![]() Chaptire OneA Chapter by Imagination-mageIn the large universe that surrounds us lived a planet of demons and death gods. The planet was blackened, surrounded by a shadow it seemed that cloaked it in the space. Living light years away from Earth and ruled by the Death God himself. This planet, named after the fonder and first ever Death God, planet Jared. This planet lived a life of peace, only going into war with their rivaling planet, Sarunia which inhabited half breeds. On planet Jared in the large castle that was home to the royals, the king was sitting in his throne, his scythe set beside him and wearing his black cloak, the hood pulled over his face. He was currently looking through his death book, seeing the misfortune souls that had their time come to an end. He began to take notice how more and more souls were suddenly dying out, all from the Arctic, all Water Spirits. “Your majesty, a message from the Sarunian Queen, Lenora!” a loyal servant said, bowing before his ruler. “This is unusual.” The king said, rising from his thrown. “I’ll see to her immediately.” He left his thrown room, his scythe automatically going into his hand pouring power into him. He followed his servant into a room filled with green screens, a large one directly in the middle. He dismissed his servant and took the call, the computer processing till a picture of a beautiful woman stood before him, her hair long and a fiery red, having long dangling earrings wearing a red kimono, her cat like eyes staring down the Reaper which were a yellow. I request your assistance. The Queen said bluntly. “Why should I help my enemy?” The Reaper asked. Because if you don’t help, Earth could die out. The Queen said bluntly. Where else would we dump the misfortunate? The Reaper shook his head no and said “Earth is not my problem; they can go ahead and die out for all I care.” Even if it meant releasing my brothers from their elemental prisons? The Queen asked, making the Reaper stop in his tracks. He turned back to her receiving a smug smile from the queen. “Keep talking.” The Reaper commanded. My brother, Kygore, has escaped his prison in the sky and fell in the Arctic Oceans. I lost all contact with him but you seemed to have also noticed the sudden decrease of Water Spirits? “Don’t remind me.” The Reaper said, a moaning soul latching onto his shoulder and he simply shooed it away. “So you think this has something to do with your troublesome brother?” That and because he kidnapped a young woman going by the name Suro. The queen said. That worries me, normally I’d be able to tell his plans in a matter of seconds but he’s blocked me out completely. “I guess I’ll take the job, I want to put an end to all these deaths.” The Reaper said. “I’ll call back when I’ve retrieved your brother.” He hanged up, leaving the room and heading out. He stopped when he heard a vase break somewhere down the hallway along with the lines “LOOK WHAT YOU DID BUBBLES!” He groaned in agony, not pain but from the fact of his children. A young boy with dark hair ran past him wearing gold robs, his hair down and sleeked, his green eyes gleaming as he ran past. As he ran away, a young three year old girl was chasing after him all teary eyed with her short sunshine blond hair waving in the wind as she chased after the boy. “Stop lying Dominic!” she said, her deep blue eyes blurred as tears escaped. The Reaper sadly didn’t have time to comfort his youngest child, but the eldest was soon there. A boy with sleek black hair and golden eyes wearing a black suit with his family crest on his right shoulder came to the sobbing child, kneeling down and scooping her up in his arms. “Bubbles, is Dominic bothering you again?” he asked sweetly, the little girl, Bubbles, nodding in his suit smudging her tears into it. “Well let’s go hide one of his girlfriend’s gifts then shall we?” “Okay!” the little girl said happily, hopping off his lap and racing to the middle child’s room. “You really shouldn’t do that Kidd.” The Reaper said. “Says the great and all powerful being who lost his wedding ring three days after the honeymoon.” The eldest son, Kidd, said smugly. The Reaper glared at his son, soon bursting out in laugher and throwing his arm over his sons shoulder. “I’m impressed.” The Reaper said. “I learned from the best father.” Kidd said politely then saw that his father was gripping his scythe. “Returning to Earth to seal another relative of the Queens siblings again father?” “Yes, tell your mother.” The Reaper said walking past him and towards the door. “Oh and you can’t go to the Sarunian planet, you need to babysit Bubbles.” His son remained silent, his hands clasped behind his back as he left the room. The Reaper opened the door and left, a brilliant light engulfing him and the door slamming shut. Kidd remained where he was unfazed. He then felt his sleeve being tugged at, looking down he saw Bubbles, clutching Dominic’s prized golden necklace in her little fists. “Let’s go on a trip Bubbles.” Kidd said, taking Bubbles’s wrist gently and leading her away. ~ * ~ The Reaper arrived to the Arctic; his black robs changing as snow fell. His hood disappeared revealing his white hair, a flower being made from the wandering souls and colored in brilliant colors, his robs turning into a kimono with light blue lacing. He straightened out his kimono a little and walked around, the snow falling from the sky most likely covering any evidence of death. “Water Spirits, reveal yourselves!” The Reaper commanded. Normally the Water Spirits would arrive when summoned but he only received the sound of the cold wind blowing. He stomped his scythe which crackled electricity and repeated “Water Spirits reveal yourselves!” Growing annoyed that no one was responding, he jabbed his scythe into a large glacier, a large crack erupting in it to reveal a destroyed village, blood covering the snow and frozen corpses. The Reaper entered the village, stepping over the corpses. As his kimono rolled of them, the corpses sank into the ground. “They’re all dead…” The Reaper said. “Apparently some time ago.” He spotted a house that seemed to be the only one standing. He approached the house, finding the door knob had been destroyed. He pushed the door open, finding the inside in completely turmoil. The chairs were destroyed, the table smashed to bits, there were holes in the wall and all doors were either ripped off its hinges or just shattered. He suddenly heard the sound of something dropping to the floor, a lid rolling from the kitchen doorway and to his feet. He heard footsteps; soon a shadow emerged from the open doorway. “Kygore?” The Reaper called. A man appeared before him wearing a kimono that almost matched his except blue with red markings on it, a red lacing tied around his waist, his blue hair drooping in front of his cat like eyes and he had pale skin. “Reaper, is that you?” The man, Kygore, asked. “It’s been years, hasn’t it?” “Yes, and I was hoping it’d stay that way.” The Reaper retorted. “How did you escape your prison?” “Technically I’m still imprisoned.” Kygore said. “I can not leave this hell hole, I only tampered with a few things, gave a few sacrifices and ta-da, I’m here.” “You’re supposed to stay in your prison and I intend to send you back there.” The Reaper said, pointing his scythe at Kygore. “Now I knew you’d say that.” Kygore said. “I’d like to collect a few things though.” The scythe blade was suddenly around Kygore’s throat making him gag almost. The Reaper looked at him with a deathly glare and said “I take your life now.” “Don’t you want to see my wife?” Kygore asked. This caught the Reaper of guard, still having his scythe at Kygore’s throat he asked “Wife?” “What, I can’t get a wife either?” Kygore asked bitterly, only getting the blade pressed harder against his throat, his hands up in surrender. “Would you like to meet her?” Glaring, the Reaper motioned for Kygore to lead the way. Kygore grabbed the jar that had no lid and led the way out. The two walked to the ocean, walking over corpses. Kygore then grabbed one of the smallest children who seemed to still have a pulse. Kygore led the reaper to the sea, the Reaper stopping. “This isn’t a trick is it?” The Reaper asked. “No, just don’t wake her up.” Kygore said slyly. Kygore stepped into the ocean with the Reaper following. Soon the Reaper was under, bubbles erupting around them. As the Reaper examined the bubbles, seeing the morning souls of all the victims not even coming close to the amount he had to go through. Soon they came to an underwater cave, Kygore pulling away a curtain of seaweed. As they went inside, it had an underwater hideout, filled with jewels, gold, money and some algae. Kygore knocked against the rocky wall and said “Sweetheart, make yourself decent.” “Sweetheart?” The Reaper asked. Suddenly the cave shook, rocks falling from over head as something arose from under the piles of gold. A young woman with blue skin, unruly long blue hair and demon eyes arose, she had a fish’s tail and long claw like black nails, and she was beautiful but a deadly sight. “Meet Suro.” Kygore said. The Reaper dug through his kimono and pulled out his Death Book, flipping through the pages. “Suro doesn’t exist.” The Reaper said, glaring. “That’s because this young woman has cheated death a numerous amount of times.” Kygore explained. “But isn’t she gorgeous.” The demon woman looked down and spotted Kygore, hissing out “I’m…hungry…” Kygore smile evilly as he tossed the corpse of the little girl towards Suro, who quickly grabbed for the body. Suro bit down into the girl’s neck and drained all the blood from the little child. As the body crumbled to ash in her hands, the soul flew from place and transformed into a bubble. “This is madness.” The Reaper said. “No, this is pregnancy.” Kygore retorted. “When a demon is pregnant their appetite grows and hunger for human blood. The baby will look just like her mother.” “Except human…” The Reaper said. “The child will be human won’t it?” There was a pause, Kygore turning to the Reaper and said “Yes…the child will be human.” “Kygore…” Suro suddenly called out. The demon looked incredibly weak as she tried making her way down the pile of gold. Kygore turned to his wife and asked “Yes Suro?” The demon turned to the Reaper, soon her fin turned to legs and she found new strength as she walked towards him. “The child shall be a girl….she’ll be human but she will embrace her demon blood.” Suro said. “Suro, you seem to be doing better.” Kygore said, he hugged the woman and rubbed her stomach. “My child will be the owner of your daughter Blake Bubbles, the wife of your eldest son Kidd and wreak havoc on you middle child Dominic.” Suro predicted. “She’ll be the only thing standing between madness and harmony.” “You sound so sure of yourself.” The Reaper said. “Ask your wife she’s been hiding it ever since your infant was born.” Suro said. The Reaper took his eyes off Suro and turned to Kygore, who seemed to enjoying the Reapers questioning stare. “Yes Reaper, our child will be the proud owner of Bubbles.” Kygore said. “I turned Suro into a demon, of course at first she was persistent but she soon accepted it. She hated her own people Reaper, isn’t that insane? A water spirit hating water spirits in general!” The Reaper suddenly slashed at Kygore in the stomach making him seize to speak. Kygore fell to the floor, Suro desperately running to his side and rest his head on her lap. “Kygore, you are to return to your prison!” The Reaper said. As Kygore looked at his skin, it was covered with the same markings that were on his kimono. Suro gripped his hand and said “Take me with you…” Kygore only smiled weakly, replying “You need to raise the child, raise the child…” Kygore then burst into a brilliant light of particles, going up towards the sky to return to his prison in the sky. Suro remained where she was, trembling uncontrollably. “Would you like me to end your life as well?” The Reaper asked, raising his scythe. Suro gave him a murderous look and said “You’ve doomed all…” She suddenly disappeared in a wave of water which crashed down on him causing him to fall to the ground soaked. He coughed as the salt water shot out of his esophagus and looked around, Suro was gone…. © 2011 Imagination-mageAuthor's Note
3 Reviews Added on September 7, 2011 Last Updated on September 7, 2011 Author![]() Imagination-mageSuna, AZAboutI'm a young mage who enjoys creating adventure, romance, horror (if i can) and sometimes a good angst. i do hope you can enjoy the stories i create, everyone enjoy! more..Writing