![]() Chapter NineteenA Chapter by Imagination-mage
“Where the hell are we?” Bethany asked, she was currently hiding under a counter with Kamui and Subaru. “In the kitchen.” Kamui replied. “Damned maids abandoned us when they spotted the troll.” “So you thought it’d be smart to hide in here?” Bethany asked. “Stocked with piles of food and humans as the main course. Yeah, this is perfect.” “Shush!” Subaru said, putting a hand over her mouth as the floor began to shake. The three held their breaths as they smelled the foul odor that was the troll. It couldn’t fit through the door, so it smashed its way through with its monstrous club, sending bricks and pipes at them causing a shower of water. Subaru hugged Bethany to protect her from the falling bricks and Kamui tried finding an opening. His golden eyes traveled around the room, so far their only exits were the window which was too far up for human legs (aka Bethany) and the door was currently being blocked by the troll. The troll sniffed around the area, occasionally looking around. “It’s blind…” Subaru whispered, seeing the creature taking a deep whiff of the air and listen intensely to its surroundings. Its eyes appeared crusted shut as it made its way towards one out of five fridges that were full of food. The three quietly made their way around the counter, trying to avoid the monsters giant feet. Kamui signaling Subaru to wait as he swiftly dashed out from under the counter and around the beast. “Where’s he going?!” Bethany whispered. “He’s looking for Soul.” Subaru replied. “We have to focus on getting out ourselves.” Releasing Bethany, Subaru grasped her wrist and dragged her on. They stopped when the troll looked up from its food, listening and sniffing the air. The two were frozen in place, looking at the beast intently and hoping it’d return to the giant tub of Rocky Road ice cream. It returned to the fridge and started digging into the large turkey that was supposed to be for dinner, throwing the container of ice cream over its shoulder. Subaru pulled Bethany along before the tub could hit her but her shoes made a high pitched squeak that attracted the monster. It turned, roaring and picked up its club. Subaru got up and ran, pulling Bethany along. They were able to escape the beasts club which shattered the counter along with the sink. “This way, this way!” Subaru said, pulling her along. Bethany looked back, seeing the troll burst through the wall and chase after them, swinging blindly at the air and smashing the walls. “Wh-where are we going?!” Bethany asked. “Anywhere that’s safe!” Subaru replied as he turned a corner and hid inside a dark room.
Soul brought Rylie to the weaponry room, looking around. “Pick anything you like.” Soul said. “Uh… I-I’ve never handled a weapon before.” Rylie admitted. “It’s okay, adrenaline will teach you.” Soul said, picking up a short scythe that had a long chain on the end for throwing and retrieving. Rylie spotted two silver hand guns, picking them out and hanging onto them. She gulped, thinking of taking down a monster that big. The doors suddenly flew open, revealing Kamui who was breathing heavily. “Where’s your brother?” Soul asked. “H-He’s with Bethany.” Kamui said, until they heard a crash many halls away. Rylie quickly grabbed a spiked mace for Bethany. They all raced out, Rylie only following even though her palms became sweaty and she was screaming on the inside. Why the hell am I doing this?! Rylie thought.
“It’s a dead end!!” Bethany said. “I thought you knew this place like the back of your hand!!” “Are you mad, I can’t do that!!” Subaru retorted. They heard the troll coming their way, Subaru standing in front of Bethany and looking around quickly for any escape. He spotted a window, turning to Bethany he said “Sorry…” “For wha-AH!!” Bethany cried as Subaru easily scooped her up, throwing her over his shoulder and climbing up the wall like a cat. The troll came in; listening till it heard Subaru’s nails scratched against the wall. It charged, ramming into the wall making Bethany scream as Subaru’s grip around her waist nearly faltered but only hung on tightly. The troll began bashing at the wall, taking out chunks and chunks of concrete making the wall weaker and weaker. Subaru reached the window, smashed his way out just as the wall gave out and fell back. Subaru landed on the ground, not taking the time to stop as he climbed up the palace walls away from the crumbling one that the troll destroyed. Subaru was breathing heavily, placing Bethany on her own two feet. “That was f*&%ing scary.” Bethany said. Subaru was about to say something till the troll suddenly came towards them, its club raised high. The two quickly bolted from their spots and the wall crumbled, causing the two to fall. Bethany rolled on her side, picking herself up as she looked around for Subaru. “Ow!!” Subaru screamed. Looking past the smoke that now clung to the air, she saw Subaru under a pile of bricks. The troll heard Subaru’s anguished cry and got ready to strike him. Bethany picked up a brick and hurled it at the beast, hitting it on the head. It at first froze, soon turning around. Bethany hurled another one, this time hitting it in the forehead. “LEAVE HIM ALONE A#%HOLE!!” Bethany screamed. The troll seemed to have understood her words, for it gave out an angry roar and ran towards her. Bethany quickly ran for it, and the rain beating down harder making the ground muddy and hard to run. The troll swung, Bethany ducking and feeling the wind zip by her as the club missed her. Breathing heavily she continued running till she suddenly tripped, falling on her front. Her world spun around but it came back into focus when the ground stopped rumbling. Turning around, the troll was looking down at her, through the cracks of its closed eyelids. As Bethany got ready to be smashed, a stream of bullets hit the troll in the side of its head making it grip its now throbbing head. “LEAVE HER ALONE S#*! FACE!!” a voice screamed. Turning, Bethany spotted Rylie holding up twin silver hand guns. Soul suddenly came in along with Kamui. Soul threw the scythe and it lodged itself into the trolls arm making it wail in pain. As Rylie and Soul fought off the troll, Kamui ran to his brother who was trying to remove the bricks that were crushing his legs. Bethany ran for them, helping with removing the bricks. Once the bricks were removed, Kamui and Bethany slung an arm over their shoulders and brought Subaru back inside. “ACK!!” Rylie cried, the troll had grabbed her and brought her to its mouth. Bethany looked back, her eyes wide as she screamed “RYLIE!!” Forgetting all about Subaru, she raced towards the battle scene. Rylie had dropped the spiked mace and Bethany caught it by the handle. Spinning it in the air like a pro, she slashed at the troll’s thigh. The troll tried kicking Bethany but with her cat like movements, she was able to evade the kick. The troll then lifted Rylie to its mouth and swallowed her. Bethany and Soul looked up in sheer shock, as a lump when down its throat. Soul screamed angrily, slashing at the knee but getting kicked and slamming into the wall. The troll picked up its club and prepared to smash Bethany. It suddenly stopped midway. “Huh?” Bethany questioned. A stream of bullets shot out of the esophagus, making the jugular gush out blood and the troll fell backwards; dead. The bullets continued to fly out till a large opening was torn through the flesh and Rylie appeared, holding the guns out like she was ready to shoot. She was covered in saliva and blood, her eyes large from shock, fear and madness. Bethany cautiously made her way towards Rylie, setting a hand on her outstretched arm and gently pushed it down. “It’s over.” Bethany said. “It’s dead…” Rylie looked back, suddenly squealing at surprise and jumping out of the gash she made. She knocked into Bethany and the two fell, the rain beating down on them. Kamui then came, too shocked to speak at the moment. “Y-You, you took out a full grown troll!” Kamui said. “Yup, Rylie did.” Bethany said, patting Rylie on the back only to have her hand covered in the mixture of saliva and blood. Soul was soon there, helping Rylie up; she had lost all feeling in her legs. “Let’s take you inside.” Soul said. Rylie only nodded dumbly as Soul led her in. Bethany rose from the ground, pushing her soaked long hair back and looking up at the grey sky. “What a hectic say…” Bethany mumbled. “It’s not even lunch…” Kamui said. Bethany took Kamui’s hand, making his once pale face turn bright red, and the two walked over to Subaru. They hoisted him up and took him to the infirmly a few halls down. ~ * ~ Bethany and Rylie fell back on their beds. After a day of running and killing a troll, they were cursed with aching limbs, scrapes and bruises. They had taken a long hot bath to sooth the aching but it did them little good. A gold metal was around each of their necks and their beds were now king sized, the rooms had expanded. “You know…I’ve always dreamed of kicking a$$ like today…” Bethany mumbled. “Really?” Rylie asked, turning her head so she could see Bethany who was staring at the ceiling. “…No.” Bethany replied, the two laughing. “Wow, one minute were attacked by vampires, the next we slay a troll!!” Rylie said. “You slaughtered a troll.” Bethany corrected. “I only severely wounded it.” Rylie only laughed, she gazed back out the window and sighed. The moon was full and the storm had passed. “This place is in debt to you, ya know.” Bethany said. “This calls for shopping.” Rylie said, she got under the covers and curled up in the large comforter. “And food.” Bethany chimed in, getting under her comforter and dozily getting ready to sleep. “I still ~yawn~ didn’t get my ice cream…Damn troll ~yawn~ ate it…” The two then passed out from exhaustion, dreaming of what was to come tomorrow.
© 2011 Imagination-mageAuthor's Note
3 Reviews Added on November 9, 2011 Last Updated on November 12, 2011 Author![]() Imagination-mageSuna, AZAboutI'm a young mage who enjoys creating adventure, romance, horror (if i can) and sometimes a good angst. i do hope you can enjoy the stories i create, everyone enjoy! more..Writing