![]() Chaptire ElevenA Chapter by Imagination-mageKuro was jumping through the trees, clutching his mallet’s hilt. He stopped when a tree suddenly fell in front of him. He quickly jumped back and saw Lali with Bubbles standing across from each other. Water was circling around her like a giant serpent, the sealing on her stomach glowing an eerie blue and Bubbles was gripping her scythe intensely. Kuro quickly hid in the bushes and whispered “Was the prophecy true after all?” Lali tackled Bubbles who tried to dodge but saw that Lali’s speed had increased. She clawed Bubbles in the stomach and coughed, jumping out of the way and clutching her wound which instantly healed. Bubbles’s eyes glowed red with rage, raising her scythe in the air and screaming at the top of her lungs. The winds gathered towards her scythe, a blue ball of energy gathering at the top. “You’re gonna die!” Bubbles screamed, Lali standing there still giggling to herself. Bubbles threw down her scythe, releasing the blue ball which sped towards Lali. Lali simply brought one hand to her lips, still giggling while she held her other hand out. The ball collided with her hand, exploding and causing a hurricane to surrounded Lali. Black clouds crowded around it, lightening striking the inside. Blinding lights flashed, Bubbles laughing diabolically. She took out her book and flipped to Lali’s page. She was still alive making Bubbles outrageously frustrated. “Why isn’t she dying?!” Bubbles asked through gritted teeth. Inside, Lali was still giggling deflecting the lightening strikes till they collided with another sending sparks everywhere. Lali changed positions, going into the stance of the snake, one knee bent while her other leg was stretched, her hands mimicking snakes. She moved her arms like a snake, the water rippling towards her. She whipped her hands and the water followed till it was orbiting around her. She twirled and the water followed, going to her feet. She shot up into the air until she was in the clouds, lightning charging towards her. Her eyes were like her mothers, the water shielding her and bouncing off in the other direction. It fell towards Bubbles who was hit fully. The hurricane crumbled, the clouds dispersing and Lali was still floating in the air. Bubbles fell backwards, landing on her behind breathing heavily. Lali soon levitated down on the ground, approaching Bubbles. “You are defeated Reaper…” Lali said, another voice replacing hers, Kuro’s eyes widened in shock. Bubbles then smirked, grabbing Lali by her throat and chocking her with amazing strength. “You dope, lightening energizes me!” Bubbles said, bringing Lali to the floor and slamming her in the Earth, Lali couching up tiny drops of blood. Lali snapped out of her trance, gripping Bubbles’s wrist. Bubbles just smirked darkly, electricity building up in her shoulder. It shot down and into Lali making her scream in pain, coughing up more blood. The pulses of electricity kept coming making Lali see white after a couple of seconds. Bubbles constantly looked at her Death Book seeing Lali’s life line still full. She grew more frustrated as the pulses became stronger and stronger. “This isn’t working!” Bubbles said, releasing Lali. Lali slowly tried picking herself up, her mother screaming chants inside her head. Lali soon got herself up but she didn’t run away, Kuro had his mallet ready just in case she couldn’t contain her powers. Bubbles grabbed Lali by her torn shirt, pulling her close and putting her scythe blade in Lali’s mouth, it glowed a malevolence green. It began sucking in everything, including Lali’s very soul. Lali gripped the blade hard, not caring that it was cutting into her palms and causing them to bleed. She coughed violently as blood splattered on the blade. Lali began shaking violently as she felt her soul being torn from her very body. Bubbles quickly looked over at the Death Book, seeing Lali’s life span going down bit by bit. Bubbles cracked a sinister smirk as Lali began to crumble. I’m gonna die…Mom? Lali thought, fading in and out. When she was about to close her eyes, her mother eyes stared back to her. Suro grabbed both her arms as Lali began to slowly close her eyes. Suro pushed her forehead into Lali’s and said calm down sweetie, I’m here. Lali calmed down and closed her eyes fully. Bubbles saw this and pulled her scythe away, Lali falling down and landing back on the ground with a loud thud. Kuro’s eyes widened in shock as Lali lay lifeless on the floor. He gritted his teeth and prepared to fight Bubbles till Bubbles screamed “WHAT?!” Lali’s lifespan was extending instead of descending like it should. Lali’s eye opened, her skin getting covered in scales and turning blue. Her hair became unruly and ocean blue, her clothes changing till she wore a long dress that separated at her legs, a fin at the end. She was a spitting image of her mother. Bubbles trembled at the girl before her, seeing a replica of Suro before her sending chills down her spine. “You’re hurting my kid.” Lali said, her eyes were hidden in the forest of hair. Lali slowly looked up, her eyes filled with rage. Bubbles took a step back and gripped her scythe. “So you finally come out Suro?” Bubbles asked, Lali’s giggling under her breath. Lali’s eyes suddenly looked up at Bubbles through her long bangs. “A mistake that you won’t enjoy.” Lali said suddenly. Lali bolted from place, appearing before Bubbles at lightning speed. Lali punched Bubbles in the stomach making her gag and continued punching in her stomach repeatedly. Lali then spun into the air, kicking Bubbles in the stomach and sending her flying, skidding across the Earth. Bubbles was able to stop herself by jabbing a tree with her scythe and stopping. Suro didn’t give her the time to regain her strength, willing the water to move at her command. She sucked the water from the trees till a wave of water surrounded her. She put her hands out and the water charged, coming down on Bubbles. Bubbles tried flying out of reach but was constantly pushed down, slamming into a rotting tree which got taken by the waters strong currents. Lali spun, the water following till a whirlpool formed over Lali’s head. With a battle cry, Lali sent the whirlpool towards the forest; it destroyed everything in its path. It soon crashed, Bubbles rolling on the muddy ground. Bubbles pushed herself up, the book still in her hands. Bubbles looked towards Lali who walked closer and closer every time she blinked till Bubbles found her staring at her feet. Lali leaned down on one knee and said “Are you ready to admit defeat yet?” Bubbles spat at her cheek on receiving a punch in the spine causing her to gag again, her scythe and book falling from her hands. “Worthless little half breed.” Lali said coldly. She picked Bubbles up by her hair, seeing her eyes completely white. Lali smirked evilly and dropped Bubbles’s limp body on the ground. “My work here is done…” Lali said, her skin returning to its normal tan self, her hair returning to her normal long blond hair and revealing her clothes completely tattered. She crumbled to her knees, panting. Lali felt her head, it was burning and she could barely get up. She looked over at Bubbles who laid lifeless on the floor a few feet from her. Lali flinched as she scooted away from Bubbles’s lifeless body. Lali was trembling all over as she looked around, the forest destroyed, the trees scattered like twigs and the soil drenched in water. Lali’s fists clenched on her shirt collar, feeling her heart racing against her knuckles. Lali finally got the energy to stand, slowly limping away from Bubbles’s lifeless body, noticing her reaching for her scythe. Lali’s eyes were lifeless as she tried getting away from the scene not seeing Bubbles rise from her spot. “LALI!” Kuro suddenly screamed, he jumped from his hiding place and ran to Lali. He pulled her out of the way while Bubbles brought down her scythe blade, slicing Kuro’s arm through his clothes. Lali fell on the ground hard while Kuro fell on the side, Bubbles looming over him with angry eyes. “You infernal, demon child!” Bubbles screamed angrily. She kicked Kuro out of her way, going towards Lali. Lali turned on her back, trying to crawl backwards but only falling because of all the mud, she was drained of all energy. She couldn’t contact her mother again because her mind went completely blank. Bubbles rose her scythe, it gleamed in the moonlight and showed Bubbles’s blood red eyes. “DIE!” Bubbles screamed, Lali shielding herself from the blow. As Bubbles was about to land the final strike that would surely end Lali’s life, a star twinkled in the sky. Kuro’s cracked a smile and said “Took you long enough sis.” Bubbles turned, her face coming in contact with a foot that slammed into her and pushed her to the ground, making Bubbles collide with Lali. Bubbles’s scythe fell from her hands, sprawled on Lali who slammed into a tree. “Whoops, looks like I was late.” A feminine voice said. Her short blond hair swayed in the wind. “Whoops, I’ve been waiting three years for you to come and all you say is whoops?!” Kuro asked angrily clutching his hurt arm. “I didn’t want to come save your a*s for the sixth time in your life!” the girl said angrily. Lali was blacking out as she watched the two bicker. So many questions racing through her mind, she shook her head and looked down at the unconscious Bubbles. Kuro’s wound was gushing blood and her medical instincts took over. Lali got up, racing towards Kuro and hugged him. “Stop pushing yourself!” Lali said through sobs. The bickering stopped as Kuro looked down at Lali, who hugged his torso tightly. Kuro’s eyes softened and he returned to his original form, collapsing on the ground with Lali still hugging him. He sat down and stroked her head to calm her down. “I’m gonna be fine…” Kuro said. Lali nodded into his chest and sniffled, not aware of the other girl standing a few feet away. Her yellow eyes seeing the weak girl hugging Kuro like her life depended on it, it was odd. Lali soon released herself from Kuro and wiped her eyes. She took his wrist and helped him stand back up, ripping her already torn sleeve off and pushing it down on the wounded area. Lali then went to Bubbles holding her bridal style and saying “Let’s go home please.” Kuro just nodded, leaning on the girl and the three limped home. ****** Bubbles woke up to a blasting headache; she moved her head around the pillow. She felt her head and found it bandaged up. She quickly sat up, feeling a horrible pain in her stomach. She then remembered her battle with Suro, losing horribly. “So pug your awake.” A voice said on the other side. Bubbles turned her head and found Kuro lying on the bed beside her. “What is this?” Bubbles asked. “Our medical room, we get hurt a lot as you can see.” Kuro said “That and it’s the only room that survived your rampage.” He pushed himself up to show the bandages wrapped around his shoulder and arm. Bubbles examined them and said “She’s a doctor?” “She has to be one.” Kuro said. “Living in a house of freaks has its consequences. Now tell me, why kill an innocent child?” “You and I both know she’s not innocent!” Bubbles said though gritted teeth. “I’m here to end her life for everyone’s good.” “You’re just scared pug.” Kuro said turning over and pulling the covers back over himself. “Stop calling me that feline!” Bubbles said angrily receiving a cold glare from Kuro. “Look, I’m sick of this stupid war!” Kuro said over her shoulder. “If that means siding with the humans just to bring peace to our planets, fine by me.” Bubbles chucked a roll of bandages at him, they bounced harmlessly on his bare back and Bubbles was pouring out angered rage. Lali suddenly came in, a tray of medication in one hand. Bubbles sent her a cold stare as Lali poked Kuro in the side gently. He turned to meet her sad gaze. He sat up and she began unraveling the bandages revealing a long stitched scar going down his shoulder till it reached his wrist. Lali put a large amount of petroleum jelly over the scar. Kuro jaw clenched at the dull pain but he soon relaxed. Lali wrapped a new set of bandages over him and said “Your wounds healing nicely and fast as usual.” “You’ve probably got a crap load of questions that you want answered.” Kuro guessed. “As usual.” Lali said bluntly, her smile faded as she turned to Bubbles who shot a cold glare at her. Looking over her, a bandage was across her forehead and she had a lot of bandages on her arms. Lali reached out to Bubbles who just backed away, her dog ears flinching up and she tensed. “I need to change your bandages.” Lali said. “Why should I trust a demon like you?!” Bubbles asked, making Lali freeze. Her arms dropped to her sides, her lip quivering. Kuro looked up at her, seeing her shoulders tremble and hearing her sniffle. Lali forced a smile and replied “I haven’t been called that in such a long time.” “Lali…you gonna be okay?” Kuro asked, suddenly worried. Lali turned towards the door and said “I need to see the wall.” With that she left the room, her footsteps fading as she was leaving. Bubbles just continued glaring, her face not changing till Kuro rose from his bed and began to pace. “Why do you care?” Bubbles asked after she left. “Hmm, about what?” Kuro asked turning to her. “About that…that girl?” Bubbles asked. Kuro stayed silent for a couple seconds then replied “I used to think she was a worthless girl to babysit and that I cursed to be her so called friend. She was such a baby, always crying for the littlest of things and I made things worse for her. Nicky knew I was an alien the moment I set foot here. That is until you came along….” “That’s why you stayed?” Bubbles asked, her eyebrows lifted in boredom. “Nope, I stayed because I knew she’d need me through this crap.” Kuro said, leaning on the doorframe. “She tried everything to comfort me making me feel so much better but that normally led back to bullying.” With that Kuro left Bubbles alone in thought, Bubbles peaked out the window seeing the blackened sky. She then heard scolding from the other room, getting up and peaking out through the crack. “I don’t want her here!” a female voice yelled at Kuro. “I agree with the green hair chick, I don’t want the dog here!” another said. “Kana shut up and Nicky you know she’s stuck with us until Lali releases her.” Kuro said, Bubbles’s eyes widened. “She doesn’t own me!” Bubbles said angrily bursting into the room. “Yes she does.” Kuro said and pointed to the purple beads around her neck. Bubbles glared down at them, trying to pry them off but they wouldn’t budge. They were so heavy that Bubble’s arms became sore. “Wh-When did she?!” Bubbles asked angrily. “While you were unconscious she put them around your neck.” Kuro replied. “I had to force her to.” Bubbles grabbed him by the shirt yanking him forward and glaring into his eyes while he smugly smirked. “Get…them…off…” Bubbles growled trough gritted teeth. “Sadly can’t do that.” Kuro said. “Only Lali can, she can take them off whenever she feels the time is right…” “Which will be?” Bubbles asked, teeth gritting. “Never!” Kana, the girl who had short blond hair said. “If a dog like you was released in the world we’d all be dead!” “Wait…where’s Lali?” Nicky asked. “She went to the wall.” Kuro replied. “What’s this wall I’ve been hearing about?” Kana asked. “The wailing wall, Lali goes to it to relieve any un-needed negative energy.” Nicky said. “She writes her sorrows down and hides it in the cracks in the wall, it helps her a bit.” “Sounds like she needs mental help.” Bubbles said under her breath getting a glare from both Sam and Nicky. “But she shouldn’t be out there for too long…” Kuro said. “I’ll go get her.” He cringed when he tried to move so he sat back down. Nicky shook her head and said “I’ll go get her.” She freed herself from Sam’s grasp and went out the door, Sam slumping down on the couch as if Nicky had taken all his energy. “Don’t worry she’s gonna come back.” Kuro said and turned to Kana. “So what made you come back?” “Mothers orders, I’m here to protect Lali from Bubbles’s wrath.” Kana said glaring at Bubbles. “Barbaric dog kills teens, shameful.” “If you haven’t noticed, she’s not just a teen.” Bubbles said. “She’s a teen who has the abilities to trap me whenever she wants to!” “She doesn’t know how to and she doesn’t want to.” Kuro replied. “Don’t make it worse for her.” “I’ll make her life hell if I have too!” Bubbles declared. The door suddenly swung open, Nicky appearing in the doorway breathing heavily. “Lali’s gone!” she panted. © 2011 Imagination-mage |
Added on October 12, 2011 Last Updated on October 12, 2011 Author![]() Imagination-mageSuna, AZAboutI'm a young mage who enjoys creating adventure, romance, horror (if i can) and sometimes a good angst. i do hope you can enjoy the stories i create, everyone enjoy! more..Writing