![]() Chapter TwentyA Chapter by Imagination-mageThe next morning, the girls were awoken by knocking at their door. Bethany heard the knocking but didn’t want to arise from bed. So she picked up a clock, set it to two minute and tossed it to Rylie. It landed right beside her head, soon going off in a banshee like ring, awakening Rylie and making her scream “AAAAAHHHHHH!!” “Good your awake, go get the door.” Bethany demanded as she returned back under the covers. “You had the energy to set the clock to two minutes and not to open the door?” Rylie asked. “Yup, the doors farther away and burns more calories which are needed for today.” Bethany said. Rylie threw off the covers and walked to the door, only to be welcome by a maid. “The king would like a word with you.” The maid said. “Okay, come on B-mel.” Rylie said, calling Bethany over her shoulder. “Alone.” The maid emphasized. “The king would like a word only with you.” Rylie blinked a couple of times until saying “O-Okay, I’ll be back Bethany.” “Have fun.” Bethany said from under the covers. “I’ll catch up with you later I guess.” The maid led Rylie down the hall; it was a little earlier then expected to be having a meeting with the king. Rylie then turned her attention to the maid, who seemed so much paler then before. It was when she saw the two bite marks on the side of her neck. She tried looking else where, the maid soon leading her to the large throne room that was the kings. “He’s inside waiting for you.” The maid said. “I must go; the twins are in need of my services.” The maid then quickly trotted down the hall. Rylie took a deep breath, trying to straighten herself out- sort o pointless when your in pajama’s- and let herself in. The King was looking through some old scrolls, until he heard the doors open. He looked up and soon rolled the scrolls back in place. “Rylie, thank you for coming.” The king said, rising from his throne and walking towards one of the windows. “Terribly sorry that I called you so early.” “Uh, no, not at all.” Rylie said, running her fingers through her hair. “I actually have a request for you.” The king said. “Uh, what would that be?” Rylie asked. The king turned back to Rylie, his golden staff in his hand and helping his stroll over towards Rylie. “I would like you to become one of my warriors.” The king said. Rylie’s eyes only widened. “B-But that troll thing was all an accident.” Rylie said. “No, it was your warrior instinct.” The king said. “Not many are gifted with it but you certainly have it! Not many are able to even move when swallowed by a troll!!” “I wonder why…” Rylie said, shivering at the thought. “But Bethany was a big part in it too!” “Which is why she’ll join as well, you both almost come in a package.” The king said. “So, what do you say?” “No.” Rylie said flatly. “I’m fine with just being a nobody at the moment.” “Oh…But I do ask you to consider the thought.” The king said. “I will.” Rylie said with a smile. “Do help yourself to the breakfast; your friend has already finished eating.” The king said. “How do you know that?” Rylie asked. The king tapped the side of his cranium and said “I can see it through here…” Rylie looked at the old man, confused obviously, but decided it would be pointless to ask questions, only leading to more confusion. “Thank you, I’ll get myself ready I guess.” Rylie said. The king waved her off, Rylie exiting the room and returning back into the hall way. ~ * ~ Bethany was now dressed in different clothing, given a pink and black corset top and matching skirt with black tights under, bulky boots on her legs, fingerless gloves on her hands. Her hair was nicely brushed and clipped back with a Hello Kitty hair clip. She was currently sitting in her bed, sewing supply scattered across it as she sewed together an old doll with black and green button eyes and a stitched mouth. Once the back was sewn on tightly, she moved onto the clothes, a simple blue dress and white apron and a maid’s hat. “It looks…familiar…” Bethany said, raising an eyebrow. She looked over to the small pile of dolls she made in the past two hours. Rylie still hadn’t returned from her meeting with the king and the vampires were currently asleep. She looked through the dolls she had made using some of her old clothes she used when they first arrived to Toradora. The dolls were maids, butlers and only two normal girls. The two girls resembled Rachel and Jaya. She picked them up, looking down at them and thinking It’s been a month since we’ve come here… As she looked at her recently new made, she recognized it as the maid who had lured her into the vampires den the first night, almost getting them killed. “I made a doll of her?” Bethany thought. “I made dolls of all the maids, minus Rachel and Jaya.” Scratching the side of her head and mumbling “This is tied to something.” The door opened, Rylie letting herself in. “How’d it go?” Bethany asked. “He asked me to be one of his warriors.” Rylie said, grabbing a towel and setting out her clothes. “What’d you say?” Bethany asked. “I turned it down.” Rylie said with a shrug. “It was only luck that troll happened to swallow me and my internal warrior instincts screamed shoot, shoot.” Bethany laughed, soon turning back to the two voodoo dolls of Rachel and Jaya. “Hey, who do these look like to you?” Bethany asked, showing them to Rylie. Rylie looked over, squinting to get a better look. “Rachel and Jaya.” Rylie said. “You make them?” Bethany nodded and said “After I had breakfast and got dressed, I started making these dolls.” “They look creepy.” Rylie said. “I’m gonna bathe now okay?” “’Kay.” Bethany said and turned the doll over. As she turned it back, the doll had a different expression on its face, looking worried with red blush across its face. She looked at Jaya’s doll look alike only finding the same blush but the buttons had turned to the shapes of hearts and she had a smile on her face. “In love?” Bethany guessed. “Positive.” As she looked through the dolls, she suddenly got curious and left her room. She went searching through the room, looking for the maid that lured her to her doom on the first day.
Bethany continued down the halls, turning when she spotted twin doors. They were tall and dark purple, with Kamui and Subaru’s names written across them. “Found the vampires room.” Bethany said, turning away when she spotted the numerous signs that read Do not enter or the yellow caution tape over the doors. She then spotted one of the maids make a turn down the hall, Bethany quickly sprinting and finding a rather old looking door. The maid entered it and closed the door behind her. Bethany tip toed over, quietly opening the door and slipping in quickly. She closed the door quietly, looking around she had to hold back a gasp. On the floor were lifeless pale, maids who resembled the ones Bethany made. Bethany stepped over them, turning one over only to come face to face with wide, lifeless eyes making her nearly shriek but she covered her mouth. “Dead…” Bethany mumbled, seeing the twin puncture wounds in the maid’s neck. She then realized she was in a donor’s graveyard. She heard heavy breathing and coughing in the next room. She tip toed over the corpses and peaked through the door, finding a whole room filled with maids, all look alikes. “The donor’s fading.” One maid said, the maids seemed to be having a meeting. “The king requests for a new one.” “Why not the new guests?” One suggested. “No, they’ve been proven too worthy.” Another replied. Bethany released a silent sigh, slowly backing away. She slipped out of the room and quickly made her way out of the hall, racing back to her room.
Rylie had just finished bathing and now dressing in the same clothes as the following day of the troll attack. She sat on her bed, looking at the ceiling until Bethany came in. “I’m gonna do a stake out.” Bethany said, hiding the voodoo dolls in the night stand. “Oh awesome, when?” Rylie asked. “Tonight.” Bethany replied. “I’m checking out the twin’s room.
© 2011 Imagination-mageReviews
5 Reviews Added on November 13, 2011 Last Updated on November 13, 2011 Author![]() Imagination-mageSuna, AZAboutI'm a young mage who enjoys creating adventure, romance, horror (if i can) and sometimes a good angst. i do hope you can enjoy the stories i create, everyone enjoy! more..Writing
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