![]() Chapter 2: Dragons JewelA Chapter by Imagination-mageCelt y arrived to the alleyway she was told to meet at, the twins already there with their arms crossed. Celty looked around, her head back on her neck where it was more comfortable, expecting Lee to arise from the shadows like she always did. “Where’s Lee?” Celty asked. “She said she’d be here to meet up.” Zesiro handed her a piece of paper, Celty taking it and looking at it; it was Lee’s handwriting. Dear friends, You’re probably waiting for me to come out of my hiding place- which is the shadows- and pop out and scare you guys. Well, I’m not, mainly because I’m not there. I’m taking the rest of this operation solo, it’ll be easier. Sapphique will be waiting in Bogshot for you, I told her we’ll be coming home soon. If the hunch on the stone being in Fairy Tail is a lie, then we’ll kill the a$$ wipe who claimed it was there. Good luck, stay hidden and don’t stay in Bogshot for too long; the authorities will notice the pattern. From your superior, Marshal Lee. Celty crumbled the paper up and stuffed it in her pocket, sighing angrily. “Sapphique is not gonna be happy.” Celty said. “Agreed, but we can not ignore Mistress Lee’s instructions.” Zesiro said. “Yes, we’ll head out to Bogshot immediately.” Gemini finished. Before Celty could stop them, the twins pushed past her and continued on, pulling up the collars of their over coats and pulling their hats down to shadow their faces. Celty only sighed, not liking the idea of splitting up. She followed their example, throwing on her cloak and stayed close, avoiding the authorities.
Lee was searching the Guild treasures, throwing gold coins as she dug through- stuffing a few jewels in her pockets just because they caught her eye- and grumbled “Where is it, that dirty old man said it was here!!” That was when a familiar aura caught Lee. Turning to her left, a blackened sapphire orb attached to a necklace was sitting proudly atop a pile of gold. Lee made her way towards it quickly, easily getting towards it in quick strides. She picked it up, ripping the silver chain off and looking at the orb. “This is it…” Lee said, her golden eyes gleaming. “We’ll finally be able to find her.” “OI!!” a voice said getting Lee out of her trance. Twirling around, she found the Dragon slayers. She cursed angrily under her breath and hid the orb in one of her many cloak pockets. She found the red headed, fire user. Igneels kid… Lee thought dreadfully as she examined the others. Metalicana and Gurandine’s kids too…. “Surrender or face my WRATH!!” Natsu screeched, his dragon teeth really showing. Lee only smiled as she stepped forward, pulling her hat forward and asking “Do you know who I am?” “Yeah, a thief!!” Gajeel said aggressively. “Yeah, I’m a thief…” Lee responded, her hat covering her eyes. “Enough of this, I’m taking you OUT!!” Natsu bellowed, his hands going ablaze and lunging at Lee who only stood there. Wendy then felt the magical energy, suddenly terrified. As Natsu came in, they didn’t notice Lee’s eyes gleam and her pupils becoming reptilian. She went for Natsu as well, her hands also going ablaze while the other gathered electricity. “E-Electric and fire?!” Wendy said. Lee ducked and dodged Natsu’s attempts at landing a hit, her face soon at his bare torso. She punched him in the stomach sending electrical shocks through his body and slapping his face with her fire covered hand. Natsu landed on his back, skidding at his comrade’s feet. “Heard of b***h slapping?” Lee asked, her dragon teeth showing through her smug smile. “I just made it a hundred times as worse with claws.” Lucy was watching from the sideline, trembling all over as she tried catching her breath. Natsu pushed himself up and gritted his teeth, muttering “S**t.” “Idiot, she wields two Dragon Slayer magic abilities!!” Gajeel scolded. Lee charged, this time jumping into the air and stepping on Gajeel’s face when he watched her spring into the air. She easily passed Wendy, simply pushing her over and made her way for the door. The dragon slayers chased after her, Lucy soon coming out from under the table and taking one of the keys off her hip. “Aquarius!” Lucy summoned, a water goddess appeared from thin air. She glared daggers at Lucy and said “How DARE you summon ME!!” Lifting up the vase that was tucked under her arm, she summoned a great wave of water causing Lee to get sucked into it as well. Thinking quickly, Lee pulled out a card. “Cake, I need you!!” Lee said before she went under. The card glowed; soon a large cat with large blue eyes appeared, having creamy white fur with butterscotch spots splattered across her with a bushy long tail. She blinked a couple of times before saying “Girl, what the hell?!” “I know, I know you hate water!!” Lee said. “I need you now though!” The cat, Cake, glared but soon took in a deep breath and with a body like rubber stretched herself into a boat, steering herself along the current. “Thanks Cake.” Lee praised. “I expect a delicious bowl of warm milk and a large salmon after all this!” Cake said, the water soon dying away. Lucy watched in aw as the cat turned back, thinking Just like Charlie, Lilly and Happy… “Quick Cake; battle mace!” Lee said, the cat turning into a large ball and spikes appeared all around her body. Lee took the tail, lifting the large weapon like it was nothing and twirled it, hitting the celestial spirit. Aquarius cried out in pain as she fell to the floor, collapsing and the water disappearing along with her. Lee went for Lucy next, her eyes wide; ready for the kill. “Die!” Lee said through her teeth. Lucy covered her head, hoping the blow wouldn’t hurt too much but never felt it. Looking up, Lee was caught midway by a giant hand that had clamped itself around her. Lee angrily tried kicking herself free but was only squeezed harder. “Give it a rest or I’ll crush your bones.” The giant said, the giant actually Makarov. He gave Lee another warning squeeze making her cry out. Lee somehow managed to dig through her pocket and pull out the orb, handing it to Cake and releasing her. Cake returned to her normal cat form and caught the orb. “Bu-But Sapphique-” Cake started. “GO NOW!!” Lee ordered, frightening her friend. Cake quickly turned and ran for it. She turned into a giant herself and escaped through the town. “Charlie, Happy, Lilly, go after her!!” Wendy said, the three cats sprouting their wings and taking flight after Cake. Makarov brought Lee to everyone’s level, saying “Appears your friends sleeping spell didn’t last as long as you expected.” “Nope, but it doesn’t matter, I got what we needed.” Lee said. “What exactly did you steal?” Makarov asked, and then turned to one of his most loyal members, Erza Scarlet. “Search her, I’ll hold her down.” Makarov set Lee down, holding her arms up. Erza approached her and patted her down, coming to her pockets and clearing them out, only to find jewels and gold coins. “You stole from out vault!!” Natsu said angrily, trying to lunge at her but Lucy held him back. “This isn’t all of it.” Erza said, turning. “That orb she gave to that cat.” “Don’t worry, Charlie, Happy and Lilly will find it.” Wendy said only hearing a snort from Lee. “Cake is a fast traveler, plus she can change her shape and size.” Lee said. “If their lucky they’ll only encounter her once or only get a glimpse.” “Wait a minute.” Makarov said, looking closely at Lee. Looking closer, he spotted the charm on the rim of her hat. He gasped, suddenly dropping her back quickly putting magical bonds around her, keeping her arms to her sides and the bonds glowed. “Take her down to the basement, she’ll remain there.” Makarov said towards the second most loyal member, Mirajane whose once always smile was off her face as if already knowing the reason why they were locking up this mage. “Understood.” Mirajane said and turned to Lee. “Please follow me.” Lee followed, not showing any fear. As the two disappeared inside the Guild, Natsu suddenly asked “What was that all about?” “Yeah, u-uh Master what’s wrong?” Lucy asked, all members facing their master. Their master gave a great sigh and soon shrunk back to his normal size. He walked back inside the Guild. “Everyone take a seat.” Makarov said. Everyone seated themselves, ready for anything. Mirajane appeared, standing besides Makarov along with Erza. “The mage you’ve all witnessed today is known as Marshal Lee, and as you already know a thief and dragon slayer.” Makarov said. “But she could use different types of Dragon Slayer magic.” Wendy said. “Electricity and fire.” “Yes, it is because she’s one of the Dragon Slayers the Magic Council is keeping an eye on.” Makarov said. “You see, many years ago before the dragons disappeared fourteen years ago, there was a couple named Zekrom and Seraphim. Zekrom of Thunder and Seraphim of fire, some saying they were the strongest there was. They had a child and were off to bless their child but the blessing was interrupted.” “You’re saying that mage is the daughter of two dragons?” Gajeel asked. “Bu-but she’s human!” Wendy said. “She’s a black mage!” Mirajane said, silencing the questioning chatter. Everyone fell silent, looking at Mirajane in shock. Mirajane continued “Black mages are said to descend from dragon lineage but took on the shape of humans the same day the dragons disappeared.” “She might know where Igneel is…” Natsu said breathlessly. He made a break for the basement but was seized by any available limb and pushed on his back. “Natsu calm down, we need to question her.” Lucy said. “Yeah, or else she won’t say anything.” Another member said, an ice mage name Grey. He stood before them shirtless wearing long black pants and dark shoes, showing the Fairy Tail mark on his chest. He approached Natsu and continued “If you wanna know more about your foster dad, stay cool.” Natsu was breathing aggressively but soon calmed down, steam coming out of his nostrils. Once his body was relaxed he was released and able to stand with Wendy there to help. “Just give us time Natsu.” Makarov said. He took Mirajane and Erza towards their prisoner. ~ * ~ Cake hid in a small mouse hole, clutching the orb tightly as the three cats flew over head. “No sign of her…” Charlie declared. “We should head back then and tell the others.” Lilly, a panther like cat replied, crossing his arms. “Ai, the Guild master won’t be happy.” Happy said and the three zoomed off. Caked released the breath she was holding, returning to her normal size. She wiped the sweat from her furry forehead and said “That was close, gotta go, go, go, go, go.” She ran off, clutching the orb in her paws and ducked under a bush, coming to a swamp. She hopped across the floating pieces of tree that floated around, avoiding the deeper parts. She arrived to a large boat house, walking along the porch and knocking. “Who is it?” a voice asked on the other side. “It’s me Cake.” Cake said and the door opened. She was pulled inside, Celty, Zesiro and Gemini surrounding her. “Where’s Lee?” Celty asked. “Th-They took her.” Cake said. “What, we gotta go back!!” Celty said. “No, no, no, no you can’t!” Cake said, pulling Celty down so she was looking her in the eyes. “Lee wouldn’t want that besides we’d only be getting in the way if we tried rescuing her.” “Also they’re probably fully aware that Lee’s a black mage.” Zesiro said. “They’ll be expecting us.” “Yes, Lee will have to get herself out of this.” Gemini agreed. “What’s this talk about Lee being captured?” a voice asked, making the teens freeze. In came Sapphique, her staff keeping her up and she glared daggers at the teens. “Lee was captured.” Cake said. “Shocker, shocker.” Sapphique said sarcastically. “Don’t tell me you four plan on saving her.” “Oh no, no, that’s crazy talk!” Cake said. “We’ll wait here till she returns.” Sapphique accepted Cakes answer but asked “Where is it?” Cake flinched, her tail bustling up and her cat like eyes dilating from being found out. She held out her paws, only to reveal the orb. Celty, Zesiro and Gemini looked at the orb in aw. “I-Is that it?” Celty asked. “Apparently so.” Cake replied. Sapphique took it and examined it in the light, knocking it a couple of times against her staff, small sparks sparking off when the jewels colliding lightly. “This is the real thing.” Sapphique said. “Keep this in my chest until Lee comes back.” She handed it back to Cake who ran off to place it in a jewelry box. She then hopped onto Lee’s bed and curled up for a much needed nap. Celty had followed, quietly coming in and opening the box. The orb glowed like an aurora. Celty felt a single tear streak down her cheek as she mumbled “The Dragon Jewel, now we’ll be able to find her…” © 2011 Imagination-mageAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on November 21, 2011 Last Updated on November 21, 2011 Author![]() Imagination-mageSuna, AZAboutI'm a young mage who enjoys creating adventure, romance, horror (if i can) and sometimes a good angst. i do hope you can enjoy the stories i create, everyone enjoy! more..Writing