Pikachu's Egg-sitting Adventure

Pikachu's Egg-sitting Adventure

A Chapter by Imagination-mage

Just a cute story on Tamaki and pikachu's love life so far.


Harmony arrived at the top of the hill that led to Shippou City. She inhaled the smell of ripened Cherri blossoms, the petals were falling as well. Raichu was beside her as she walked, smiling up proudly before saying “Rai, rai!”

            “Yup, this is where it all started…” Harmony said and turned back. “Kit, Kit we’re here!”

            “Oh, finally!” Kit said, she was currently riding Cheren’s back.

            “Kit, you have two legs that aren’t broken.” Cheren said, wheezing now. “I still don’t understand why I have to carry you!”

            “Not my fault you lost the battle.” Kit said with an eye brow raised. “Now mush dog, mush!”

Cheren’s head hung low as he forced himself to the top of the hill. Kit soon jumped off, her tsutarja now had evolved into a janovy and rested atop her head like it always did. The three trainers looked down at their destination, Harmony jus bubbling with excitement.

            “I hope Tyki didn’t forget her promise!!” Harmony said racing down with raichu chasing after.

            “She couldn’t have, you called like every five minutes!” Kit said, Cheren after them and her janovy clinging to her hat. “She has been busy lately though.”

For the past six months, Tyki had been building up on her career as a breeder. Her birthday recently passed and for a present, she was gifted with a small cottage that was just the right size for raising pokemon. Tyki had been known for her battling skills but now known for her breeding. Through the phone calls and letters that came Harmony’s way, Tyki’s business had been booming especially since she had the ability to talk to pokemon now. The three arrived to the Shippou City gym where a battle was just taking place.

            “Oobemu, use confusion!” an energetic trainer cried. On one side was Tyki, her hair cut in a boyish haircut now and wearing a baggy basketball shirt and shorts, sandals on her feet. Her skin was tanned, due to her being outside, and her eyes still having the trainer’s eye. Her oobemu used a confusion ray attack, confusing the opponents’ pokemon. 

            “Now, finish it with psychic shock!” Tyki said, her oobemu easily defeating the pokemon. It lay on the ground unconscious and her brother declared “Tyki wins!”

Tyki ran off the stand and congratulated her pokemon on its victory. After talking her opponent that next time will be his day, she led him out of the gym and waved him off. Tamaki was on her shoulder, looking quite….

            “Wow Tama-chan you’ve gained weight!” Kit said, Tamaki’s face glowing red with rage. Tyki laughed and said “Tama-chan, now’s the time.”

            “Time for what?” Cheren asked.

            “Well Tama-chan’s been going through a numerous faze of…stuff.” Tyki said. “Mood swings, weird appetite, nausea, fatigue or jet-lag. All signs of something amazing happening!”

            “She’s pregnant?!” Harmony cried out, Tyki nodding and Tamaki holding her head up high, looking proud. Harmony jumped up and down in happiness, tackling the two in a hug.

            “But how?” Cheren asked.

            “Satoshi and his friends came over, Satoshi here for training so pikachu and Tamaki had a lot of…alone time.” Tyki said, air quotes over her words, Tamaki blushing. “She’s been pregers for sometime and I think she’s close.” 

            “It was gonna happen someday.” Kit said, her janovy agreeing. Tamaki glared at janovy, who smirked slyly saying words that made Tyki and Tamaki’s face heat up.

            “What did she say?” Harmony asked.

            “…I’d rather not say…” Tyki said. “Come on, you can help me with my chores!”

Tyki led them back to her house, going to her breeder ‘den’ as she called it. Inside, there were eggs aligned on shelves, some wild pokemon on the ground guarding specific eggs. Kit stepped over a family of meowths and Harmony ducked as some flying types zoomed overhead.

            “These are all yours?” Cheren asked.

            “No these are wild types.” Tyki replied. “They stay here and wait for the eggs to hatch.”

            “Why not go in the forest?” Harmony asked.

            “Didn’t you hear?” Tyki asked. “Yaguroma forest had this huge fire last month, all these pokemon are homeless.”

Harmony looked sadly down at all the pokemon who seemed to have come in families. She spotted a mother hahakoromori who was watching her five eggs in a container, seeming happy they were safe.

            “What do you do to help them?” Cheren asked.

            “I only care for the eggs.” Tyki explained. “The pokemon come and go as they please to check on their eggs. Other than that, they go back to Yaguroma forest to repair it.”

            “Well then, what can we do?” Harmony asked.

            “Yeah, might as well help while we’re here.” Kit said. Tyki gave them a wide smile and led them to their duties.


            “Here we are.” Satoshi said, he appeared before the breeders den just as Tyki instructed. Pikachu seemed the most excited as he hopped off his shoulder and raced to the door, knocking. The door opened only to reveal a tired, angered Kit.

            “What do you want?” she asked, an evil aura coming off her and frightening pikachu. Pikachu quickly retreated back to Satoshi, making Kit glare at the trainers instead.

            “U-Uh, we’re here to visit.” Dent stuttered. Kit beckoned them to follow, the trainers going inside and finding Harmony and Cheren organizing the shelves of eggs.

            “Hey guys.” Tyki called, she seemed to be the only bright one. Satoshi greeted Tyki with a tight hug and said “It’s so good to see you again!”

Pikachu scanned the area for Tamaki who was no where to be found. He spotted Nova instead and asked her who blushed suddenly as she pointed to a room with the door slightly ajar. Pikachu dashed inside, Tyki spotting him and calling “Wait, pikachu!”

            As they entered the room they came to a small veterinary clinic, on the white counter was Tamaki in a bundle of blankets, cradling two eggs to keep them warm. Pikachu’s eyes gleamed as he joined his mate on the counter, Tamaki greeting him with a lick to the cheek.

            “Tamaki just recently delivered.” Tyki explained. “I wanted it to be a surprise.”

            “Pikachu’s a dad!” Iris squealed. “Can I have one?!”

Tamaki growled, her cheeks sparking and Tyki gave a nervous laugh as she said “Uh, Iris when the eggs hatch they have to stay by the mother so she can teach them their moves. Tamaki plans to keep them by her side until they’ve matured at least.”

Iris seemed sad suddenly and asked “Can I at least hold one?”

            “Yeah.” Tyki said brightly. She picked up the two small black and yellow eggs and handed one to Iris and the other to Satoshi. The two marveled at the small eggs, until Satoshi felt movement.

            “I-It’s moved!” Satoshi declared.

            “Well they’ve been incubated for some time so they should be hatching soon actually.” Tyki explained. “My little helper helps Tamaki with the incubation.”

Out came virizion who shocked Harmony the most.

            “I caught him last month, so he helps me with the eggs and also helps repair the forest.” Tyki said. “Kit caught cobalion and Harmony terrakion.”

            “I thought he hated you though.” Kit pointed out.

            “He did, but as long as he’s outside his pokeball he’s fine.” Tyki explained. Virizion growled as he spotted Iris trying to slip the egg in her bag making her return it to Tamaki who growled as well. Tyki then tapped Satoshi on the shoulder and said “Hey Satoshi, I think I know how to make Tama-chan’s and pikachu’s mating official to everyone.”

~ * ~

            Tamaki was dressed in a pink kimono, her ribbon now a gorgeous shade of pink with a ribbon tied around her torso, her fur was a rich yellow and her heart shaped tail fluffy and swaying as she walked down the red carpeted aisle. Pikachu stood near Dent, the pastor, wearing a black and white kimono and victini holding heart shaped chocolates. Tyki and the other trainers sat in chairs watching as Tamaki was led down by Darkrai who soon faded into the shadows and joined the trainers and their pokemon in the stands. Dent cleared his throat as he prepared himself, Tyki suddenly balling out in tears and her pokemon there to support her.

            “Do you, Satoshi’s pikachu, take Tyki’s pikachu as you mate forever?” Dent asked, pikachu turning to Tamaki who batted her eyelashes and pikachu said “Pika!”

            “That means yes.” Tyki called.

            “And do you, Tyki’s pikachu, take Satoshi’s pikachu as your mate forever?” Dent asked.

            “Pika pi!” Tamaki said gleefully.

            “That means defiantly!” Tyki said, tapping her eyes with a tissue.

            “I now pronounce you man and wife!” Dent said gleefully, dramatically lifting his arms into the air, the pokemon throwing sakura petal as the two pikachu’s connected cheeks a pink bolt of lightening erupting and forming a heart. Tamaki kissed pikachu lightly and pikachu blushed madly. There was whistling in the back, Harmony wiping her eyes as tears fell.

            “My first pokemon wedding!” Harmony said, wiping her eyes.

            “Yup and I’ve got it all on tape.” Kit said, looking at the footage she caught on her video camera. Tamaki was ready to throw the bouquet of flowers, the female pokemon surrounding her. Tamaki threw it into the air and the cheering stopped. Leila had caught it and happened to be standing beside zoroark making her blush madly. Tyki only laughed as she thought Arceus, if you could see us now…

Two Months Later

            Satoshi was once again on the hill that led to Shippou City, looking down on it with his two friends. It had been two months since the eggs were born and pikachu’s wedding. Tyki had sent an urgent message to come back and pikachu seemed to be the most excited to return to his mate.

            “I wonder what could’ve been so urgent that Tyki would call us back on such short notice.” Dent questioned.

            “Well she was worried about the eggs.” Iris said.

            “Yeah, always saying that the eggs should’ve hatched months ago.” Satoshi said. As they arrived, Harmony was there outside waiting for them. Her pokemon were out, revealing three legendary members with her. Harmony looked so much more confident in herself. She now carried a latias, latios, and terrakion. A victini was zooming over her head, constantly stealing her hat and zooming off with it. Another victini stole it back, placing it back on Harmony’s head and scolding the other one, obviously a younger generation. Harmony greeted them with hugs and said “Come on!”

            She led them inside the house, the eggs on the shelves soon crowded. They came to the veterinary clinic, finding Tamaki sleeping soundly in her basket. The eggs were beside her as usual and Tyki was pacing the room.

            “Oh thank god you’re here!” Tyki said, scooping pikachu up and placing him next to Tamaki, who moved around in her sleep, looking like she was having a bad dream.

            “What’s wrong?” Dent asked, Tamaki’s cheeks suddenly sparking to life and shocking her mate who squealed with surprised.

            “Nurse Joy says she’s having a discharge.” Tamaki said. “She’s been having these horrible nightmares, it’s scaring her now and I don’t know what do anymore.” 

Tamaki shocked pikachu again who only patted her head to calm her down. Tamaki shifted and soon looked up, surprised to find pikachu.

            “Pika pi?” Tamaki asked.

            “Pika, pikachu.” Pikachu said, Tamaki hugging him. She yawned widely, showing she hadn’t been sleeping well lately. Tyki yawned as well, rubbing her eyes and saying “It’s been days since I last slept…I need a break.”

            “Perfect, we can go out for a picnic!” Dent said gleefully. “It’s almost lunchtime anyway and everyone here needs it.”

Tyki scratched the back of her head and mumbled “I don’t know…”

Tamaki suddenly shouted “PIKACHU!!”

Sending a spark of lightening at Tyki and causing her to get electrocuted. Tyki fell to the floor, her pokemon there along with the trainers to help her up. Tamaki awoke from her sleep, looking around as if expecting an intruder. When she only saw pikachu beside her, she greeted him with a smile and kiss. She then spotted Tyki basically fried as she tried getting up.

            “I’ll get the drinks…” Tyki mumbled.


            The trainers enjoyed a wonderful meal made by Dent and Kit, everyone gathered around a picnic table, eating to their hearts content. Tyki was stuffing herself, showing that she hadn’t eaten in days.

            “Thirds please!” Tyki said, holding her plate out.

            “Leave room for the chocolate mousse, geez!” Kit bellowed. The pokemon were out of their pokeballs, Tamaki’s eggs beside her as she ate. She hungrily ate away her food, pikachu wiping her mouth of any crumbs and Tamaki fed him.

            “They’re so cute!!” Harmony said.

            “I know, you almost can’t handle it!!” Iris chimed in. Tyki only giggled and said “Well it is nice to see Tama-chan happy instead of waking me up in the middle of the night completely terrified.”

Tamaki laughed nervously, not noticing her eggs shift a bit and roll away. She only noticed when she tried patting one of them only to find them both gone. She panicked, finding her eggs rolling away.

            “PIKA PI!!” Tamaki screamed and chased after the eggs. She was so close to catching them till a flying type swooped in and grabbed both of them. Pikachu was right behind her as she fired an electric attack, hitting the bird and causing it to drop the eggs. Tamaki began to really panic.

            “Nova, use telekinesis!!” Tyki cried, her oobemu catching the eggs and safely bringing them back to Tamaki who released a sigh of relief. Tamaki hugged the eggs till they began to glow brightly in her arms.

            “THEY’RE HATCHING!!” Harmony screamed. As the light grew brighter, the egg shells broke off revealing twin pichu’s cradled in Tamaki’s arms. The two looked around, their round eyes taking in the scenery. They looked up at their parents soon screaming gleefully “Pichu, pi!!”

Tamaki’s eyes glowed happily as she looked down at her two new kids. Tyki suddenly came in, taking one and giving it a check out.

            “Boy.” Tyki said then examined the other. “Girl, how cute, and they’re both twins.”

            “You gonna name them?” Satoshi asked.

            “Yeah, but you get the honor of naming one since one is related to your pikachu.”  Tyki said. “The female shall be named…Pipi!”

            “Pipi?” Satoshi said, and then snapped his fingers. “Then the boy can be Chu!”

            “Pipi and Chu…how cute!” Tyki said. “Hear that guys?!”

The twins jumped up and down in excitement, soon attacking one another in play fighting. Tamaki clapped her hands happily as her children play fought.

            “You know… I’ve been so busy that we haven’t battled yet.” Tyki said, rubbing her chin.

            “But we don’t have the time.” Cheren said.

            “Then it’ll be Satoshi and Harmony against Kit and I.” Tyki said, turning to Kit. “You up for it Kit?”

            “Of course, don’t underestimate me!!” Kit said angrily. “Let’s get started!!”

~ * ~

            “On one side is Harmony and Satoshi who are battling the Shippou City breeder and pokemon coordinator Tyki and Kit!” Dent declared. “It’ll be a two on two battle, two rounds. Make this a clean battle; now call forth your pokemon!”

            “I choose you, darkrai!” Tyki declared.

            “Come on out articuno!” Kit said, the two legendaries appearing. Harmony and Satoshi flinched as the two legendaries loomed over them. Harmony unleashed her pokeball and Satoshi as well.

            “Lets do this!” Satoshi said, giving Harmony an extra bit of determination. Harmony nodded and the two threw their pokeballs into the air. Harmony summoning her latias and Satoshi his pokabu.

            “Begin!” Dent said.

            “Darkrai, into the shadows!” Tyki called.

Her darkrai sank into the shadows and disappeared from view.

            “Articuno, use fly!” Kit said.

            “Go after it latias!” Harmony said and her latias zoomed after Kit’s articuno.

            “Jump aboard latias pokabu!” Satoshi said. Pokabu ran up a tree and hopped aboard latias who flew into the air after articuno.

            “Use air cutter!” Harmony called.

            “Pokabu, use flame thrower!” Satoshi said. His pokabu unleashed a wave of fire towards articuno as it dodged the air cutter attack. Articuno stopped in midair as if ready to take the hit.

            “Now darkrai, take articuno into the shadows with you!” Tyki called. Darkrai suddenly appearing and taking articuno into the shadows, the fire attack missing them. The two pokemon panicked, looking around frantically.

            “Keep your eyes open!” Harmony called. The others were currently watching on the side lines, Tamaki on Iris’s lap and her kids watching the battle in aw.

            “They’re so cute watching them battle.” Iris said, hugging Tamaki who glared up at her. Pipi and Chu only giggled as their mother ignored Iris’s hugs and continued watching the battle. Harmony and Satoshi frantically looked around, panicking that darkrai and articuno would appear at any moment.

            “Darkrai, use shadow ball on latias!” Tyki suddenly cried, an orb of darkness being launched at latias who quickly dodged, pokabu almost thrown off.

            “Hang on, pokabu!” Satoshi called to his pokemon.

            “Articuno, use ice beam!” Kit said, the two pokemon suddenly emerging from the shadows and articuno unleashing an ice beam that hit latias in the wing. Latias fell, pokabu gripping onto her as the two crashed to the ground. The two got up, cringing at the scratches but able to fully rise.

            “Latias, use dragon rage!” Harmony called.

            “Pokabu, use flame charge!” Satoshi said. Latias’s eyes grew red as it suddenly went into a fury, charging towards darkrai. Pokabu charged at articuno who was hit in the chest and crashed into a tree. Darkrai took the hit of the dragon rage attack but Tyki quickly intercepted “Use dark void!”

            “What?!” Harmony cried as darkrai formed a ball of black energy into its hand and shot it at latias who instantly fell asleep. Latias fell to darkrai’s feet and Tyki said “Now use Dream Eater!”

Darkrai soon fell asleep as well and entered latias’s mind. Latias’s eyes opened and it automatically fainted. Darkrai arose and went to assist articuno who was now dodging all the fire attacks.

            “Articuno, finish it off with hyper beam!” Kit said, articuno launching a powerful hyper beam and causing pokabu to faint.

            “Pokabu and latias are unable to battle, darkrai and articuno are the winners.” Dent declared. “Onto the next round!”

Tyki’s darkrai turned to her and said I wish to watch the remaining battle on the side, is that alright?

            “Of course.” Tyki said, her darkrai going into the shadows and disappearing but going beside Tamaki and her kids. Kit returned her articuno and turned to Tyki “Who’re you calling out?”

            “You’ll see.” Tyki replied. She threw her pokeball into the air and called out her lucario, Kit letting out her shandera. Harmony called out her zoroark and Satoshi his zuruggu who pulled up its pants like skin. Tyki immediately lunged for zuruggu, hugging it tightly.

            “IT’S SO CUTE!!” Tyki declared. “Where’d you get it?!”

            “A breeder gave it to me as a present.” Satoshi said, rubbing the back of his head. His zuruggu soon head butted Tyki but she seemed completely unfazed by it.

            “Our last battle, make it count!” Kit said, her shandera agreeing.

            “Let the last round, begin!” Dent declared.

            “Zoroark, use razor claw!” Harmony said, her zoroark charging and trying to get at Leila, who braced herself.

            “Zuruggu, use head butt on Leila as well!” Satoshi said.

            “Shandera, hit zuruggu with shadow ball!” Kit said. “Protect Leila!”

Kit’s shandera charged, a shadow firing a shadow ball at zuruggu who fell back and used will-o-wisp on zoroark who had a serious burn. Leila then charged in, taking the opportunity to focus her aura and attacked zoroark.

            “Use focus palm!” Tyki said, her Leila pounding her paw into zoroark’s chest and pushing him back. Shandera was now using flame thrower, hitting zuruggu and causing him to collide with zoroark.

            “Aura’s sphere, now!” Tyki called, Leila forming a ball of energy.

            “Quick Satoshi, get out of range!” Harmony said.

            “Zuruggu, in the trees!” Satoshi commanded. His zuruggu quickly jumped into the trees and remained there.

            “Zoroark, use night daze!” Harmony said, her zoroark throwing down its arms and unleashing dark energy, blowing Leila’s aura sphere away and knocking the two opponents down. Shandera taking the most damage since she was weak against dark types. Leila went to shandera’s need and tried getting her back up, shandera shaking off the pain.

            “Now, head butt!” Satoshi said and zuruggu came flying down and hitting Leila on the head. Leila rubbed her head, zoroark taking the opportunity. He grabbed Leila, making her fall to the floor with zoroark on top. Leila’s face glowed red as zoroark leaned in. Shandera was trying to hit zuruggu with fire attacks but zuruggu dodged the attacks.

            “Shandera, use will-o-whisp!” Kit cried.

            “Dodge and use bite!!” Satoshi cried, zuruggu dodged the fire and bit down on shandera, it cried out in pain. Zoroark opened its mouth and used roar, recalling the two pokemon and drawing out two new ones. For Kit, a dentula appeared looking drowsy as if awakening from its slumber. It looked around, soon seeing the zuruggu in front of it. Zuruggu immediately head butted the dentula who seemed unfazed.

            “I need your strength dentula.” Kit said, her dentula looking back at her and seeming to accept the challenge. It shoved zuruggu away and braced itself. As for Tyki….well apparently the roar attack had called out her strongest pokemon….

            “L-Leo of all the pokemon it had to call out.” Harmony said. Leo stood tall; it’s back straight and leering down at zoroark. Leo glared making zoroark flinch.

            “You sure you wanna continue?” Tyki asked, sounding unsure. “Leo’s my strongest pokemon and whoever went against him hasn’t lasted three seconds.”

            “We can do this!” Harmony called back. “Zoroark, use night slash!”

The red claws on zoroark’s hands glowed as he charged, Leo not showing any fear.

            “Leo, block both attacks with dragon tail!” Tyki said.

            “It knows dragon tail?!” Harmony said. The end of Leo’s tail glowed a bright light before he brought it down and blocked the night slash. The dragon tail then slammed zoroark into the earth, making him stuck. As for zuruggu it was trying to hit dentula, only grazing it on the side.

            “Electro web!” Kit said and her dentula fired an electric web which caught zuruggu, shocking him. The two pokemon were now immobilized.

            “Now to finish it!” Tyki said. “Leo use frenzy plant!!”

            “Hyper beam, dentula!” Kit said and the two attacks knocked out the pokemon, not even having a scratch. Satoshi looked at them in shock; the battle went by so quickly. Leo only lifted its nose in the air and slithered towards Tyki who rewarded him with a scratch under his chin. He slithers over her shoulders, wrapping around her neck like a scarf and remaining there.

            “We win.” Tyki said, Kit now feeding her dentula a candy. Harmony crumbled to her knees and looked at the ground. She returned her zoroark and Satoshi doing the same. Tyki stroked Leo who purred at her touch, Kit only returning her dentula back inside.

            “Good match guys.” Tyki said.

            “But you need to train a teensy bit more.” Kit said.

            “Yeah, but it was fun.” Harmony said. “But we will beat you one day Tyki!”

            “I bet you will.” Tyki said with a smile. Leo slithered off her shoulder and went to greet the two new pichu’s who were now climbing a board. Virizion arrived, Pipi jumping onto him and requesting a ride. Tyki only laughed and said “We should head back shall we?”

~ * ~

            The trainers were now on the hill exiting Shippou City. After a good night rest, Harmony was ready to hit the road again. Tyki stood beside them, virizion out and following her everywhere.

            “I’m coming along.” Tyki said suddenly.

            “But your breeder shop.” Harmony said.

            “Will be closed until further notice.” Tyki said. “All the eggs have hatched and the forest is flourishing beautifully. I need a break any way and the twins need to see the world too.”

The two hopped around gleefully, Chu running to Satoshi and towards pikachu who greeted his son warmly.

            “Maybe Chu should go with you...” Cheren suggested, Tamaki immediately disapproving the idea but Tyki said “Yeah, father like son! He does resemble him.”

Chu tugged at pikachu’s tail and Dent said “You sure?”

            “Positive!” Tyki said. “Satoshi did a great job with his zuruggu and pikachu’s amazing, might as well make the second generation as awesome as the first!”

Pikachu nodded at the idea, looking at Tamaki for permission. Tamaki crossed her arms, in thought.

            “Pika pi…” Tamaki said, agreeing. Pikachu hopped off Satoshi’s shoulder and onto Tyki’s, kissing her on the cheek and giving her promises of a perfect son. Tamaki blushed and smile, returning the kiss. Tyki shot her fist into the air and bellowed “ONWARD, TOWARD THE LEAGUES!!”

Tyki bolted off, virizion racing after as she ran. The trainers followed her example and racing off into the world of pokemon, a world where many adventures always unfolded; welcoming new friends, rivals, pokemon and the mysteries along with it. This was the story of a girl, who was the chosen for Arceus’s quest, living her now completed life to the fullest.


~ The End~

© 2011 Imagination-mage

Author's Note

thanks for reading everyone, i do hope you enjoyed the story as much as i did making it. please leave reviews and we'll see if im in any mood to make a sequel (most likely not) and thanks again for reading and all the wonderful reviews. Love u all!!!

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*squeals in excitement and from cuteness then explodes*
k now that i've been put back together by my sister from exploding i can review. FINALLY, it took awhile to put me back together phew!

Iris squealed. “Can I have one?!”
ME: Get in line sister! i want one too and so does everyone in the world the line starts back there in China.

i want one too!!!! grrrrrrr....i shouldn't show this to my friend John, he'll get mad that he can't have one either, you know what I'm gonna show him this story so he can suffer not having a Pikacu baby with me. >:) overall cute story

Posted 13 Years Ago


Posted 13 Years Ago

Ha, ha! I like where Kit says, “Wow Tama-chan you’ve gained weight!”
And, “My first pokemon wedding!” Harmony said, wiping her eyes.
“Yup and I’ve got it all on tape.” Kit said, looking at the footage she caught on her video camera.
Oh my gosh and this one was funny too!----- Leila had caught it and happened to be standing beside zoroark making her blush madly.
Then also when Tyki says, “I’ll get the drinks…” after being shocked.
And,---------- He (Zoroark) grabbed Leila, making her fall to the floor with zoroark on top. Leila’s face glowed red as zoroark leaned in.
AND-----As for Tyki…well apparently the roar attack had called out her strongest pokemon…

I'm pretty sure that Loe would be to big to be on Tyki....Other than that, Keep up the great story's you do!

I think you should do another Pokemon book when you have the time. (Which might never happen...You might not even do sequel...But I really want you too.)

Posted 13 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on September 20, 2011
Last Updated on October 10, 2011



Suna, AZ

I'm a young mage who enjoys creating adventure, romance, horror (if i can) and sometimes a good angst. i do hope you can enjoy the stories i create, everyone enjoy! more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Imagination-mage