![]() Chapter ElevenA Chapter by Imagination-mageJaya and Rachel were in a small town, surrounded by serpent creatures, all coming at them at once thinking they could over take them but the two were too strong. There were boys on the other side, fighting off the monster with swords and a giant mallet. “Where’re Jaya and Rachel?!” one red head called. “I don’t know I can’t see anything!” said a white haired one. A green fog that was thick surrounded them. Serpent creatures pouncing out but being sliced or smashed when they were only inches away. The white haired boy was able to slice one out of his way, seeing the back of Rachel’s head. Jaya appeared next to her, the two back to back. They killed and sliced at the creatures who wailed in pain before dying. A giant one arose from behind and the white haired boy was about to scream till he was ambushed, not seeing what had happened, only hearing a scream… Two months passed for Sarah and she began to notice Dr. Stein was coughing every time she was near him. He sent her on errands to make medication for him and was often called over to Brandt’s house when his dad was out sailing for dragons. It was an average Tuesday morning and Dr. Stein was nice enough to give Sarah a break for today. “I can’t seem to move my legs today.” Dr. Stein said. “Do you want me to help you?” Sarah asked sweetly despite the horrific dream she’s been having for the last few nights all the same, the death of Rachel and Jaya. She shuttered at the thought but Dr. Stein’s giant bulky hand made everything better when it was placed on her shoulder. “I’ll be fine; I’ve been working us too hard.” Dr. Stein said. “Now go on, explore while you can.” With that Sarah was kicked out, hearing Dr. Stein snore once more. Sarah took out a piece of paper and began to write her next letter to Yasmine who had problems of her own. Yasmine was getting more and more dragons by the day, each always sneaking in and wanting her attention. The cave she once lived in couldn’t contain them all so she was always on the look out for another volcano to hide in, big enough to contain her dragons. Sarah went to the weeping willow tree that was just up the hill was a great view of the town until she spotted Brandt there with someone else, Brandt with a sketch book on his lap and his friend playing on his flute. The boy had leaf green hair, his bangs up and in the shape of a leaf, wearing a yellow shirt and a baggy black jacket, jeans on and boots on his feet. Brandt scribbled down some notes and went back to thinking. Sarah snuck up behind him and said “Boo!” Brandt yelped, falling over and nearly rolling down the hill. Sarah laughed and asked “What’re you doing?” “What this?” Brandt said, holding up his notes to her. He turned to the boy next to him who had eyes that gleamed a leaf green and looked like gems. “Oh this is Cilan.” Brandt said. “My brother.” “Hello, you must be Sarah.” Cilan said politely, shaking hands with Sarah. Sarah blushed and shook hands. She giggled uncontrollably but quickly went back to Brandt. “S-So, what’s th-that?” Sarah asked “It’s nothing really, just a bunch of scribbles.” Brandt replied. “Oh don’t lie!” Cilan said, lightly punching Brandt in the shoulder. Sarah took a look through his sketch book, all creative contraptions that he invented, a bunch of scribbled out numbers and repeats with sketches of different types of machines. “You’re an inventor?” Sarah asked. “How amazing!” “Nah not really, I give inventors a bad name.” Brandt said plainly, turning his back and looking out into the sea. “Everything I build always causes havoc for everyone.” “I bet one of these will work.” Sarah said flipping through the pages. “Like this one!” It was a sketch of a slingshot that had a net with rocks on the end of the nets. Brandt sighed and said “It’s really not that great.” “Well just…try I guess.” Sarah said and went off to find a new spot to write her letter. She spotted Brandt taking a good look at his inventions more closely, Cilan whispering in his ear and helping him scribble down some notes. Sarah decided to go elsewhere, heading into the forest where she found the starfruits. She eventually found a nice spot in the forest where the trees arched over her and tall grass brushed at her ankles. She looked around but didn’t find a very comfortable spot. About to give up, she suddenly fell and slid down till she rolled to a stop in a cavern, completely flourished with trees, grass and flowers. A gaping hole in the top and the suns streaks shining down, reflecting off the water. Sarah explored the new place and even found trees baring fruit. She sat down and leaned against a tree. She opened her notebook and tapped on her chin, wondering what to write. Dear Dragon Queen, Nothing really special happened today, I got the day off. I found a pretty awesome place here, so I’ll make it my secret base. Will Tiny have a problem finding me? Oh well did you find a new home for your new dragons? Are you gonna name them all and memorize them all?! That’ll be a miracle I’d like to see. Well today I saw Brandt, he brought his brother Cilan and he’s rather attractive. Brandt’s an inventor but he thinks of himself as a failure. Oh well, hope we get to meet up soon. Nurse Joy. Sarah looked around at the plants and recognized some of them. She sketched them and began writing down notes so that she could find them when she was in a serious situation. She examined the plants thoroughly and then heard something crack from behind. Sarah became still and listened, she had a small dagger tucked in her boot and her hands inched towards it. “Hey.” She heard, quickly whipping around and pointing her dagger. It was non-other than Cilan, who fell backwards and shielded himself from Sarah’s dagger. Sarah lowered her dagger and said “You scared me.” “I can tell.” Cilan said. “What’re you doing here?” “I should be asking that, were you following me?” Sarah asked, blushing madly. “Well yeah, but to tell you Dr. Stein is calling you back, he needs you.” Cilan said and led Sarah out. * * * * * Sarah returned to her master’s house, finding him still in his bed. He looked weak and said “I need you to come closer.” Sarah approached him and kneeled next to his bed, all the apprentices did it when summoned. Dr. Stein patted her head and said “My time is coming to an end.” “What, no it can’t be!” Sarah said. “Yu-you still have a few years left!” “Sarah I’ve been fighting this sickness for sometime.” Dr. Stein said. “And I’m almost out of things to teach.” Sarah gripped his hand and kept her head down, trying to fight back tears. Sarah gave a loud sniffle. Sarah was soon blind by her tears and laid her head on his mattress. “I’m done…Take care of the village for me please.” Dr. Stein said with a smile. His fingers stopped moving and he suddenly went cold. Sarah looked at her master who laid dead. She slid down on the floor and just sat like that, sobbing.
Tiny came at the usual hour and by the time, Sarah had read the will and had Dr. Stein put in a coffin. Tiny tapped on the window and Sarah opened it for him, Tiny crawling up her arm and licking her cheeks. Sarah stroked him down his spine and took the folded note off of his collar, sitting at her desk. She saw there were blood stains and tear drops on it and quickly went to Tiny who had no scratches. She unfolded it and took a deep breath. Dear Nurse Joy… The dragons and I have finally found a new home. But it was filled with gangster like Vikings or pirates who just wouldn’t hear me out. I understand what Berk is like now. They attacked us head on and we killed them, it was scary leading an army. All the dragons were okay but every man that wanted us dead was killed. The people fled and we made a home on their volcano. It’s satisfying but I feel bad for all those people I killed, I killed the chieftain and I had his blood all over me……The kill wasn’t worth it….I cried all day and that’s probably why you see blood stains and tear drops on this paper. Sarah now I’m scared whether I can keep my promise to keep my human friends alive, I feel like I’m not human at all, just a full fledged dragon who’s going to continue killing. Hope you have better progress than me. Dragon Queen P.S. I found the weirdest thing in the lava….Come back soon please. Sarah’s hands trembled a bit that Yasmine killed off a whole village just for a new home. She knew Yasmine felt bad now but she knew she might not be able to prevent herself from killing all humans. Sarah looked at the letter she wrote earlier and ripped it out, shredding it up and throwing it out. Tiny looked confused as Sarah wrote another one. Once she was finished, Sarah tied the note around Tiny’s collar and said “Tell Yasmine, I’ll come back as soon as I can…” She opened the window for Tiny and Tiny flew out, heading back out for Edolas. © 2011 Imagination-mage |
3 Reviews Added on October 23, 2011 Last Updated on October 23, 2011 Author![]() Imagination-mageSuna, AZAboutI'm a young mage who enjoys creating adventure, romance, horror (if i can) and sometimes a good angst. i do hope you can enjoy the stories i create, everyone enjoy! more..Writing