Chapter Eight

Chapter Eight

A Chapter by Imagination-mage

Yasmine and Sarah fell into an ash filled sky, coughing as they tried to scream. Yasmine reached out for Sarah, grabbing her wrist and spreading her arms out.

            “Oh please lord, don’t let me die this way!” Yasmine screamed with tears falling from her eyes. Suddenly something zipped up and flew high into the sky. Looking down, they were hitting land, as they plummeted; they suddenly stopped when they were only a foot of the ground, they fell. Coughing, they got up and looked around. They couldn’t see a thing with the ash mist surrounding them.

            “Where’re we?” Sarah asked.

            “I-I don’t know, but I don’t think we’re in Arizona any more Sarah.” Yasmine said, in a Dorothy accent getting a nervous laugh out of Sarah.

            “But Yasmine we need to get back home so, let’s look for the others they can’t be far.” Sarah said.

            “JAYA, RACHEL!” Yasmine called, her voice traveling to far distances. “RYLIE, BETHANY, ANSWER ME!”

Yasmine listened, expecting them to come out and nag at Yasmine about how her loud voice was. But no one appeared; Sarah went to Yasmine’s side and wrapped her hand in Yasmine’s.

            “If they couldn’t hear that, that’s a sign they’re no where near us.” Yasmine said, her hand tightening in Sarah’s. “Well, let’s just find civilization first then see if they have a phone.”

            “Yasmine, there’s one around your neck.” Sarah said, pointing to Yasmine phone that was in a phone holder around her neck with endless key chains on it. Yasmine laughed nervously and said “Sorry, when I panic I forget a lot of things.”

            “Can it get a signal?” Sarah asked.

Yasmine turned her phone on and waited. Lucky for them, it did seem to have found a signal. Suddenly her phone rang and Jaya’s number appeared. The two jumped with excitement, so happy to see their friends were still alive somewhere. Yasmine put her phone on speaker so Sarah could listen.

            “Hello?” Yasmine said.

            Oh god thank goodness, Yasmine where are you?! Jaya asked, panicking.

            Anyone else with you? Rachel asked, somewhere in the background.

            “Well Sarah’s with me but I have no idea where I am…” Yasmine said and was so happy to hear her friend’s voice. Yasmine turned to inform Sarah, but Sarah was investigating the land. Yasmine chased after her till she spotted the bushes rustle.

“Wait, I see something….” Yasmine said her voice lowering.

A dragon suddenly emerged from the bushes. The dragon looked at Sarah with hypnotizing eyes, Sarah getting drawn to it. Yasmine grabbed her arm and pulled her back, kicking the dragon in the shin. Sarah tried looking back but Yasmine screamed “No Sarah, don’t look in the eyes! SARAH RUN!”

Yasmine pushed Sarah, preparing to fight the beast till Sarah screamed again from behind. Yasmine realized they were in the nest of dragons, different kinds ganging up on them.  

“OH GOD THERE ARE TOO MANY OF THEM!” Yasmine screamed as one charged.  “AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!”

A dragon was suddenly on top of her, her phone falling from her hands and she tried desperately to grab it. Another dragon smashed her phone and Yasmine slammed her fist on the dragons paw.

            “Aw come on!” Yasmine said. The dragon on top of her closed in, it began smelling her. As it inhaled through its nostrils, Yasmine’s hair went up and down. It growled softly and its eyes didn’t seem as monstrous. Its pupils became more round and released Yasmine, backing away. Sarah was surrounded by a two headed one, each head trying to snap at her. Yasmine stood in its way and it stopped.

            “What did you do?” Sarah asked.

            “I-I don’t know…” Yasmine said. They then heard a high pitched screech charge across the sky. A black blur flew over and came towards them like a rocket. It landed in front of Yasmine sending gravel and dust, blocking her eye sight temporarily. When Yasmine opened her eyes, she found a black dragon with beautiful green eyes but they were fierce, it was very slender and had spikes going down its spine, giant wings on its back and it was sniffing Yasmine thoroughly. It sneezed on Yasmine and Yasmine instinctively slapped its snout. It growled and Yasmine said “Hey you deserved it!”

It growled towards the other dragons who nodded. One of the more chubby dragons grabbed onto Yasmine’s arms and lifted her. The other dragons herded Sarah in Yasmine’s direction.

            “What’re you doing, put me down!” Yasmine said, struggling to get free. The dragons led them up a volcano that still seemed active. Smoke rose from the top but a cave leading inside was where the dragons went. They came to a pool of lava, the dragons stopping and the chubby one dropping Yasmine, making her almost fall in.

            “Are you crazy?!” Sarah asked, about to step in but the two headed one stood in her way, growling at her. The black one came towards Yasmine, walking like a komodo dragon and bit onto her hair, ripping it out. It spat the extensions out and continued pulling the extensions out. Soon Yasmine’s hair was it’s normal self, completely out like the afro it was. Yasmine glared down at the black one and said “I’m beginning to hate you…”

It just made a sideways smile and began nudging her towards the lava.

            “Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.” Yasmine said rapidly, she grabbed onto the black ones scales making it screech at the pain. “Sorry.”

            “Yasmine you shouldn’t apologize to the ones that’s trying to push you into hot lava.” Sarah said. The dragon guarding her growled at her to be silenced as the black one continued to push her in. Tired of just watching sad attempts to get Yasmine in the lava, one of the dragons flew over, lifted her up, making Yasmine tear our a few scales, and tossed her in. Sarah screamed and the dragons coiled around her so she couldn’t chase after. Yasmine screamed as she fell, feeling the heat of the lava close in. She closed her eyes and fell in the lava. At first there was intense burning but as she sunk she felt like she was in water. She opened her eyes and saw her body wasn’t burning up. She felt her hair and it began to grow, almost reaching her ankles, straightening out and curling out in the ends. Her skin began to grow scales, her fingers being replaced by claws and her feet becoming like her hands, a tail sprouted from behind and long black dragon wings sprouting from her back. She swam to the surface to see if she was dreaming. She popped out and her wings following. She felt them; they were like her skin but rough. She willed herself to flap them and they followed. The next thing, she was zooming into the sky, lava falling off her like water. She zoomed into the sky and twirled around, free falling as she fell back in the lava.

            “THIS IS AWESOME!” Yasmine screamed.

            “YASMINE, YOUR CLOTHES, YOUR CLOTHES!” Sarah called down, trying to cover the eyes of the dragon next to her. Yasmine looked down, her face burning red and dove back down.

            “GET ME CLOTHES!” Yasmine called up.

One of the dragons conveniently had clothes in its mouth and flew down, giving them to Yasmine. Swimming towards a floating rock and drying herself off, Yasmine put her clothes back on. Right after, she flew up and landed next to Sarah who was completely awestruck.

            “AWESOME AIN’T IT?!” Yasmine screamed.

            “WH-what happened to you?!” Sarah asked. “You fell in lava! You flew you destroyed your clothes and you, you, you…”

            “Sarah, don’t think this all too fast before you blow something.” Yasmine said, patting her back. Sarah fell in Yasmine arms and said “I don’t know anymore.”

            “That’s right Sarah; let your mind go completely blank.” Yasmine said, stroking her friends head.  Looking beyond Sarah’s shoulders, the dragon just stared at Yasmine, their ferocious expressions turning into an adorable face. Their pupils became more round and they bowed. Yasmine tapped on Sarah’s shoulder and showed her the bowing dragons.

            “What did you do?” Sarah asked again.

            “I don’t know….But this is awesome.” Yasmine said. The black one that gave her such a hard time stepped towards her and made a gagging noise. Yasmine didn’t know what was wrong till it cough up a small trunk, covered in saliva. It looked at Yasmine with such an adorable face, looking at Yasmine then back at the box. Yasmine reached out for it and held it at a distance, putting on a smile.

            “Uh…thank you for the spit covered box.” Yasmine said. The dragons still looked at her and she knew they wanted her to open it. Yasmine put the box in the palm of her hand and opened it. Inside was a pair of fingerless gloves, the fabric green and with a gold wrist band. Yasmine looked at them as if hypnotized and looked back at the dragon.  

            “Wow, these are so cool.” Yasmine said, taking them out.

            “You’ll need them.” Sarah said. Sarah already knew they were battle gloves for battle. Yasmine put the battle gloves on her hands and instantly felt power surge through her hands        

“Wow, those gloves look like Ashes from Pokemon.” Sarah said.

            “Ya think?” Yasmin asked showing off her gloves. The dragons looked at Yasmine as she tried looking more adorable. The black one sat up on its hind legs to look over Yasmine. Yasmine felt him breathing on her neck and said “You know you’re rather cute.”

Yasmine put her hand out and stroked the dragon’s stomach. Instantly the dragon fell on its side, growling softly at Yasmine’s touch. Yasmine scratched its stomach and it closed its eyes, enjoying the massage. It sounded like a cat as Yasmine went to its neck and enjoyed the scratching. It suddenly hiccuped, making Yasmine laugh with glee.

            “You’ll be Hiccup!” Yasmine said, hugging him by the head. “You have adorable hiccups! Plus I’ve always wanted to call something hiccup.”

Feeling honored by the name, Hiccup licked Yasmine on the cheek making Yasmine laugh even harder. Sarah nervously came up to Yasmine and tapped her on the shoulder.

            “Remember, we need to find the others.” Sarah said.

            “Yeah, maybe they can help us!” Yasmine said.

The dragons suddenly yawned and above the skies were covered in stars. The moon was their only light and the dragons went of to find a warm spot. Hiccup pushed Yasmine’s arm on top of its head and Yasmine patted it on the side. Yasmine took Sarah’s hand and found a spot in the center of the dragons. The dragons drew closer and cuddled together like kittens. Yasmine’s head rested on a red one and Sarah leaned on the two headed one. Hiccup became Sarah and Yasmine’s blanket, everyone sleeping on one another.

© 2011 Imagination-mage

Author's Note

okay this is a Two month set back, just showing what happened and such. This is Yasmine in the story

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I don't always get thrown in lava,

but when I do, I become the Dragon Queen

Posted 13 Years Ago

Oh my gosh! I was TOTTALY imagining Puss's cute kitty eyes when the dragons eyes widend....Way to cute like little Riley! Keep it up!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on October 23, 2011
Last Updated on October 23, 2011

P.E.T (Pandora. Edolas. Toradora)



Suna, AZ

I'm a young mage who enjoys creating adventure, romance, horror (if i can) and sometimes a good angst. i do hope you can enjoy the stories i create, everyone enjoy! more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Imagination-mage