Twenty Seven

Twenty Seven

A Chapter by Imagination-mage

“Here we are…” Tyki said, looking at the giant forest before them. They were welcomed by lushes trees and flying type pokemon zooming through the sky. Tyki clenched and unclenched her fists, rather nervous that she might be late. N noticed Tyki trembling so he slipped his hand in hers making Tyki look up at him.

            “Don’t worry, its almost over.” N reassured, giving Tyki a warm smile. For the first time in a whole year, Tyki noticed how green his eyes were; they were almost hypnotizing. Tyki shook her head, not wanting to think about the feelings that were gushing inside her now. She walked on, leading the way.

            “Come on everyone, like N said, it’s almost over!” Tyki said, trying to lighten her mood. She grabbed Harmony and Iris’s wrist and dragged them along, the others following. They were soon surrounded by darkness, Kit taking out a pokeball and unleashed her shandera who use flash. Despite the large sphere of light, the forest was still blackened.

            “Still too dark.” Tyki said and took out Nova. “Flash please.”

Nodding, Nova’s eyes glowed and expanded the glow of the flash.

            “Where’d you get your oobemu?” Satoshi asked.

            “Rescued her from Team Plasma.” Tyki replied. “Poor thing was pushed past her limits, would’ve died if we hadn’t saved her.”

            “Are most your pokemon adopted basically?” Iris guessed.        

            “I guess so…” Tyki said, she let out a big yawn. Nova looked at Tyki was a worried glance, soon saying Are you tired?

            “A little.” Tyki replied, rubbing her eyes. As she walked, flashes of dead forest flashed and she kept hearing a voice, more of heavy breathing. She leaned on a tree and N was there to help her stand.

            “You okay?” N asked, he felt Tyki’s head and realized she was suddenly burning up. “We should rest.”

            “N-No, no, I’m fine.” Tyki said, pushing away and forcing herself onward. Nova looked at her worriedly, Tamaki staying on Tyki’s shoulder now.

            “Pika pi?” Tamaki asked. Tyki didn’t answer as she crumbled and fell to the floor, apparently sleeping. Everyone was soon crowding around her as N cradled her head on his lap. He felt her chest and felt for her heart, feeling it beat.

            “She’s still alive, just unconscious.” N said, everyone releasing the breath they were holding.

            “We should probably rest for today.” Cheren suggested. “We’ve been walking for days.”

            “Yeah, let’s find a safe place to rest.” Kit said and everyone started searching for a safe place to sleep. Nova spotted a cave some distance away, soon pointing it out and leading the way. N hoisted Tyki on his back and followed everyone to the cave.

~ * ~

            “Sir, sir!” a Team Rocket member said, racing towards the boss’s office, finding him stroking his persian on the head who purred delightfully at his touch.

            “What is it?” the boss, Giovanni asked.

            “The girl is inside the forest, heading for the Tree of Life, just like you said!” the Rocketeer said, breathing heavily. “We’re ready to move out when ready.”

The boss smiled evilly as the good news flowed through his ears like honey.

            “Thank you for the marvelous news.” Giovanni said and dismissed him. Once the door closed, he rose from his chair, his persian following him the whole way. He cackled under his breath, unable to control himself.

            “We’ll easily capture the girl and use her to lure Arceus.” Giovanni said. “With her on our side, we’ll easily take control of it. All of Isshu will be mine!”

His persian purring and meowing at his touch, rubbing its head against his palm. He returned to his desk, pulling out a file that contained all information on Tyki and Arceus. He then came to the blueprints on a special machine that was specially made for Tyki.

            “Say bye, bye to those special powers Tyki…” Giovanni said.

~ * ~

            Tyki found herself in the same place as before, finding Arceus standing in the room. He turned to her, soon greeting “Welcome back Tyki.”

            “Nice to be back, Arceus…” Tyki said.

            “No need to worry, you have plenty of time.” Arceus reassured making Tyki released the breath she was holding. He approached Tyki and continued “I have brought someone who might help us with our situation.”

Appearing suddenly was Mew who floated towards Tyki, closely inspecting her. Mew sniffed at Tyki’s sides, making Tyki giggle at the butterfly touches.

            “Mew, behave yourself.” Arceus said, sounding like a father. “She is perfectly friendly.”

            “Ah, well you never know.” Mew said.

            “It really is an honor to meet you!” Tyki said excitedly, she had basically dreamed of the day of when she would meet Mew face to face, maybe even getting the chance to battle. Mew giggled and said “You’re just like that boy.”

            “Huh?” Tyki asked.

            “That Satoshi boy you’re traveling with.” Mew said. “We met a few times, he saved me twice. You are very lucky to have him as a companion.”

            “Yeah, he’s pretty funny and lightens up the mood.” Tyki said.

            “Now, let me see what exactly the problem is.” Mew said, its eyes glowing brightly suddenly. Tyki glowed the same leaf green she did when she was trapped in the cocoon.

            “Hmmm.” Mew said. “Well the jewel certainly isn’t causing any type of disturbance inside you. No dysfunctional organs, no broken bones, only difference is that it heals when your hurt and you’re able to understand pokemon.”

            “That’s good, very good indeed.” Arceus chimed in. “How do we get it out?”

            “Well let’s see.” Mew said and pressed its little paw on Tyki’s chest, she then pulled and Tyki felt like she was trying to tip something out. Tyki cried out, feeling as if a ball of metal was trying to rip its way out through her color bone.

            “Mew stop, your hurting her!” Arceus said urgently and Mew stopped. The pain faded and Tyki caught her breath. The two legendaries looked at each other, fear in both their eyes. They backed away and talked privately for a couple of minutes before Arceus returned.

            “Tyki, I have good news and bad news.” Arceus said.

            “Okay.” Tyki said, she was twiddling with her fingers now.

            “We have found a way to remove the jewel.” Arceus said. “Mew can easily separate it from your body and return it to me.”

            “Okay and the bad news?” Tyki asked.

            “Well…The jewel seems to have taken a liking to your soul so when Mew separates it’s like ripping a large portion of your soul out.” Arceus explained.

            “Where’s this going at?” Tyki asked, she was afraid of the reply.

            “Tyki….If I remove the jewel…You will die…” Mew said, seeing Tyki’s eyes widen. Tyki’s legs gave out and she crumbled to her knees, shaking violently. Arceus was soon next to her again and said “Technically, your soul will separate from your body and forever live in the jewel; you merely leave your body behind.”

Tyki felt tears falling from her eyes, she began sniffling. She didn’t want to die, she had so many plans for her future and she had just recently discovered feelings that she’s never felt before.

            “But we’re giving you a choice.” Arceus said, Tyki looking up at it. “We will allow the jewel to stay inside you but you’d have to visit me every year for a yearly power drain. Too much of the jewels power in you is very deadly and could kill the people around you.”

            “We don’t deserve to take your life Tyki.” Mew said.

Tyki thought about, she was bubbling with excitement to live on and accomplish her dreams, dreams that she had since she got her first ever pokemon. But then her memories led back to the adventure she had, making new friends and how Team Rocket would stop at nothing to get the jewel. Now that her friends and the new ones she made were roped into this, their lives and their pokemon would be put in jeopardy.

            “Take it out.” Tyki replied Mew and Arceus looking at her in shock.

            “B-But your giving up your life I hope you know!” Arceus said.

            “I know, yes I have dreams that I won’t be able to accomplish but I have friends now and having the jewel inside me would kill them.” Tyki said. “I’d rather my friends go on with their lives then me being selfish and allowing them to put their lives on the line.”

Before the two could argue with Tyki’s decision, the room shook and Tyki could see the room slowly fading.

            “Tyki, someone’s attacking!” Arceus said.

            “I-I’ll get to the tree!” Tyki said before the room completely blacked out.

~ * ~

            Tyki’s eyes bolted open as she felt heavy rain beat down on her. She looked around and found herself on N’s back, his zoroark and archeos were taken out.

            “N?” Tyki asked till a wave of icicles feel from the sky. N slipped and fell back, Tyki rolling out of his grip. Tyki looked up and found Team Rocket surrounding them. They had brought their whole army, some in helicopters, some in tanks and some on foot. Tyki quickly rose to her feet and pulled out a pokeball. She tossed it into the air and out appeared her most powerful pokemon she had, her jalorda.

            “Leo?” N asked, recognizing the pokemon that completely wiped out his party of pokemon when they first battled. Tyki’s jalorda, Leo, was a magnificent one with gold jewels on its head. It looked around then spotted Tyki, gleefully nudging her cheek.

            “I’ve missed you too.” Tyki said and hugged him.

            “Where’s he been all this time?” N asked, rising from his spot.

            “Leo wanted to model with Kami-chan for a couple of months so I entrusted her with him.” Tyki explained. “Didn’t you see him on the magazines?”

            “Yeah, I didn’t think it was yours though.” N said. Tyki smiled and soon pointed at the army of Team Rocket members.

            “Leo, use leaf storm!!” Tyki commanded, her jalorda swishing its tail in the air and a swarm of deadly leaves dashing towards the army, knocking them away. The tanks came in, Harmony calling out her zoroark and Kit calling out her vaporeon and cyndaquil.

            “Zoroark, use shadow ball!” Harmony commanded.

            “Vaporeon use ice beam to take out the tanks, cyndaquil flame thrower!” Kit said. The pokemon combined their attacks and swept away the pokemon and rocketeers. Satoshi had called out his pokemon along with Dent, Iris, N and Cheren who were fighting off the army. Tyki stayed close to Leo who shielded her. It was when the wind began to pick up and the helicopters began to close in, making the attacks fall back on them. The pokemon were caught in nets and taken up, the trainers becoming defenseless. A giant crane was unleashed from above, coming down on N but Tyki shoved him out of the way and got caught instead.

            “We got her!” one Rocketeer said.

            “Heading back to Headquarters.” Another said and abducted the pokemon and Tyki who tried flailing out. Tyki reached out to her friends, desperately screaming “Help me!”

As N was about to chase after her, they were surrounded by the remaining Rocket members.

            “As for you twerps you’ll get front row tickets.” A female said. They herded the trainers back to Rocket Base where Tyki would meet her fate.

© 2011 Imagination-mage

Author's Note

gasp, i'm getting goose bumps just writing the next part!!!! ONLY LIKE 2 MORE CHAPTERS!!!

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Getting better, but I kind of want the plot to resolve around Harmony again lol.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Gasp! Oh no! Team Rocet got Tyki! What's gonna happen next I wonder? Keep it up!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on September 10, 2011
Last Updated on September 13, 2011



Suna, AZ

I'm a young mage who enjoys creating adventure, romance, horror (if i can) and sometimes a good angst. i do hope you can enjoy the stories i create, everyone enjoy! more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Imagination-mage