![]() Chapter ThreeA Chapter by Imagination-mageRylie was currently helping with the search party for her friends. It had been three days since they went missing and everyone was getting worried. Rylie handed another flyer out with the words Have you seen me? in large letters with the eight missing teenagers on the front. She released a frustrated sigh as she wiped the sweat from her forehead. Rylie returned to school grounds, sitting on the bleachers and running her hands through her hair. Her mascara was running due to the sweat and she was dehydrated. “Hey Rylie we’re gonna head home.” her friend, Dria said. She was sweating as well. Rylie released another sigh and said “Alright, we’ll start again tomorrow.” Rylie walked beside Dria to the parking lot and loaded herself in her mom’s car. Waving good-bye, Rylie drove home, the car ride silent. “Hey Rylie.” Her mom said, once they were on the free way and the silence was literally eating them up. “Yeah?” Rylie asked, she was looking out the window. “Wanna…shop or something to take your mind off the…disappearance.” Her mom said. “We can shop for clothes…shoes…” “Mom, I know you’re trying to make me better or relax from the stress of tests and finding my friends!” Rylie said, laughing half heartedly. “I just don’t want you getting crazy ideas.” Her mom replied. Rylie gave her mom a smile and soon said “You know…I’ve been in need of a new pair of slippers, since its getting cold.” Her mom smiled back and the two drove towards the closest mall.
Rylie was currently looking through cute tops, the main goal was to find some adorable, hard to find pink fuzzy slippers and go home but in the end they ended up buying eight new tops, two pairs of shoes, twenty nine key chains and three pairs of jeans. Rylie was looking through bright pink tops till she bumped into someone. “Oh sorry.” Rylie said, greeting the unknown guy with a smile. She was greeted back with a toothy one. “Oh no, it was all me.” The man said. “By the way, have you seen these kids?” He held up a poster and showed it to Rylie. Her eyes widened in shock as she took in the people; Tallon, Riley, Siana, Yasmine, Bethany, Jaya and Rachel. “I-I’m looking for them too!” Rylie said. “Oh, I know where they are.” The man said. “I’ll show them to you.” “But I need to tell my mom.” Rylie said but the man only grabbed her wrist and pulled her along. He brought her close and said “Don’t worry.” He dragged her off into the crowded mall which was suddenly packed. As they walked, Rylie could feel her excitement bubbling in her stomach, so happy to finally reunite with her friends. They suddenly turned into a shop that was closing, the man lifted the garage like door and pulled Rylie along. She stumbled forward a bit but regained her balance. “So uh…where’re they?” Rylie asked. “You’ll be meeting them soon.” The man said, pulling out a chainsaw. Rylie’s eyes grew wide with fear as the man ran at her, his spectacles gleaming. She dodged the quick swipes, quickly ducking and trying to run for the door. Suddenly, a little twelve year old with a hood shadowing his face fell from above, holding up an artifact that was all too familiar that it sent chills up Rylie’s spine. “The T-Time Gear?!” Rylie said, the boy merely flicked it and a sudden whirlwind began sucking her in. She tried fighting it but was suddenly pulled off her feet. She screamed as she was sucked but was suddenly dropped to the floor. She looked up, seeing a boy with pale skin and curly dark brown hair kick the villain over. He quickly ran to Rylie, grabbing her arm and saying “Come on, before he gets up!” The two dashed off, running into the crowd. The one with the chainsaw chased after them. The boy suddenly grabbed Rylie around the waist and lifted her up, throwing her over. “Get out of the mall and find Kazuma!!” the boy screamed, Rylie flailing as she fell. She grabbed onto a banner that was up for decoration, which broke and swung from place till she reached the floor, skidding to a stop. She turned back; the boy was now fighting off the man with the chainsaw. She then spotted the little boy with the Time Gear chase after. Rylie bolted from place, easily finding her mom and not giving her any time for questioning. She grabbed her moms wrist and said “We need to get out of here.” She pulled her mom along, the boy chasing after while throwing shurikens at them all the way but Rylie was able to navigate out of their reach. They soon reached the door, reaching their car and quickly getting in. “DRIVE MOM, DRIVE!” Rylie screamed, seeing the unknown mastermind advancing. Her mom quickly starting the car and driving out, screeching as they made a quick get away. The villain stopped running, knowing it was futile to chase after a car. He angrily pulled off its hood, revealing Love Machine who snapped his fingers. “So close!” Love Machine said. The red head suddenly arrived, holding the boy captive by holding his hands behind his back. “At least all is not lost.” The red head said, holding the boy before him. He had a bloody nose and his shirt was ripped. The red head held up his chainsaw, holding it at his throat and slowly pressing it against his throat. “At least this ones cute.” The red head said, licking his lips. “That’s disgusting Grell.” Love Machine said. He stepped forward and grabbed the boy faces and brought him close. “So apparently not everyone died in my world…” Love Machine said. “How many more lived Kenji?” Kenji remained silent, Love Machine merely grinning. He turned away and pulled out the Time Gear. “We’ll bring him along with us.” Love Machine said and they disappeared. ~ * ~ “What happened?!” Rachel said, the teenagers quickly running towards the screen along with everyone else. A large screen appeared, a pixilated man appearing. It was amazing ladies and gentlemen!! He nearly shouted towards them. I can’t even believe it, the great king Kazuma and the Cheshire Cat almost in a tie! It was so close that I don’t even know who won!! “Just tell us who won god damn it!!” Riley demanded. It was so close; again, I’m not even sure who won! The announcer repeated. Let’s see the repeat. The screen changed scenes, to the part where Yasmine and King Kazuma were battling it out for the finish line. King Kazuma punched Yasmine in the face. Yasmine then lunged and bit at Kazuma’s ears, the teenagers cringing at the sound, as she jumped and tried running for the finish. Despite the pain in his ear, Kazuma lunged and landed on Yasmine, making her fall on her front. The teenagers cringed at the sudden smack that reverberated through the stadium. “Oh.” Bethany moaned, rubbing her forehead as if she got the injury herself. Yasmine fought with Kazuma, finally getting free by digging her claws into his back and throwing him off. The two dashed, suddenly pressing the button at the same time. Now let’s reply that scene and close up. The announcer said. The screen re-winded and went to the part where the two were pushing the button, closing up but still not showing who pressed it first. Closing up a bit more. The announcer said. The screen closed up, revealing Yasmine and Kazuma’s faces pressed together, their hands pressed together. Looking closely, Yasmine’s fingertips had pressed down on the button before Kazuma’s. CHESHIRE WINS, A NEW CHAMPION IN THE STADIUM!! The announcer said, the screen showing Yasmine crumbling to her knees in exhaustion. The teenagers jumped into the air in happiness. “What now chibi?!” Bethany said, turning only to find two Love Machines. They looked at them, the second one being absorbed inside the Time Gear and the original giggling. “Thinking you’ve won now princess?” Love Machine asked. “The games are just begun.” The door opened, only to reveal an army of androids, bulky and loaded with guns. Without thinking, Sarah grabbed for the shell on her stomach and a long blade appeared from the end. She slashed at the robots, screaming all the while “AAAAHHHH, AAAAHHHH!!” “Sarah this way!” Bethany said, grabbing Sarah’s wrist and running off. Riley lifted up his mace and smashed at the wall creating a giant escape. They jumped out, landing swiftly on their feet and racing out. “They’re coming!” Jaya screamed, clinging to Riley tightly.
Yasmine was simply spread out on the ground, too exhausted to even move with King Kazuma beside her. As she looked up into the bright stadium, something suddenly fell. Yasmine caught it only to find a bottle filled with a green liquid. This potion will revive all lost strength, please drink it up to regain strength. The robotic voice said. Yasmine smiled widely, about to open the bottle and chug it down till she looked over at Kazuma. He seemed to be as exhausted as her. Yasmine sighed, looking back at the bottle. “AAAHHH!!” a scream suddenly interrupted her thoughts. Yasmine turned only seeing her friends making their way out of the arena. She quickly uncorked the bottled and thought I can’t save them alone… She drank half the potion and gulped it down, getting a strange shiver down her spine. She suddenly felt energized. She moved to Kazuma, prying open his mouth and forcing it down his throat. Once it was drained, Kazuma grabbed her wrist and glared at her. “U-Uh…look I need help.” Yasmine said. “Follow me.” Kazuma said, rising and helping her up. The two rose and dashed for the army. Yasmine waved towards her friends screaming “Follow me!!” “There’s Yasmine!” Siana said, she slashed a robot in half and led the way. Tallon easily dodged a blast from one of them and tripped the robot who tumbled over, blocking the robots. “HA, take that b@#$!!” Tallon said and followed the others. King Kazuma led them down the path way, pushing other avatars out of the way. They came to the tunnel which suddenly began to shrink. “What the hell?!” Bethany said. “It’s closing up, run faster!!” King Kazuma said, grabbing hold of Yasmine’s wrist and pulling her along. Yasmine grabbed Sarah’s, who grabbed Siana’s, who grabbed Riley’s, who grabbed Jaya’s, who grabbed Rachel, who grabbed Bethany. The eight avatars piled out, the door closing shut and all of them in the white world again. They were breathing heavily, trying to catch their breath. “YASMINE!” Riley cried happily and ambushed Yasmine in a hug making her fall back. “You did it!!” Sarah chimed in. “Yeah, you won!!” Rachel said. Yasmine laughed as she squeezed Riley back. Kazuma suddenly pulled them apart and forced Yasmine too look at him. “My dept has been paid, this is where we separate.” Kazuma said bluntly. He turned away, Yasmine glaring at his back “Well fine, good riddance!!” Yasmine called after. “Wow, one of those drama’s you see in love shows.” Jaya said. “I do not love that jerk!” Yasmine said and turned back to Kazuma. “BAKA USAGI!!” “BAKA NEKO!!” Kazuma called back making Yasmine snap. She charged, head locking him and the two rolling in the ground. “Yasmine, you leave him alone!” Rachel demanded like a mother. “Kick his a@# Yasmine!!” Riley rooted. Rachel looked at him in shock, Riley flinching at her stare. “What?” Riley asked. “OW!!” Kazuma screamed as Yasmine bit at his ear again. Kazuma grabbed her ear and pulled, making Yasmine give a muffled scream. Tallon suddenly appeared, grabbing the two by the scruff of their clothes and pulling them apart. “That’s enough.” Tallon said, as if the father. “He started it!!” Yasmine screamed. “She started it!!” Kazuma screamed back. As the two were pointing at each other, handcuffs suddenly flew at them and clasped itself on their wrists bounding each other together. “What?!” the two said, Tallon dropping them in surprise. You have been fighting out of the fight zone, as punishment you are bound to your enemy. A male robotic voice said. Have a nice day. “WHAT?!” Yasmine screamed, yanking at the cuff only bringing Kazuma with her. Yasmine screamed towards the sky, Tallon patting her back and saying “Yeah, just let it all out…” “Is she always this loud?” Kazuma asked Bethany. “Yeah, but if she wasn’t then we’d never find her.” Bethany replied. Yasmine tried running off but because Kazuma was taller and stronger, she only fell over. “Let’s go somewhere else.” Rachel suggested. “Yeah…” Jaya agreed. They dragged the enraged Yasmine off to a safer place where they could gather information. © 2011 Imagination-mageAuthor's Note
4 Reviews Added on October 30, 2011 Last Updated on October 30, 2011 Author![]() Imagination-mageSuna, AZAboutI'm a young mage who enjoys creating adventure, romance, horror (if i can) and sometimes a good angst. i do hope you can enjoy the stories i create, everyone enjoy! more..Writing