every soul we’ve killed and eaten!” Ragnorock said. “Just forget about her!” Chrona went stiff then began to shiver as her eyes stared mercilessly at the students. “Yes, I’ll kill the technician and steal the weapon for mother.” Chrona said, a psychotic smile spreading on her pale face. “Now that’s the Chrona I know.” Ragnorock said. ~ ~ ~ “Here we are.” Kirikou said. They were now inside a dense forest where arrows slithered here and there, the sun completely blocked out by snake shaped clouds, looking like they were coiling around the sun. Jaya shivered a bit and gulped, her grip tightening on her scythe handle. Ow, useless girl that hurts! Vice said angrily. “You shouldn’t be saying that after you kissed me!” Jaya whispered bitterly. Vice stayed silent but Jaya could tell that he was blushing madly. Shut up, I was just trying to be nice for once! Vice said. “Jaya what’re you two whispering about?” Rachel asked. “Nothing!” Jaya nearly screamed shocking everyone. Jaya stormed off with her team following close to her. They began to pick up pace, staying close to the trees and peaking over to see any witches. Instantly, Rachel was pounced by a kishin, quickly lashing out a yellow belt that was wrapped around her waist. The belt caught the kishin easily, bringing it down and Rachel raised up a black sword, slicing the kishin. It disappeared leaving a red soul which was hungrily eaten by Allen. He hiccuped after he swallowed it and covered his mouth. “Excuse me.” Allen said shyly, getting a laugh from Rachel. The girls continued their search through the forest, getting calls from Ox and Maka. Anything yet? Ox asked. “Nothing so far, seems like Medusa hasn’t sensed us.” Jaya said, after around three hours of running. The girls rested near a lake, filled with sleeping kishin. Bethany and Rylie were resting against a tree, their weapons leaning on their shoulders as they joked around, Rachel drawing in the dirt. “But we haven’t located Medusa’s lair yet.” Jaya went on. “Are you sure its here, maybe she relocated.” No that would take too long. She only attacked last night and she wouldn’t have the time to pack up and leave right after an attack. She’s still there with the students, keep looking! Maka said and soon hanged up. Jaya mumbled something about Maka being a ‘brainless imbecile’ until Rachel tapped her shoulder. “What is it Rachel?” Jaya asked. “Have you ever thought what would happen when we graduated?” Rachel asked suddenly. “Simple our weapons become Death Scythes.” Jaya said plainly. “Why the sudden question?” “Well I’ve been having some strange dreams lately.” Rachel admitted. “Dreams of Shinigami-sama discussing things with Spirit, things that involve us.” “What’re they talking about?” Jaya asked, she set her weapon down and sat down on a stump, Rachel squatting down in front of her. “He’s talking about how he senses something strange about us.” Rachel said. “Things he hasn’t sensed since the seven Warlords vanished. He says that Yasmine and Bethany hold powers of the Warlords, you and Rylie seem to have a bit of witch inside you but he always says that I’m a threat to both Shibusen and the Kishin.” “Rachel you’re confusing me.” Jaya said. “We’re normal girls who are trapped here till Shinigami-sama finds a way to send us back.” “I also heard him admit that he knows how to get us back home but is keeping us here for our own safety.” Rachel said bluntly. “Says we’re too dangerous.” “What, he can’t be lying to us…Could he?” Jaya said, suddenly questioning herself. She looked over at Bethany and Rylie who were sparing with each other, Yasmine staying unusually quiet. Jaya soon approached them and stopped the sparing session. “What’s wrong?” Bethany asked. “Yasmine…I haven’t seen you this quiet since the surprise…” Jaya said. What…Oh hey Jaya when did you get here? Yasmine said gleefully. Sorry I’ve been out of it ever since we came here. “Why?” Rylie asked. “You seemed perfectly fine.” Yeah but…I’ve been hearing voices. Yasmine said. Someone’s calling to me in my head…its freaking me out. “Don’t worry Yasmine; we’ll have Stein operate on your brain when this is all over.” Bethany said, making Yasmine flinch. WH-What?! Yasmine yelled, her voice traveling through the air. Kishins then suddenly began to come out of hiding, roaring, screaming or bellowing at the girls. “Nice work Yasmine!” Rylie accused, kicking the head of the mallet. OW, sorry! Yasmine said. A kishin suddenly came, Bethany slamming the kishin against a tree and killing it. It killed Yasmine inside to see the soul gone to waste as it was hastily eaten by the other ones. Why couldn’t I eat it?! Yasmine said sadly. “If you ate that instead of a witch’s soul, we’d have to start all over!” Bethany said angrily. “I’d f@#$% kill you if it came down to that!” Sorry, sorry, I forgot. Yasmine said. Then let’s just get out of here, leave the kishins to Rachel. “What?!” Rachel asked. What?! Allen said as well. “Good luck Rachel!” Bethany said, the staff growing longer in length, bending as it travels off into the distance. Rylie and Jaya grabbed onto the extending handle, waving good-bye as they disappeared. As a kishin tried jumping her, Rachel slashed it and it turned into a soul, Allen eating it. “They left us here!” Rachel said angrily slicing at kishins, which were eaten by Allen. Don’t worry, Maka and Ox’s group will come to assist us…I hope. Allen said as he ate another soul. Suddenly, Maka and Ox’s groups jumped from the bushes, tackling a kishin and the weapon eating the soul. “Miss us?” Black Star asked smugly as he sliced at a kishin with his demon blade. “Very.” Rachel said happily, stabbing a kishin in the stomach. The combined group fought off the kishins, buying Jaya, Rylie and Bethany some time. ~ ~ ~ “Who knew she was waiting for us!” Bethany said as she dodged the Mizune family’s areal ace, their long blade like whiskers missing Bethany’s skin on by inches. Bethany rolled to the side as Rylie flew over her, landing on her feet. Jaya was fighting a tiger witch, trying to slit her throat with little success. They had found Medusa’s lair but were soon intercepted by three different types of witches, mice, tiger and frog who stood at the side lines setting up tadpole bombs. The frog witch transformed into a frog and ran back inside as the three technicians tried swiping at the witches who mockingly flew out of reach. “Only one of us can get in there!” Jaya said. “Bethany, get in there and free the students!” Without argument, Bethany managed to dodge another attack from one of the Mizune sisters and rolled to the entrance. She jumped from bomb to bomb, each one blowing up under her feet. She made it inside the building, the last bomb exploding behind her. The door instantly closed, trapping the two in darkness. Bethany was breathing heavily, most of her stamina almost gone. You okay? Yasmine asked. “Yeah, I’m fine…” Bethany said, getting up and dusting herself off. “A little light would be nice though. The mallet head suddenly lit up a fiery red, making the room so much brighter, revealing decapitated bodies in jars, shots filled with some odd fluid mostly black, strange creatures in cages and blood splatters on the wall. Yasmine nearly shrieked but Bethany quickly shushed her. And here I thought you could only rate creepy on a scale on one to Stein…Medusa just destroyed that scale… “Shut up, I think it’s pretty cool.” Bethany admired, running her hand across a small surgery knife. These extra credit classes your taking with Stein is defiantly bad for you B-mel. Yasmine said. But let’s focus on finding the students and getting out of here! “Sure, now if I were Medusa- thank god I’m not- where would I hide a bunch of students?” Bethany said to herself. She wandered through the halls, feeling the cold air brush past her and she listened closely. “Wish I had the soul renaissance thing that Maka could use.” Bethany said. “That’d help a lot.” Wait…don’t you hear that? Yasmine asked. Bethany stopped breathing just to listen more intently; she could make out a small cry and quickly dashed to the left, the sound of her feet hitting concrete echoing through the halls. Bethany was then in another room, seeing the jail cell filled with students but guarded by Free. Bethany pressed her back against the wall, breathing heavily. “S**t, that damn wolf is there!” Bethany whispered. Well we have to get to the students…But we gotta get past him first… Yasmine said with a gulp. Bethany’s grip tightened and she breathed out again, revealing herself to the wolf who looked rather shocked and disappointed. “This is it?” Free asked. “I’m disappointed in Shibusen.” “Shut the hell UP!” Bethany said swinging the mallet but he merely held up his arm and stopped the blow. His smile cracked into a sinister grin, all toothy and wolfish. He simply swatted Bethany away, making her hit the wall. Bethany get up, he’s coming! Yasmine said urgently as Bethany was lifted up and held by her shirt. He punched her into her stomach making her cough up blood. He grabbed Yasmine, threw her the side and continued beating Bethany. Yasmine returned to being human and tackled him, hugging him around the torso with her amazing strength, crushing his ribs. He screamed in pain as he swatted Yasmine away, dropping Bethany and turning his attention to Yasmine. Yasmine’s hand turned into a mallet and she started beating at him. “B-MEL!” Yasmine called, throwing Bethany some keys. Bethany quickly grabbed for them, racing towards the cage and unlocking it. “NO!” Free said, about to turn to her till he was head locked by Yasmine, getting slapped in the face by her mallet hand. “GET THE STUDENTS AND RUN!” Yasmine screamed. The cage was soon flung open by scared students, grabbing their weapons and helping Yasmine with Free. They stabbed, hit and even zapped Free, making him go to his knees. Yasmine quickly returned to her mallet form, flipping into the air and landing in Bethany’s hands. “Come on!” Bethany called to the students and they quickly ran out. Coming towards the closed door, someone blasted it open. The students ran out in angry mob form, slashing at witches and giving Jaya and Rylie back up. Bethany stayed behind, lifting the mallet and crying “FIRE WALL!” Slamming the mallet down, a wall of fire appeared giving all the students the opportunity to run with an injured Jaya and Rylie. “Wait what about you guys?!” Rylie called among the chaos. A witch came behind, catching Bethany’s attention. Bethany ran towards it, lifting the mallet and smashing the witch, shocking both her and Rylie. Bethany lifted the mallet and saw a tiger witch’s soul. Bethany grabbed it, holding it like it was the Holy Grail. No time for cherishing B-mel, we need to get out of here! Ultimo said, as a bomb nearly hit them. Bethany stuffed the soul in her bag and bolted. The students all scattered, Jaya pressing the red button on her walkie talkie which sent a signal to Rachel. Rachel soon responded saying they also had been attacked by witches and she had successfully killed one along with Jaya and Rylie. They gathered back with the other outside of Medusa’s forest. Huffing and puffing from the long run. They all suddenly screamed with joy, hugging one another and congratulating their rescuers. “Wait, wait, wait.” Ox called. “Let’s see if we have everyone.” He began counting off the students, originally they were suppose to come up with fifty seven people, but only came up with fifty five. “Wait…Where’s Bethany?” Rachel asked. ~ ~ ~ Bethany was running through the forest, trying to outrun witches, kishin and an angry werewolf cussing her out. Yasmine was in her hands, as she jumped over a large gap and slid to a stop, kicking off to a running start. “How much did we attract?!” Bethany asked. Well cutting them off with the fire wall seemed to have made them much angrier. Yasmine pointed out. Bethany quickly ducked as a blast of light nearly hit her but hit a tree instead, making it shrivel up from the inside. As Bethany turned back and looked back, a branch hit her in the face, slashing her eye making her blind by her own blood. Bethany fell, rolling to the side. Yasmine was knocked out of her hand as she slid to a stop at the edge of a cliff. Bethany clutched her eye in pain, whining at the pain. She tried pushing herself up, one eye closed but everything looked red. She then felt a presence behind her, turning she found an infuriated Free. He kneed her in the stomach, making her crumble to her knees, gripping her stomach in pain. As he was about to push her over, he was head locked by Yasmine. Her arm became like the staff of her mallet, wrapping around his neck and chocking him. “GET UP BETHANY, GET UP!” Yasmine screamed, blinding herself with her tears as her friend tried forcing herself up. Bethany was able to stand, trying to get the blood out of her eye. Free grabbed Yasmine by her shirt, throwing her down at Bethany. The two collided with each other, sliding towards the cliff. Bethany desperately tried gripping the ground, only making her fingers bleed. She fell off the edge with a scream, but Yasmine quickly grabbed her hand. “I got you.” Yasmine said with a smile till she felt Free’s foot on her back, pressing down on her spine. Yasmine gritted her teeth to hold back a scream of pain. This isn’t gonna get us anywhere! Either one of us lives or we both die… Yasmine thought urgently, biting her lip. Yasmine spotted a river just below that would lead out of the forest and hopefully to their friends. “Yasmine, what’re we gonna do?!” Bethany said. “Hey B-mel…could you tell Kirikou that I said hi and I’ll have to miss our date tomorrow? Also that Shinigami-sama will have to have tea without me tomorrow?” Yasmine said with a shaky smile. “And take Tyki home please?” “What’re you saying?” Bethany asked, already knowing. “Don’t you dare let me go!” Yasmine managed to shake off her bag and hand it to Bethany and continued “Hang onto the soul until I get back okay?” “I SAID DON’T LET GO!” Bethany said angrily. “Don’t worry, I’ll be back.” Yasmine said, releasing her grip. Bethany began slipping out of her grip and soon plummeted to in the water. “A$$ HOLE!” Bethany called down angrily, tears falling from her eyes as she fell in the water with a loud splash. Tyki soon popped out of the water, Bethany hanging onto him as he swam down the river- he had grown in size. “NO YOU STUPID LIZARD, WE HAVE TO GO BACK!” Bethany scolded. Tyki ignored her, tears streaming down his eyes as he tried not looking back. Bethany spotted Yasmine able to push Free off and her hands turned into a mallet. They faded into the trees and Bethany desperately clung to Tyki, wiping the blood from her eye. “We gotta get to the others.” Bethany said. “Go you lizard thing go!” Tyki nodded, swimming faster down the river. ~ ~ ~ “Still putting up a fight even though you’re losing blood?” Free asked, he had only scratches and a few bruises while Yasmine had a large gash on her side, bruises and a broken arm. She breathed heavily as she tried covering her wound. Quickly looking back, she saw that Bethany had made it down the river safely. Yasmine was tired and bleeding horribly. Yasmine coughed, small specks of blood flying out. Yasmine gasped for air and said “I-I just want to save my friends. That’s been accomplished!” Yasmine was about to fall back till Free grabbed her by her shirt and said “Oh but Medusa is waiting for you.” “M-Me?” Yasmine asked. “CHRONA NOW!” Free called. Chrona suddenly popped out from the bushes and raised up her sword screaming “SCREECHING ALPHA!” A horrible scream erupting from the sword, Yasmine screamed as she began to black out till she fell limp in Free’s arms. He looked at Chrona and said “Well done.” Chrona looked at Yasmine with a guilty expression but ignored the feeling. Free led them back to Medusa’s lair where Eruka and Medusa waited for them. “Where’s the other one?” Medusa asked. “She got away.” Free said. “Forgive me for my stupidity.” He began ramming his head into the wall, calling himself a stupid idiotic wolf for not being able to capture the second piece to their plan. Medusa stopped him with her arrows and said “That doesn’t matter; once she’s been awakened she’ll lure the other like a fly to light! Put her on the table.” She cleared a table, Free placing Yasmine on the table. Eruka strapped her into the table, Yasmine slowly waking up. “Ow…my head….” Yasmine said, trying to move her arms. When she realized she was strapped down. “What’s going on? HELP, HELP!” Yasmine screamed, Medusa slapping a sticky substance over her mouth shaped like an arrow. “Quiet down slave of Eibon.” Medusa said, holding up a shot to the light, scaring Yasmine when she saw the size of the needle. “You’ll wear yourself out and we don’t want that. Chrona, hold her head down.” Chrona approached Yasmine, seeing the pleading in her eyes. Chrona took Yasmine’s head and held it down, revealing her neck. “R-Ready…” Chrona said in almost a whisper. Medusa held the needle at her neck and said “This’ll only hurt a lot.” She injected the fluid into Yasmine’s throat, ignoring Yasmine’s screams. ~ ~ ~ “Bethany, Yasmine!” Rylie called. Everyone was searching the land for Yasmine and Bethany who hadn’t come out any time soon. Rachel and Allen checked through the bushes, hoping to find something. “Look, I found something!” Maka called. She was at the river and spotted Bethany riding Tyki who desperately clung to the edge near Maka. Bethany got herself out, picking up the fainter Tyki and limping towards Maka. “Are you alright?!” Kid asked, running to the scene. “What happened?!” Tsubaki asked. “Can you walk?” Maka asked, Bethany collapsing on her shoulder and Tsubaki quickly going to get the other arm. The two girls dragged Bethany out, Soul holding Tyki and presented the injured Bethany to the others who crowded around her. Everyone was asking questions, giving Bethany a massive headache. Bethany put her hand over her eye to slow the bleeding. Liz and Patty took out a first aid kit, taking out bandages and wrapping the bandages around Bethany’s eye. Rylie looked past everyone, trying to see if Yasmine would appear. “Where’s Yazzy-monster?” Rylie asked. The questions soon died down as Bethany looked away and replied “I…don’t…know…” Bethany suddenly blacked out, closing her eyes to rest. “We have to look for her!” Rylie said, about to run back inside. Soul grabbed her arm and said “Your friend needs medical attention!” Ultimo put a hand on her shoulder and said “We’ll get her out, don’t worry.” Rylie wiped away a tear and Rachel was instantly there to hug her. The boys lifted Bethany and returned to Shibusen. © 2011 Imagination-mageAuthor's Note
Added on November 26, 2011 Last Updated on November 26, 2011 Author![]() Imagination-mageSuna, AZAboutI'm a young mage who enjoys creating adventure, romance, horror (if i can) and sometimes a good angst. i do hope you can enjoy the stories i create, everyone enjoy! more..Writing