Chapter Six

Chapter Six

A Chapter by Imagination-mage

Jaya and Rachel raced up the stair knowing keeping Monarch waiting would lead to horrible consequences. They came to Monarch’s room, Monarch on the floor looking weak. Jaya and Rachel helped her up.

            “What happened, you look different…” Rachel said.

Monarch looked older and the butterfly wings on the back of her kimono drooped, looking faded and dead. Monarch simply pushed them away and tried standing on her own.

            “I need you to go to Toradora…” Monarch said.

            “Why, what’s our mission?” Jaya asked. “We’ll kill all the monsters that need slaying.”

            “No this is an investigation.” Monarch said. “I have seen a young boy named Brandt Pendragon befriending a dragon, he’s keeping it a secret from his village. If he refuses to answer then bring him back here.”

            “And if his parents get involved?” Jaya asked.

            “His father will hardly notice his absence, his mother is dead.” Monarch said. “I’m afraid he’s giving away secrets to the dragons. Find him and bring him to me!”

Rachel and Jaya saluted, leaving Monarch’s presence. When the door closed, Monarch suddenly collapsed. Her skin wrinkled even more and she had trouble standing. She was able to only sit up and said “My time is coming to an end. It is up to those girls to bring peace now…”

Monarch laid down on the floor and closed her eyes, sleeping and hoping she would awaken.

* * * *

            Jaya and Rachel were packing their bags, simple briefcases with their names on them filled with clothes. Jaya looked at her egg which sat on her bed wrapped in blankets and such.

            “Hey Jaya, we gotta go.” Rachel called, letting herself in. She caught Jaya looking at the egg and rolled her eyes.

            “Jaya you can’t bring it.” Rachel said.

            “Sure I can, it’ll be fine.” Jaya said but didn’t pick up the egg. Rachel caught Jaya trembling as if she wanted to bring it but she couldn’t. Rachel picked up the egg for her and said “Want to bring it?”

            “Yes and no.” Jaya said. “I want to bring it because I’m afraid something bad will happen to it but I don’t want to bring it because I’m afraid something bad will happen.”

            “Then let’s get Allen and Lavi to watch it.” Rachel said and left the room with Jaya following. They found Lavi and Allen eating in the cafeteria. Jaya presented Lavi with the egg and Lavi seemed rather confused.

            “You’re giving it to me?” Lavi asked.

            “No, I want you to watch it for me while I’m out on a mission with Rachel.” Jaya said.

            “Oh no, I’m not a good egg-sitter.” Lavi said pushing it back to Jaya.

            “Please Lavi, I can’t take it.” Jaya said. “I’m afraid I’ll break it or it’ll get smashed in battle! PLEASE OH PLEASE LAVI PLEASE!”

            “Alright, alright!” Lavi said. “I’ll watch it but what if it hatches?”

            “If it does hatch, then celebrate!” Jaya said. “Thank you Lavi.”

Jaya kissed Lavi on his cheek and dashed off to the entrance with Rachel behind her. Lavi sat there frozen, nearly falling over if Allen wasn’t with him.

            “Uh Lavi….You okay?” Allen asked.

            “I love Jaya…” Lavi said dreamily, hugging the egg like it was Jaya’s heart.

            “Um…okay, I’ll just continue eating then.” Allen said.

            “I love Jaya…” Lavi said again.

Allen looked at him and looked up at the ceiling saying “Damn you Cupid.”

* * * *

            Rachel and Jaya went on a ship towards Toradora where they would meet with this criminal. Jaya’s scythe was strapped to her back and Rachel’s whip on her hip. Jaya was reading a book and Rachel was reading over her shoulder. They were fed on the boat and even given manicures.

            “This is great!” Jaya said as someone filed her nails.

            “Yeah it is nice-OUCH!” Rachel said as someone attempted to file hers but she pulled her hand away.

We are now arriving in Toradora kingdom known for its way with the beast. They have made peace with the animals on this island but one beast still refuses to get along. The dragons don’t make peace that easily no matter how much gold you give them. So beware, the dragons often come for the food. Enjoy! Please have your passports ready to be checked in, thank you!

Jaya and Rachel got their things ready, pulling their passports out and showing the captain that passed by. They boarded off the ship were welcomed by beautiful scenery. The land was covered in green grass and flourishing flowers, skies filled with fluffy clouds. Animals frolicked everywhere and Jaya looked at a small piece of paper with the town name scribbled down.

            “We’re looking for a place called Berk; Monarch said it was the capital of Toradora.” Jaya informed. “So we go to Berk, find this Brandt and see what he’s doing with dragons.”

            “Rylie….Rylie the Dragonslayer….” Rachel said sadly remembering her friend again. Jaya put a comforting hand on her shoulder and went on ahead. They went down a purple bricked path that led to a grand entrance, a dragon head on the gate. Rachel and Jaya shivered at the sight of it as they made their way inside. Berk was surrounded by the mountains, fire on the peeks. Jaya and Rachel looked around to find Brandt. They asked all the people of Berk, finding them buff adults and rather violent teenagers. The kids were all playing with fake swords and chasing after each other, playing games of Dragonslayer.

            “Excuse me.” Jaya said to a tall man wearing a rather big jacket of fur with a giant metal mallet in his hand. He turned; he had a giant brown beard and was huge for his abnormal size. He looked down at them, he was taller then any man they’d ever seen.

            “Yes?” he asked in a deep Swedish accent.

            “Um we’re looking for a Brandt Pendragon…” Jaya said.

            “My son, what business would you like with him?” he asked, his eyes piercing into their soul.

Jaya pushed Rachel in front and Rachel said “Our sources say that he has a dragon…”

            “A dragon? That’s impossible, we hate dragons!” the man bellowed. He stomped his foot making the two girls jump.

            “Can we see him to make sure?” Rachel asked, she was about to grab her whip if he tried attacking. The big man thought it over and said “Sure, I must admit he has been acting strange lately. After this fiasco about catching the Dragon Queen he’s always out.”

He led the two up a steep hill where his house was on the top, bigger than the other houses telling them he was an important man. He stopped at his giant door and knocked on the door for them.

            “Brandt, you have guests!” he called in before leaving them.

            “C-Coming, just hang on!” they heard a timid and unsure, with a pinch of plain, voice call back. Clanging and glass broke inside the house until the door opened, a boy coming out and quickly closing the door behind him. He had a lean yet powerful body, a bit taller than Jaya wearing a long sleeved baggy blue shirt that had a rip on his shirts collar and long baggy pants with animal skin bulky boots on his feet and leather brown gloves on his hands, chocolate brown eyes and pale brown short hair with some bangs hanging over his left eye a bit. Aside from the unorganized look with his tool belt dangling on his hip and hammers in his hands, he was rather cute.

            “Uh…uh…Hello ladies, um…what brings you here?” he asked.

            “Are you Brandt?” Rachel asked.

            “Uh…yes that would be me.” Skye said.

            “Well we need to investigate your home.” Jaya said about to walk inside but Skye blocked her off.

            “NO, I mean…it’s a mess in here. Believe me, girls as sophisticated as you wouldn’t want to see the inside of this pigsty.” Skye said, twiddling with his fingers. Jaya rudely pushed him out of her way with her scythe handle and let herself in. The place was dark and Brandt looked as if he would jump in front of them but when he saw his house was only filled with a chimney, furniture and a rug he relaxed. He sighed and said “See nothing special in here.”

A vase suddenly fell from above and they all looked up at the wood paneled ceiling. Nothing but darkness it seemed.

            “What was that?” Jaya asked.

            “My dog…Yeah my dog, he’s so bizarre.” Brandt said with a chuckle.

            “How bizarre?” Rachel asked.

            “Well…he climbs up the stairs a lot and drops everything.” Brandt said with a nervous smile.

            “Fine….Show us this dog.” Jaya commanded.

            “Uh…I’m not sure that can be arranged.” Brandt said, scratching the back of his head. Jaya pointed her scythe at his throat and said “Don’t scratch your head it’s disgusting.”

            “Sorry, the dog ran away!” Brandt said. “Yeah, I saw him jump out the window. Ah man, that’s the third one.”

They then heard a disgusting noise above them as if someone was going to spit something up. Brandt’s eyes widened and he quickly pushed Rachel out of the way. Right on cue, a ball of spit was hurtled towards them and hit Brandt in his face. Rachel and Jaya screamed in disgust as he blindly walked around for a towel. Once he found one, he wiped his face and said “Damn those trolls, always finding their way in.”

Rachel and Jaya grabbed an arm and dragged him outside.

            “You are arrested; it’s obvious you have a dragon!” Jaya said.

            “No really, I don’t!” Brandt said. “You have no proof!”

            “What’s this then?” Rachel asked, holding up a black dragon scale. “It’s still warm so the dragons close and still here.”

            “Hello, what chya doing?” said a voice from inside. Turning around they found a black girl, wearing a rather big green shirt that was obviously his and tight pants with Native American fur boots. She had straightened black hair that was cut like a boys and the bangs covering her left eye. She had deep chocolate eyes and a happy personality.

            “Do you know him?” Jaya asked.

            “Yup, he’s my best friend.” She said. “Aside from the ones I’ve lost…”

            “Lost, you lost someone?” Rachel asked, suddenly sucked in.

            “Yeah, my friend Sarah and I were the only ones here. Brandt found us so don’t be mean to him!” she said strictly. She snatched Brandt back and hugged him in a massive bear hug looking like she would snap him in two.

            “Sarah?” Jaya said. “That’s one of our classmates.”

            “Uh…what’s your name?” Rachel asked.

            “Oh…I’m Yasmine.” Yasmine said with a smile. Jaya and Rachel suddenly tackled her with a hug, making Yasmine lose her balance and fall over. Yasmine seemed rather confused as she pushed them away.

            “It’s us!” Jaya said happily.

            “Rachel and Jaya remember?” Rachel asked. As if longing for it, Yasmine burst into tears, hugging them both and sobbing on Rachel’s shoulder. The two hugged Yasmine as Yasmine sobbed.

            “What’s going on?” Brandt asked.

            “These are the girls I was talking about!” Yasmine said, getting up and hugged Brandt as she continued to cry. Brandt patted her shoulder and Yasmine said “Wait right here!”

Dashing back inside and coming back out as fast as she had disappeared, in her arms was Sarah, she had defiantly changed. She wore a maid’s uniform that was a bright pink with an apron over. Her hair was down in two loops in the back and her remaining hair tucked behind her ear, a small hospital hat on her head wearing big black boots covered in mud. She slowly blinked open her eyes and her eyes widened.

            “Jaya, Rachel?” Sarah asked. “IT WASN’T A DREAM AFTER ALL!”

Yasmine set Sarah down and Sarah hugged them both happily jumping up and down. Brandt was still confused and Yasmine leaned her head on his shoulder.

            “You dreamt about us?” Rachel asked.

            “Yes, I saw you guys fighting these serpent creatures but I thought you were dead.” Sarah said.

            “She woke up screaming like every night thinking you guys were eaten or something.” Yasmine said. “Quite annoying when you’re trying to sleep.”

            “Sorry Brandt we seemed to have been mistaken.” Jaya said. “We were told that a dragon was living with you.”

Yasmine, Sarah and Brandt’s eyes widened, looking at each other nervously. Jaya and Rachel caught their stare.

            “Where is it?” Jaya asked, suddenly angry.

            “Uh…you won’t like the answer.” Brandt said till he found Jaya’s scythe at his neck. Yasmine suddenly growled, her teeth looking more shark like all of a sudden and she crossed her arms as if hiding something. Brandt patted her on the back to calm her down and said “Come inside, I’ll make you some tea.”

* * * *

            “Lavi, do you even know the first step to taking care of an egg?” Allen asked as the two went down to help with the tsunami of paperwork.

            “Of course I do!” Lavi said. He hugged the egg even more and sighed as Jaya’s face appeared in his head. Allen just rolled his eyes and said “If you like her so much, why don’t you just tell her.”

            “That’s too fast!” Lavi said stopping Allen. “That’s like you eating dumplings then eating the ice cream you saved for.”

            “That makes no sense.” Allen said.

            “Exactly.” Lavi said. “Besides I think caring for Jaya’s pride and joy will declare my love when she finds it perfectly fine in her bed wrapped in blankets.”

            “Do you stalk her Lavi?” Allen asked.

            “No I’m just guessing.” Lavi responded. “Ever since she found this egg, she’s taken it everywhere from missions to shopping trips to bed-Rachel told me- and she refuses to let anyone near it! But she entrust me with it.”

            “What if it hatches?” Allen asked.

Lavi just shrugged and said “Well I think she’ll be excited, but let’s just hope and pray it stays in there till she gets back.”

Tucking the egg under his arm, Allen and Lavi headed off to the office where they were welcomed to a wave of paperwork. Completely buried in it, they found their way out.

            “OW!” Allen screamed. “PAPER CUT!”

            “Oh stop being a baby!” Lavi said slapping his arm. He looked in his hands and found the egg gone. Lavi threw the papers in the air, trying to dig to the bottom.

            “Where is it?” Lavi asked.

            “What?” Allen asked.

            “THE EGG! THE EGG JAYA TOLD ME TO WATCH OH BLOODY GOD!” Lavi said, diving in. He pulled Allen down and forced him to get through the many papers that were spread all over, reappearing in different places with papers flying over them. When Jasper came in, he too was pulled down to help look for the egg.

            “I don’t see it!” Lavi said.

            “Neither do I.” Allen said.

            “Same here.” Jasper said.

            “How do we find it?” Lavi asked, panicking, nearly pulling his hair out.

            “Organize the paperwork!” Allen said.

Everyone grabbed handfuls of paper, stacking them on the desks until over two hours passed by. Allen and Jasper were exhausted but Lavi was still looking on the floor for it.

            “It’s not here!” Lavi screamed.

            “Look!” Jasper managed to say. Peaking in, the egg was standing four legs out on the bottom of the egg. Lavi quickly got up and chased after it. It ran, its tiny legs taking it as fast as it could. Four tails suddenly sprouted out and it gained speed.

            “ALLEN HELP!” Lavi called.

            “Ugh, Lavi’s gonna kill me Jasper.” Allen said and chased after them. The egg took them all over, running up the stairs and going through all the rooms with Lavi and Allen following, causing destruction as they passed. Lavi soon jumped into the air, sliding to the egg and catching it.

            “Got it!” Lavi said.

            “Congratulations Lavi, but how are you gonna explain the legs and tails?” Allen asked.

            “I was hoping to come up with one as we chased it.” Lavi said. Suddenly a head popped out shocking both Allen and Lavi. The head was round, looking like a foxes and had blood red fur, a darkened face and white beady eyes. Lavi screamed, dropping the egg and the egg shattered on the little creature.

            “DEMON FOX! DEMON FOX!” Lavi screamed.

            “What, how’s that even possible?! It’s a mammal!” Allen said.

            “I don’t know okay! All we know is that Jaya has a dangerous weapon for a baby!” Lavi said.

The demon fox looked at Lavi with squinted eyes as if scanning him. It got up and walked the other direction towards the shattered egg shells. It sniffed them and smelled Jaya’s scent.

            “Mama…” was all it said, racing off.

            “Wait, come back!” Lavi called. Allen stayed behind this time shaking his head. He whistled and Timcampy came along.

            “Tell Rachel that Jaya’s egg hatched and that it’s in good hands.” Allen said writing it down on a note and handing it to Timcampy. He opened a window and Timcampy flew towards Toradora.

© 2011 Imagination-mage

My Review

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So why is Brandt's name changed to Skye when he talks? Other than that confusion your story remains great!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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a few things:

1. “Um…okay, I’ll just continue eating then.” Allen said.
HAHAHAHA by the time he tunred back to his plate i would have already taken a world transportation machine to make me go to that exact place and steal his plate of food cause I AM STARVING!

2. ME: *scratching head*
STORY: Jaya pointed her scythe at his throat and said “Don’t scratch your head it’s disgusting.”
ME: *quickly takes hand away from head*


Posted 13 Years Ago

Wait....they ask Brandt if he is the Brandt their looking for, but it said "Skye said."......and I thought I was a nurse, not a maid....
Keep up the great work like alwas!

Posted 13 Years Ago

Ha, ha!

“Uh Lavi….You okay?” Allen asked.
“I love Jaya…” Lavi said dreamily, hugging the egg like it was Jaya’s heart.
“Um…okay, I’ll just continue eating then.” Allen said.
“I love Jaya…” Lavi said again.
That parts so funny!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on October 10, 2011
Last Updated on October 10, 2011

P.E.T (Pandora. Edolas. Toradora)



Suna, AZ

I'm a young mage who enjoys creating adventure, romance, horror (if i can) and sometimes a good angst. i do hope you can enjoy the stories i create, everyone enjoy! more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Imagination-mage