Chapter One

Chapter One

A Chapter by Imagination-mage

Jaya and Rachel fell into a tree, landing on branches, falling off again because Jaya fell off her branch, grabbed onto Rachel’s leg and pulled her down with her. They both landed in the bushes, groaning from the pain.

            “Ow.” Jaya said angrily. “Stupid gravity!”

            “Jaya you can’t go blaming gravity, it’s what keeps us on Earth.” Rachel said.

            “Well I’m going to anyway, STUPID, STUPID GRAVITY!” Jaya said aggressively, screaming at the heavens and kicking a nearby rock. Rachel just rolled her eyes and observed her surroundings. They were in a town a lot like London, the giant clock tower ticking and civilians walking in and out of shops. There was an odd mist surrounding the area and Rachel could just sense the danger for some odd reason. Jaya threw a fit as she continued getting frustrated till Rachel firmly grabbed her arm and shushed her.

            “Do not shush me Rachel!” Jaya said, ripping her arm from Rachel’s grasp.

            “No we need to stay together!” Rachel said. “Something’s not right, just stay close okay?”

            “Sure, sure, but I still don’t see what’s wrong.” Jaya said, staying close to Rachel. The fog began to thicken as they walked along the stone streets, being watched by everyone they passed. Jaya was even grabbed by the sleeve by an infant making her squeal in shock. She took Rachel’s hand and tried keeping pace with her, staying as close as possible.

            “This place freaks me out Jaya.” Rachel whispered in Jaya’s ear.

            “I know, just keep your head low and just act like everyone else.” Jaya whispered back, slumping her head forward and moving at the pace of the other woman. Suddenly, Rachel was grabbed by the arm by a random man and when she looked into his eyes, his pupils were black stars.

            “Hey there little lady, you from around here?” he asked slyly, his grip tightening on Rachel’s arm.

            “Actually, we were just passing by.” Rachel said, trying to make him let go, the mans grip began to tighten so hard that she felt her pulse beat rapidly, and intensely against her skin. Jaya marched up to the man and slapped his hand off of Rachel, shocking them both. Jaya looked at him angrily and said “Have you no shame pervert, we are simply passing by and you greet us by nearly stealing my friend?! What kind of rat hole is this?!”

            “A hellish one.” Said the man, his neck shooting out of place like a snake and his tongue rolled out, roaring towards the skies. Jaya backed away and Rachel ran, pulling Jaya with her. The two ran as fast as their legs could take them, running past the same demons that tried getting Rachel. They snapped and tried biting at their flesh but Rachel and Jaya were able to barely slip away. Rachel was running in the lead, Jaya running right behind her. Rachel soon stopped making Jaya bump into her.

            “What, can’t you see those things are right behind us?!” Jaya asked, looking back every now and then, hearing the roar of the serpent creatures.

            “There’s no way out…” Rachel said. Jaya looked ahead and saw that Rachel was right. Surrounding them was nothing but an endless abyss with grey clouds covering everything, not even the suns rays got into the thick clouds. Jaya looked back and saw an army of serpent people, their skin scaly green, hissing and fangs showing at the sides of their mouths. One roared at them, making them inch on the edge.

            “Oh god, I didn’t think I’d die this way!” Jaya said, hugging Rachel tightly.

            “I always thought I was going to die old and in a library!” Rachel said, hugging back tightly. Rachel felt hot tears stream down from Jaya’s cheeks and onto her scalp. Rachel saw her vision begin to blur and she tried wiping the tears away but she just panicked even more as the creatures came closer and closer. One tried snapping at Jaya making her scream. Jaya looked back and saw Rachel’s feet edging off the rocks. Rachel suddenly lost her balance and fell. Jaya grabbed Rachel’s wrist trying to hold her up, making sure she would stay up.

            “Hang on Rachel, hang on.” Jaya said through gritted teeth.

            “Jaya behind you!” Rachel screamed. Behind her, a serpent woman prepared to bite down on Jaya but Jaya refused to let go.

            “LET GO JAYA!” Rachel screamed.

Jaya turned finding the beast about to chomp down on her till a silver belt like rope wrapped around its mouth, pulling it down the abyss.

            “It’s them!” cried one of the creatures.

            “Kill the humans!” said another.

One charged to bite into Jaya who leaned forward and fell with Rachel. The two screamed, spiraling around each other. Rachel reached out and Jaya grabbed her hands. Jaya let out a scream, not from fear but from pain. A scar was being carved onto her right eye looking like a key with a star on the top. A gust of wind suddenly shot up and caused them to get caught in a tornado. Now spinning, the two continued screaming till they landed on solid ground. Still gripping the others hands, they looked back. They were out of the town with the snake creatures. Jaya and Rachel released each others hands, bewildered.

            “Jaya what just happened?” Rachel asked.

            “I- I don’t know, I just started panicking. Suddenly a pain came to my right eye as if someone jabbed a knife into it, carving something.” Jaya said, feeling her eye. Her hands felt the key shaped scar. The scar suddenly stung her with a little bit of lightening, making Jaya flinch and suck on her finger.

            “I have a scar!” Jaya said. “Rachel do I look hideous?!”

            “No your fine Jaya, the scar actually looks really cool.” Rachel said, looking at it. Rachel reached out to touch it but Jaya automatically slapped her hand away.

            “What was that for?” Rachel asked.

            “I don’t know it just feels weird when other people touch it!” Jaya said. “Where are we anyway?”

Looking around, they were in a deserted looking landscape. The clouds were dull, even the sun didn’t shine. Rachel touched the ground and found it just grey sand. There were no trees, not a cloud in the sky, no animals, just the giant clouds forming around the town they had escaped from.

            “Where are the others?” Jaya asked. “Yasmine, Sarah! Bethany, Rylie! ANSWER ME!”

Jaya’s voice only echoed across the barren land. Rachel turned three hundred and sixty degrees to see if her eyes were just playing tricks on her.

            “We’re utterly alone.” Rachel mumbled.

            “Wait my phone!” Jaya said, digging into her pocket. She pulled out her cell phone, kissing it happily as she dialed in Yasmine’s number. She put the phone on speaker and the two listened intensely, crossing their fingers.

Hello? Yasmine said on the other line.

            “Oh god thank goodness, Yasmine where are you?!” Jaya asked, panicking.

            “Anyone else with you?” Rachel asked.

Well Sarah’s with me but I have no idea where I am…Wait, Sarah sees something…. (rustle, rustle, rustle) No Sarah don’t look in the eyes! (Loud screeching taking up Yasmine’s voice) SARAH RUN! OH GOD THERE’RE TOO MANY OF THEM! (ROAR) AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

Yasmine was suddenly cut off and Jaya looked at her phone. The phone read that Yasmine’s signal had been lost. She tried calling Bethany and Rylie but her phone had somehow died on a full battery. Jaya shoved her phone back in her pocket and said “My phones dead…”

            “Or something’s blocking your phones signal.” Rachel suggested. The wind suddenly began to pick up as if reacting to Jaya’s emotion. Jaya looked at Rachel angrily, huffing and puffing. The wind blew so hard Rachel had to dig her feet into the sand to prevent from being blown back. She grabbed Jaya’s hand and said “Jaya calm down!”

            “We’re doomed….We’re gonna die here…” Jaya said, her scar beginning to glow again. Her eyes glowed an eerie blue; the winds began to surround her. Rachel shielded herself from the sand picking up; feeling herself began to lift off the ground. Rachel began to spiral around Jaya who was so angry and scared that the winds were reacting to her very emotions.

            “JAYA!” Rachel screamed. She managed to awkwardly swim towards her and grab onto Jaya’s hand. She bit Jaya’s hand making Jaya come out of her bizarre tantrum, making the two fall on the ground. Jaya was now rolling in the sand, gripping her hand and said “Why the hell did you bite my hand?!”

            “You were going all crazy.” Rachel said, picking herself up then Jaya. “What happened?”

            “I don’t know…” Jaya said, trying to think back. “I just remember Yasmine getting cut off and I started feeling angry and scared. I didn’t know what to do and then… blank...”

            “Weird, it seems that scar wasn’t the only thing you got out from wherever we are.” Rachel said. “Let’s just find civilization and ask a few questions.”

            “Yeah, good idea.” Jaya said. Going in a random direction, the two head off to find any trace of life beside that wretched town they nearly died in. Jaya led the way, the winds flowing by softly now and Rachel trailing behind her. Rachel smacked her lips and said “I’m getting thirsty.”

            “Yeah, if only Bethany was here to give us water.” Jaya said, smacking her lips as well. “There’s no water anywhere nearby.”

            “Don’t you find it strange that we’re the only ones out here?” Rachel asked till she tripped over what looked like a white stone.

            “Ow!” Rachel said rubbing her foot. “Stupid rock!”

            “And you get upset when I call gravity stupid.” Jaya said, helping Rachel up. Rachel dusted herself off and looked back at the rock. She dug under the sand, pulling at the rock till a skeleton arm came out.

            “BWAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!” Rachel screamed and dropped the bone, going to Jaya who was also screaming in terror.

            “WHY ARE THERE BONES IN THE SAND?!” Jaya screamed.

Rachel was too busy screaming to answer, bolting from the spot with Jaya following behind her, trying to catch up with her and calm her down. As Rachel was running for her life, something small, gold yellow and round collided with her face. Rachel fell back with the little creature indented in her face. Jaya raced towards her and said “What’s that?”

The small round creature had a long tail with a light yellow cross in the middle of its face. It had golden wings on top of its head with little horns on the side with little arms sticking out from the bottom. It got off of Rachel’s face, a bit disoriented, and flew next to Jaya who at first was hesitant about it getting to close.

            “How cute!” Rachel said, despite the red mark it left when they collided. She took the little thing and tickled its underbelly, making it tear up from being ticklish. It wiggled its arms and legs in the air. It opened its mouth revealing sharp teeth.

            “Wow, he is cute.” Jaya said. “What is he?”

            “I don’t know, but I’m gonna call him… Arcathrio.” Rachel said, hugging him. The creature, now named Arcathrio, flew out of Rachel’s hands and sniffed the air. He pointed to Jaya’s left and bit Rachel by the shirt, trying to drag her towards its direction.

            “Let’s follow Arcathio.” Rachel said.

            “You’re following some thing that we just met not even knowing if it might just lead us to another town filled with those serpent thingies?” Jaya asked.

Arcathrio zoomed towards Jaya, slapping her all over in the face and Jaya attempted to slap it away but it was too fast. Rachel just giggled and said “Well got any better ideas?”

Jaya finally slapped Arcathrio away and said “Well…no, fine we’ll follow Arcathrio.”

Feeling victorious, Arcathrio sat on Rachel’s head and pointed the way. Rachel simply followed with Jaya angrily following behind, sending death glares towards Arcathrio who simply stuck his tongue out. They didn’t notice they were being watched from the skies. Dragons watched them pass, licking their lips but seeming a bit angered by the humans they found. Ones tail came towards the others face and showed it a picture of a young black girl who held wearing black fingerless gloves with mouths on the palms of the gloves. Its partner shook its head and the two flew off to find whoever they were searching for.

© 2011 Imagination-mage

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WHAT PHONE SERVICE DOES SHE HAVE?! I'd love to get reception in places that are 99% likely not Earth!

This is a continuously more epic story

Posted 13 Years Ago

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>XD yeah i hate gravity too once i climbed a tree biggest mistake i've ever but it was worth the bird's eye view!

i found that phonecall very scary....but wicked! heehee onto the next page! ^(*-*)^

Posted 13 Years Ago

"Wait, Sarah sees something…. (rustle, rustle, rustle) No Sarah don’t look in the eyes! (Loud screeching taking up Yasmine’s voice) SARAH RUN! OH GOD THERE’RE TOO MANY OF THEM! (ROAR) AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Ha, ha! I love that part! Keep it up!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on October 8, 2011
Last Updated on October 8, 2011

P.E.T (Pandora. Edolas. Toradora)



Suna, AZ

I'm a young mage who enjoys creating adventure, romance, horror (if i can) and sometimes a good angst. i do hope you can enjoy the stories i create, everyone enjoy! more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Imagination-mage