![]() Chaptire ThreeA Chapter by Imagination-mageThings were going from bad to worse on Sarunia, the queen frantically searching her most precious treasures. “Where is it!?” she asked. Her son suddenly entered the room, watching his mother frantically look through everything. “What’re you looking for?” Kuro asked. “The Jewel of Life, where is it?!” Lenora said frantically. Kuro hadn’t smiled since the day he got to meet his uncle in prison. He usually frowned and looked at people with a cold stare. As for Kygore, he went into depression when he heard his wife was killed-which was a lie- and so he rarely talked. Kuro walked towards his mother, placing his hand on his mothers arm and asking “Meema, it’s probably with dad or something…” His mother was shaking; she had found a hair, a black hair with a white stripe going across it. “Meema?” Kuro asked. “Kuro…I have a special mission for you.” Lenora said suddenly, dropping the hair and leaving the treasure room. Kuro followed his mother, trying to keep up with her but he could feel her radiating a fiery heat. “I want you to go to Earth and check on the child.” Lenora said, leading him to the teleporter. Kuro gave her a disgusted look and asked “Why?!” “Because I have a bad feeling if she’s left unprotected.” Lenora explained, she handed him a mallet with the Sarunian sign printed on the side. “What’s this?” Kuro asked. “I was going to give this to you when you were at the proper age.” Lenora said, cupping her sons face in her hands. “Kuro, I want you to be strong, don’t let the Earthly ways get to you. Remember where you hail from and I love you.” Lenora kissed her sons head, suddenly feeling tears fall on her hands and heard him murmur “I love you too meema.” Lenora hugged her son for what seemed like an eternity, wishing things didn’t have to end up like this. Kuro boarded the teleporter and soon disappeared. Lenora released a shaky sigh, turning to one of the maids and saying “Get Kana to safety, all hell is gonna break loose to what I’m about to do.” ~ * ~ On Jared, Rose was looking through paperwork not hearing from any of her children. Kidd had secluded himself in his room, Bubbles wasn’t as bubbly as she normally was and Dominic seemed to be studying. Rose was signing the last of her paperwork till she heard a loud thump along with screaming citizens. She bolted up and dashed for the door, opening it and running to the entrance. When she opened the door, her kingdom was being attacked by angered Sarunians. She quickly grabbed her weapon and went to the front lines. “Let me speak with the queen!” Rose said. Lenora appeared, looking the angriest the very source of the Sarunian anger. “What is the meaning of this?!” “You stole my planets power source!” Lenora said angrily. “Give me back the Jewel of Life then I will leave your planet be.” “We didn’t take it!” Rose said angrily. “Really?” Lenora asked, she snapped her fingers and one of her soldiers appeared beside her. He held an unconscious soldier of the Jaredian soldier with a busted lip and bloody nose. “This soldier was snooping my treasure vault when I discovered you stole it!” Lenora said angrily. “But we don’t have it!” Rose said. “Search the castle!” Lenora said, a good chunk of her army racing inside the castle. The two queens waited patiently till one of the soldiers appeared from inside, holding a sphere of elemental colors. It glowed in his hand and he said “It was found in the eldest son’s room, under his pillow.” Lenora glared at Rose who looked shocked, her prediction coming true: One of our children will betray us which was Kidd. Lenora glared lasers at Rose and said “Stealing is bad enough Rose but lying? I expected more from you…” “There has to be a mistake!” Rose said. “Destroy it…” Lenora said, looking over at the Jaredian’s prized structure, their twin towers. It was a landmark for their founder who died in that very place. The tower was tall creating a bridge between them to set out the harmony of their planet. The bridge suddenly exploded, causing the towers to fall back and smash to the ground. Lenora looked at Rose who watched as the twin towers fell to the ground in flames. Rose glared at Lenora soon wiping out her weapon and slashing Lenora’s cheek. Lenora fought back, the two armies running at each other in a bloody war. As the two sides were fighting, a bright light erupted from the castle zooming out and into the sky like a shooting star heading towards the Earth. “Oh no…” Rose mumbled.
The war lasted many years; still going on with the Jaredian’s raiding the Sarunians every now and then. Lenora was signing paperwork until one of her maids came rushing in. “What is it?” Lenora asked. “It’s that demon princess, she’s located the girl!” the maid said urgently. ~ * ~ On Earth, there was a young girl running through the fields with her sister chasing after her. Having deep sea blue eyes and unruly blond hair that was cut short, wearing a baggy buttoned up shirt and short pants as her sister chased after her. “Get her Sam!” the green haired girl said, a young boy with white hair zooming towards the blond and catching her in a hug. The little girl laughed happily kicking her small feet in the air. “Okay, you caught me…” the little girl said happily, her smile brightening the sun it seemed. “Well Lali, that’s twenty four out of thirty, now how bout twenty four out of fifty?” her sister asked. “No Nicky, I’m done playing hide and seek tag.” The little blond, Lali, replied. “Anything else before Grandma BB gets back?” “Hmm…Oh, let’s go bother Kuro again!” Nicky suggested. “How bout it Sam?!” Sam stared blankly only nodding his head but Lali crossed her arms and said “No!” “What why?” Nicky asked. “Kuro’s a person too, he deserves the privacy he needs” Lali said, soon being bopped on the head by Nicky who mumbled “You’re too nice.” The two left Lali, heading back inside. The sun was currently going down and it was a full moon that night. Lali raced to catch up with her sister. She came to the porch, looking back at the sun as it sunk into the horizon. Lali clasped her hands together and made a quick wish. “What’re you doing?” a voice asked, catching Lali by surprise. Turning, Lali came face to face with Kuro wearing a baggy shirt and loose pants. “Making a wish.” Lali replied. “Your so stupid, making wishes won’t do anything for you. You actually have to work for anything you want.” Kuro said bluntly with crossed arms. Over the years, Lali realized Kuro was cold to everyone especially her. She didn’t mind though, just happy that he was here. “But making a wish is fun!” Lali said, clapping her tiny hands. “What’s so fun about making a wish when its not gonna come true?” Kuro asked. Lali only shrugged as she looking into the starry sky, seeing one race across the sky. Lali gasped and whispered “A shooting star!” She clasped her hands together and made another wish, Kuro only rolling his eyes. Once finished making her wish, Kuro was gone obviously fed up with her childish behavior. Lali’s hands slowly went to her sides, suddenly feeling utterly alone. She returned inside and prepared for bed.
The full moon was high in the night sky, letting a shower of dimmed moon light grace the Earth. Kuro was sleeping in his room, sleeping soundly till he heard a creak coming from the hall. He got up and peaked through the crack, seeing Lali walk down the steps. He cursed under his breath and followed, knowing that if she heard him she’d kill him. On the night of the full moon, Lali would be summoned by her mother to get sacrifices, throwing them into the ocean. The trip was long but Lali somehow managed to get through the travels. Kuro had always missed out because she’d slip away through his fingers and it aggravated him. His mission was to protect Lali and brace her for the up coming prophecies, how was he supposed to do that when Lali always disappeared. Kuro stalked Lali as she left the house, soon finding her standing outside on the rocky front lawn looking up at the moon. “What’s she up to?” Kuro mumbled to himself, quietly going towards a bush and hiding behind it. Lali gazed into the sky, seeing the same streak of light passing the sky. The light then came hurtling towards Lali who was quick enough to avoid the attack, crashing to the earth like a meteor. Kuro shielded himself from the flying rocks, ducking down as the blast passed by. Once it ended, Kuro’s hiding place was destroyed. He went to the ground and crawled, hiding behind a tree and peaking. Lali had dodged the blow by landing on the roof, glaring down at the intruding object. Emerging from the carter filled with smoke was a girl wielding a scythe in her hand and had an insane smirk on her face. Her grip tightened on the scythe, Kuro could feel the power coming off her. “B-Bubbles…” Kuro mumbled in shock. Bubbles approached Lali, who jumped off the roof and stood still as she approached. “Suro…we meet at last.” Bubbles said. Lali only smirked, her eyes being revealed and showing golden demon like eyes. Kuro could feel his blood run cold, his spirit feeling as if it was being torn apart. “Yes….we meet…now if you’ll excuse me, I have a sacrifice that needs to be received.” Lali, or Suro, said walking past Bubbles. Bubbles grabbed Lali’s arm and threw her to the side, causing Lali’s seemingly fragile body to fly into the air, roll onto the ground and skid into a large bolder which shattered at the impact. Kuro watched in horror as Bubbles approached the limp form of Lali. “Is this what the great and powerful Suro is capable of?” Bubbles asked, raising her scythe about to slice the sea demon in two. Kuro quickly took action, his arms flying out and the water in the plants leaving them, wrapping around Bubbles’s wrists making her stop. Bubbles glared at Kuro, an electrical pulse going through the water and hitting Kuro with full impact. Kuro yelped in pain, falling backwards. Bubbles stomped her scythe on the ground, an electrical power traveling through the earth till it his Kuro causing his body to be covered in cuts. “I’ll finish you off first I guess.” Bubbles said, about to slice Kuro till something stopped her. Looking, she saw that Lali had risen from her fallen position, the demon eyes a blood red as she glared. “You hurt my kid.” Suro said darkly, her eyes gleamed. Lali’s nails suddenly turned to blackened claws, swiping at Bubbles’s side. The claws clung to Bubbles’s insides making Bubbles screech in pain. Lali lifted Bubbles up and threw her to the side, racing towards her. Lali continued to swipe at Bubbles who tried getting her balance back so she could attack the demon. Lali then tightened her hand into a fist, punching Bubbles right under her lungs causing her to gag. Bubbles was sent flying, skidding into the dirt and stopping when she hit a tree. As Lali was about to finish her off a hooded figure stopped her midway, grabbing her wrist. “Don…touch her.” an angered Reaper said. Lali wrenched her hand free of the Reapers grasp. The wounds on Lali healed instantly, Suro glaring at the Reaper and saying “I expect pay for this.” “For what?!” The Reaper asked. “Your daughter came here to kill my daughter which could’ve ended the world as we know it. I demand payment.” Suro said, crossing her arms. “I want the girl to protect my daughter as well.” Glaring at Suro then at his unconscious daughter, he released a sigh and put his hand out. Suro quickly sliced at it, drawing blood and licking her nails. “An unbreakable promise.” Suro purred. The Reaper turned to his daughter who was slowly awakening. She spotted Suro then her father who seemed angered. “D-Dad, I-I-I-” Bubbles stuttered. “Bubbles for your rash and stupid actions you are band from Jared!” The Reaper said, soon blasting Bubbles with blue lightening that caused her to slam back against the tree. Bubbles looked her father in disbelief, about to walk up to him and beg him. She then realized she couldn’t move. Looking down at her feet, Bubbles realized she was being turned to stone. She angrily swiped at her father yelling “I HATE YOU!” The stone soon engulfed Bubbles till she was entombed in it. The Reaper brushed his hands over the statue of his daughter and disappeared, taking his daughter with her. The full moon was setting, Suro soon returning to sleep and Lali collapsing on the ground. ~ * ~ Kuro awoke to the sound of sobbing. He pushed himself up despite his cuts and spotted Lali a yard away. He quickly got up, the memories of last night flashing by him as he came closer and closer to Lali. Once he was beside her, he saw her covered in bruises and large gashes on some parts. Lali trembled violently as she sobbed. “Its okay, it’s okay.” Kuro reassured, not really believing his own words. “It hurts…” Lali said between sobs. Kuro tried picking her up, soon carrying her bridal style. Lali only wailed and sobbed louder as her arms and legs moved, her eyes streaming little waterfalls as Kuro quickly ran back to the house. Apparently Lali’s cries could be heard inside the house. Nicky had come out rubbing one eye till she smelled all the blood her little sister was giving off. “LALI!” Nicky said, running to the two. She took Lali from Kuro’s hands and headed inside. Nicky set Lali on the couch who was still moaning in pain, her tears wouldn’t stop. “Grandma BB!” Nicky called.
Later that night, Kuro sat outside on the porch, looking up at the moon. He sighed and looked at his arms, covered in bandages. He suddenly heard someone coming up behind him, only finding an angered Nicky looming over him. She punched him hard in the shoulder, not really caring that he yelped in pain because she punched his bruised shoulder. “What was that for?!” Kuro yelled angrily, only getting grabbed by the scruff of his shirt and brought face to face with Nicky’s enraged eyes. “What are you?!” Nicky said angrily through gritted teeth. “Ever since you set foot on this earth, you gave off weird vibrations, one that no human has! WHAT ARE YOU?!” Knowing angering Nicky was a bad idea, Kuro finally surrender and replied “I’m a Sarunian prince sent here to protect Lali. To ensure she’s ready for the prophecy.” Nicky looked at him for a long time, soon after finally dropping him and saying “Okay, what happened.” Kuro explained everything, the reaper coming, Bubbles’s attack and Suro finally being awakened. Nicky remained where she was, her hands on her hips. When his story came to an end, she mumbled “Well you’re lucky she didn’t die…” Nicky then returned inside, leaving Kuro where he was. Kuro put a hand to his forehead, breathing in deeply and trying to clear his head with little success. “I…wasn’t able to…protect her…” Kuro muttered to himself. He felt hot tears roll down his cheek and sniffled. “I’m sorry meema….” His fists suddenly clenched, he began gritting his teeth and whispered “I’ll become stronger….for everyone….for Lali’s sake…..” © 2011 Imagination-mage |
Added on September 11, 2011 Last Updated on September 11, 2011 Author![]() Imagination-mageSuna, AZAboutI'm a young mage who enjoys creating adventure, romance, horror (if i can) and sometimes a good angst. i do hope you can enjoy the stories i create, everyone enjoy! more..Writing