![]() Chapter NineA Chapter by Imagination-mageThe next morning Sarah awoke to the sound of roaring. She spotted Yasmine and Hiccup rolling around and trying to bite at each other. Hiccup rolled over and spread Yasmine’s arms out, pinning her down, opening his mouth, a blue light shining from inside his throat. Hiccup and Yasmine’s eye’s had become like snakes. “Wait, stop!” Sarah said, charging in. The dragons stopped her and made sure she stayed in place. Yasmine tried fighting her way out of Hiccups grip. Hiccup shot Yasmine, dust flying everywhere. Sarah nearly screamed till she found Yasmine still there in one piece. She sighed and said “You win again Hiccup.” Hiccup got off her and his eyes became round again, getting Yasmine’s arm on top of its head. Yasmine’s clothes were covered in ash and torn at some parts. The dragons cheered for Hiccup, who licked Yasmine’s fingertips. “Hey, you’re awake.” Yasmine said with a smile. “You’re alive!” Sarah said, completely shocked that aside from the ash and giant scratches at her clothes, she was perfectly fine. “Yup, Hiccup was training me.” Yasmine said, scratching Hiccup behind the ear. “Hiccup told me that we’re being hunted Sarah, well mainly me because I apparently control all dragons.” “Who told you that?” Sarah asked. Yasmine pointed down at Hiccup who licked the side of his mouth. Sarah looked at Yasmine as if she was crazy. Hiccup looked up at Yasmine and made roaring noises and Yasmine responded to him. “You can understand him?!” Sarah asked. “Yeah, weird huh, hey lets get some food!” Yasmine said. She led Sarah to a pile of food that was stolen from a nearby village. Yasmine chomped on some cantaloupe and the dragons joined in while Sarah ate strawberries. “Yasmine you shouldn’t steal.” Sarah said. “Sorry, it’s just that it’s hard not too.” Yasmine said. “So you admit you stole them?” Sarah asked. “Yup.” Yasmine said bluntly finishing her cantaloupe. “Can you pass me an apple?” Sarah tossed Yasmine an apple and Yasmine took a big bite into it. The dragons had finished their meal of raw fish and fruit, looking up at Sarah and Yasmine as they ate. “Why are they watching us?” Sarah asked midway into eating her strawberry. “They find us interesting.” Yasmine said. “But I don’t really mind, I feel as though I’m among my own people.” “Yasmine, these are reptiles that kidnapped us, threw you into hot lava and made you a queen of some sort!” Sarah said. “I know, awesome right?! Queen you say?” Yasmine said going into thought. “I like that, Yasmine the Dragon Queen! Thanks Sarah!” “No that’s not what I mean!” Sarah said, and then crossed her arms. “Oh forget it!” “Don’t be upset Sarah.” Yasmine said then sneezed, smoke blowing out from her mouth. “We’ll find the others, as soon as my nose stops running.” “What are you sick?” Sarah asked. “I-I don’t know.” Yasmine said, getting up and swaying. Hiccup instantly got up so she could lean on him. Yasmine felt her head and Hiccup led her to another cave. Yasmine suddenly collapsed and Sarah was at her side. The dragons surrounded her and Sarah felt her head, it was as cold as ice. “What’s wrong, Yasmine what’s wrong?!” Sarah nearly screamed. “I…don’t…know.” Yasmine said, her face turning darker. Hiccup and the other dragons took Yasmine to another space in the cave. Sarah waited patiently for the dragons to do some type of magic but Hiccup came out looking rather depressed. Hiccup’s ears were back and he shook his head sadly. “There has to be something that’ll help.” Sarah said, pacing the cave. She then snapped her fingers and continued “There has to be a village nearby right?” Hiccup nodded his head. “So we"well we as in me--simply sneak in and get an antidote for Yasmine.” Sarah said. “Can you fly me to the nearest one?” Hiccup nodded again and licked her cheek, snuggling up against her chest. “Wow, I was plotting with a dragon.” Sarah said, thinking back at it. Yasmine coughed and sneezed, smoke rising from her room and the dragons stayed close to her to keep her warm. Sarah secretly dressed into a baggy long sleeved shirt, wrapped a belt around her waist, tight pants and boots. She hopped on Hiccup and Hiccup zoomed into the sky. She laid low on Hiccup so ash wouldn’t get in her eyes. The ash mist soon faded and they were in clear skies. Hiccup rose to the clouds to avoid being seen. Sarah sat up straight feeling the wind in her face, touching the clouds. Hiccup then suddenly dived dodging trees and landing, making Sarah fall off. “Ow!” Sarah said quietly. Hiccup helped her up and led her to a nearby town called Berk. Hiccup nudged Sarah to go on; he stayed behind in the shadows of the trees. Sarah’s hands turned to fists as she walked into the entrance seeing a dragon head hanging on the sign that said Welcome to Berk. She was greeted by large men and woman who had muscles that could crush her skull. She walked around, hoping to find someone who looked like a doctor till she bumped into a boy who was carrying all types of tools. “Sorry, sorry!” Sarah said. “No, no, ~sigh~ its fine.” The boy said plainly as if this happened a million times today. Sarah helped him pick up the tools that fell and handed them to him. “I’m sorry.” Sarah said again. “Nah, its okay, believe me, being the weakest of the town has its tolls.” He said. “My names Brandt, apparently the blacksmith here with these stick like arms and tall appearance.” Sarah laughed quietly and remembered why she was here. “Do you have any doctors here?” Sarah asked. “Yeah, but they’re all busy.” Brandt said. “What’s the matter?” “Oh a friend of mine is horribly sick and I was looking for a doctor that could give me a type of medicine.” Sarah said sweetly. “Oh, that’s horrible.” Brandt said. “I could probably help.” “No, it’s really bad.” Sarah said. “No just let me hear it, I know a few remedies.” Brandt said, with a crocked smile. “So what’re the symptoms?” “Cold"to the extreme"coughing, sneezing, unable to move.” Sarah said. “Any ideas?” Brandt went off into thought then snapped his fingers saying “Go into the woods over in the south, there should be a few starfruits. The starfruits here are full of healing ingredients.” “Starfruits?” Sarah asked. “Yeah they help heal the cold in a matter of days, burn it and crush it so you can stir it into a tea. After just make sure the room your friends in can take in the smell, helps clear the nostrils. Right after about three days, make sure she drinks more of the tea.” Brandt said. “And this will work?” Sarah asked. “Yeah, my dad had it last week.” Brandt said. “BRANDT, GET OVER HERE WITH THOSE TOOLS!” bellowed a voice so loud that it overthrew Yasmine’s. Brandt sighed, annoyed and said “I gotta go, dragons always coming here.” “What, dragons?!” Sarah asked, rather panicky. “Yeah, they raided us this morning.” Brandt said. “I’m in charge of sharpening the weapons but someday, I’ll get out there and kill one.” With that, Brandt trotted off back to a giant house that had three chimneys on the roof, obviously the work of his master. Sarah twiddled her fingers as she left Berk and returned to Hiccup who was containing excitement. Sarah stroked his spiky back and said “You raided them?” Hiccup nodded sadly and Sarah hopped on top of him. Hiccup flew into the air, and Sarah directed him to the location Brandt told her about. They landed into the jungle, Hiccup leading the way and sniffing out the starfruit tree. He located it easily and helped Sarah pick a few just in case she messed up. Getting back on Hiccup’s back, they flew back to Edolas. * * * * Sarah arrived back hearing Yasmine cough non stop, smoke coming out of her room and the dragons covered in soot. Yasmine suddenly sneezed and fire erupted from her mouth. “Sorry.” Yasmine said rather groggily, hearing her clogged nose. “Yasmine I’m back!” Sarah called, Hiccup standing close to her, ready to shield her from fire. “WHERE’D YOU GO OFF TO?!” Yasmine said, sniffling. “Oh whatever, what’d you bring me, an antidote I hope?” “Well I have to make it.” Sarah said. “We need hot water and fire so can I borrow another dragon?” A red serpent like one came out, a long face and teeth pointing out from the bottom of its jaw with a slender body like Hiccups. Its wings were its arms and at the end long black talons for claws, its legs big and bulky for a powerful pounce. It was red with its golden eyes on top of its head and long black spikes going down its spine, black designs looking like a labyrinth on its back and it approached Sarah with the same kindness as Hiccup. “Blake will assist you.” Yasmine said. “Blake?” Sarah asked. “Well I was stuck in here all morning so I had nothing better to do!” Yasmine called. “Besides they needed names.” “Um okay…Blake, follow me please.” Sarah said and led the two towards the lava and took out the starfruits. She made a small fire with Blakes help and began roasting the starfruits, setting them aside to cool. With the reaming fire, she made hot water over a bowl"the dragons were so kind as to steal one for her"and began boiling, crushing the fried fruit till they were tiny twigs. The water was soon done boiling and Sarah quickly put the fruit inside, which dissolved. She presented it to Yasmine who sniffed it at first. “Will it kill me?” Yasmine asked. “I hope not.” Sarah replied. Yasmine took a deep breath and gulped down the tea. She made a sour face and then sneezed, only smoke coming out making a giant cloud as if clearing out the remaining cold. When the smoke cleared everyone was covered in soot. “Sorry.” Yasmine said, her nose no longer clogged. “WAIT, IT WORKED!” “I DIDN’T KILL YOU!” Sarah cried happily hugging her. “You’re so warm.” “That’s a sign that I’m fine.” Yasmine clarified. “Thanks Sarah, I feel awesome!” Yasmine shot up, her hands in the air, she stood like that till she tilted to the side a bit, being caught by one of the chubby dragons with tiny wings that rested on its back. It had a large head and warts all over its green body, a giant jaw with fangs pointing up and big yellow eyes. “Thanks Norbert.” Yasmine said, patting his head. Sarah caught something flashing around his neck with his name on it. “You got them collars?” Sarah asked. “No, I made them collars!” Yasmine said. “They like the feeling of yarn around their necks apparently, besides with this much coal and lava I was able to make diamonds for the tags.” “Wow.” Sarah said. “That’s so awesome, wish I had amazing abilities like that.” “Well you could be our awesome medicine woman, be the Nurse Joy within Sarah! Unleash her!” Yasmine said, sitting back down in the center of her dragons. “Maybe.” Sarah said. “But I only know that tea I made you for your cold. “ “Then go off and find a master Sarah.” Yasmine said, trying to get up, Blake helped her to her feet and Yasmine leaned on him as he guided her towards Sarah. “But then I’d have to leave you!” Sarah said sadly. “Don’t worry; we’ll be here to pick you up when you’re all done for the day.” Yasmine said. “Well I will pick you up.” “But you’re still weak.” Sarah pointed out. “I’ll manage somehow.” Yasmine said. “You’re such a mom Sarah!” Sarah laughed and said “Well then okay, if I want to be of any help then I’ll be the doctor maybe it’s my calling!” “That’s the spirit Sarah!” Yasmine said, letting go of Blake making her fall over. Sarah helped her up and Yasmine simply returned to her high spirits like it never happened before. “Okay, I’ll find a master.” Sarah said. “I’ll be in Toradora and someone will help me. But why don’t I just stay till my apprenticeship is complete?” “But then how’ll we communicate?” Yasmine asked sadly, making big puppy dog eyes. “Send one of your dragons and I’ll write to you since they broke your phone.” Sarah said. “But the smallest one you have!” “Oh okay.” Yasmine said and called over her shoulder. “TINY! I HAVE A JOB FOR YOU!” A small green dragon emerged from behind the giant ones, a rather large head and slender body with jagged orange spikes and horns on the side of its head, small wings that were as big as its body and it licked its eye like a lizard. “He can fly great distances and he’s so small you won’t even know he’s there.” Yasmine said. “Tiny, your job is to deliver letters for me and Sarah, don’t let anyone else have them okay?” Tiny nodded, proud that he was finally of use to Yasmine, blew a streak of fire to show off. He walked off triumphantly and Yasmine whispered in Sarah’s ear “Let’s use codenames just in case.” Sarah nodded and yawned at once, the dragons also yawning. Everyone gathered around Yasmine, Sarah right next to her. The dragons coiled around, sleeping, Hiccup finding his usual place over Yasmine and Sarah, sleeping soundly. * * * * Sarah awoke in the middle of the night, leaving the cave because the heat radiating off the dragons was becoming overwhelming. She sat on a rock just outside their cave and looked up at the sky. The mist cleared at night and the stars showed through the sky, Sarah wrapped her arms around her knees and sighed. “You couldn’t sleep either?” a voice said from behind. Sarah turned, finding Yasmine there. Her hair was gathered up and tied at the top of her head, some of it still flowing down the back of her neck. She wore a big baggy shirt on with tights under for some odd reason. “Yeah, it’s so hot in there.” Sarah said. “Well what do you expect? We live in a volcano with dragons that have an endless supply of body heat.” Yasmine said. She saw Sarah shiver and her wings spread out, one wrapping around Sarah and the other wrapping itself around Yasmine. Yasmine’s tail popped out and wrapped around both their feet. “What chya thinking about Sarah?” Yasmine asked. “Just the apprenticeship I’ll probably get.” Sarah said. “You’ll get it don’t worry.” Yasmine said. “I have faith in you. If you don’t have faith in yourself then I’ll put in some more faith.” Sarah leaned on Yasmine’s shoulder and said “There’s something else. Your probably want to know about the starfruit tea thing right?” “Yeah where did you learn that?” Yasmine asked. “Well I bumped into this boy"“ Sarah began. “You like him don’t you?” Yasmine cut in. “No, it’s just that he knew a lot about medicine.” Sarah said. “I could ask him to be my master.” “Sarah, I want the highest of education for you. A boy isn’t going to be your teacher.” Yasmine said bluntly. “Especially one you like.” “I don’t like him Yasmine.” Sarah said. “Sure, Sarah, sure.” Yasmine said. “What’s he like, is he cute?” “I don’t know.” Sarah said. “Yes?” “What does he do?” Yasmine asked. “He’s a blacksmith and he wants to be a fighter.” Sarah said. “Oh cool in the war and stuff?” Yasmine said. “How awesome.” “Yes it would be if the things he killed weren’t there.” Sarah said. “What does he kill?” Yasmine asked, an eyebrow raised. “….dragons…” Sarah mumbled. “What?” Yasmine asked. “Dragons.” Sarah said. “WHAT?!” Yasmine screamed, waking all the dragons and knocking Sarah over. “THIS IS AN OUTRAGE, HOW DARE THEY HURT THESE HARMLESS CREATURES I CALL MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS! THERE WILL BE CONSICIENESS!” “Yasmine calm down!” Sarah said. “They’re only killing them because your dragons steal their livestock!” “Then talk to them!” Yasmine said. “They listen!” “They don’t know that Yasmine, they only attack because they think dragon’s equals kill food and when the livestock is gone, they’ll move to humans!” Sarah said. “So calm down before you do something stupid.” Yasmine sat back down, you could feel the heat she was giving off. Sarah put a hand on her wing but the heat burned her. “Don’t touch me Sarah.” Yasmine said angrily. “I need to cool off.” Sarah tucked her hands in between her legs and just sat there. Yasmine spotted her dragons watching them and the heat became more intense. “BACK TO BED ALL OF YOU!” Yasmine said angrily, the dragons scurrying back to sleep. Smoke came out of her nostrils and she sighed angrily. The heat soon faded and Yasmine said “Sarah, now I really don’t want you to go.” “But you’re the one who said I should go for it!” Sarah said. “Well your going into a place filled with dragon killers and they’ll get angry if they find you befriended them.” Yasmine said. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell them.” Sarah said. “I’ll make sure they stay away from Edolas. I doubt they even know where Edolas is.” “Let’s hope so.” Yasmine said and gave a great yawn. Hiccup came back, cautiously thinking she’d scream at them again, and found his way under her arm again, laying beside her. Yasmine scratched him on his neck and said “I’ll go back to bed, I’m cold again.” “Okay, see you in the morning.” Sarah said. “Oyasuminasai (goodnight). “ Yasmine said, Hiccup helping her back to the pile of dragons which was her bed. Sarah returned her gaze back to the stars and saw a shooting star fall towards Edolas, in fact hurtling towards her. She closed her eyes, prepared to feel the crash impact her but instead it stopped in front of her. It shined a million colors, feeling hot and cold, sparks flying and a blinding white ball in the middle. As Sarah squinted her eyes she saw the word eat me sail across it and disappear. She brought the little ball to her nose and sniffed it. It smelled like nothing, she licked it. It tasted like nothing. She looked back at Yasmine, who was sleeping with the dragons. She took a deep breath and breathed out as the words eat me sailed across again. She brought it to her mouth and stuffed it into her mouth. It slipped down her throat and it tingled in a delightful way. Sarah’s eyes sparkled and she suddenly felt sleepy, her eyes growing heavy. “Wow, I didn’t realize how tired I really was.” Sarah said and went off to join Yasmine in the warm pile of dragons. She found her way next to Yasmine, slept on her shoulder and dreamt a most bizarre dream. © 2011 Imagination-mageReviews
3 Reviews Added on October 23, 2011 Last Updated on October 23, 2011 Author![]() Imagination-mageSuna, AZAboutI'm a young mage who enjoys creating adventure, romance, horror (if i can) and sometimes a good angst. i do hope you can enjoy the stories i create, everyone enjoy! more..Writing