![]() Chapter 6: Rachel's weaponA Chapter by Imagination-mageRachel was feeling rather left out that all her friends had weapons and she didn’t. Her friends were called out of classes to have a sparing lesson with one another. Shinigami-sama felt rather sorry and called Yasmine over for a cup of tea as he always did every Tuesday. “Yasmine, do you worry over your friend Rachel?” Shinigami-sama said, sipping his tea. “Yeah, must be lonely not to have a weapon while all your friends do.” Yasmine said, she took a fingered sandwich and ate it in one bite. “Any ideas?” “Well everyone besides her has a weapon; we just need to find her one.” Shinigami-sama said. “This is why I’d like you to keep her away from the school until we find one for her it’ll take about a day to find one.” “What am I supposed to do until then?” Yasmine asked. “Go to the mall!” Shinigami-sama said obviously. “You’re a girl, think about it!” Yasmine sighed irritably and said “Okay, I’ll lock her in a bookstore or something. What’re you gonna do?” “I will ask Jaya and Rylie to look for a suitable weapon for Rachel.” Shinigami-sama said, he took a sandwich and ate it through his mask. Yasmine sipped her tea and said “Okay, sounds like a plan but you should let Bethany go with Jaya and Rylie; they might get someone they like instead of someone to Rachel’s liking.” “I tried but she’s all booked with Stein, I was too afraid to ask what she was doing.” Shinigami-sama said shivering. “I heard they dissected a dodo bird.” Yasmine said with a shutter. “I thought those were going extinct!” Shinigami-sama said. Yasmine just nodded as she finished her tea and looked down in her empty cup. She set it down and went for the food instead. After eating her last sandwich, she got up and dusted off her shirt. “Then I’d better get started then.” Yasmine said. Shinigami-sama had also finished his tea and was also standing as the table was taken away. “Yes, get Rachel and just show her around Death City, give her a good time.” Shinigami-sama said. “Just make sure she doesn’t come back to the school!” “I will, don’t worry.” Yasmine reassured. She started running towards the exit while making air plane noises but stopped short. “But when will I know when you found the weapon?” Yasmine asked. “Your watch remember?” Shinigami-sama said. “I can talk to your through it, watch.” He put his hand over his mouth and Yasmine’s watch suddenly started vibrating on her wrist. Hello, this is Shinigami-sama speaking. “Whoa!!” Yasmine said excitedly. “We can communicate!!” “Yes we can.” Shinigami-sama said. “I just said that, so just find Rachel and keep her occupied until further notice.” “Okay, I’ll be back then!!” Yasmine said excitedly running out. As she ran out of Shinigami-sama’s office, Rylie and Jaya were just coming in. Yasmine apparently had no time to ask what they were up to; she was too focused on finding Rachel and completing her mission. Jaya and Rylie let themselves in, finding Shinigami-sama waiting for them. “You called?” Jaya asked. “I have a mission for you.” Shinigami-sama said. “But we were going to go get our thirty fifth soul!” Rylie protested. “But this involves your friend.” Shinigami-sama said. “Don’t worry there’ll be many kishins for you to collect so until then listen! Your friend Rachel is in need of a weapon.” “We already know that.” Jaya said crossing her arms. “I would like you two to find her one.” Shinigami-sama said. “It won’t be easy but I need you two to find her a suitable one.” “And if we refuse?” Rylie asked. “Then I’ll confiscate all your souls, making you start over and have no future of graduating.” Shinigami-sama said darkly. The two girls shivered and Jaya said “Okay fine we’ll do it!” “Wonderful, Yasmine has already agreed to keep Rachel busy until you find her one.” Shinigami-sama said. “Once you find the weapon, return immediately, we don’t want any interceptions.” “We’ll be fine, we have powerful weapons.” Rylie said and turned to Jaya. “Come on Jaya, lets get Vice and Ultimo.” The girls let themselves out, finding their weapons waiting for them outside. Vice had his hands on his hips and Ultimo smiled sweetly up at Rylie. “So what’s the mission?” Vice asked rudely. “Oh how exciting!” Ultimo said, happily clapping his hands. “I can’t wait for another soul.” “Bet you I’ll reach ninety nine before you do!” Vice said smugly. “I’d happily deny you but Rylie says taking bets is bad for the soul.” Ultimo said, innocently. Vice glared at Rylie who just grinned at him, Jaya grabbing Vice’s wrist and led him out. “We’ll explain on the way.” Jaya said and the four went out of Shibusen. ~ ~ ~ Rachel was in the Shibusen library, reading a large book. She thought she was invisible to the human eye till she felt Yasmine’s presence in front of her. Rachel peeked over her large book and said “Can I help you?” “We’re going out.” Yasmine said bluntly. “Why?” Rachel asked. “I’m reading a really good book and I’m in a very intense chapter.” “So, let’s just go!” Yasmine said. “Your always in the library, soon you’ll become one with the book if your not careful!” “I’ll keep that in mind Yasmine.” Rachel said sarcastically and went back to her book. Yasmine already knew it was going to be hard getting Rachel away from her book. Yasmine ripped the book from Rachel’s hands and ran for it. “HEY!” Rachel screamed after her and chased after Yasmine. Yasmine ran out of the library and Rachel chased after her. Yasmine screamed from excitement and fear, knowing Rachel would catch her and probably punch her but she was having fun all the while. Yasmine ran out of the school with Rachel chasing after her, not realizing they had left school grounds. Yasmine turned, finding Rachel gone so she began to slow down. Yasmine stopped in front of a coffee shop. Yasmine laughed, gasping for air in between. Soon she sat down and leaned her head back, the book in her lap. “What a weird book.” Yasmine observed. She flipped through the pages, finding the writing in another language that suddenly became clear to her in a matter of seconds. Yasmine was reading the first chapter, not knowing someone was looming over her. “YASMINE!” a voice screamed over her head. Yasmine was suddenly sucked out of the book, jumping up and screaming as Rachel tackled her, the two going to the ground, Yasmine holding on tight to the book while Rachel tried prying the book out of her hands. Rachel eventually got the book out of Yasmine’s hands and sat on Yasmine’s stomach so she couldn’t try to make another grab for the book. Breathing heavily, Rachel asked “Why ~gasp~ did you ~gasp~ steal my ~gasp~ book?!” “I knew you wouldn’t come unless I took the book.” Yasmine replied, pushing Rachel off her stomach. “So let’s do some exploring of Death City!” “Yasmine I don’t want to explore, I want to read this book!” Rachel clarified. Looking around, Rachel realized she had no idea where they were. Sighing in frustration, Rachel turned to Yasmine who was eating a scone. “So, want some coffee?” Yasmine asked. “I don’t drink coffee.” Rachel said, still angry. Yasmine finished her scone with one gulp and tried thinking of something fun to do. She then remembered the bookstore and said “Follow me!”
Jaya, Rylie, Ultimo and Vice were running through Death City, in the darker parts of it that is. They were given Shinigami headphones so they could still communicate with the teachers back at Shibusen. They were sent to a dark catholic church where the giant windows were shattered and the building looked as if it’d crumble any day. Ultimo and Vice had transformed into weapons, Rylie and Jaya both gripping the twin scythes. They stayed close to each other, hearing the giant chandelier above them creak as it rocked back and forth. “Shinigami-sama said to look here, a weapon was waiting for us.” Rylie said. “I don’t see anyone.” “Wait, there’s someone over there!” Jaya said, pointing to a giant piano. In the shadows was a boy, playing a beautiful melody that hypnotized Jaya and Rylie. The two just stood there, taking in the beautiful music. Their weapons though noticed something was wrong. Rylie, you need to focus! Ultimo said in a panicky voice. Jaya you stupid girl snap out of it! Vice said harshly. Jaya punched the scythe making Vice cringe in pain. Ultimo’s hand popped out of the scythe’s blade and pocked Rylie in the forehead. What’s wrong with them? Ultimo asked. It’s probably that guy playing the piano. Vice answered. Hey, imbecile what’re you doing?! The boy suddenly stopped and Jaya was the first to snap out of the trance. She shook her head and asked “What happened?” You fell into a trap that’s what you idiotic female! Vice said cruelly, receiving another punch. Ultimo pocked Rylie in the forehead again and Rylie was finally pulled out of the trance as well. Oh thank god you’re alright, I was so worried! Ultimo said almost balling out in tears. Rylie just giggled and said “You’re too sweet Ultimo, but seriously what happened?” “What do you want?” the boy asked rising from his seat. He looked scared and he was shivering. “We’re here to take you to Shibusen.” Jaya said. “Shinigami-sama sent us to get you and pair you up with a partner.” The boy just laughed and turned away from them. He began to come out of the shadows and the girls began to notice how pale he was. “That’s not the first time I heard that.” The boy said. “How do I know your not lying?” “What do you mean someone else was here for you?” Jaya asked. “We’re real Shibusen students!” Rylie said. “Don’t fool me, I know you’re lying!” the boy said, he was trembling even more. “You’re with that witch so you can use me as a test subject!” “Witch?” Jaya asked. The boy then suddenly gripped his head, screaming in pain and black tears streaming down his face. “LEAVE ME ALONE WITCH!” he screamed, the whole church shaking. Rylie and Jaya ran towards him, grabbing his wrist but he wrenched his wrist away. He glowed a white eerie color and he disappeared from their grasp. Jaya and Rylie looked up, the chandelier was falling. Jaya grabbed Rylies wrist and jumped out the window before the two were smashed by the chandelier. Rolling on the sides to break their fall, Rylie looked up seeing a white ghost trying to make a break for it. Rylie pulled Jaya up and the two chased after him. The boy was now shrouded in a pure white cloak but there were splotches on it, looking like blood. The boys hand was long and skinnier, his fingers replaced by long silver talons with a white cross on his hand, a golden belt around his waist and a silver mask over his face. The splotches on his cloak were black and looked as though they were spreading as he tried to distant himself from the two girls. Jaya twirled her scythe in the air and threw it, the scythe sticking to a metal pole and catching his cloak with it, causing him to fall on his back. He looked at the green and black scythe, trying to get it off but it shocked him instead. He blew on his hand so that the intense heat would fade but Rylie and Jaya were soon in front of him. Rylie’s scythe blade was at his throat and she said “I don’t want to fight you; we’re really here to help you.” “You’re lying.” The boy said again. “No we’re not, Shinigami-sama literally sent us to get you!” Jaya said. The boy slapped the scythe away from his throat with his black hand and disappeared. Rylie cursed and Jaya said “Damn it, where’d he go off to now?”
Yasmine and Rachel had just come back from the bookstore; the shop keeper asked them to leave because the sun was beginning to go down. So as a last resort to buy more time, Yasmine got Rachel some lemon sorbet while she got a chocolate ice cream. “Can we go back to Shibusen now?” Rachel asked, everyone was beginning to leave the little district and Rachel was growing bored. “No, not yet!” Yasmine said quickly. “At least let me finish my ice cream! Shinigami-sama will get jealous if he knew I had ice cream without him.” Yasmine slowly licked her cone, seeing Rachel get annoyed with Yasmine taking her time. Yasmine looked over at the book and asked “What’s that book about anyway looks a little advanced even for you.” “Oh this, Death the Kid was going to check it out but he suddenly saw that one of the pages was ruined so he gave it to me. I didn’t know what to do with it so I decided to read it.” Rachel said. “Its about Eibon, you remember him right?” “Yeah, god of creating-- something like that. I know he made Brew though.” Yasmine said. “Is that his book?” Rachel nodded and opened the book, showing Yasmine the page that she left doggy eared. The page had all types of inventions that Eibon created but something caught their eye, a picture of a black girl, bowing to Eibon as he held out some sort of gift. “I was gonna call you before you brought me out here.” Rachel said. “I think that’s you Yasmine.” “Couldn’t be, there are like four other black people here!” Yasmine said, not really realizing how racists she sounded. “There’s Kirikou, Thunder and Fire and… and… Okay I can’t think of any but they’ll pop up soon.” Rachel was about to say more till something appeared at her side. She turned and a boy with white hair loomed over her. He wore a baggy long sleeved black and white striped shirt wearing black pants, boots on his feet and a scar running over his left eye. He was panting and blood stained one side of his shirt, the thing that creeped them out was that his blood was black. “Help me…” he said weakly. He was gripping his arm and the blood began to run down his fingers. Yasmine glared at him, sensing the danger but Rachel said “Are you okay?” “No!” he said, taking a step. Yasmine pulled Rachel back as he tried to get closer. His bangs covered his eyes so Yasmine couldn’t really tell what he was thinking. “We can help you, we can take you back to Shibusen and get you all fixed up.” Rachel said. As soon as Shibusen left her lips, the boy tensed and he whispered “Shibusen…YOU LYING @#$%&!” His hand transformed back in the black hand it was once before. His other hand was gripping his head as he screamed in rage. He was about to slice at Rachel’s throat but Yasmine’s hand transformed in a mallet, blocking the attack. Yasmine held her hand out and said “Rachel, tag team?” Without thinking, Rachel took Yasmine’s hand and Yasmine transformed into the giant mallet she was. Rachel had a hard time holding it up though as she nearly stumbled backwards. The boy charged, his left eye turning black and his pupil remaining white as the scar glowed. He charged but Rachel was able to block his attacks. Rachel, crush him!!! Yasmine screamed through her mallet form. “Wait, he’s not a kishin though!” Rachel pointed out as she ducked. Then what is he?! Yasmine asked till she felt the boy grab hold of the handle, being yanked out of Rachel’s hands and thrown in the back. Yasmine transformed back to her human form, crashing into a pile of crates. Yasmine tried finding her way out, screaming “Run Rachel!” The boy was breathing heavily as he stalked towards Rachel who trembled. She could sense all his emotions, sadness, frightened, angered and a dash of relief. I can read his wavelength! Rachel thought as the boy was finally in front of her. He coughed and tiny drops of blood fell on her face. “Why do you lie to me?” he asked. Rachel took a big gulp and said “I’m not lying though. I really am a student from Shibusen.” Rachel held up the book and showed him the Shibusen mark on the inside of the book. The boy looked down at it and said “You could’ve easily stolen it.” Yasmine laughed in the background and called “Rachel’s too innocent to steal!” The boy looked back at Yasmine who was able to find her way out of the pile of crates. She held up her watch and brought it close to her mouth. “Shinigami-sama we need a bit of help.” Yasmine said through it. Ah Yasmine, not yet don’t bring her back just yet. Jaya and Rylie haven’t returned yet from finding Rachel’s weapon! Shinigami-sama said loudly. “What?” Rachel asked. There was heavy silence in the air until Shinigami-sama said Oh Rachel….you heard that didn’t you? “Yup, I heard every word of it Shinigami-sama.” Rachel said and turned to Yasmine. “So that’s why you were dragging me from place to place.” “We wanted it to be a surprise.” Yasmine said with a shrug. Jaya and Rylie were suddenly by Yasmine’s side, a little embarrassed that Rachel was there as well. Vice and Ultimo returned to being human and Ultimo was the first to crack. “I’m sorry Rachel; we tried really hard to get your weapon!” Ultimo said, hugging Rylie’s waist. “Stupid weapon refused to just come quietly.” Vice said who was slapped in the back of the head. “Sorry.” Jaya said bluntly. Rachel hugged them all in one big group hug and said “Aw you guys are so sweet!” The boy just simply watched as they made a giant group hug and smiled a bit. His head then hurt again and he crumbled to his knees. He fell over and the last thing he sees is the girls and weapons crowding around him. ~ ~ ~ The boy wakes up to find himself in a comfortable bed. He tried getting up but sees that he can barely move. Looking to his left, he sees a whole army of flowers before him, gifts around him and ‘get well’ cards on his lap. “You’re awake.” A voice said from his right. Turning his head, he finds Rachel sitting there an open book in her hands. She claps the book shut and says “We haven’t properly introduced ourselves haven’t we?” The boy shook his head no and Rachel just continued to smile. “I’m Rachel Wilder and I’m a technician in training at Shibusen.” Rachel said, putting her hand out. The boy looked at her hand and shook it, trembling a bit. “My name is Allen Walker, weapon with no home.” Allen said, he gave her a smile as well. “Well, here you are.” Rachel said. “Shinigami-sama wants to see you as soon as you can stand.” “I don’t wish to be a bother.” Allen said. “No he really wants to talk to you.” Rachel said. Allen tried sitting up again, this time pushing himself to stand. He got on his feet and began to walk slowly at first till he became accustom to it. Rachel tossed him his shirt and he put the shirt on as Rachel looked at the wall. Once finished, Rachel led him to Shinigami-sama’s office.
“Hello new student!” Shinigami-sama said happily as Allen and Rachel walked in. Yasmine, Rylie, Jaya, Ultimo and Vice were there as well. Allen seemed quite amazed at all the scenery. When he almost fell, Rachel was there to help him get to Shinigami-sama. Allen approached Shinigami-sama and bowed. “I am deeply sorry.” Allen said. “I had no idea they were really students from Shibusen.” “You must’ve been deceived then.” Shinigami-sama said. “Please rise child, Yasmine was kind enough as to get us all some tea and doughnuts. Thank you Yasmine.” Yasmine hugged Shinigami-sama and snapped her fingers. Doughnuts and tea were served and a small table was in front of them. Everyone found a seat and Shinigami-sama began to sip his tea. “I’d like to know who deceived you.” Shinigami-sama said. “A witch, she sent to me a girl who had a black sword with lips on it.” Allen said, his hand trembled as he picked up his cup. Yasmine stopped his hands from shaking and he calmed down a bit. “The girl told me that she was a Shibusen student, but when I followed her into the church she attacked me, knocking me down with this horrible screech and tried stabbing me with this needle. She kept saying her mother told her too, her mother told her too. She was crying though and I only mildly injured her. She injected me with some shot and now I have these terrible headaches. I didn’t know who to trust.” Allen said he sipped his tea, some color returning to his skin. “It seems we have a traitor among us.” Shinigami-sama said. “Any leads?” “All we know is that she’s daughter to a witch.” Jaya said. “That means its Chrona.” Rachel said, seeing the rather sad expression on Yasmine’s face. Shinigami-sama patted Yasmine on the head to calm her down a bit. “We’ll keep a close eye on Chrona then; she can not be trusted from now on.” Shinigami-sama said. “Tell Maka and Yasmine, I’d like you to also keep close to her.” Yasmine nodded her head sadly, sighing a sad sigh before rising from her spot and said “I need to leave.” Yasmine left the room before Shinigami-sama could give her permission. As Yasmine left the room Kirikou stood before her, a tray of food in his hands. “Hey, Shinigami-sama told me to bring this tray of cookies here.” Kirikou said till he realized Yasmine was crying. “Hey…something wrong?” Without a word Yasmine simply hugged him, sort of shocking him, making him drop the tray of cookies. Thunder and Fire arrived, taking in the seen then leaving again to leave them. After the awkward moment that lasted for about two minutes, Yasmine pulled away and sniffled. “Sorry, I always need to hug someone when I’m sad.” Yasmine said, trying to work up a smile. Kirikou sighed, thinking how cute she was but quickly trying to act cool. He took a napkin from his pocket and handed it to Yasmine. Yasmine blew her nose and wiped her tears away with her sleeve. “Thanks, but I can’t really go back in there.” Yasmine said. “I need a moment.” As Yasmine was about to walk away, Kirikou grabbed her by the shoulders and spun her around, pushing her to walk back inside. “Shinigami-sama will be disappointed if you just leave him hanging.” Kirikou said, sounding cool. Thunder and Fire arrived with the tray of cookies and also started pushing Yasmine back in. Thunder opened the door and they pushed Yasmine back in. Shinigami-sama’s head perked up when she returned inside. “Yasmine are you okay?” Shinigami-sama asked. “Yeah, I’m fine.” Yasmine said. “Kirikou was just telling me how great life is.” Kirikou shrugged and the twins stood beside him. “I brought the cookies you asked for.” Kirikou said, setting them on the table. “I asked for two trays.” Shinigami-sama said. Kirikou was suddenly in a loss when that popped up, he was about to say the truth till Yasmine said “I ate them…sorry.” “Shinigami chop!” Shinigami-sama said and hit Yasmine over the head, shocking everyone especially Allen who nearly dropped his tea. “Bad Yasmine, I liked those cookies.” Shinigami-sama said. “Ugh, never mind just sit back down and we’ll continue the meeting.” Yasmine rubbed her head, finding her place back next to Shinigami-sama, giving Kirikou a thanking smile. After he left, Rylie nudged Yasmine in the side and whispered “Someone’s in love” “Am not.” Yasmine whispered back. “You’re blushing Yasmine.” Rylie said. “I’m black, you can’t tell if I’m blushing or not!” Yasmine said, turning away. Rylie smiled smugly and just turned her attention back to the meeting.
© 2011 Imagination-mageAuthor's Note
2 Reviews Added on November 25, 2011 Last Updated on November 25, 2011 Author![]() Imagination-mageSuna, AZAboutI'm a young mage who enjoys creating adventure, romance, horror (if i can) and sometimes a good angst. i do hope you can enjoy the stories i create, everyone enjoy! more..Writing