![]() Chapter 5: First SoulA Chapter by Imagination-mageYasmine and Bethany had been taken out of certain classes to practice their soul renaissance, also helping Yasmine with transforming into her mallet form. As for the other girls, they were a bit sad that they hadn’t received weapons yet. It was a long week and the girls decided to do a bit of shopping, Yasmine and Bethany going for ice cream. “This weeks been hard.” Yasmine complained as she licked her ice cream. “Yeah, but be lucky!” Jaya said. “Bethany, you already have your weapon and we’re stuck with none.” “I bet some will come some day.” Bethany said. “In the mean time let’s go into that shop!” Bethany pointed to a cute looking store filled with hoodies like Jaya’s. As they were browsing the many jackets, Rylie spotted wanted posters. They were posters of two kids, one looking rather diabolical and the other looking sweet and cute. Rylie tore off the poster and said “Wonder what these kids could’ve done.” “Yeah, the red heads the cutest!” Yasmine said. “While the other looks rather evil.” “Well whatever the reason, let’s not get involved.” Jaya said. “I have a feeling that we’re one of those characters in comics that always get into trouble no matter how hard they try to not get involved.” “Jaya has a point.” Rachel said. “Now come on, Yasmine don’t you have a date with Shinigami-sama?” “Oh yeah, come on Bethany!” Yasmine said happily, ignoring the snickers from her friends. “Shinigami-sama wants the both of us there.” “That’s new.” Bethany said and the girls headed back to Shibusen. “We’re here!” Yasmine called as they entered Shinigami-sama’s room. The boy that had held Yasmine around the waist was there this time, Stein and Spirit no where in sight. “Ah, hello Yasmine and Bethany.” Shinigami-sama said. “Today we’ll be working more on your soul renaissance. Here to help is Kirikou Rung, his two weapons Thunder and Fire.” Kirikou was dark skinned wearing black glassed with the sides of his head shaved with a dread lock top. He wore a white shirt with baggy jeans wearing a type of gold necklace around his neck. Twins stood beside him, both wearing beige overalls and striped shirts under, both having a hat on their head, different colored to tell which was which. Yasmine waved and said “Hi nice to meet you.” “What’s he doing here?” Bethany asked. “He will be assisting you on a mission.” Shinigami-sama said and turned towards Yasmine. “I’m terribly sorry Yasmine but we’re gonna have to postpone our plans.” “Aw well it’s for a good cause.” Yasmine said. “So our first mission?!” “Yes and your first soul.” Shinigami-sama said he was suddenly tackled in a hug that squeezed the life out of him. “YES, YES, YES!” Yasmine said. “Where do we go?!” “~cough~ It’s in the forbidden forest not far from here.” Shinigami-sama said. “Kirikou will assist you on your mission; your friends will be watching you from here.” Right on cue, Rylie, Rachel and Jaya entered. “We get to watch a real battle!” Rylie said excitedly. She hugged Yasmine who twirled around, hugging her tightly. “Whoa, I’m off the ground.” Rylie said. “I’m so excited!” Yasmine said, tackling Bethany. “Let’s go, LETS GO!” She grabbed Bethany and Kirikou by the wrists, running out of Shinigami-sama’s office. Everyone was nearly blown off their feet and Shinigami-sama said “Well she seemed happy.” ~ ~ ~ The three were going through a swamp like area, Yasmine jumping in the muddy puddles, getting Bethany soaked. “Yasmine!” Bethany scolded. “Sorry.” Yasmine said. “I’m getting bored, where is this guys anyway?” Suddenly a giant hand fell towards them, Kirikou grabbing the twins and jumping out of the way. Yasmine tackled Bethany and the two got out of the way. A monster stood before them, looking almost like a walking mushroom, tentacles on the bottom and giant spores on top of its head. Yasmine transformed into a giant black mallet, twirling into the air and Bethany catching her. Thunder and Fire had transformed into a pair of bulky metal gloves, both on Kirikou. Let’s get my soul Bethany! Yasmine said excitedly through her mallet form. Bethany jumped into the air, twirling the mallet around and slamming it onto the mushroom creature, causing it to crumble and go to the floor. Smash it, smash it, smash it! Yasmine cried happily as Bethany repeatedly slammed the mallet on the mushroom creature. A tentacle wrapped around Bethany’s waist and threw her. The mallet lengthened, stopping Bethany’s fall when the mallet top caught hold of a tree. AAK! Yasmine screamed as Bethany released her from the tree. “Kill it.” Kirikou called from the side lines. The twins had turned back to their humans form and were watching from the sides. Bethany glared at him and lifted the mallet, only to be slapped away by the tentacle. The creature closed in, about to kill off Bethany until two forces ran into it. Instinctively, Yasmine screamed Shinigami Chop! The mallet smashed the creature and it died, a red soul floating in thin air in its place. Yasmine grabbed it and ate it, enjoying every bite of it. It’s delicious! Yasmine said gleefully. But what was that? Suddenly like a meteorite, something crashed to the ground and cleared out the trees as it slid to a stop. “What was that?!” Bethany said turning towards the thing that fell. “Come on!” Kirikou said and they ran towards the crash. ~ ~ ~ “Are they okay?” Rachel asked, they were watching them from Shinigami-sama’s mirror. They watched as Yasmine and Bethany had retrieved their first soul. “They’re fine.” Shinigami-sama said. “They’ve just captured their first soul and now they’ll return to school.” They then saw the blast from behind them, the two master’s heads turning the other direction. They couldn’t quite hear them but they suddenly ran towards the fallen object. “Wait; wait, they’re supposed to return to school!” Shinigami-sama said. They followed as they came closer to the object that had landed. They came to two beings, which were laying there dead. Rylie immediately realized who the two were. “Those two are on those wanted posters!” Rylie pointed out. “You’re right!” Rachel said. Yasmine had transformed back into her human self and poked the boy in the forehead, receiving a slap from Bethany, who scolded her. The boy with red hair seemed to awaken at Yasmine’s touch and looked around, looking surprised. Just as he was about to say something, a beam of green light hit them all. Everyone in the room gasped, thinking they were killed. Yasmine had transformed again and the mallet top turned big enough the cover them all, everyone cheering them on. “Come on guys, you can do it!” Rachel said excitedly. The five looked up finding a boy who almost resembles the red head except for his spiky dark green hair, a sinister grin on his face as he charged again for another attack, Bethany gripping the mallet. Rachel was digging her fingernails into her shirt and Jaya crossing her fingers for luck. Kirikou jumped into the air and punched the boy in the stomach, making him temporarily stiff. Bethany took action, lifting the mallet in the air and slamming it down on him. Yasmine suddenly trembled in her mallet form, her blood dripping down the handle. Bethany immediately lifted her up and looked at the small gashed on the face. The wound closed up, shocking Yasmine and Bethany. “She can heal herself?!” Rylie asked. “Apparently so.” Shinigami-sama said. “But let’s watch and see what’ll happen next.” Kirikou suddenly fell to their feet, badly beaten. The red head suddenly took action as he stopped an attack from the green headed one. Bethany took action again, trying out the soul renaissance. Fire seemed to build up around them and get absorbed into the mallet till it grew bigger in size. It fell down, the red one quickly getting out of the way and the mallet landing on the green headed one. Releasing all the fire, a giant explosion happened under the mallet so it wouldn’t destroy the whole forest. Once it was over, Bethany lifted the mallet and Yasmine returned to her normal self, gripping her arm. They closed in on the unconscious boy, Yasmine poking his cheek then quickly hiding behind Kirikou. When he didn’t wake, Bethany turned to Yasmine and Kirikou, asking What do we do with them? Yasmine looked at the red head who looked up at her sadly. Yasmine turned back and said Take them back with us to Shibusen. What?! Yeah, they won’t hurt anyone. They're both weapons and are in need of technicians. Shibusens the perfect place! I don’t mind the red head but the green haired one shouldn’t come, he’s too dangerous. Kirikou said, finally speaking up. Shinigami-sama won’t mind…I hope. Besides we’ll put some crazy enchanted necklace on him so that he’ll obey his technician, easy as pie. Speaking of pie, let’s get some ribs! Bethany and Kirikou shook their head, Kirikou taking the green haired boy over his shoulder. The red head ran to Yasmine’s side and took her hand, clinging to her. The mirror suddenly went black and the girls turned to Shinigami-sama. Shinigami-sama seemed to be in deep thought and said “Well let’s give it a shot.” Shinigami-sama clapped his hands and Stein appeared, he marched towards Shinigami-sama and said “You called.” “We’ll be having new students and one of them is a baddie, mind making a little necklace that’ll limit his power and make him obey his technician?” Shinigami-sama asked. “Oh and get us some ribs!” “You say that like I can’t do it.” Stein said. “They’ll be finished in a matter of seconds and I’ll get Spirit to order your ribs.” “Thank you!” Shinigami-sama said and Stein left the room. The girls turned back to Shinigami-sama and Shinigami-sama said “You must be wondering why Yasmine is getting off so lightly, well she won’t.” “What’re you gonna do to her?” Jaya asked. “You’ll see, but sadly you won’t be there you’ll see her looking in pain though.” Shinigami-sama said. The door suddenly burst open and Stein arrived with a necklace in his hands. Spirit was beside him, a doggy bag of freshly made ribs in his hands. Stein handed Shinigami-sama the necklace and said “Which ever technician touches it, he’ll be forever bond to him or her. The effects will wear off when the necklace is taken off.” Shinigami-sama looked over at the girls and asked “Who would like a weapon?” The girls shot their hands into the air, Shinigami-sama thinking it through. He pointed to Jaya and Rylie who cheered happily. Rachel stared sadly down at her feet and Shinigami-sama put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “Do not fret; a weapon will someday come to you.” Shinigami-sama reassured. The door burst open, Yasmine, Bethany, Kirikou, Fire and Thunder coming in. Yasmine waved happily towards Shinigami-sama saying “HELLO! We bring new students!” “SHINIGAMI CHOP!” Shinigami-sama yelled landing a terrible blow on Yasmine’s head, Yasmine crumbling to her knees and gripping her head. “Ow, that hurt!” Yasmine said, tears streaming down her face. “You let two delinquents enter the school without my permission and used my special move when taking out a kishin.” Shinigami-sama said. Yasmine rubbed her head, trying to numb the pain till she felt a soft pat on her shoulder from Shinigami-sama. “But you made good use of my move and you brought along two new students who could help us out.” Shinigami-sama said. “As a reward, I give you ribs!” Yasmine shot up and tackled Spirit, taking the ribs from his hands and standing next to Shinigami-sama, who picked at the ribs to take a few and eat it. He looked down at the unconscious green headed one and placed the necklace around his neck. He turned to the red head and asked “What is your name?” “My name is Ultimo.” Ultimo said. “That over there is my brother Vice, I was trying to stop him from destroying your city.” “I can tell, I just wonder how you ended up being a fugitive.” Shinigami-sama said. “Well…along the way I destroyed a few places.” Ultimo confessed, his face lighting up with embarrassment. “I am deeply sorry!” “It’s alright, new places to make new houses.” Shinigami-sama said. “I’m happy you apologized. Now your brother here will be taking orders from Jaya from now on, he’ll forever be bound to her unless she herself removes the necklace from his neck. Plus his powers are limited so he won’t destroy my school.” “Wait, what?!” Jaya asked. “Vice will be your weapon and Ultimo will be Rylies weapon.” Shinigami-sama said then turned to Yasmine. “Don’t eat all the ribs!” “Sorry…” Yasmine said barbeque sauce all over her face. “God Yasmine, there are times I wonder if you’ll ever outgrow yourself.” Rylie said, taking Spirits handkerchief and wiping Yasmine face clean. Ultimo looked at Rylie happily and hugged her waist. “I look forward to working with you!” Ultimo said, happily jumping up and down. “So what weapon can you turn into?” Rylie asked, patting his head. Ultimo smiled before suddenly turned into a massive scythe the blade rather big for a beginner with the staff long and sturdy. Rylie held her angel like scythe with pride, swinging it around at first. Shinigami-sama stopped it with his hand and said “I like my students and staff in one piece thank you.” “Sorry, I’m just so excited!” Rylie said, twirling her scythe in the air and catching it again. “As am I, thank you Yasmine for bringing me to such a marvelous school!” Ultimo said through his scythe form. “Happy to be of service.” Yasmine said. “I just can’t picture Vice when he wakes up.” Vice began to stir and said “I heard ever word.” He jumped out of Kirikou’s grip and dusted himself off. He crossed his arms irritably and said “I don’t enjoy being used as a play thing, so I hope my technician is willing to follow orders.” “Uh no, you follow orders from me.” Jaya said. Vice glared up at her, she was tall so he had to stand on his toes. “Listen here girly I’m the one who gives orders!” Vice said. “No, that would be me!” Jaya said, pinching his cheek. Vice tried slapping her hands away while Jaya tried punching him. Her fingers touched the beads around his neck, making it glow a green color, slightly blinding him. Once it faded, he felt different. “That’s the magic taking affect.” Stein said. “Now Vice, you’ll have to follow Jaya’s orders or the consequences will be horrible.” Not wanting to take any chances, Vice just glared at Jaya, mumbling “Fine.” Jaya smiled smugly at her victory but didn’t know the plans Vice had in store. I’ll gain their trust so they give me all their secrets, when that happens I’ll trick this Jaya into taking this infernal necklace off me and make a break for it. I’ll make my own forces that will crush this Shibusen! Jaya grabbed his arm, pulling him from his thoughts and said “What weapon are you?” Vice transformed into a scythe as well and looked exactly like Ultimo except he was a black scythe, pouring power into Jaya. Jaya’s grip tightened around the staff and said “This is amazing.” Aren’t I? Vice asked, smugly. Jaya just glared and said “Only the powers amazing. Besides you’re just a criminal with no life.” Vice growled and said At least I’m the useful one here! The two suddenly broke out fighting, yelling at the other to sound more in charge. Shinigami-sama just said “I think they’ll get along great!” © 2011 Imagination-mage |
1 Review Added on November 25, 2011 Last Updated on November 25, 2011 Author![]() Imagination-mageSuna, AZAboutI'm a young mage who enjoys creating adventure, romance, horror (if i can) and sometimes a good angst. i do hope you can enjoy the stories i create, everyone enjoy! more..Writing