Chapter Four

Chapter Four

A Chapter by Imagination-mage

The morning sun shined down on Jaya’s caramel skin, Jaya blinked her eyes rapidly. She looked down and saw she had somehow changed into her pajamas. She looked around and found a scythe on the floor, a red bow on the side with a note attached to it. Picking herself up, Jaya sluggishly walked towards the note and it read

Hey Jaya,

The blacksmith finished at like six a.m. and was too tired to bring it up to your room. Lucky for you, I just happened to be up, looking for a cookie to eat with Allen (not really shocking that he wanted to tag along). He was desperate and nearly begged me to take it up to your room. I wanted too anyway, couldn’t pass up the chance to see your face again. Well, here you go its got Monarch’s blessing and everything to go with your Ancient powers. Enjoy the fight alongside yours truly.



P.S. I think Allen likes your friend if you know what I mean.

Jaya giggled at Lavi’s note and folded it up, putting it on top of her dresser. She went back to her new scythe, too see just how amazing it was, her scythe was long, the scythe blade like a crescent moon, the handle hard like metal and sort of heavy when Jaya tried lifting it. When she touched it, her name was written magically on the handle in Japanese kanji in an eerie blue.

            “How cool.” Jaya said. Looking around she spotted a pineapple, a welcoming present from one of the members of the Black Order. She tightened her grip on the handle and swung her scythe at the pineapple. She sliced through it, the cut so clean that it looked as if she hadn’t even touched it. The pineapple then split in two, along with the wall paper on her wall.

            “Oh, crap, crap, crap!” Jaya said, looking through her dresser finding duct tape and began taping the wall. She then heard a knock at her door.

            “Morning Jaya, it’s me, Rachel.” Rachel called from the other side.

            “Coming, just hang on!” Jaya called back, taping the last remains. She stepped back and the tape magically became one with the wall, looking as if she had never sliced it before. She ran to the door, finding Rachel with a weapon as well. Jaya backed away a bit and went for her scythe, just in case Rachel’s skills would kill her.

            “Its okay, Allen showed me how to use it a little.” Rachel said. She carried a black whip with a pointed blade at the end. She wrapped it around her arm and said “It’s time for breakfast, come on!”

* * * *

            The cafeteria was busy as usual, everyone at their usual tables, eating and drinking their lives away like yesterday. They found Allen, Zora and Lavi sitting at their table, Lavi waving at them to come over. Rachel ordered food and Jaya dashed over to join them.

            “Hey there!” Lavi said, scooting over for Jaya. Jaya sat next to Lavi, Lavi pretending to yawn and put his arms over her shoulders. Zora slapped his hand and glared at him. Lavi took his arms off and Rachel soon came in.

            “They’ll come with my food soon.” Rachel said, squeezing in.

            “Eating as much as Allen again?” Lavi asked.

            “I am not a black hole.” Rachel clarified.

            “Give it up Rachel; they’ll call you the black hole no matter how many times you say not to.” Allen said. Their food soon came, eating food again like mad and wiped the remains of it off their faces. Rubbing his stomach, Allen said “Jaya, Rachel, meet me outside. Me and Lavi will show you what its like to be a purifier or fighter.”

            “Lavi and I.” Jaya corrected.

            “What?” Allen asked.

            “It’s Lavi and I.” Jaya said.

            “Jaya are you correcting my grammar?” Allen asked.

            “Jaya has to correct grammar; she always does it to our friend Yasmine.” Rachel said. “So, lets get started shall we?”

* * * *

            Allen took Rachel and Jaya outside the Black order, transforming into his battle suit. It was a long white cloak, his fingers on his left hand replaced with long talons, looking like his whole hand was in a black leather glove. A mask was over her eyes like goggles and a white belt around his waist.

            “Hold onto me.” Allen said. Jaya and Rachel clung to him, Timcampy suddenly flying over to catch up with them. He sat on Allen’s head, his tiny fingers grabbing onto his hair.

            “Hang on.” Allen said again.

            “Wait you’re gonna jump!?” Jaya asked.

            “Yup, it scares the rookies.” Allen said. He jumped up and fell, Rachel and Jaya screaming their lungs out. Allen just laughed as they fell. He took off his belt and wrapped it around his fingers. He whipped it towards a ledge where it wrapped itself around the ledge, jerking them up and leaving them dangling. They were only a foot off the ground, the two girls still shaking and clinging to him.

            “You can let go now.” Allen said.

            “YOU IDIOT!” Jaya screamed, punching him in the head. The belt returned to around his waist and Allen went to his knees, his hands on his head where Jaya hit him.

            “What was that for?!” Allen asked a tear in one eye.

            “YOU COULD’VE KILLED US!” Jaya said angrily. She lifted her scythe, ready slice him but Rachel quickly caught it before it made Allen’s head roll.

            “Jaya, Jaya, it was a joke, just calm down.” Rachel said.


            “What?” Allen asked.

            “JAYA!” Rachel said, her face glowing red. Rachel punched Jaya’s shoulder, the two breaking out in a fight, slapping each other. Allen came between them and pulled them apart, lifting them off their feet. Rachel and Jaya still tried to kicked and slap at each other. Allen put them down and said “Okay enough, I have no idea what Jaya meant but that doesn’t matter right now! Monarch wants me to train you guys and that’s what I’ll do! Now, where’s Lavi?!”

Lavi suddenly came down, on top of a giant mallet that brought him down with its long handle. Lavi hopped off his mallet and it shrunk in his hand.

            “What happened?” Lavi asked. “I’m gone for like two minutes and war already broke out between our two trainees. This is why Monarch always pairs us up for training Allen.”

            “Well sorry, Lavi.” Allen said sarcastically.

            “So who am I training?” Lavi asked.

            “Me!” Jaya called out, going to Lavi’s side and locking arms with him. “Lavi will train me, won’t you Lavi?”

            “I guess so, well Allen seems like you’re with Rachel.” Lavi said.

            “Fine by me.” Rachel said, locking arms with Allen. Allen seemed rather confused and didn’t know what they were so angry about. Allen led Rachel back out into the deserted land. He looked around and said “Okay this is the perfect spot. Okay Rachel, Monarch wanted me to see if you are an Ancient. So let’s see, since Jaya has air, so let’s try fire.”

            “Okay.” Rachel said.

            “So, Ancients are able to use their powers by emotion. So feel fiery I guess.” Allen said.

Rachel tried feeling fired up but nothing happened. She tried thinking of something that made her angry like Yasmine poking her every minute of her life. Still nothing happened.

            “How about another one, like…uh…water.” Allen said. Rachel tried thinking of the calm seas but nothing happened again.

            “Nothing.” Rachel said. “Maybe I’m not an Ancient.”

            “Well we still got earth so let’s try that.” Allen said, encouragingly. When Rachel was about to try, she suddenly felt a monstrous presence. Looking around, the air seemed hard to breathe in. Gripping her chest, Rachel coughed and went to her knees. Allen was quickly beside her, threw his cloak over her and kneeled down next to her saying “Stay down, breathe in my cloak.”

Rachel hid her face in Allen’s cloak but spotted ash falling from the sky. The air became grey and the two hid their faces. A loud piercing noise raced through the air and Allen quickly went to the ground screaming “GET DOWN!”

Rachel went to the floor as well, taking a peek at the sky. A black blur raced across the sky with an army of dragons following behind carrying live animals over them.

            “Dragons?” Rachel asked.

            “They probably raided Toradora, has the most live stock.” Allen said. “Stay down, with the Nightfury on their side we’re at a disadvantage.”

The dragons passed and Rachel saw something familiar in one of the red dragon’s claws, a black girl, and her hair completely out and sleeping in its claws.

            “Yasmine...YASMINE!” Rachel called, getting out from under Allen’s cloak and trying to chase after the dragon.

            “Rachel, get back here!” Allen called, chasing after her. Rachel tried chasing after the dragon but the dragons disappeared in the soot covered mist. Rachel was breathing heavily, inhaling too much soot. Rachel nearly fell but Allen was quickly by her side, catching her before she fell over. He put his cloak over her mouth and said “Just breathe normally.”

Rachel went to her knees and Allen stayed beside her before she could catch her breath again.

            “I thought I saw her.” Rachel mumbled.

            “Just calm down, you wanna stop training for today?” Allen asked.

Rachel looked back up at the sky seeing if the dragons would just happen to pass by but she said “No, I wanna see if I’m an Ancient or not. We need to use a different tactic, imagining it isn’t helping.”

Rachel got up and paced around trying to think of a solution. An idea popped in her head but she wasn’t very happy with it.

            “Where’re the serpent creatures Allen?” Rachel asked slyly.

* * * *

            Jaya was learning all the techniques she needed to know about her being an Ancient. She was learning Chinese martial arts to control the wind against Lavi’s attacks. For protection she could create a hurricane around herself so powerful that it made most of Lavi’s attacks bounce back at him and push his giant mallet back. Lavi jumped into the sky and brought down his mallet, ready to hit her with a fire attack. Jaya put her fists out and blew him back. Lavi landed with a thud and Jaya went to his aid. Lavi burst out in laughter.

            “What’re you laughing about?” Jaya asked, finding herself laughing as well.

            “I’ve never fought a rookie and got beat! You’ve got the talent to fight off monsters maybe even the Nightfury.”

            “What’s so fearsome about this Nightfury?” Jaya asked.

            “Well it’s the fastest dragon alive and never misses when shooting these plasma balls of blue fire. It follows no orders from anyone except for the queen who’s supposedly dead.” Lavi answered. He took out two water bottles and tossed one to Jaya. “But it’s now really certain.”

            “Do you believe she’s alive?” Jaya asked.

            “I don’t know, books don’t say and the oldest of the old don’t even know.” Lavi said, getting a giggle from Jaya. “So what about you, I’ve only heard questions about our world, I think it’s my turn to ask.”

            “Okay, like what?” Jaya asked.

            “Like….what’s Earth like?” Lavi asked sitting criss crossed.

            “A toxic waist dump filled with pollutions and war.” Jaya answered. Lavi laughed and wiped a tear from his eye.

            “Sounds a lot like here.” Lavi said. “Uh… How’d you end up here?”

            “Got eaten by a door.” Jaya replied.

Lavi laughed even harder and said “Wow, defiantly sounds like here. Um….What do you do everyday?”

            “Monday thru Friday we’re stuck at a prison called school, surrounded by teachers who don’t understand us, well not all of them.” Jaya said.

            “Sounds like Monarch.” Lavi said.

            “We’re forced to do homework and if we get a low grade were held back and sent to community collage!” Jaya said.

            “Sounds terrifying.” Lavi said with a smile.

            “But the worst of it is a monster called Logan who preys on everyone talking about none realistic creatures, pushing people to believe her!” Jaya said with a huff. Lavi laughed and said “I wanna meet her.”

            “No you don’t.” Jaya said. “Believe me; you don’t want to meet her.”

Lavi laughed, till ash began showering over them. Looking up he saw dragons fly by, a high pitch screech zooming by the sky. A black blur zoomed by and Jaya went to her feet.

            “What was that?” Jaya asked.

            “The Nightfury.” Lavi said bluntly.

The dragons passed and Jaya spotted a black girl in one of the dragons claws, sleeping it looked like. Jaya tried squinting to get a better look but the dragons soon disappeared. Lavi clasped a cloth over her mouth and said “It’s bad to breathe in the ash; we’ll have to wait till the air clears.”

So for the next thirty minutes, Jaya and Lavi simply sat there waiting for the ash to clear up. Jaya grew bored and started practicing a move she called the air scooter, she always somehow failed at it but was able to accomplish it when Lavi swung his mallet at her and she jumped, pushing air under her till it twirled into a ball and she sat on it, riding it down his staff. But she wasn’t able to do it again. She fell on her backside again, Lavi laughing at her.

            “What’re you doing?” Lavi asked.

            “I’m working on my air scooter.” Jaya replied, trying again but failing.

            “Air scooter?” Lavi asked. “You name your moves now?”

            “Well yeah, I’m just cool like that!” Jaya said. She was then hit in the head by a mysterious object, falling to the ground and Lavi was soon at her side. Lavi picked her head up and rested her head on his knees. Using the last of his water, he dumped the water on her to awaken her.

            “What happened?” Jaya asked.

            “You seemed to have been hit by something.” Lavi said and lifted it up, an egg with Jaya’s name written on. Lavi handed it to Jaya and Jaya looked at the egg with wonder. It was big and a series of greens all over. It was warm in Jaya’s hands and her eyes sparkled as she looked at her name, jewel encrusted and seeming it would always return no matter where she lost it. She hugged the egg and Lavi asked “Were you looking for that?”

Jaya shook her head plainly.

            “Well it’s your now I guess, so lets see what it’ll hatch into.” Lavi said. Jaya picked herself up, still hugging the egg.

            “Let’s go back now.” Jaya said.

Lavi was about to lead the way back till they heard a scream. They quickly turned, seeing the serpent creatures town, someone had fallen in or gotten in. Lavi and Jaya raced towards the serpent creatures town.

© 2011 Imagination-mage

My Review

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This chapter was awesome! Going to read more soon :D
I noticed one thing in the beginning though, ''The morning sun shined down..''
It should be ''shone down''

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Lol I have horrible grammar ha ha. Thanks though
I'm sensing you might have gotten some ideas from How To Train Your Dragon. Doesn't matter though, 'Cause this is still awesome!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 things:

1. that fake yawn trick that Lavi did that usually attracts someone i made "TO LOSE A GIRL IN THREE EASY STEPS" and one of those steps was to yawn and stretch your arms out and then if the girl is in your way just push out of the way so you're arms have room. hahaha now available at your local bookstore. :D

2. I tried to eat before reading but after hearing that cookie scene *sighs* dinner you failed me :(

Posted 13 Years Ago

Awsome! Keep it up!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on October 8, 2011
Last Updated on October 8, 2011

P.E.T (Pandora. Edolas. Toradora)



Suna, AZ

I'm a young mage who enjoys creating adventure, romance, horror (if i can) and sometimes a good angst. i do hope you can enjoy the stories i create, everyone enjoy! more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Imagination-mage