![]() Twenty EightA Chapter by Imagination-mageTyki blinked herself awake as she tried taking in the scenery she was in. She came to a blinding bright light, in a white room with people looking down at her wearing white suits and having masks over their mouths, goggles over their eyes as they looked closely at Tyki. Tyki tried moving her arms but found herself restrained. Tyki began to panic as she heard the alerting sound of her pokemon and the other trainer’s pokemon screaming faintly. She turned her head and found all of them trapped behind a glass box, Leo ramming into it as an effort to free them and rescue his trainer. “Where am I?” Tyki asked, trying to wiggle herself free from her restraints. “LET ME GO!!” “Sorry Tyki but I can not do that, for you see; you’re a very important piece to my plan.” A voice said. Looking to her left, Tyki spotted Giovanni making his way towards her, Tyki gritting her teeth in anger. Giovanni loomed over her, taking her hat off and throwing it at the glass cage that contained her pokemon. Leo hissed angrily, Sora punching at the glass now. Giovanni laughed cruelly at her pokemons useless attempts at freeing themselves. “Start the procedure.” Giovanni said, being handed goggles of his own. The doctors surrounding Tyki grabbing cords with sharp needles on the end, implanting them into Tyki making her grit her teeth. “Procedure beginning now, phase one.” One doctor said and walked towards a switch. He pulled it down, a machine roaring to life and the cords suddenly glowing. Tyki was then hit with a large amount of energy being forcibly poured into her making Tyki cry out. She glowed the leaf green she did when the jewel was being used, the procedure so painful it felt as if air was being pumped into her veins. The procedure ended, Tyki feeling tears roll down her face as she caught her breath, her pokemon sadly watching. Giovanni looked at the scanners, asking “Any sign of it?” “No sir, not powerful enough.” Said the scientist. “Next procedure.” Giovanni said and pulled the goggles back over, the rocket scientist flipping the switch again and saying “Phase Two.” ~ * ~ Harmony jumped when she heard the blood curdling scream of Tyki some floors up. She and the others were currently underground behind bars it seemed, their pokemon taken away from them. Harmony’s fists clenched and she shot up declaring “We need to save Tyki!” “How do you suppose we do that?” Cheren asked. “We’re currently locked in a cell where no one can hear us and Tyki’s on who-knows-what floor being tortured to death! We don’t even know why they’re doing this!!” “Arceus remember?” N said. “They’re hoping to use the jewel to lure Arceus here and capture it! Think about it, the pokemon who’s basically God to us, under Giovanni’s command!” “This is bad!” Satoshi said. “We need to get out and free Tyki!” “They took our pokemon; we have no way of navigating through here.” Dent said sadly. “Then we’ll go out the window!” Iris said, pointing up to a small window far up. Kit shook her head and said “There is no why we’re climbing up there. Even a monkey like you couldn’t get a good grip on the walls; they’re covering in years of muck and grime.” Iris’s shoulders slumped, leaning back against the wall. Harmony paced the cell, her thoughts suddenly interrupted by another scream from Tyki. She could see N shaking in the corner, his face hidden in his knees. That was when; an idea so simple and stupid appeared in her head. “Everyone, I go a plan!” Harmony said and everyone huddled in to listen.
Two rocket members were walking the halls, ensuring their prisoners wouldn’t escape till they heard “Help, help!!” They raced to the cell, seeing Satoshi on the floor not moving. Harmony was trembling while everyone panicked. “What happened!?” one asked. “H-He tried climbing the window to escape but he fell, probably snapped his neck when he landed!” Kit said, hands on her hips. “This is all my fault!” Harmony cried out, crying her eyes out while Dent tried comforting her. Harmony hid her face in Dent’s shoulder while Dent patted her back. The rocket members walked in, closing the door behind them as they examined Satoshi’s body. They turned him over and looked at him, only for Satoshi to tackle them and push them to the ground. N and Cheren head locked them, banging their heads together till they were unconscious. Iris grabbed the keys and opened the door, everyone filing out and locking the two rocket members in. “Okay Harmony, I gotta give you credit for that.” Kit said, patting Harmony on the back who was wiping her eyes. “Thanks, I took acting classes and learned how to fake cry.” Harmony said, drying her eyes. “Come on, Tyki’s waiting for us!” Satoshi said and raced up the stairs, they stopped running when they felt the ground shake and the sound of Tyki’s screams echoing through the building. They raced up, hoping it wasn’t too late. ~ * ~ Tyki was sweating and had cuts all over her body; she was growing weaker and weaker as she tried holding back the power of the jewel. Giovanni was growing impatient, Tyki was showing signs of dying out but she was still capable of holding back a big enough pulse to summon Arceus. Giovanni’s eyes then drifted to the cage filled with Tyki’s and her companions worried pokemon. He snapped his fingers and one of the scientists grabbed a claw. He approached the cage, a small opening appearing. The man put the crane through and tried grabbing for Tamaki who tried escaping. Leo coiled around the crane and snapped it in half. Another scientist appeared, pinning Leo back and shocking him till he slid to the floor, quickly grabbing Tamaki who screamed desperately to get free. They took Tamaki out and another member took Tamaki in her hands, her hands were covered in gloves and placed Tamaki on a counter, holding her down as a shot arose. “This shot will stop your pokemons heart if it’s injected into its blood stream.” Giovanni explained. Tamaki squirmed, trying to desperately escape the one who had a tight grip on her. “Let her go!” Tyki screamed; tears were falling from her eyes now. “Pika pi, pika pi!” Tamaki screamed. Tamaki tried using her electric attacks but the woman was unfazed by it. Tamaki looked at Tyki, shaking her head no. Don’t do it!!! Tamaki basically screamed. Tyki sniffled and said “Okay, j-just leave them alone…” The shot was removed away from Tamaki and Tamaki was placed back inside the cage. Tamaki slammed her small paws on the glass door and screamed “Pika pi!!” “Now on with the procedure.” Giovanni said. “Phase five.” The scientist said. Tyki took a deep breath and braced herself. As the switch went down and the machine roared to life, sparks flew from it, the cords glowing a fiery pink color. Tyki screamed in sheer pain, her eyes glowing and being lifted into the air. The whole building rumbled, everyone panicking. “What’s happening?!” Giovanni cried. The roof suddenly burst, Zekrom and Reshiram coming in and roaring to the sky. Giovanni stared at them in shock as the two began to destroy everything. Coming in behind them was virizion, cobalion and terrakion. The pokemon attacked the Team Rocket members who desperately tried escaping. Tyki’s screaming seized, soon glowing a brilliant light and shrouding everyone in it. ~ * ~ The trainers felt the building rumble as they ran all the way up the stairs and past floors. “Come on, we gotta keep going!” Dent said, the adrenaline keeping the trainers running. It was when the building gave one final shake, the most violent so far and the sound of a high pitched explosion. The trainers crumbled to their knees, covering their ears. Cheren then saw the rocks crumbling down on them. “Everybody run!!” Cheren screamed, grabbing Kit by the forearm and pulling her up. The trainers raced off up the steps dodging falling rocks and jumping over gaps. When Satoshi jumped he slipped and nearly plummeted to his death but N and Harmony caught him just in time. “Satoshi!” Dent called. “I’m fine, just keep going!” Satoshi called back. Harmony and N pulled him up and raced after their friends. “I see light!” Kit declared. “Faster everyone, to Tyki!” Iris said and everyone ran at full speed. They soon ran through the door, coming to a lab. The lab was completely destroyed; the roof was blown off revealing darkened clouds and the trees outside. Zekrom and Reshiram were sprawled on the ground, the three legendaries on the ground protecting the now freed pokemon. Tamaki was the only one awake, Satoshi’s pikachu protecting her. “Pikachu!” Satoshi said, racing to his pokemon along with the other trainers. “They’re all okay!” Kit said, her tsutarja jumping into her arms. They returned their pokemon back inside their pokeballs, Kit returning Tyki’s pokemon back inside their own. “Wait…where’s Tyki?” N asked. Everyone searched, calling out Tyki’s name but hearing no reply. Satoshi then felt something tug on his jacket, turning he found virizion. “What’s this pokemon?” Satoshi asked, taking out his pokedex. Virizion, the grass and fighting type pokemon, this pokemon fought humans in order to protect its friends. Legends about it continue to be passed down. Its head sprouts horns as sharp as blades. Using whirlwind-like movements, it confounds and swiftly cuts opponents. “Wait I remember you!” Kit said angrily. “You’re the one who always picked on Tyki and I whenever we traveled!” “Look, the others are here too!” Cheren said, pointing out cobalion and terrakion. Harmony pulled hers out along with Cheren. Cobalion, the steel and fighting type pokemon, this legendary pokemon battled against humans to protect pokemon. Its personality is calmed and composed. It has a body and heart of steel. Its glare is sufficient to make even an unruly pokemon obey it. Harmony’s read. Terrakion, the rock and fighting type pokemon, this pokemon came to the defense of pokemon that lost their homes in a war among humans. Its charge is strong enough to break a giant castle wall in one blow. This pokemon is spoken of in legends. Cheren’s pokedex read. “Do you know where Tyki is?” Harmony asked virizion. Virizion nodded its head, walking forward and gesturing towards the largest tree in the forest. “She went to the tree of life without us…” Harmony said. “Well we need to follow, she could be in danger!” Dent said. “Notice how Team Rocket isn’t here either, they’re probably stalking her as we speak!” “Ugh, that brainless buffoon!” Kit said angrily. “Come on, we’ll get there if we follow the path.” “What about Zekrom and Reshiram?” Satoshi asked then noticed the two legendaries were gone. “They probably followed Tyki, come on!” N called and Satoshi followed, Tamaki and pikachu jumping on Satoshi’s shoulders as he dashed after his friends. But the trainers had no idea, that they were being watched. © 2011 Imagination-mageAuthor's Note
2 Reviews Added on September 13, 2011 Last Updated on September 14, 2011 Author![]() Imagination-mageSuna, AZAboutI'm a young mage who enjoys creating adventure, romance, horror (if i can) and sometimes a good angst. i do hope you can enjoy the stories i create, everyone enjoy! more..Writing