![]() Chapter Twenty OneA Chapter by Imagination-mageBethany lit a candle, everyone sound asleep in the castle giving the girls enough time to check out the twin vampire’s room before the sun rose. Bethany and Rylie wore hooded cloaks to conceal their identity. Their only light was a lit candle, only surrounding them. Rylie looked ahead and checked the halls. “Nothing.” Rylie clarified, the two moving on. They came to the same room Bethany coincidentally stumbled upon and quickly made haste. Rylie kept look out from the hall and Bethany tried breaking the locks with a needle. There was a click that made the two cringe, Rylie looking down both ways to ensure no one heard that. When no one came, she swiftly raced back to Bethany and whispered “Be quieter!!” “Well sorry, my keep-the-locks-at-a-certain-volume power is not functioning!!” Bethany retorted. She slowly pushed open the door, only welcomed to black. She brought the candle in but the flame was blown out. Rylie shuffled through her pocket, only to pull out a crown. “How’s that gonna help us?” Bethany asked. She shook it, the crown suddenly sprouting a pair of adorable eyes that looked around. The crown shivered in Rylie’s hand but she traced her finger on the side and whispered “It’s okay, we need your help.” The crown blushed at her soft tone, soon glowing brightly and eating away the darkness. “Black magic.” Rylie whispered. “The twins probably put that on so no one would intrude.” “Where’d you find that?” Bethany asked. “I was looking through the Weaponry room right after my meeting with the king.” Rylie replied. “It basically called to me.” “Nice.” Bethany complimented. The two quietly crept inside the darkened room, the crowns bright light bringing out every object there was. The beds were of course a pair of long velvety coffins that were surrounded by purple candles, glowing black flames. The flames grew smaller and smaller as the light Rylie’s crown was giving off came closer and closer. The room had a large shelf, containing thick books in bizarre languages that Earth would find alienated. Rylie checked out the books, opening them and flipping through the pages. Bethany shuffled through their dressers only finding black capes or necklaces with crescent moons on them. Rylie then found a small chest on the center of their nightstand that sent a shiver down her spine, she felt the small crown shiver in her hand; its light slowly diminishing. “What’s wrong?” Bethany asked. “That.” Rylie said, pointing over at the chest. Bethany could feel the odd power that seemed to be radiating off the chest. She took a gulp and walked towards it, soon in front of it in a stream of large steps. She kneels before it, feeling Rylie right behind her as the crown desperately tried staying alit. Bethany ran her hand over the chest only to be pricked. “Ouch!” Bethany said quietly, her blood staining the velvety surface. “Damn chest pinched me!!” “Bethany hurry up, who knows how long it takes for two boys to feed off a maid!” Rylie said. Sucking the blood from her finger, Bethany proceeded back to the chest. She placed her fingers along the rim and lifted the top. Inside, there were vials and vials of- “Dragon blood?” Bethany questioned, gagging a bit. “They like lizard blood?” “Apparently.” Rylie mumbled. “Wait, there’s something on the bottom.” Looking back, Bethany found something gleaming amidst the piles and piles of blood. She shuffled through the containers, careful not to break any, until her hands came across a rugged surface. She grabbed on and slowly pulled it out. She held before her, a mirror. It edges were gold and the surface was crystal clear, showing Bethany’s face as though the room was lit. “What would vampires want a mirror for?” Bethany asked under her breath. “Yeah, vamps can’t see their reflection.” Rylie said. As they tried to further investigate, they heard footsteps coming down the halls. Bethany quickly hid the mirror back in place and whispered harshly “Turn out the light!” The crown blinked out, closing its eyes and returning to sleep. The black magic came at them. They ducked, hiding under curtains that hid the windows and sat there. The door opened, Bethany making a risk and peering out only to see the twin walk back in. Kamui held the dead maid in his hand, dragging her around like a ragged doll. Subaru wiped his mouth, blood staining his pale face, the same for Kamui. “She was drained.” Kamui said. “Yeah, we’ll complain to father later on.” Subaru said, giving a wide yawn. “I don’t understand why you carry the corpse with you.” “It’s bait.” Kamui replied. Subaru went for his coffin, stopping in front of the chest and placing his hand over It only to freeze. “Someone was in here.” Subaru said, the two girls flinching behind the curtains. “What, no there wasn’t.” Kamui said, setting the corpse somewhere near Rylie. “There’s blood on the chest.” Subaru clarified. “Well of course, this is blood in it.” Kamui said. “Hand me a vial will you?” “No Kamui, this is neither our blood or out fathers.” Subaru said, Kamui becoming interested. The twins surrounded the chest, Kamui running his hand over the blood stain and bringing it to his lips. He smacked his lips and said “It’s fresh, meaning their still here.” Rylie trembled behind the curtain, hearing the twins search the room. Just as she was about to scream, she heard the curtains flap; Bethany had revealed herself. “What’re you doing here?” Kamui asked. “I was just…uh…” Bethany said, till she grabbed two thick books and threw them, hitting the twins with them and making a break for it out the door. The twins followed her out. Rylie quickly ran out, Bethany racing down the hall and the twins following her. Rylie took the other way, soon hearing a scream. She threw off her cloak, holding the crown up which lit up again and ran the same direction. “Bethany!!” Rylie screamed. She suddenly spotted the twins, huddled over her. Kamui had sunk his teeth into her neck and Subaru was trying to get him off. Rylie grabbed a bar and screamed “GET OFF HER!!” She swatted Kamui who released Bethany. Bethany fell to the floor and laid there lifeless it seemed. Rylie went to her knees and cradled Bethany, shaking her. “Bethany, Bethany!!” Rylie cried. Bethany mumbled, before her head lolled to the side and she passed out. Feet soon came racing down to them, which belonged to Soul. He held a candle in his hand and said “What happened?!” “B-Bethany…” Rylie stuttered, her face was paled and the evidence of Kamui’s doing was all over his and his brother’s face. Soul raced to Rylie’s side, feeling Bethany’s pulse. “She’s alive, take her to the nurse.” Soul said. “I’ll meet you there.” Rylie picked Bethany up with inhuman strength and dashed off to the nurse. Soul turned to his masters, his red eyes gleaming. “Follow me please.” Soul said, the twins rising and following Soul who would lead them to their punishment. ~ * ~ Bethany opened her eyes, only to be blinded by the morning sun. Her hand fell, only to b welcomed by a cushion. “Morning beautiful.” A voice like silk said waking Bethany. She turned only to find Subaru, making her flinch. She tried escaping her bed, finally realizing that she was back in her bedroom, but felt a searing pain in her neck. She felt a hand on hers, only finding it to be Subaru’s who smile sweetly to her. “I’m not gonna hurt you.” Subaru said. Looking closely, there were bags under his eyes and his skin appeared slightly burned. “What happened?” Bethany asked, running her hand over the wounds only making him cringe. “My punishment.” Subaru replied. “Father found out about your two breaking into our room and us biting you. I came to apologize.” “Oh, uh, well apology accepted.” Bethany said. Subaru’s grip on her hand tightened and he leaned in, placing his lips over hers. Bethany’s eyes widened, his face heating up as Subaru parted. “WH-WHA-WHA?!” Bethany said, covering her mouth and Subaru only letting a giggled escape. “An I’m sorry kiss.” Subaru said. “Just don’t tell Kamui, he’d have my head.” Bethany laughed nervously, her face still red. Subaru then handed her a plate of doughnuts and a bowl of ice cream. Her eyes gleamed as her mouth made a water wall. “For you, doctor says you need the sugar.” Subaru said, Bethany eating away the doughnuts and he merely watched. Bethany marveled at the taste saying “This was worth the wait!!” “I really do like you Bethany.” Subaru suddenly said. Bethany froze in place, looking back at Bethany. Subaru only sat where he was and said “So does Kamui, sibling rivalry I assume.” “U-Uh, well you’re both cute.” Bethany said, turning back to the food. Subaru only laughed, ruffling out her hair and saying “I’ll be going now; I need to ensure Kamui is asleep.” “Y-You stayed up?!” Bethany asked. Subaru stopped at the door and turned back, his gold eyes showing kindness. “But of course.” Subaru replied. “I wanted to ensure the girl I like was okay, don’t you read mangas?” With that, Subaru left. Bethany continued to eat away the food, already feeling better. She set the plate on the side and laid back. Once the sugar went down, she realized she wasn’t tired anymore. She sat up and decided to bathe, ready to explore.
Bethany wore the same corset top and skirt as the day before. She was now strolling the forests of Toradora, passing by the villages as she walked by. The wind was nice, the sky gray and small droplet falling from the sky that occasionally landed on her shoulder. Bethany twirled once around, her long hair flowing in the wind as she did so. The mace she used to fight the troll was on her hip, just in case. “Better safe then sorry.” Bethany mumbled to herself, soon singing Sally’s Song as the rain began to pour just a little more. There was suddenly a rustling in the bushes, making Bethany freeze. Her hand went for the handle of her spiked mace and she braced herself. Suddenly, twin rabbit like creatures sprung from the bushes, gleefully laughed and bouncing around Bethany. “Vampire Queen, Vampire Queen, We found the Vampire Queen!!” the two gleefully sung, out of tune. Their bodies were round and they had long droopy ears, an emerald in the center of each of their foreheads. One was black white, the black one having a sapphire one while its twin held a ruby one. “Who’re you two?” Bethany asked. “I’m Mokona!” the black one said. “And I’m Mokona!!” the white one said. “We’re both Mokona!” they sang in unison. Bethany scratched the back of her head but only shrugged. She went to their level, the two hoping aboard her shoulder so she rose again and continued on her walk. “What was this about a Vampire Queen?” Bethany asked. “It just like how it sounds!” Black Mokona said. “Vampire Queen is a fearful empress who rules over the domain of the dead!!!” White Mokona said, almost ghostly. “Able to wield an army of the dead, aka vampires. But she disappeared long ago.” “But we found her!” Black Mokona said. “And she’s obber nice!!” White Mokona chimed in. “You think it’s me?” Bethany asked. “I highly doubt it.” The Mokona’s looked at her in confusion. They were about to say more till they heard growling. Out pounced a creature who was half tiger and half lion. “LIGER!!!” Black Mokona screamed. “THEY AFTER OUT FLESH!!” White Mokona cried. Bethany grabbed hold of her mace and swung, hitting the liger with all her strength. The liger flew off, slamming into the tree. Soon a whole pack had pounced, Bethany taking out as many as she could. She kicked one that dared trying to bite at her legs, her bulky shoes crushing its paw. As she ferociously fought, she let out a hiss. She bit down on one and threw it to the side, not realizing how much power she had in her jaw. Th-That bite!! Bethany thought, remembering when Kamui had bitten. Amidst her train of thought, Black Mokona cried “Look out!!” Turning around, the largest one had lunged and bit down onto her shoulder. She fell as it pushed her down, landing on her front. As she tried getting her sight back, the ligers were circling her. The Mokona’s stayed close to her. “Wha-what now?” White Mokona asked. As one liger was about to lunge in for the kill, it was shot with a purple bullet. Looking to the side, Rylie emerged in full battle armor. She wore a blue dress, the sides having armor over them and shoulder pads on the sleeves, metal boots on her feet and the twin guns in hand. She let a stream of shots fall, making the pack retreat. As she landed, the water encircled her. “You okay?” Rylie asked, lending a metaled hand. Bethany took the hand and was pulled up, Black and White Mokona finding their place in her arms. “How’d you find me?” Bethany asked. Rylie looked up and replied “The rain, it kept saying your name.” “The rain spoke to you?” Bethany asked. “Ancient!!” White Mokona said. “Quick go back to castle!” “Uh…” Rylie asked. “I’ll explain later, lets go!” Bethany said and the two dashed off back to their temporary home. © 2011 Imagination-mageAuthor's Note
5 Reviews Added on November 17, 2011 Last Updated on November 17, 2011 Author![]() Imagination-mageSuna, AZAboutI'm a young mage who enjoys creating adventure, romance, horror (if i can) and sometimes a good angst. i do hope you can enjoy the stories i create, everyone enjoy! more..Writing
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