![]() Chapter SevenA Chapter by Imagination-mageRylie, Lavi, Allen and Dria all arrived to an apartment. Rylie looked at the address that was hastily scribbled on the paper. “You sure we should be trusting a stranger?” Lavi asked. “What choice do we have?” Rylie asked. “Besides, we’re armed if she tries anything funny.” Allen approached the door, soon opening it and letting her and the others in. The apartment was dark on the inside, soon walking up the spiral staircase until they reached the top. “Hello.” A voice called. Looking up and towards the first floor was Satsuki, she waved towards them and soon raced down to meet them. Once there she said “Follow me, there’s a secret doorway.” The teens followed Satsuki till they nearly reached the top. There was a small fire escape which was locked. Satsuki picked the lock and opened it, looking around to ensure no one was watching. “Get in!” Satsuki whispered. Dria went in first, then Rylie, the boys going in last (mainly because Lavi said it was rude for men to go before women) and the teens found themselves crawling through a air vent. Satsuki directed by telling Dria which way to turn and which way to climb or slide. Dria then came to an air vent, turning her head back and looking over her shoulder she called “It’s a dead end.” “Just push against the vent.” Satsuki instructed. Dria pushed, the vent entrance soon popping out of place and Dria tumbled over, along with everyone else. They landed on a sofa that just happened to be under the vent. They groaned in pain, Rylie soon kicking at the air and bellowing “Get off!!” “Get off me first!!” Dria said, on the bottom. With her mighty Dria strength, she shoved everyone off. “Ow!” Allen said, till his nose caught the smell of fruit. “Cantaloupe!” He got to his feet and dashed off to the source, which was the kitchen. He only came face to face with a boy, having bandages covering his left eyes, a broken arm in a sling, bruises and stitched across his non broken one. He jumped when Allen suddenly came in, his whole face red. “Kenji, you okay?” Satsuki asked, racing over to him and inspecting him. He only nodded, his eyes looking soulless and his pale body almost matching a vampires. “Who’s this?” Lavi asked. “You!” Rylie said, recognizing him as the boy who saved her that day when she was being chased in the mall. “Ah, thank you so much!!” Kenji only looked up at her and suddenly mumbled “Who’re you?” “We met at the mall.” Rylie said. Satsuki looked up and said “He doesn’t remember anything?” “What happened?” Lavi asked. “He was captured by Love Machine and tortured for three weeks.” Satsuki said. “They were trying to deprogram him…” “Bu-but how’d he get out?” Allen asked. “I rescued him of course!!” Satsuki said. “Well, if he’s been deprogrammed then he most likely doesn’t remember anything.” Lavi said. “That’s right; the only one who can help us is Kazuma.” Satsuki said. “Who exactly is he?” Lavi asked. “He’s a martial arts expert and gamer, but he hasn’t been in contact with us lately.” Satsuki said, rubbing the back of her neck. “But it can’t be help, his big game is coming up and he’s having the hardest time at the moment.” “What’s wrong?” Dria asked, she sat down and helped herself to Kenji’s cantaloupe. “Apparently he was battling outside of the arena and is now latched to his opponent.” Satsuki said. “But I must admit, its good for him. He secludes himself and his laptop in his room, saying there’s no time for silly things like friends. But this avatar seems rather lively.” “Do you know who it is?” Rylie asked. “No.” Satsuki said. Kenji then let out a yawn, Satsuki helping him up and saying “It’s late, I’ll show you to your rooms when I get Kenji to sleep.” She helped Kenji into the back of the room and turned on the light in his room. The remaining teens all made themselves at home. “So we’re getting help for a non social out cast who’s the greatest gamer there is…” Lavi said, sarcastically. “Oh yeah, I feel my Jaya is in the right hand one hundred percent.” “Look, we’ll check him out and if he isn’t the one then we go home and continue the search there.” Rylie replied. “Okay, but this is getting a little too weird for me.” Dria said. “What exactly does this Love Machine want?” The three remained quiet, Allen muttering “We don’t know…” Satsuki then reappeared and said “Come on, I’ll show you to your rooms.” ~ * ~ The avatars were running up a steep hill, the spiders chasing them out as they ran further and further out. The soon stopped, bending over to catch their breath. “That ~pant~ was close…” Tallon said. “Yeah…but thank god it’s over…” Bethany panted. “Wait…” Riley said looking around. “Where’s Rachel?” Everyone looked around, as if expecting Rachel to pop out and confirm them she got left behind. When that didn’t happen, Yasmine grabbed her hood and screamed “WE LEFT RACHEL!!!” “How could we forget Rachel?!” Bethany demanded. “Simple, amidst the chaos she was swept away by the spiders.” Kazuma replied. “But she’ll be fine.” “Fine, FINE?!” Yasmine scolded. “Have you no friends?!” “Yasmine!” Jaya scolded. “We can’t leave her alone, she’s my friend! TOMODACHI!!” Yasmine screamed. “I don’t care how famous or amazing everyone says, you’re a coward!” There was silence, the cuffs suddenly popping off and falling to the floor. They shattered into billions of pieces. Congratulations, you have freed yourselves from the shackles. A voice over said. You are now no longer bound to each other. “They’re gone!” Siana said. “Yeah…” Yasmine said, rubbing her wrists. She glared and continued “Let’s go save Rachel.” They led the way back towards the spiders den, Kazuma only remaining where he was glaring at the back of Yasmine’s head. What a bizarre girl…Kazuma thought, smiling to himself.
“Help, help!!” Rachel cried, wrapped in a cocoon and tried to fight her way out. The large monstrous spider was over her, ensuring no to lose its meal this time. Rachel’s weapon was only a few feet away but she couldn’t reach, plus spiders were crawling all over; venomous spiders. “I can’t believe they left me.” Rachel grumbled. “My luck…” “Shush child.” The Godzilla like spider hissed making Rachel freeze. “You’ll be eaten soon, but we must consult with Love Machine-sama.” “Love Machine?!” Rachel said and commenced squirming. “Let me go!” “Such a pesky little child.” The spider hissed, turning to one of the spiders and speaking with it through a stream of hisses and low screeches. The spider minion walked over to her and stabbed Rachel in the arm making her lose all feeling in her body. She went limp and her head fell back, making her just stare at the webs. The queen threw a powdered substance into the sky, it swirled and soon an image appeared, love Machine. Well hello… Love Machine said. I suspect you have a hostage to my liking? “Yes Master.” The queen said, showing him Rachel who was shivering "despite the fact that she was paralyzed. Hmm, good. Now that you have one of her comrades, she’s bound to come running to her rescue. That idiotic girl and her anime like brain…Love Machine mocked. Do not kill her, that’s an order! “Anything for you master.” The spider queen said, batting her many eyelashes at him. Love Machine only smiled and the image faded. The spider queen walked over to Rachel and looked at one of her arms. “He never said you had to be alive.” The queen said, her mouth drooling. Rachel felt the small specks of saliva go on her face making her mutter “Oh god…” The spiders closed in, that is until the queen keeled back and screeched in pain. On her large rear, Yasmine had imbedded her long metal claws and was digging them in deeper, running them down her flesh. “GET HER OFF, GET HER OFF!!” The queen screeched, the spiders heading for Yasmine. Rachel was about to cry out till a hand covered her mouth. Looking up, it was Tallon. Riley and Siana were cutting at the webs. Looking back, Bethany and Jaya were joining in. “A diversion?” Rachel asked, being lifted up. “Yup, all Jaya’s plan.” Riley said. “But we gotta move fast!” “Yeah, I don’t think Yasmine can stick there for long…” Siana said. “OH NO I’M STUCK!!” Yasmine cried. Looking back, Bethany and Jaya were now trying to pull Yasmine free, the queen now resorting to slamming her rear against the walls and causing rocks to fall. Yasmine retracted her claws and sliced at the rocks falling over head. Rachel tried standing but only crumbled to her knees. “What’s wrong?” Tallon asked. “I-I got paralyzed!” Rachel said. Tallon grabbed Rachel and piggy back rid her away, Siana grabbing Rachel’s weapon on the way. Jaya spotted them getting away and said “They’ve got Rachel!” “Let’s go!” Bethany said, smashing a spider with her mace. A wave of spiders came at them, Yasmine grabbing Jaya and Bethany and twirling around, soon releasing and sending them flying on a ledge. The spiders came at her, Yasmine fighting them off till she was suddenly pushed off the spider. Tallon, Riley, Rachel and Siana arrived with Jaya and Bethany. “Where’s Yasmine?” Siana asked. “Down there!” Jaya said, pointing down. Yasmine was trying to avoid the queen’s monstrous feet. Tallon dropped Rachel and ran back, grabbing onto a loose web and swung, kicking the spider in the jaw. He released and rolled next to Yasmine. “Are you crazy?!” Yasmine asked. “A little.” Tallon replied. As the spiders closed in, Tallon spotted something glow in the mob, a bright orange orb. Tallon lunged, grabbing the spider it was attached to and taking the orb. It glowed brightly in his hand and shrouded him in the light. “Not another!!” The queen said, shielding her eyes. “An upgrade…” Yasmine said. As the light faded, Tallon now wore a long sleeve and baggy navy blue and black striped jump suit with metal wings on his back, along with a metal halo; black gloves covering his hands and a billion black belts around the waist. Tallon opened his eyes and flew forward, grabbing Yasmine and flying back up. He dodged the rocks, Yasmine constantly shouting out “LOOK OUT!!” When a large bolder came at them, Tallon only flapped his wings and sliced them rock in half, soon arriving to the others. “Cut the web, cut the web!!” Tallon said, putting Yasmine back on her feet. Riley and Jaya sliced at the webs, Bethany summoning the dead and causing them to hold the spider queen down as the web fell. The spiders screeched as they fell but the queen broke free of her bonds and crawled up towards them. “This way, this way!!” Bethany instructed and they group followed. They raced up the hole, Rachel on Yasmine’s back, and spotted the entrance. “I will not let you escape!!” The queen screamed. They piled out of the den, Yasmine throwing Rachel off her back and towards Siana both falling to the ground. Yasmine tried to climb out but the queen shot a web at her foot and tried dragging her back in. “Help!” Yasmine cried. They ran back and grabbed Yasmine’s forearms and pulled. Yasmine was dragged out, the web being revealed to be attached to her foot and the queen along with them. Just as she was about ready the jab Yasmine in the back, a bolder was crushed on her skull, killing her and blocking the entrance. Yasmine crawled away, running into Jaya and the two falling. Tallon cut the web and said “Bu-but who?” Looking up, Kazuma was there with the light glowing in the back of him like in the movies. “Thought you’d need my help.” Kazuma said. “I thought you left.” Yasmine said bitterly. “Well I did say I’d get you to Oz.” Kazuma said. “And I will.” He ruffled Yasmine hair under her hood and Yasmine only giggled. Bethany leaned in and said “And love blooms for our little Yazzy.” “Feels like just yesterday when we we’re making sure she wouldn’t kill herself.” Jaya said. “Or slice her finger open.” Rachel added. “Or light the school on fire.” Siana chimed in. “Or steal my stuff.” Tallon said. “Alright I get it!!” Yasmine bellowed. “I’m a complicated teenager.” “Yes, yes you are.” Everyone said in unison.
© 2011 Imagination-mageAuthor's Note
4 Reviews Added on November 23, 2011 Last Updated on November 23, 2011 Author![]() Imagination-mageSuna, AZAboutI'm a young mage who enjoys creating adventure, romance, horror (if i can) and sometimes a good angst. i do hope you can enjoy the stories i create, everyone enjoy! more..Writing