

A Chapter by Imagination-mage

In a mystic land shrouded by the clouds yet surrounded by the mountains, lived beings who were gifted with the ability of amorphous.  They roared to show power, they blew elemental fire to make all fear them yet they were gentle giants of the land. They disappeared as they pleased, the humans to dull to notice they were actually being watched. Two great beasts sat atop the highest mountain, the clouds their concealment, in the deepest cave, coiled around each other like giant snakes. One black and one white, the yin and yang of their valley. As the black one uncoiled itself from the white, it revealed a small looking human, an infant. The human baby was dark skinned, soft black hair with gorgeous electric blue eyes. She looked up at the black dragon type, looking bulky and having golden eyes that glowed, a generator like tail that spun when powering up for his electric attacks, the white one cradling the baby with its feathery wings and warming the child with its tail, nudging the baby lovingly.

            “She’s gorgeous…” the white one said happily, licking the baby.

            “The Dragon Council would never believe this.”  The black one said.

            “Zekrom, you worry too much…” the white one said, looking away from the child briefly. The baby spotted a crystal spreading along the walls, releasing a powerful magical energy. The baby crawled out of the mother’s feather like embrace and towards the crystal.

            “Seraphim, Igneel and Metalicana won’t approve of it.” The black one, Zekrom, said. He spotted the small baby making her way towards the crystal and swiftly caught her in his large claws, gently taking her back. The baby gleefully giggled in her fathers hands, slipping back into her mothers embrace. Seraphim nudged her baby again, the baby clinging onto her mother’s snout.

            “Oh, but they can’t do anything about it.” Seraphim said. “She’s the one the Dragon Council’s been waiting for.”

            “To kill…” Zekrom said.

            Not to kill…You know as well as I do that they can’t.” Seraphim said. “She’s a black mage, a rare species of magic.”

Zekrom smiled, coiling back around so he could feel the small infant’s hands. They were warm, pudgy and small compared to his large size.  The two beasts soon shrunk in size, turning human. Seraphim a gorgeous woman with the babies matching eyes wearing a white leotard, white boots reaching up to her thighs and white gloves on her arms, her hair long and curled at the end, as white as the clouds that shrouded their home; Zekrom wearing long baggy black pants and a tight long sleeved shirt, his black hair long and his gold eyes gleaming. He threw on a cape over Seraphim, the collar large and placing a straw hat over her head to conceal her eyes. She picked up the baby and Zekrom said “Go to the Mages village and I’ll meet you there.”

Seraphim nodded, walking down the mountain as she cradled the baby in her arms, her child wrapped in a numerous amount of blankets. She reached the bottom, looking up at the mountains that surrounded the valley she realized how small humans truly were.

            “Mages village…” Seraphim muttered, her baby squirming in her arms. She repositioned the baby in her arms and continued on. She ducked under a bush, shielding the baby and sliding down the steep hill that was hidden. When she came to the bottom, she was in a swamp. The large islands of trees and land were nearly engulfed by water. A black mage arose from the darkness, sailing a gondola as they passed by. The mage was wearing large parachute pants, leathered shoes and the shirt tucked in and a large cape matching hers over their shoulders, along with the same hat concealing their identity.

            “Oh Seraphim.” The mage said kindly, the large gold orbs that were their eyes showing a kind shine.

            “Bellatrix, you’ve grown.” Seraphim said, recognizing the voice easily.

Said mage, Bellatrix, smiled though the shadow concealing her face making it more eligible to see. Seraphim boarded the gondola, sitting down and Bellatrix rowing towards the Black Mage Elder. The small, mitched matched shadows traveled over them, the baby gleefully trying to grab at the willow tree branches that slipped from her grip. They came to one of the boat houses that floated along the calming waters, Bellatrix stopping and saying “I’ll get your husband, the Elder’s already waiting for you.”

            “Thank you so much.” Seraphim said and boarded off. The baby squealed gleefully, Seraphim only giggling and poking her daughter’s cheek.  She reached the wooden door, knocking thrice and waiting.

            “Come in…” a voice said, the elderly voice truly inviting. Seraphim let herself in, the room lit by floating candles and the smell of incense filling the room.  Books lined the shelves, potions floating in the air and an old witch doctor sitting on a beautifully embroidered carpet at the end of the room. Seraphim sat in front of the old woman, her skin dark and dreadlock hair filled with hand made beads, gleaming coins around her waist and a shawl over her shoulders, a straw hat over her head.

            “May I see the child?” the woman asked. Seraphim handed her baby over, the old woman holding the baby as if she were made of glass.

            “Mitsis, my husband and I are worried…” Seraphim admitted, the woman taking her time inspecting the baby.  “D-Do you think it was a bad idea…making our child into a creature as defenseless as a human?”  

The old woman, Mitsis, cradled the baby in her arms and replied “No…it’s a marvelous idea that you wish for dragons and humans to live in harmony. It’s the humans I’m worried about…You know how they react to things they can’t understand…”

Seraphim looked at her knees, fiddling with her fingers.

            “But…the child has Zekrom’s determination along with stubbornness.” Mitsis said, the baby gripping her finger and refusing to release. “Also having your kind heart and confidence.”

Seraphim smiled, Mitsis returning the baby back to Seraphim who looked at her daughters eyes who smiled brightly, making gurgling noises as she tried finding words.

            “W-We’ll be fine…” Seraphim said, more to herself then to Mitsis. The baby reached for her mother who embraced her, Mitsis smiling as mother and child embraced. There suddenly was the sound of thundering feet, the sloshing of water filled boots and battle cries of the enemy coming towards them, along with the scream of fellow mages. Seraphim spun around as the door was banged against, the potions dropping and smashing to the floor, the candles going out and dropping.

            “Take the child and go!!” Mitsis said. She pushed Seraphim up and out the backdoor, making her nearly fall in the water but she was able to keep herself and the baby up above water. She remained in the shadows as the Magic Councils soldiers raided the poor old woman’s home.  Seraphim was breathing heavily till she was suddenly seized by the arm and pulled up, screaming at the sudden surprise. The baby wailed at her mothers shriek.

            “It’s only me!” Zekrom said; he stroked his daughters head to calm her. “Leave the child!”

            “Wha-what?!” Seraphim nearly screamed.

            “If they find us with her she’ll be killed!” Zekrom said. “Leave her!!”

Seraphim looked down at her baby. She followed her husband into the woods where they hid as members of the Magic Council ran by. Zekrom found an abandoned nest under one of the bushes. He motioned for Seraphim to place the child there but she refused.

            “It’s the only way to ensure her safety.” Zekrom said. “Please Seraphim; don’t make this any harder…”

Seraphim looked at her baby, setting her down into the nest. She removed a necklace from around her neck and placed it over the babies head, hiding it in the blankets. A mighty roar bellowed around the area, making the two flinch.

            “They’re calling us…” Zekrom said. He hid their child in the bushes and took Seraphim by the arm. They disappeared, their baby left in the bushes with nothing but the sound of wailing black mages, spells being produced and cruel laughter.

~ * ~

                A woman walked along the battle ground that took place in the swamp many hours before. Her hair was cut short and she wore tight joker clothes with silk on her arms, a staff in her hands that was her weapon and walking stick. She walked through the now blood stained swamp, bodies of black mages spread out. She came to the great Mitsis’s boathouse, only seeing her body drained off all blood. She cringed at the sight.

            “My old friend…murdered.” The woman said.

She then heard the sound of crying, an almost animalistic wailing. She turned, hope filling her eyes as she desperately ran through the water, pushing corpses out of her way. She came to a bush, the wailing growing. She parted some leaves only to come face to face with a beautiful, dirt covered baby who was wrapped in a feathery sheet. Tears streaked down the infant’s face, its face red, showing it had been crying for sometime.

            “What’re you doing here?” The woman asked, picking up the baby. She cradled it in her arms and wiped the tears from the baby’s eyes only welcoming new ones.

            “More importantly how did you survive?” The woman asked. The baby only cried as a reply. The woman rose from the ground and looked around, expecting a woman to come popping out and claim the baby as her own.

            “Hello?” The woman called. “I’ve found a baby!”

No reply.

            “Well, I guess I’ll take you home.” The woman said. “My name’s Sapphique, you probably can’t understand me but….hi…”

The baby looked up at her with wide eyes, Sapphique suddenly noticing how dragon-like her eyes were. The electric blue really brought out her slit like pupils.

            “I wonder what your name is…” Sapphique said, looking around for any identification. The necklace suddenly fell from the blankets, Sapphique catching it before it hit the ground.  The necklace was a gorgeous sapphire orb, shaped into a lightening bolt, but when the sun hit it; it suddenly transformed into flames and changed to the colors of fire.

            “A dragon artifact…” Sapphique said eyes wide. As it returned to the form of a lightening bolt, words suddenly ran across the sapphire stone.

This baby is the chosen one…daughter of the dragons of yin and yang, left to be raised in the hands of a mage. Let her life be saved from those who want her hand, the Childs name…is Marshal Lee…

The word vanished, Sapphique looking at the baby she now cradled in her hands. She placed the necklace back over the baby’s head and mumbled “Marshal Lee huh...What a nice name, for a boy.”

The baby chewed at the necklace, finding the warmth it ground of comforting. Sapphique smiled and commenced walking down the path that led elsewhere.

            “Marshal Lee…” Sapphique said. “Marshal Lee the Dragon Heir….Has a nice ring to it.”

Sapphique continued on, the baby tightly gripping the necklace that was in her possession. As the necklace faintly glowed, the baby soon fell asleep, with dreams of her missing parents.

© 2011 Imagination-mage

Author's Note

this is a rewrite of A mages story that I tinkered with a bit. It'll be better (in my opinion) featuring certain characters that u might be able to pick out. Enjoy

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i like it! keep it up~ i'm excited for the next chapter :D

Posted 13 Years Ago

I come home after not seeing you today at school and see that you were on here.
I like it a lot! A lot of detaile! Keep it up!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on November 8, 2011
Last Updated on November 8, 2011



Suna, AZ

I'm a young mage who enjoys creating adventure, romance, horror (if i can) and sometimes a good angst. i do hope you can enjoy the stories i create, everyone enjoy! more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Imagination-mage