![]() Chaptire FiveA Chapter by Imagination-mage“Ow, Lali you stepped on my foot!” Kuro complained angrily, flippantly nudging Lali in the side. “Ouch. I’m sorry!” Lali apologized, rubbing her side. She desperately tried to light their way but sadly the flashlight seemed to be dying out. The flashlight soon blinked out, Lali stopping and Kuro bumping into her. Lali commenced slapping the flashlight hoping that it would magically light up again. “Come on Lali we don’t have all day!” Kuro scolded. “The flashlights dead…” Lali said receiving a slap in the back of the head. She felt Kuro brush past her and walk on ahead. She quickly grabbed his wrist, hoping he’d allow it. Kuro didn’t bother to look back, Lali seeing that it was alright to cling to him. Kuro led the way, following his nose and sense of hearing. He suddenly stopped; Lali stopping as well as she tried comprehending what was happening. “What is it?” Lali asked. Kuro only shushed her, placing a finger on her lips to make she stay silent. Lali could hear him go for his large iron mallet that was always strapped to his side for some odd reason. Lali then felt Kuro suddenly take hold of her wrist and pull her along, as if expecting something to jump out. The two then came to a wall of rock, Kuro lifting his leg and kicking a rather large one out of the way. The rocks tumbled, Kuro pushing Lali back as the rocks slid down and revealed a door. The door was old, the mahogany wood already falling apart and the metal hinges rusted with years of moss and grime. Kuro put his mallet away and released Lali’s wrist. “This is it…” Kuro mumbled, going towards the door. He removed the rocks that had collapsed around the bottom. Lali only watched on the side, dodging bits of gravel that ricochet from the ground. Kuro removed the last rock, the door creaking loudly. Kuro dusted his hands and grabbed the door, gripping the wood through the large cracks. He ripped the door off its hinges and tossed it aside. Lali approached the new found hide out and was welcomed to a place of gold, piles of gold coins everywhere along with ancient books, vases, bowls, silverware, scrolls that were brown from age. Lali couldn’t help but jump up and down with glee, scrunching her hands into fists and squealing. She dashed towards the books, opening the aged books and flipping through the pages. “This is amazing!” Lali said. “These books are hundreds of years old, filled with all types of information about the people! Kuro, these are worth millions!” “Yup, so grab as much as the bags and carry.” Kuro said tossing an empty sack to Lali who dropped the book and tried grabbing the sack. Kuro had already filled up two bags of the treasures. Lali started packing the books away, finding a rather odd book under the large coins of gold. She picked it up, the cover feeling like human flesh the ends looking like jagged teeth, the book mark looking like a tongue. Lali ran her hand across the cover, feeling it rumbling, swearing she heard a low groan when she touched it. The book had no title, but it gave off a deadly aura. “Oi Lali, pick up the pace!” Kuro said. “If we’re found here we could be put under arrest!” Lali quickly shoved the book in her bag, not wanting Kuro to see it. Her curiosity got the better of her. As she was searching she found another book that gave off the exact opposite aura. It was a beautifully bind book, looking brand new despite all the years it had been sitting in this one room. The book felt like it was faintly pulsating in her hand, the pages looking heavenly as they faintly glowed a light blue. She was suddenly startled when Kuro put a hand on her shoulder making her scream and cling to the book for dear life. “What?!” Kuro asked. “Sorry, thought you were authorities.” Lali said. Kuro took the book from her hands and stuffed it inside the bag. “Go and find an easy exit okay?” Kuro said. Lali nodded, leaving the room and taking out a match. She lit it and disappeared in the darkness. As for Kuro he stayed behind, looking around the treasure room. He kicked over a large pile of golden antiques, not caring that he shattered a few, revealing an indent in the floor, faded engravings in the indent. Kuro then turned, taking one of the jewels that was buried in the gold and placed it inside the indent. The floor lit up, a small doorway opening up. Kuro turned behind to see if Lali would come back. The small passage opened and Kuro quickly dug his hand inside. His hand grabbed a small battery, covered in cobwebs and dust. “Kuro I found a way out!” Lali called. Kuro shoved the battery in his pocket, slinging the bags of treasure over his shoulder and calling back “Coming!” He quickly left the room, catching up with Lali. He found her beginning to climb up a rocky pillar leading towards a large hole that had light shinning down. Kuro began climbing up the pillar, pushing Lali up when she was having trouble with her footing. Once Lali was out, she pulled Kuro up. “Whelp we got everything.” Kuro said, wiping the sweat on his forehead. “Now let’s get to your present shall we?” ~ * ~ The large castle doors of the Jaredian royal’s castle opened wide for the king and queen of Sarunia. Queen Lenora looked around, glaring at all the Jaredian’s who passed by. “I hate this place.” Lenora said a disgusted look on her face. “It reeks of dog.” “Manners my precious kitten, manners. Remember this is a meeting regarding our niece.” Alphonse said, feeling Lenora wrap her arm around his and staying close. They were led to the thrown room by a maid soon coming to Don, who sat in his fathers thrown lounging in it. “Queen Lenora…King Alphonse…” Don said. He only received a cold glare from Lenora, her husband squeezing her arm to calm her. The two were seated at a coffee table, Don and Lillian joining them as tea and cookies were served to them. Lenora avoided eye contact, Alphonse giving him a warm smile. “Don you’ve grown.” Alphonse said. “Alphonse, you’ve…stayed the same.” Don said. “Why thank you, not as stressed as I used to be.” Alphonse said, sipping his tea. Lenora sat was crossed arms, looking rather stressed and radiating anger. “Miss Lenora?” Lillian said shyly. “We have a few questions.” “Such as?” Lenora asked. “Where exactly is your son?” Don asked, his eyebrow rising. “He’s at an all boy’s school where he’ll be trained by the masters.” Lenora replied. “Why do you ask?” “Our sources tell us he’s on planet Earth.” Don said. “That’s impossible; I visited him just last week at his school.” Alphonse said. “He has top grades and everything. A very bright future.” Don took out a remote and pressed the red blinking button. A large flat screen rolled out from the ceiling and blinked to life, showing footage or Kuro walking in the forests of Japan. Alphonse couldn’t believe his eyes, but his shocked expression changed to anger as he glared daggers at his wife who avoided eye contact. Lenora picked up her silver fork and said “This is a really nice fork.” “Beatrix Lenora Aiko the second what did you do?!” Alphonse asked outraged. “Her husband didn’t know about this?” Don asked, enjoying the enraged Sarunian king. “Interesting.” “I didn’t tell you because I knew you would go running after and probably blow up every Earthling that came near you!” Lenora scolded. “I need someone close to watch over our niece just in case Bubbles decided to kill her again.” “Bubbles is sealed away!” Alphonse said strictly and turned to Don. “This meeting is over, we’re leaving Lenora.” “Bubbles has escaped from her prison and is without a doubt looking for the demon girl.” Don said bluntly just before the two royals could leave. Alphonse froze in place, turning back and asking “She’s been released….how?” “The seal is destroyed when Suro comes within a hundred feet of her, she was only four feet from her.” Don replied. “I fear that Kuro won’t be able to protect her alone.” “What’re you suggesting?” Alphonse asked. “Send the daughter.” Don said bluntly only to be grabbed by the scruff of the shirt and being brought towards Alphonse who was fuming with rage. Lenora took her husbands hand and said “Calm down, we don’t want a blood bath now do we?” “You want me to send my daughter?” Alphonse asked angrily. “The answer is no!” He threw Don to the floor and turned around, his long robes flying in the wind as he stormed out, grabbing his wife by the wrist and dragging her out basically. Don straightened himself out, Lillian helping him up. “That could’ve gone better.” Don said, feeling his neck. “That damn Sarunian nearly singed my neck.” “What now?” Lillian asked. “We wait…he’s thinking about it.” Don said and rose from his spot. Don returned to his thrown and sat in it, Lillian finding her place in the thrown next to his. “If he declines…then we’re all doomed.” Don said, Lillian slipping her hand in his and squeezing. © 2011 Imagination-mage |
Added on September 18, 2011 Last Updated on September 18, 2011 Author![]() Imagination-mageSuna, AZAboutI'm a young mage who enjoys creating adventure, romance, horror (if i can) and sometimes a good angst. i do hope you can enjoy the stories i create, everyone enjoy! more..Writing