Chapter Twenty Two

Chapter Twenty Two

A Chapter by Imagination-mage

            The girls had returned to their room, the king not really upset that Bethany left the castle and got attacked by ligers, her only punishment…stay in the room until further punishment. Rylie was once again asked to speak with the king leaving Bethany all alone. Black and White Mokona were bouncing around the room, playing a game of tag but eventually made their way out the door. Bethany had continued to sew voodoo dolls but this time she didn’t make a human this time, this time a beast.

            “Dragon…” Bethany mumbled, getting the wings right and making the lime green eyes large and intimidating. She embroidered some green designs across the shadow black skin and considered herself finished when she got the tail finished. She pretended to play with the plush till the door opened, Rylie letting herself in.

            “So, what’d he want?” Bethany asked.

            “He made the same offer.” Rylie said.

            “And?” Bethany asked. There was silence till Rylie replied “I accepted.”

            “Why?” Bethany asked.

            “Well, the security here really sucks.” Rylie replied. “So I’m gonna help them out, wanna help?”

            “Well, I am stuck here.” Bethany said referring to the room she was in. “Might as well.”

Black and White Mokona suddenly burst through the door, Black Mokona holding a large bottle of champagne.

            “YEAH, LETS BRING OUT THE BEER!!” Black Mokona said excitedly popping open the bottle which squirted out a foamy substance.

            “That’s champagne and we’re under aged.” Bethany said bluntly.

            “Aw come on!!” Black Mokona said setting out the glasses. “You need a little spice in your life.”

            “Plus, we need to celebrate for Rylie’s great achievement of being soldier to the king!” White Mokona said.

            “Yeah!!” Black Mokona said happily.

            “I don’t know…” Rylie said, she was changing into her pajama’s now along with Bethany. Once they got their heads through their shirts, they returned to their beds. The Mokona’s had commenced pouring the champagne and giving Rylie and Bethany each a glass. The two girls picked up the glass, looking at the bubbly substance. Black Mokona took a deep gulp, soon letting out a long “Aaaahhhhhh, refreshing.”

            “Taste it!” White Mokona said. It found the little dragon Bethany had knitted and continued “I thought dragons were evil.”

            “I was in the mood to make one.” Bethany said, taking it and allowing it to soar through the air, where it soon crash landed and hit the pencil case. Bethany inhaled the drink, soon bringing her lips to it and taking a quick sip; it tasted glorious. She smiled bright and soon gulped down the whole thing.

            “Rylie, try some!” Bethany said.

Rylie followed, her face showing a hint of bitter but soon being replaced by pleasure.

            “It’s it yummy!” Rylie said.

            “One more!” Bethany said, Black Mokona soon pouring more for her. Rylie had drained hers as well and said “One more!”

White Mokona filled her glass.

            “One more!” Bethany said.


            “One more!” Rylie said.


            “One more!” Bethany said.


            “One more!” Rylie said.



An Hour Later


            Bethany had passed out on her bed, a broken glass on the floor and the two Mokona’s sleeping on her stomach.  Rylie was half way off her bed, her hair hanging down and snoring away. Rylie was suddenly woken by the sound of roaring. She moaned in her sleep, rubbing her eye and turning over trying to return to sleep. The roaring came again but they time the sound of whistling filled the air, cutting through the rain. There was a sudden crash which bolted Rylie awake.

            “What the hell?!” Rylie said, feeling the pulse. She looked around, hearing faint roaring again, but mixed with…whimpering?

Rylie rose from the bed, grabbing a poncho, wrapping herself up tightly and took her two guns. She opened the door, looking both ways. She closed the door behind, soon grabbing the same crown she used for light.

            “I need your help again.” Rylie said sweetly.

The crown blinked twice before illuminating the darkened halls. Rylie walked down the halls as quietly and quickly as possible. As she was walking down the stairs, she saw a lit room. She tip toed over, peaking over only to spot the twins feeding. The maid lay lifeless in their grip, the twins sucking the blood from opposite sides of her neck. The maids eyes were clear and still open but the lifeless eyes seemed to be fixed on Rylie. Rylie turned away from it, feeling a sudden headache.

            “I have hangover?!” Rylie whispered angrily. “I’m gonna kill those two rice balls!”

            “She’s drained.” Kamui suddenly said, catching Rylies attention.

            “Yes, I’ll inform father once we dispose the body.” Subaru said, smacking his lips to get the taste back. “Have you noticed that we’ve been more….ravenous lately?”

            “No.” Kamui replied.

            “I mean…ever since those two girls came along, excuse me ever since Bethany came I’ve been more….thirsty.” Subaru said. “Do you think…she’s the one?”

            “The Vampire Queen’s been gone for millions of years aka it’s a myth.” Kamui replied. “There’s no such thing as a human who can withstand the vampire bite and control the dead.”

Rylie’s eyes widened. She remembered how the twins had attacked Bethany when they were snooping the castle. Kamui had bitten Bethany but Bethany had no signs of bite marks on her neck. The twins soon clicked off the light, Subaru saying “I’m gonna get our things then.”

            “So when do you suspect Monarch coming?” Kamui asked.

Monarch, who’s that? Rylie thought.

            “She doesn’t know about our transformation.” Subaru said. “But war is coming up; we need to protect our kingdom no matter the cause.”

            “Right our kingdom always comes first.” Kamui agreed and the two left the room. Rylie crept through the halls, thinking about what they said. Rylie soon came to the entrance, the day when Bethany and Rylie were led here all rushing back.

            “It’s been so long.” Rylie mumbled.

She set the crown on her head and pushed the doors open, only to be welcomed by rain. The crown scurried under the poncho and remained there, lightening her path. Rylie walked through the mushy mud, the rain beating down while hearing the following dragon, dragon, dragon, dragon.

            “So there’s a dragon…” Rylie said. “I’ll actually meet one!”

The rains constant chanting soon led her to the courtyard where the horses were kept in their stables. The horse neighed wildly as Rylie passed by, backing up. Rylie looked around soon finding a smashed shed. It was completely demolished; a few chickens were crushed to death. Rylie looked past the rain they blurred her vision but soon she saw something move in the pile of wood. It swiftly moved away, she only caught sight of bright white teeth; they flashed at her and soon slithered away into the stables. A horse whinnied, but it was cut off followed by the sound of bones cracking and flesh being torn at. Rylie went for her guns, suddenly shivering. The crown was blinking now, terrified suddenly.

            “Its okay, its okay.” Rylie reassured. Rylie slowly made her way to the stables, opening the door slowly with her gun, only welcomed by darkness. She walked around stiffly, fearing the worst. She suddenly saw something gleam over head; she looked up only to be pounced by a large reptile who tried slashing at her. Rylie tried shooting but her gun was grabbed and ripped from her hands.

            “Dragon!” Rylie said, seeing the neon green eyes staring back at her. The dragon’s eyes were slits, strange marking on the back, glowing a vibrant green color with a lantern like tail that glowed as well. The dragon snapped at her, Rylie grabbing a piece of wood and getting the dragon to bite down on that instead. She kicked the beast off, getting it on its back but it easily rolled and wrapped its tail around her waist, lifting her up with ease and throwing her down on her back. Rylie was breathing heavily, the dragon advancing. The dragon suddenly whimpered, the weight on its right back foot trying to lighten.

Hurt….Hurt…Hurt… the rain said, Rylie suddenly realizing she was picking a fight with an injured dragon. She slowly pushed the dragon off, it hissed.

            “It’s okay.” Rylie said. The dragon limping back into the corner, the light on the end of its tail glowing now and then. Rylie kneeled beside its hurt foot and inspected it. There was a large chunk of wood in its foot. She took hold and pulled; yanking it out only making the dragon struggle and bat her across the head with its tail. Trying to stay conscious, Rylie went to the beast and grabbed its head, forcing it to make eye contact.

            “I don’t wanna hurt you…” Rylie said. Rylie moved back to the wound, finding a deep gash leaking blood. She put her hand over it and began breathing evenly. The small puddles of water soon came to her, wrapping itself around her hand and healing the wound. Rylie’s eyes widened, the gash closing up and being cleansed. The dragon watched in aw as its wound closed, the water soon dripping off Rylie’s hand and returning to being a puddle. Rylie ripped off her pajama sleeve and wrapped it over the foot.

            “I-It might be sore.” Rylie said. “You shouldn’t put weight on it.”

The dragon nudged Rylie’s arm making her jump. The pupils with dilated and it seemed to looking at her with happiness. It licked her cheek, cuddling into her chest and purring.

            “You’re welcome.” Rylie mumbled.

She then spotted something gleaming around her neck. She grabbed hold of it, finding a collar made of yarn with a crystal dog tag, with a name engraved into it.

            “Patricia?” Rylie read, the dragon looking up in response. “Your name’s Patricia, so you must be a boy with a horrible girl’s name!”

The dragon nipped at the insult and Rylie corrected “Girl, you’re a girl. I was only kidding.”

The dragon nodded, laying her head on Rylie’s lap. Rylie let her hand lay on top of its head, following the intricate designs on its back leading to the glowing tail. The designs suddenly triggered something; Bethany had a dragon exactly like Patricia’s. She remembered Bethany tossing the dragon which crashed into the pencils aka the shed.

Bethany did this?! Rylie thought urgently. She soon chuckled to herself and thought Yeah right, it was just coincidence.

The dragon rumbled, Rylie looked down and Patricia made her way to the stable entrance. She soon let out a roar that reverberated the valley, Rylie quickly running over and clamping her mouth shut with her hands, shushing her.

            “You’ll wake everyone up and they’ll kill you!” Rylie whispered harshly. The dragon whimpered, suddenly looked ever so vulnerable. Rylie took a deep breath, exhaling. She picked up the guns that Patricia had managed to knock out of her hands making the dragoness tense.

            “I’ll protect you.” Rylie said, stuffing the guns in her poncho pocket. “We’ll find you a home tomorrow, for now rest.”

The dragoness jumped up and licked her face making Rylie laugh. Rylie hugged the huge cat like beast and said “Everything will be okay.”

© 2011 Imagination-mage

Author's Note

A cute scene which may just end Rylie's life. I thought adding another Rare dragon would be nice also cuz my friend requested it. Patricia's a nice name and i really like it so no complaints please. Also the dragon pic is of Patricia, I have something special in store for her

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Now they're just looking for death, they know alcohol is bad for them! Andd she approached that dragon! My predictions are pretty spot on so far

Posted 12 Years Ago

AWWW! Patricia sounds like a really cute name for the dragoness! Keep it up!

Posted 13 Years Ago

EXCITEMENT!!!!.....and alcohol.....BEST COMBINATION EVER!!!!!!

Posted 13 Years Ago

that was really cute, and intriguing. i tis excited!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on November 19, 2011
Last Updated on November 19, 2011

P.E.T (Pandora. Edolas. Toradora)



Suna, AZ

I'm a young mage who enjoys creating adventure, romance, horror (if i can) and sometimes a good angst. i do hope you can enjoy the stories i create, everyone enjoy! more..

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A Chapter by Imagination-mage

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