![]() PrologueA Chapter by Imagination-mage“Arceus uses protect!!” cried an energetic black girl who put her hands in front as a form of a shield. A boy charged at her, having wavy black hair with dark blue streaks making his hair look like a mysterious midnight shade, wearing a baggy black shirt and jeans. He tackled the girl from behind roaring “Thunder bolt!!” along with the lines of sound effects “Zzzzz, zzzzz!” The girl faked trembled as she crumbled to the floor, lying on the grass as the boy released her and quickly cried “Quick Sarah, capture Arceus! It’s weak!” A girl who was tall, wearing a white shirt and baggy jeans, shoulder length brown hair raced towards the scene. She crumbled up some paper and said “Go masterball!” The crumbled ball of paper merely tapped the girl on the head making her freeze. “Whoo, who, whoo, who, whoo, whoo.” The boy said, making the sound effects and merely rocking the paper back and forth. “Click, Arceus has been captured!” The girl rose from the grass, dusting herself off and giving the boy a large bear hug. “Okay, Arceus has been captured…” The girl said. “Hey Sarah, we’d better get back. Riley, we need to return to the others!!” “Aw, but I have…science.” The boy, Riley, moaned in horror. “Mr. Pedano will try to talk to me and I hate him!” The black girl, Yasmine, sighed with her hands on her hips. “Look we all hate him and I would totally pull you and Siana too but I can’t…” Yasmine mumbled. “Neh, Yasmine!!” called a voice far off. Turning, they spotted three girls walking towards them. The middle had long brown hair, reaching her back with her bangs covering her eye, wearing jeans, boots and a cute top to match. The tallest, having caramel skin and long black hair that bounced as she took steps, came as well, waving. She wore a black shirt and Capri’s, Greek sandals on her feet to show off the toe rings and her bright brown orbs smiling as Riley raced over and greeted her with a hug. Last, the shortest off all, had flowing long brown hair, nearly reaching her calves and wearing a green tang top and pink shorts, her glasses over her eyes and large black flip flops despite the desert landscape that surrounded them. “Hi Rachel, B-mel, Jaya!” Yasmine called back. Sarah and Yasmine raced towards them and soon regrouped, Riley still having his arms tightly around Jaya’s waist. Jaya giggled and said “I love him so much!” “I can see that.” Yasmine replied. She looked around and turned to the long haired one, Bethany or B-mel in their case. “Where’s Siana, she said she’d come with you guys.” Yasmine said, looking worried. “That’s why were here!” Bethany said. “We can’t find her, or Tallon!” “They’re missing?!” Sarah cried, Yasmine looking lifeless all of a sudden. She pointed towards the sky and declared “WE WILL FIND THEM!!” ~ * ~ “I give up!” Yasmine declared as she was dragged all over the school in search of their two missing friends. Riley took Yasmine’s hand and Sarah taking her free one, the two pulling her along. A mist had started to spread over the school, the teenagers beginning to have trouble finding their way. “Hey…This is just like sophomore year…” Rachel mumbled. “What do you mean?” Riley asked, Yasmine suddenly collapsing and Sarah going back and urging her on. “Well, last year we were taken to this planet called Zelda.” Jaya explained. “We got separated and had to come back together.” “Yasmine nearly killed us.” Bethany chimed in. “I said I was possessed!!” Yasmine bellowed, suddenly filled with energy. “And the year of freshmen year when we were kidnapped!” Rachel said. “Those boys were creepers!” “So how’d this all happen?” Riley asked. “Well, with the boys they kidnapped us when our school was under attack.” Jaya said, remembering the day. “For sophomore year, we got trapped in the school dungeon- basement- and got eaten by the door which was really a portal.” Rachel said. Riley nodded his head, soon grinned and replying “That sounds awesome!” “Well it was hell for us!” Bethany said. “Saving all these people who got themselves into their god damned problems!!” “No need to curse.” Yasmine said, shaking a finger. The fog became heavier as they walked. They suddenly stopped and Jaya questioned “Where are we?” “We’re still in school… I think….” Bethany said. They all backed into each other, back to back. The eldest’s of them becoming defensive. Rachel slipped her hand into her pocket and pulled out a whip with a daggered end, Bethany whipping out a mace and Jaya a scythe. Yasmine merely slipped on gloves and Sarah took out a sword. “Where’d those come from?!” Riley asked, shocked at their weaponry. “Believe me; if you got kidnapped and eaten by a door for your first two years of high school and survived countless wars and time warps, you’d learn a thing or two.” Jaya replied. The teenagers braced themselves for any upcoming thing till Siana appeared from the fog, her hands bound behind her back and duct tape over her mouth. Siana’s white shirt was torn and her jeans ripped from the running. Siana looked up with fear in her eyes. “SIANA!” Riley cried but was held back by Jaya. “Yasmine, go check…” Jaya said. Yasmine nodded and walked over, Siana backing away and shaking her head vigorously. “We’re here to help you.” Yasmine said, removing the duct tape. “RUN IT’S A TRAP!” Siana screamed, a figure appearing from the mist. Sarah ran, raising her sword just in time to block a chainsaw from sawing Yasmine in half. Yasmine grabbed hold of Siana, breaking the chains from Siana’s wrist and punching at the air, only finding nothing. “Siana, take Riley and run!” Yasmine ordered. Siana grabbed Riley’s wrist and was about to run but Riley stopped short, turning back and calling “What about Tallon?” “Found him!” Rachel cried pointing up. Tallon was dangling in the sky, his hands were bound and his glasses fell off. Tallon was a tall boy, always wearing skinny jeans and a T-shirt, wrist bands on his wrists and curly brown hair. “Yasmine, Sarah hold off the enemy!” Jaya called, Rachel and herself racing towards Tallon only to be pushed aside by a great force that caused them to fall on their sides and slide, running into their schools metal gates. Bethany charged, Tallon suddenly dropped and catching him just before he hit the ground. She set him down and wiped the sweat from her forehead. “Go with Siana and Riley; get the HELL out of here!” Bethany screamed, Tallon immediately running off, Riley and Siana waiting behind a tree. They followed and disappeared. The girls quickly regrouped, cackling reverberating through the area. “So sad…” a voice echoed, Yasmine looking around quickly. “Yes, so sad….They needs to come back…” another replied, the voices cackling together. “Dead…” a new voice chimed in. “Or alive….” Another responded. Yasmine gritted her teeth, Jaya soon stomping her foot aggressively and screaming “SHOW YOURSELF!” “Remember this?” the voice asked and a brilliant green light shined on their right. Sarah’s eyes widened in shock and mumbled “Th-That’s…” “A time gear!” Yasmine clarified and looked at Sarah. “B-But you locked those away!” A black key suddenly arose and motioned towards the middle of the floating gear. There was a faint click, everything went quiet. “Did it fail?” Rachel questioned. The wind suddenly began to pick up, the girls soon finding themselves being sucked in. They clung onto anything but were soon sucked in. They screamed in sheer terror, disappearing inside the Time Gear which was now tainted black. The gear returned to the hands of a creature, having a twelve year old body wearing a green and white striped shirt and baggy pants, but the head was oval, grey with large round balls on each side of its head and a sinister, shark toothy smile. It cackled under its breath as its cape waved in the wind. “The pieces are slowly coming together…” it said, cackling even more… ~ * ~ Tallon tripped, nearly falling over but able to pick himself back up. “What the hells going on?!” Riley demanded. “Yasmine told me all these crazy stories when I was in Korea!” Siana said. “I thought it was just dreams.” “Well obviously they’re not!” Tallon said. The three continued running till the high school building came into view. Hope filled their hearts as they urged their aching legs to run faster, till someone appeared before them. They swung a chainsaw and would’ve gutted Tallon if he hadn’t jumped back, only getting his shirt torn. Siana and Riley screamed as the demon licked their lips. “Come on, little man lets see what spills from that tall body of yours!” the man said, inching closer. Tallon backed up, Siana and Riley behind him as well. Riley looked to his left, spotting a large rock. Making haste, he picked it up and chucked it, hitting the man on the side causing a large gash on his forehead. As the man cringed at the pain and was blinded by his own blood, the three high schoolers ran for it. They reached the gate, Tallon gripping on the iron fence and pulling only to find the gate locked. “Oh sh*#!” Riley said, tugging at the chains. “Climb, climb!!” Siana said and the three began climbing. They made it over and the main slammed his chainsaw against the bars. “Come on you shi#*y brats!! Come out and play a game with me!” the man said, his long red bangs over his eyes and the chain saw sending sparks as he pressed against the bars harder. The three were breathing heavily as they watched the man aggressively try slicing at the chains. A figure suddenly appeared from the fog, a creature with a boy’s body yet an oval head and creepy toothy smile. He placed a hand on the man’s back and said “Don’t worry…the girls are now in our possession.” The man looked down, a grin spreading on his face; he turned back at the terrified teens and asked “What about them?” “Neh, they’ll die either way.” The creature responded. “No one will believe them.” With that, the two disappeared along with the fog. Tallon was the first up, turning and saying “They’re gone.” “Where’s Yasmine…and the others?” Siana asked. She took out her phone and dialed Yasmine’s number. There was beeping till the robotic voice responded This number no longer exists, please try again… “No longer exist?” Siana mumbled. “B-But she never changed her number and I texted her this morning.” “Wait, we left them alone with those creepers!” Riley said, getting up. “We have to go back!” “Are you nuts?!” Tallon asked. “That flippin’ creeper had a chainsaw, a chainsaw!!” “I don’t care!” Riley said, about to
climb it till a faint voice called The three turned, only to find a boy with curl dark brown hair, wearing a white short sleeved buttoned up shirt and black long pants. He seemed nervous, as if he wasn’t supposed to be there. Riley raced towards him, grabbing him by the scruff of his shirt and demanding “What do you know?!” “Calm down!” Siana said, grabbing him by his shirt and pulling him away. The boy gripped his shirt and took in gallons of air. Tallon approached him and asked “What happened?” “Those girls are needed to open the portal.” The boy responded. “But they don’t have all of them…I hope.” “What do you mean?” Siana asked. “Well, they seem to be missing one.” The boy said. “One going by…Rylie?” “Rylie, she’s in danger!” Siana said. “How do we save them?!” Riley asked. “Follow me.” The boy said and led them elsewhere. They walked down the dirt path till they came to a beaten up truck. The boy opened the door, holding it open for Siana and soon scooting in next to her, the boys following. He opened the glove compartment and pulled out a flat, silver laptop. He logged on and was greeted by a squirrel avatar with a large head and baggy undershirt. It waved in greeting, showing he had e"mails. “As you probably already know, those girls are actually warriors who long ago defeated a countless number of villains.” The boy said, typing down a reply at the speed of light. “Bethany and Rylie were the portals that activated the bridge to planet Zelda; when they left it crumbled and all who inhabited there were transported here, this happened freshmen year.” “Wow.” Tallon said his eyes wide. “In sophomore year, Sarah was the reincarnation of the Time Gear Thief who wanted them destroyed but couldn’t since their basically indestructible. Criminals were trying to get them together to rewrite history but Rachel stopped them before they could; in the end the Time Gears were scattered all over again.” “What does this have to do with our friends?” Riley asked, he was getting bored now. “Don’t you see?!” The boy nearly shouted, showing them his screen. “Someone found and tainted one of the Time Gears with a forbidden key!! He’s created his own dimension!” “What, are you gonna say your from some other dimension now?” Siana asked with a laugh. The boy stayed silent, the three teenagers jaws dropped as they shouted “YOUR FROM ANOTHER DIMENSION?!” The boy covered two of their mouths, shushing the third and whispering “Yes, yes I am!” “What’s your proof?” Riley asked. The boy rolled up his sleeve, showing a strange mark. It almost seemed like he was branded, a circle with a star in the middle with wings on the side. “My world was destroyed and I came here before the same happens to yours.” The boy said, taking three keys from the glove compartment and handed them to each of them. “Your friends wield the power of the Time Gears so these keys will help you find them, just make sure they don’t come in contact!” “Why?” Tallon asked. “…If the Time Gear and keys connect…It’ll be sucked into a lifeless void where you’ll decay and never return…” The boy replied. The three were left speechless. “Your friends are fine though, the fiend only transported them to his world.” The boy said. “Just touch the top and you’ll find them soon.” “Wait, what’s your name?” Riley asked. “…Kenji…” the boy, Kenji, said and quickly ran out. The three were about to go after but he mysteriously disappeared. “What now?” Tallon asked. “Simple, it’ll be like the mangas.” Siana said, a smile on her face. “We save them and come back home.” Siana rubbed her thumb against the key and it suddenly glowed, unleashing a high pitched noise that was painful to listen to. The other two keys chimed in, showering the three in a brilliant light before sending them off to the worlds unknown… © 2011 Imagination-mage |
2 Reviews Added on October 26, 2011 Last Updated on October 26, 2011 Author![]() Imagination-mageSuna, AZAboutI'm a young mage who enjoys creating adventure, romance, horror (if i can) and sometimes a good angst. i do hope you can enjoy the stories i create, everyone enjoy! more..Writing