![]() Chapter 2: ShibusenA Chapter by Imagination-mageBethany could hear voices around her, at first they were hushed but then grew louder and louder. “Shut up Kid, your waking them up!” a female voice scolded. “The medication cabinet isn’t organized properly! The vitamins and liquids shouldn’t be together, smallest to biggest, color coded!” “Sssh, one of them is waking up!” said another female voice, sounding childish. Bethany’s eyes fluttered open and she looked around, her vision slightly blurred. She rubbed her eyes and took out her contacts, her sight was perfect. Bethany’s head was hurting terribly and she had bruises all over. Looking around, she found herself inside an infirmary, a large window on the wall to her left and she found bandages wrapped around her wrists and torso. Bethany groaned in pain as she tried sitting up. “Wait, don’t push yourself!” said the girl. Standing over her was the girl that brought them into this bizarre world. Bethany simply pushed her aside and got up from the bed. She had changed clothes mysteriously into a white gown and Bethany seemed a bit dazed. Bethany rubbed her eyes and looked around. Bethany was surrounded by seven people all looking at her. One boy with short black hair with three white stripes on the side wearing a black tuxedo, twin girls who weren’t really twins, a boy with blue spiky hair along with a girl with long black hair put into a high pony tail. “Where am I?” Bethany asked. “Welcome to Shibusen!” the boy with short black hair with the white stripes said, taking Bethany’s hand. “I am Death the kid; my weapons are Liz and Patty.” “Hello!” said one of the twins; she had short light brown hair compared to her sister who had long brown hair. “Hey.” The girls sister replied. “AND I’M BLACK STAR NICE TO MEET YOU!” The boy with blue hair said, nearly popping Bethany’s ear drums and shaking her hand wildly. He was pulled away by the black haired girl who smiled in an embarrassed way and said “I-I’m sorry, my names Tsubaki, I’m his weapon.” “I’m Maka.” Maka said. “And this is my weapon, Soul.” “Yo.” Soul said. “Uh, hi, I’m Bethany.” Bethany said then remembered her friends. “Wait where are my friends?!” “Still sleeping, except for one of them.” Tsubaki said. “She was taken away by Shinigami-sama.” “Wait, this place…it looks familiar.” Bethany said. Bethany wandered outside of the infirmary and looked around. Students were passing by, some with weapons and some with just regular people. Bethany walked about the halls, bumping into people as she passed because she didn’t fully collect her thoughts just yet. She soon came outside, greeted by giant candles, a giant skull with spikes sticking out of the eyes. “MY GOD I’M IN SOUL EATER!” Bethany said excitedly. “Yes?” Soul said from behind. Soul and his friends had been following just in case she wouldn’t hurt herself “Soul Eater, the anime.” Bethany said. “No, Soul Eater is me.” Soul said. “But I would like my own T.V. show.” Knowing it was pointless trying to tell them they were nonexistent characters, Bethany said “So, where’re my friends?” “Like we said before, asleep except for the black girl.” Liz said. “She’s crazy.” “She bit her hand.” Soul said bluntly. “Did you scare her?” Bethany asked. “I was trying to take her temperature when she suddenly bit me!” Liz said, showing Bethany the bite marks in her hand. “So Shinigami-sama went to take care of her.” “Then let me see Shinigami-sama.” Bethany said. “Can’t really do that, you need to be summoned by Shinigami-sama to see him or just make an appointment.” Tsubaki said. “But I’m sure he’ll call, so just wait.” “In the mean time lets get you new clothes, your other ones were covered in blood and dirt.” Maka said. The girls led Bethany back to the infirmary, leaving the boys behind. “We’d better go check on the other girls.” Soul suggested. “Yeah, who knows what trouble my father could be in.” Death the Kid said and the boys headed for Shinigami-sama’s office. ~ ~ ~ Yasmine had woken up two hours before Bethany and was forced to go to Shinigami-sama’s office. It didn’t take her long to realize they had been transported into the Soul Eater world. Yasmine also discovered that she had changed dramatically. Yasmine was given a baggy shirt and jeans to replace the infirmary gown she was wearing before she woke up. Yasmine sniffled and said “This place is cool.” “Quiet child!” said a red head next to her. “You’ll be more then respectful in Shinigami-sama’s presence.” “I LOVE SHINIGAMI-SAMA!” Yasmine said excitedly. “Shinigami-sama is the awesome of the awesome god of awesomeness!” “Well it’s good to see Shinigami-sama has a fan…I suppose.” Another man said, he wore a stitched together lab coat and had droopy grey hair, giant glasses on and smoking a cigarette. He blew the smoke in Yasmine’s face making her gag. “Smoking isn’t good for the lungs.” Yasmine pointed out. “Yes but its good for the soul.” The man said. Yasmine looked up at him and said “As expected from Stein. What about you Spirit?” “How do you know my name?!” the two asked, shocked. “I’m just smart that way.” Yasmine said a smile on her face. The three came to a rather large room where the walls around them were light blue like the sky with clouds floating by. In the middle was a mirror and a figure stood beside it. “Hello young one!” the figure said, making Yasmine laugh. “SHINIGAMI-SAMA!” Yasmine said happily hugging him. The two men stiffened as Yasmine squeezed Shinigami-sama who simply patted her head. “Oh, what a delightful being.” Shinigami-sama said. “Who is this?” “We don’t know sir.” Spirit said. “I am Yasmine and I am without a doubt find you the greatest being on Earth. You’re like GOD!” Yasmine said excitedly. “He is god.” Stein said bluntly, he crossed his arms and blew out smoke. Shinigami-sama laughed, his mask blushing at Yasmine’s compliment. He fanned himself with his giant hand and said “Yasmine, you flatter me. What a magnificent girl, I must have you on my friends list!” With a snap of cartoon fingers, a list appeared and a pen began to right down Yasmine’s name in pure gold. Yasmine clapped excitedly and said “We should have tea!” “No tea.” Shinigami-sama said. “Awesome friends have coffee!” “No…frappuchino’s!” Yasmine declared happily. “You’re a genius!” Shinigami-sama said high fiving her. “Stein, Spirit, please get her some new clothes so we can start our day. Also make sure our other guests are well and clothed as well.” “Yes Shinigami-sama.” The two said and were dismissed. Shinigami-sama turned to Yasmine and showed her his mirror. The mirror showed all things that went around in Shibusen, Death City and beyond. As Yasmine watched the images flash by, Shinigami-sama could sense something familiar about her, he just couldn’t put his finger on it. Oh well, what could happen? Shinigami-sama thought as Yasmine and him prepared for tea. ~ ~ ~ Rachel and Rylie woke up soon after, finding themselves a bit dizzy. Rylie’s ankle still stung a bit but her ankle was wrapped and stitched together. Rachel got out of bed and looked around. “I’m hungry.” Rachel said. “Of course Rachel would say that right after an operation.” Rylie said and looked over at Jaya. “Jaya’s still asleep.” “We should wake her; she’ll scold us if she wakes up alone.” Rachel said. So Rylie shook Jaya up, screaming “GET UP YOU LAZY A*S, WE’RE IN A WHOLE NEW PLACE!” Jaya woke up, slapping Rylie’s hands and saying “What was that for?!” “Well if you woke up alone you’d get angry.” Rylie said. “Besides, look around you!” “We’re in an infirmary.” Jaya said, sending glares at Rylie who seemed too fascinated to notice. “No, we’re in a whole new place!” Rylie said. They then heard knocking and three boys let themselves in. Rachel hid in the corner while Rylie stared in aw as Soul, Death and Black Star entered the room. “Oh you’re awake.” Soul said his hands in his pockets. “We should call the girls then.” “Wait, where are Bethany and Yasmine?” Rachel called. “Hmm, oh those two.” Death the kid said. “My father seems to be having a conference with one of them and the other is receiving clothes.” “We should call them.” Soul said again. “NO WAIT!” Black Star shouted, shocking everyone. “WE CAN GIVE THEM A TOUR!” “I’d rather not.” Rachel said. “I can’t go around looking like this.” Another knock came followed by the girls filing in. Bethany followed wearing a camouflage vest and mini skirt with dark green shorts on, a top that was sleeveless around her revealing her stomach. A hat on her head and her long hair flowing down her back, bulky black boots making her look taller with brown gloves on her hands. Bethany looked over at her friends and said “Oh you guys are awake!” “Where’d you get that outfit?” Rylie asked. “We went shopping, Maka took her dads credit card.” Bethany said. “You don’t sound guilty at all about this.” Jaya said. “I was at first till she told me all the horrible stories about him!” Bethany said. “This chick has been through a lot.” “We can get you clothes too if you want.” Maka said, proudly holding up her dads four credit cards. “I don’t know.” Rachel said. “Let’s do it!” Jaya and Rylie said in unison, leaping from their beds and towards Maka. They were given baggy sweatshirts and jeans to walk in while they shopped, leaving the boys behind again.
The girls were now waiting for Rachel to fit the clothes they’d given her. But Rachel always refused all the clothes they’ve thrown at her. Jaya and Rylie had already picked the clothes they desired, looking cute. Jaya wore something adorable that would sure get Yasmine when they found her. Jaya had gotten a green spaghetti strapped top wearing light blue jeans wearing a brown jacket with a cat head hoodie, last she bought panda headphones to block out anyone who annoyed her. As for Rylie she wore a light orange jacket with the hoodie having three feathers on top, the sleeves bushy on the ends, a darker orange Capri’s with long boots, reaching her knees with tiny stubs which were like claws. Rylie’s long hair was tucked behind her ears looking like she had short hair. The girls were waiting for Rachel who refused to come out. “Rachel you have to come out sometime!” Rylie called. “I don’t like these clothes.” Rachel called back. “You know I hate dresses!” “But you’ll look so cute in them!” Jaya said. “Just come out and show us!” “I’d rather not.” Rachel said. “Get me something less…revealing.” Groaning, the girls went off in search of clothing Rachel would like. Tsubaki suddenly came across clothing that would hopefully please Rachel. “Here, try these.” Tsubaki said. Rachel looked at the clothes then just shrugged, knowing her friends wouldn’t be happy if she didn’t hurry up. After a couple of minutes, Rachel came out wearing the clothes Tsubaki had tossed in. She wore a black trench coat, a white t-shirt with amazing designs on it wearing baggy blue pants which were tucked into her new boots. Her hair was down and she rolled up the sleeves. “I like this outfit.” Rachel said. “Thank you Tsubaki!” Tsubaki smiled and said “You’re welcome Rachel.” “I think she would’ve looked cuter with the panda skirt.” Jaya said under her breath and the girls left the shop. They headed back to Shibusen and were welcomed back by Stein. “Shinigami-sama is waiting for you.” Stein said and led them to his office. ~ ~ ~ They came inside Shinigami-sama’s office, finding him playing an electric guitar with Yasmine, both sounding horrible. Once their little song was over they slammed their picks on the guitar strings, sending a foul note through the air. “And that shows that we can’t play guitars.” Shinigami-sama said. “Yup.” Yasmine replied. The two placed their guitars on the ground which disappeared in black smoke, the smoke looking like Shinigami-sama’s mask. The two turned and Yasmine had changed as well. Yasmine extensions were now her real hair, long, so long that it was unbelievable. It was tied at the bottom with giant pigtails on top, still bushy yet straight. Yasmine wore a beige long sleeved baggy shirt wearing tight white Capri’s and sneakers on her feet. Yasmine straightened herself out and said “We should have a guitar Thursday!” “Genius!” Shinigami-sama said. A long roll of parchment unraveled itself before them and the pen wrote down the made plan. “Yasmine?” Rachel asked. “Hi guys!” Yasmine said excitedly running to her friends, hugging them all in a group hug. “What happened to you?!” Rylie said, looking at Yasmine’s hair still. “I don’t know!” Yasmine said happily. “But look at my new peep!” “Hello young ones.” Shinigami-sama said, putting a hand out. The girls shook his giant cartoon hands. “I’ve had such an awesome time with him!” Yasmine said happily. “We already have plans for Monday, Tuesday and Thursday! Can we stay, please?!” “Well we don’t really have a choice do we?” Bethany said. “We don’t even know how we got here.” Shinigami-sama turned away, not wanting to say he knew how to get them back. But he knew something about these girls would change everyone and everything around him. He just had to wait, plus he couldn’t wait for the well planned week Yasmine and him had planned all day. “Do stay; I’d love a few more students in my school!” Shinigami-sama said. “You all seem adequate for this school. May great fortune be brought upon you.” “LET’S DO IT!” Rylie screamed, shooting her hand into the air. “YEAH LETS!” Yasmine joined in. Shinigami-sama gave Yasmine a wrist watch with his mask on it. “When I summon you, you’ll automatically return to this spot.” Shinigami-sama said gleefully. “How cool!” Yasmine said happily jumping up and down. “I’ll see you tonight then for snow boarding.” “You’re going snow boarding…You don’t even know how to!” Rachel said. “You could hurt yourself!” “Don’t worry, Sid’s gonna train us and Dr. Stein is gonna be our medic.” Yasmine said. Stein’s glasses glinted at the thought of stitching together Yasmine’s body parts but Yasmine seemed too oblivious to notice. “I’ll go to!” Bethany said, taking Yasmine arm. “Thank you Bethany.” Rachel whispered to Bethany. “Hey I wanna be there when Yasmine’s limbs scatter across the snowy mountains…That’d make a great poem.” Bethany whispered, going into a daze. Rachel’s hope was suddenly smashed and she just hoped Yasmine would make it back alive or Shinigami-sama would be nice enough to revive her. “So, when do we start?” Jaya asked. “Tomorrow.” Stein said. “School is over at the moment so you’ll be staying in separate homes until we find you all a home you can stay in till graduation.” The girls screamed in happiness, mindlessly running around in a frenzy. “Get Maka, Death and Black Star please.” Stein said to Spirit who went to get the teenagers. Yasmine head locked Bethany and Jaya, screaming in pure joy. “Yasmine, you’re hurting them.” Rachel said. Yasmine released them and they fell to the floor, Yasmine fell with them. “Best…Birthday…Ever.” Yasmine said between breaths. © 2011 Imagination-mageAuthor's Note
2 Reviews Added on November 24, 2011 Last Updated on November 24, 2011 Author![]() Imagination-mageSuna, AZAboutI'm a young mage who enjoys creating adventure, romance, horror (if i can) and sometimes a good angst. i do hope you can enjoy the stories i create, everyone enjoy! more..Writing