![]() Twenty SixA Chapter by Imagination-mageThe trainers arrived at a nice spot for lunch. Dent had made sandwiches for everyone, potato salad and a side of lemonade to wash down the food. Tyki had let out her riolu who ate on her lap, looking around shyly at the trainers surrounding her. Tamaki and pikachu sat together, eating away the food they now shared. Tyki just couldn’t handle the adorable scene of the now mated couple. “And here I thought you’d be alone forever!” Tyki said, Tamaki sending a glare at her. “I’m so happy, just wait till the little ones come in.” “How many do you want?” Harmony asked. Tamaki and pikachu’s faces were a bright red now, both yelling “PIKA, PIKA!!” “Sorry, sorry, I know it’s embarrassing.” Tyki said. “Oh your riolu is so cute!” Harmony said, tickling riolu’s chin making her giggle. Harmony then remembered her egg, quickly going for it and revealing it to Tyki whose eyes went wide with fascination. “You have an egg?!” Tyki said, moving close to Harmony and examining the egg. “Yeah, professor Araragi gave it to me.” Harmony said. “Since your studying to become a breeder, I’d like you to check it for me.” Tyki took the egg in her hands and hugged it gently to her chest. She ran her hands up and down the soft shell, closing her eyes. She then stopped at a certain spot, her eyes opening and saying “It’s so close to hatching!” “Really?!” Kit and Harmony said in unison. “Yeah, here feel it right here.” Tyki said, taking Harmony’s hand and placing it on the place Tyki stopped. Harmony waited, suddenly feeling a small thump on the inside. She bubbled with excitement, feeling as though she could feel a baby kicking inside the stomach of an expecting mother. Kit went next, squealing excitedly. “This is so amazing!” Satoshi said, once it was his turn. “What do you think it’s gonna be?” Iris asked. “A togepi.” Tyki said bluntly. “I’m ninety nine percent sure. “ “So the one percent is what then?” Dent asked, you could tell he didn’t really believe Tyki’s prediction. “The one percent could be anything.” Tyki said. “But I’m never wrong when it comes to predictions on pokemon eggs! I’m a legend!” “She’s right you know.” Kit said. “I still don’t believe it.” Dent said. “I’ll believe it when I see it, now help clean up so we can get moving.” “Okay, okay.” Tyki said, setting her riolu down and going to her level. “Guard the egg while we clean up okay?” “Rio!” her riolu said happily and stood in front of the egg, looking very protective. The trainers began packing everything away, putting the food away and soon resting under a tree that is until zorua appeared again. He found his place beside Harmony’s leg and said “Zoru, zorua!” “You hungry?” Harmony asked, her zorua shaking his head no. “You wanna stay out?” Her zorua nodded, suddenly spotting Leila cradling the egg in her arms. Zorua growled, Harmony seeing the problem suddenly. She stood in front of him and said “No, don’t bully her!” Zorua only lifted his nose in the air and walked past her and towards Leila. Leila was enjoying herself and the egg till she felt the presence of another. She turned finding zorua looking down on her. Her face heated up, Leila shaking her head vigorously and lifting the egg, moving away as fast as she possibly could. Zorua only followed, finding amusement in her embarrassment. Back with the trainers, Tyki gave a big yawn. “You’re tired already?” Kit asked. “Yeah, I’m tired of all this walking…” Tyki said and went towards a nearby tree. She leaned down and sat on the ground, Tamaki finding her place on her lap. “I’m just…gonna…” Tyki mumbled before passing out fully. The other trainers joined her under the tree, finding a comfortable position before sleeping as well. Leila and zorua joined their trainers, soon falling asleep as well.
The breeze was freely blowing in the wind. The egg was securely wrapped in Harmony’s arms as she leaned against it. That was when it began to glow ever so brightly. The glowing stopped and a pair of small feet popped out from the shell, squirming out of Harmony’s grip and running off. Leila was sleeping on zorua who was curled into a ball. The egg stomped on Leila’s foot making her howl with pain and accidentally bat zorua in the eye. Zorua awoke with anger and bit down on her forearm. Leila tried shaking him off, that is until she saw the walking egg pass by. “Rio?” Leila said, spotting the egg walk right into the forest. That was when she heard Tyki’s words echo in her head. Guard the egg okay? She shook zorua off her arm and chased after the egg in hot pursuit. Zorua growled, chasing after her to finish their battle.
Tyki yawned wide as she awoke from her nap. She popped her shoulder and looked up, finding herself sleeping in N’s lap. She poked N in the forehead, waking him up as if pressing a button. N’s face lit red slightly as Tyki giggled and said “You know; people would mistake us for a couple.” “Y-Yeah.” N said, nervously laughing along. Tyki got up, waking everyone up. They stretched, feeling their muscles awaken as Dent said “Well we’d better get moving. “Pika!” Tamaki suddenly said, tugging on Tyki’s jeans. She pointed over to the spot where Leila and zorua slept, finding them gone. “Leila, Leila!!” Tyki called. “Leila where are you?!” “Zorua!” Harmony called. “Please come out zorua!!” Harmony then found her egg gone, panicking even more. “The egg, where are they?!” Harmony cried, crumbling to her knees. Dent was there to pat her on the back and say “Don’t worry; the pokemon probably went out to find it themselves.” “They’re probably in the forest.” Cheren said, pointing ahead. “Let’s find them then!” Satoshi said. Tyki took out two of her pokeballs and tossed them into the air. Out came victini and an oobemu, the oobemu greeting Tyki. “Victini, Nova, I need you both to search the skies for Leila, a zorua and an egg!” Tyki said her pokemon saluting. They floated off into the sky in search of their friends. Satoshi pulled out his pokedex which read Oobemu, the psychic type pokemon; it can manipulate an opponent’s memory. Apparently, it communicates by flashing its three different colored fingers. It uses psychic power to control an opponent’s brain and tamper with its memories. “Come on!!” Tyki said and led the way into the forest.
Leila and zorua traveled the forest, searching for the missing egg that now had feet and was wandering the forest alone. Leila called out to it, zorua only following. “Rio!” Leila called. “Riolu!” “Zoru!” Zorua said, staying close to her and telling her to stay quiet. If your too loud, you might attract unwanted opponents. Just sniff the egg out! Leila nodded, taking a lungful of the air and soon picking up the scent of the egg. She smiled and raced forward, zorua chasing after her. Leila ducked under a branch and under a fallen tree. She scared away a flock of monmen as she spotted the egg, resting in a pile of dead leaves. She was about to lunge for it till a zerbraika appeared from the bushes and head butted her. Leila slammed into a tree, sliding down and shaking at the sudden attack. The zerbraika advanced upon her, about to use an electric attack till it was hit in the back by a shadow ball. It howled in pain, turning and seeing zorua growling angrily. It stomped its feet and charged, zorua swiftly dodging, leaping from rock to the tree branches. It stuck its tongue out, angering the pokemon even more. The zerbraika lunged, falling through the bushes and sliding down a steep cliff and landing in the river. Zorua hopped down from the tree, Leila had gotten up and securely caught the egg. She lifted it into the air and said gleefully “Rio, rio!” She was hit in the back of the head, zorua glaring at her. “Zorua!!” Zorua said. Are you trying to get yourself killed?! Riolu looked sadly at zorua who glared; riolu soon apologized and suggested they head back to their trainers. Zorua lifted his nose into the air and led the way, Leila hanging onto the egg. The feet kicked at the air vigorously till the egg wormed its way out of Leila’s grasp and bolted. Leila chased after it, the egg soon running into a tree and freeing its head. The egg had hatched into a togepi, landing on its behind and soon crying. Leila was at its side, lifting it up and cradling it as best as she could. Zorua was soon beside her, looking rather bored with the two. “Tsk.” Zorua said bitterly and continued on with Leila following. The togepi calmed down, Leila setting it down and allowing it to walk along side her. The togepi took Leila’s paw and follow, looking up to Leila like an older sister. Leila smiled, pointing it out to zorua who really didn’t care. Zorua then stopped his ears up and Leila stopped as well. They then saw the bushes shake, a maracacchi appearing. It growled, it was huge compared to the pokemon, zorua telling Leila to hide with the baby. Leila picker togepi up and raced to the safety of the bushes. Zorua growled, the maracacchi leering down. Zorua tried remaining tough, only to be swatted away by the maracacchi. Zorua skidded to a stop, using shadow ball and knocking the maracacchi over. Thinking he was victorious, zorua almost signaled for Leila and togepi to come out of the bushes till he was electrocuted and sent flying into a tree. Zorua cringed, turning they found the same zerbraika that had fallen into the river. It growled, the two pokemon advancing on zorua. Leila was shivering, unable to think of anything. It was when she felt togepi’s grip tighten on her paw. All her fear disappeared and she was suddenly filled with rage. She bolted from the bushes, getting an aura sphere ready. She launched it at the two making them both fall over. Zorua watched in aw as Leila’s speed increased, soon using focus palm to paralyze the maracacchi and using reversal on zerbraika to fall over. She huffed and puffed, firing another aura sphere pushing the two away and disappearing in the forest. Leila soon went to her knees, completely exhausted. Zorua and togepi were there, huddled around her. “Toge…” Togepi said, seeing her new sister a bit beaten up. She waved her small arms back and forth, touching Leila and zorua’s wounds and healing them. “Rio, rio!” Leila said, thanking togepi who hugged. Zorua smiled at Leila soon thanking her as well, Leila blushing madly. They then heard the sound of alienated beeping and a high pitched “Victini!!!” Looking up, they spotted victini and Nova who were scanning the area. Leila got up and waved towards them, catching their attention. Victini and Nova used psychic, lifting the three pokemon and returning to camp. ~ * ~ “What did I tell you?!” Tyki said at Dent, showing him the togepi that was now Harmony’s. “Yes, yes, you were right.” Dent said. “No need to rub it in.” “There is plenty of reason to rub it in!!!” Tyki said. “Calm down Tyki, since you’re so fired up why don’t you finish your battle with Harmony?” “Yeah, zorua verses Leila!!” Harmony said. “Oh this I gotta see.” Kit said. “Alright, let’s do this Leila!” Tyki said, Leila agreeing. They got into position, Leila looking confident. “Let the battle, begin!” Cheren said. “Zorua, use shadow ball!” Harmony said. “Dodge then use focus palm!” Tyki quickly countered, Leila swiftly dodging and hitting zorua in the back. “Low knee kick!” Tyki said, Leila kicking zorua in the stomach. Leila jumped back, zorua forcing himself up. He growled, his eyes glowing and soon unleashing a powerful wave of dark energy, sending Leila flying back and hitting hard against a tree. “That was night daze!” Iris said. “And a powerful one at that.” Dent said. “A very tart taste in deed.” “Leila, you okay?” Tyki asked, Leila easily getting up and dusting herself off. Togepi cheered from the sides, currently sitting on Kit’s lap. Leila waved towards her, togepi getting excited. “Come on Leila, use aura’s sphere!” Tyki said, Leila charging while getting her attack ready. “Use Night daze again zorua!” Harmony said, the two attacks collided causing a large explosion, dirt and broken twigs zooming through the sky. Tyki and Harmony shielded themselves till the blast ended, seeing their pokemon badly hurt but remained standing, as the two prepared for another attack they both glowed. “They’re evolving!” Cheren said. “How rare to see two evolve at the same time!” N exclaimed. As they fading past, zorua evolved into a zoroark while Leila evolved into a lucario. “Oh Leila look at you!” Tyki said. Leila looked at herself, filled with so much joy that she evolved. “Remember Tyki, this battle isn’t over yet!” Harmony said. “Zoroark use razor claw!” “Use focus punch Leila!” Tyki called, the two charged forward not noticing togepi waving its arms back and forth. When it stopped an enormous explosion erupted knocking the two pokemon out and having the trainers face planted into the ground. “…Ouch…” was all they said. © 2011 Imagination-mageAuthor's Note
2 Reviews Added on September 6, 2011 Last Updated on September 10, 2011 Author![]() Imagination-mageSuna, AZAboutI'm a young mage who enjoys creating adventure, romance, horror (if i can) and sometimes a good angst. i do hope you can enjoy the stories i create, everyone enjoy! more..Writing