![]() Chapter Five: Ninkin the anthropomoriphicA Chapter by Imagination-mageThey screeched to a stop as they made it inside, the motorcycle dying as Tobi was the first off. She collapsed to the side, the other three running to her need. Zorua applied pressure to the bullet hole, digging his fingers inside till he pulled out a silver bullet, Oz’s signature on it. Jane was at their side and she closed the wound up. Tobi returned back to her human form, closing her eyes and falling unconscious. “Is she dead?” Tee asked. “No she’s just tired.” Jane explained, she whistled and Brian appeared from the shadows. “You called?” Brian asked. “Take Tobi to Tasha, she needs to rest with her.” Jane said and turned to Sarah. “When we’re injured we’re taken to Tasha who heals us with her positive energy.” Brian lifted Tobi bridal style and left the room, a hallway appearing and as soon as he entered, it vanished. Sarah was clutching her skirt as Jane healed her wound. “Zorua, who attacked you?” Jane asked sternly. “It was Kidd and Oz this time…” Zorua said. “Two at once?!” Jane asked with disbelief. She turned to Tee who flinched at her stare. “Who might you be?” “My name’s Tee.” Tee said nervously. “Oh Sarah’s curse, how exciting!” Jane said and snapped her fingers. Her curse came running in, fiddling with her fingers as she was at Jane’s side. “Take Tee and Zorua to Suki’s daycare, they’ll be fed there.” Jane said with a smile and turned to Sarah. “You go too; Suki wants to speak with you.” Sarah obeyed and took the two boys to Suki, who was in the dinning room. Inside, the other curses were playing around squirting each other with squirt bottles or just tugging at each others hair. Sarah recognized Suki’s Gift who was a small shy girl wearing an ocean blue dress with a large sea shell on her chest, long elastic blue boots with a see through veil over her shoulders, her light blue hair curled and freckles sprinkled across her nose. Suki grabbed Blake who was having a temper tantrum again, trying to find Brian no doubt but a new type of curse bumped into her calf. He bit her forearm and Sarah squealed “OW!” Suki turned and ran to Sarah’s need, her Gift trailing after her and clinging to her long dress. “No Jacky, it’s not good to teeth on flesh.” Suki scolded. The little curse had fiery spiky hair, wearing a baggy top with long blue sleeves tucked into his baggy long pants. He was barefooted and he yawned, revealing a single canine tooth longer then the rest pointing out. “Where’s James, go find James!” Suki said playfully, lightening up Jacky, the curse, mood. Jacky dashed out of the room, in search of his master. “You okay Ninkin?” Suki asked. “Yeah, just a little bite.” Sarah said looking at her arm; there were tiny red bite marks on her arm now and they burned a bit. Suki placed her hands on the wound and healed the bite. “Jacky’s bites are filled with venom that feels like it’s on fire.” Suki explained. “If it’s left unattended to, it’ll cause serious damage to your flesh. Besides your parents would freak if you came home with a wound like that.” “They’d probably send me to the emergency room.” Sarah said and the two laughed. The wound healed nicely, Suki taking Sarah’s wrist and setting her down at the table. Suki served her ambrosia and had a plate filled with sweets. “I need to talk to you.” Suki said, popping a skittle in her mouth. “Jane told me you wanted to talk.” Sarah said, she sipped her ambrosia nervously tasting chocolate milk today. “Well now that you’re an anthro, you need to unleash your inner anthro.” Suki said. “I can’t help you with that and neither can Beatrix; I’m sending you to Kit.” Sarah felt like her world had shattered, she was terrified of Kit the girl who ruled the gap between time and space including the dead. Sarah shivered and Suki noticed her discomfort. “Don’t worry; she can’t kill you she’s under contract.” Suki joked. Sarah laughed nervously but couldn’t stop shaking; she spilt some of her drink. Suki put a reassuring hand on her hand making her stop. “Kit’s the best of the best to unleash your inner anthro.” Suki said. “It’ll be over before you know it.” “What is her teaching method?” Sarah asked. Suki smiled playfully, putting her finger over her lips and said “I can’t say it always changes.” Sarah groaned in sadness, her head hanging and said “Well, I’ll just get through it. Will Tobi be there?” “No, Tobi’s in a pretty bad condition.” Suki said. “You heard?” Sarah asked gloomily. “All the anthros know.” Suki said. “When one of us is hurt, we can feel it. But don’t worry, she’ll be okay this isn’t the first time Tobi’s done something so stupid as to take on two Chasers while trying to retrieve a curse.” “She’s done this before?” Sarah asked. “Yeah except she was up against five, it was ugly.” Suki said. “What happened was that Zorua and Blake got out of the base, deciding to explore the world on their own. They were cornered by Chasers and Tobi didn’t have time to call for backup. She defeated one but used her body to shield the two from the remaining four. Chasers are powerful beings like us but they follow a different leader. If your against one Chaser, your fine. But if it’s two then you’ll want back up, Tobi’s just too damn stubborn.” “Why are the Chaser after our curses?” Sarah asked. “They consider our curses and Gifts an infestation.” Suki said. “Our curses have the ability to revive the legend within Tasha; they all have a part of her in them. Tasha sealed away her true power in them and it’s our job to make sure that our curses remain as they are. So of course they want them dead…” “But if Tasha had her full power she’d be able to protect everyone right?” Sarah asked. “Yes but even great gods like Tasha have flaws Ninkin.” Suki said quietly. Her gift tugged at her dress, looking up at her teary eyed. Suki smiled down at her and picked her up, placing her on her lap. She gave the little Gift a lollipop and her Gift happily ate it away. “If Tasha got all her powers back, she’d go into a state of madness and kill everything.” Suki explained. “Tasha is a dangerous weapon; she can easily be manipulated when she goes insane. That’s another reason why she has us, to exterminate the demons and make sure to take her out when she does get taken by insanity.” “You mean kill her?” Sarah asked. Suki stayed silent, playing with her Gifts hair and there was a hint of sadness in her eyes. “Yeah…we have to kill her…” Suki said. “Its going to be hard, cause Tasha’s always kind to us…” Sarah spotted a tear streak down her eye but Suki wiped it away, her gift reaching up and cupping her face in her small pale hands. “Thank you Aqua.” Suki said, hugging her gift. “But if Tasha does die, we’ll have the curses and gifts to remember her by.” Sarah squeezed her cup, suddenly wanting to put her all into protecting Tasha. Seeing Tasha’s smiling face disappear for someone else’s greed really made her blood boil. “I’ll become stronger…for Tasha’s sake.” Sarah suddenly said. “You’d better Ninkin.” Suki said strictly. “We’re all putting our lives on the line for her! I hope you’re ready to give up something that big.” Sarah nodded her head in determination making Suki smile, Tee suddenly came and jumped onto Sarah’s lap. “I’m hungry!” Tee declared. Sarah smiled and stuffed a lollipop in Tee’s mouth making him smile happily. Suki giggled lightly and said “You’d better get going, Kit’s expecting you.” ~ * ~ Sarah came to a room that was under the great haven that she had grown accustomed to. She had been directed to a trapdoor which had a golden M printed on it, seeing Jacky there again to lead her. T insisted on coming but Zorua had other plans. He had set a trap for Tobi when she was done healing obviously craving to hear her scream and chase after him again. Sarah was welcomed to a staircase leading to a heated place. Sarah wiped her forehead and proceeded to walk down the stairs. As she went lower inside, she began to sweat so much that that her clothes became drenched. Finally, Sarah reached a bolted door, panting and wiping the waterfall of sweat off her forehead. She knocked on the door with her last strength but it opened for her, welcoming her to a boy with tanned skin and shaved black hair, wearing a short sleeved blue and grey striped shirt, baggy jeans and sneakers on his feet. “Hi Ninkin!” he said gleefully. Sarah recognized him as a classmate from school, he had moved from the Philippines and had been in the school for the school year. “Martin!” Sarah said completely shocked, James only smiling up at her. “Hey Ninkin, congratulations on finding your curse.” Martin congratulated. “Yeah, but I nearly got Tobi killed.” Sarah said sadly. “Don’t worry, she’ll be fine.” Martin said with a smile. “Now follow me, Kit’s waiting for you. Oh, you’re in for some brutal training.” “B-Brutal?” Sarah asked. “Yup, Kit’s merciless when it comes to rookies.” Martin said. As they went thought he room, they passed numerous of machines that huffed and puffed as they past. When steam suddenly shot out from a pipe and shot her in the side making her squeal. Martin only laughed and said “Don’t worry, you’ll be fine.” The two came to a bolted door with a large spinning lock on the front. Martin turned it till he heard a click and pushed open the door. The room was large, steaming filling the room in the shape of skulls. The room was littered with souls groveling at the ground and gripping at Sarah’s clothes. Martin gripped Sarah’s wrist and led her further inside. They came to a small case of stairs, soon seeing a thrown with Kit sitting in her kitten thrown. Her shoes were kicked off, Kit sucking a lollipop. “Ugh, I have to train another one?” Kit asked. “Yup, orders from Tasha.” Martin said, getting a groan from kit. James left the room, his curse following. The door closed with a loud bang leaving the two girls alone. Once an awkward silence passed, Kit rose from her comfy chair and walked towards Sarah. “Don’t worry I’m not gonna kill you, I’m under contract.” Kit said pocking her in the side making her squeal. “Look we’re just gonna do this fro three weeks, if you fail you’re kicked out.” “They didn’t mention that!” Sarah said. “What you think we let just about anyone in this?” Kit asked. “It’s only coincidence that we all know each other and got the same job of protecting Tasha.” Sarah laughed nervously and began twiddling with her fingers. Kit raised an eyebrow, rising from her chair and walked towards her. She put a reassuring hand on top of her head and said “Look everything’s gonna be okay.” Sarah looked up at her, nodding. Kit gave her a sweet smile then adding “Whelp, lets get started shall we?” ~ * ~ By the end of the day, Sarah was covered in scratches and bruises, her hair a tattered mess and clothes ripped. She practically dragged herself out of Kit’s domain, remembering the last words she said. Tomorrow won’t be as easy… Sarah leaned against the wall, taking in gallons of air back into her lungs. Today all she learned how to do was fly or float a few feet off the ground. As she sunk to the bottom, T suddenly appeared and tackled her in a hug making her already sore body scream in agony. “Today was so much fun!” T said happily. “I’m glad you had a great day.” Sarah said, trying to sound happy. T rolled off of Sarah and looked up at the ceiling. Since it was getting dark, the whole area was darkening with the sky, the dinning hall ceiling being replaced with the night sky and stars, only candles lighting the room. “We saw Tobi today…” T said, suddenly sounding sad. Sarah’s head twirled to T asking “Is she okay?” “I don’t know, she hasn’t woken up yet.” T said. “Zorua and I were planning to give her a surprise visit…But she looked dead. Zorua was so scared that she wouldn’t wake up.” “Is he still there?” Sarah asked. “Probably…” T responded. Sarah forced herself to get up and walk in the direction of Tasha’s room. Tasha’s door was dark of course, the dark fog seeming thicker. Sarah went up to the doors, T clinging to her tattered clothes, and knocked. “Come in…” a voice echoed from the inside. The doors opened automatically for them, Sarah walking in and being welcomed to a darkened room. Tasha was in the center of the room, Tobi’s seemingly lifeless body lying in front of her. Zorua’s face was hidden in Tobi’s chest as she breathed slowly in and out slowly. “Is she okay?” Sarah asked. “She’s alive, just incredibly weak.” Tasha said. “She’ll have to stay with me over night, seems like Oz’s bullet wasn’t just an ordinary bullet.” “What do you mean?” T asked. “The bullet was coated in a type of poison that drained away her powers; it would’ve killed her if Zorua hadn’t pulled it out.” Tasha said, stroking Zorua’s hair. Zorua suddenly sniffled and lifted his head, revealing that h had been sobbing. “Zorua, you need to go home.” Tasha said bluntly. “I’m not leaving!” Zorua said stubbornly. “Now Zorua!” Tasha said strictly the whole room shaking. As if on command, Zorua lifted himself and ran to Sarah’s side, gingerly gripping her hand and keeping his head down. Tasha sighed and said “Sorry, I didn’t mean to lose slight control like that.” “It’s alright…” Sarah said. She looked over at Tobi who was still unconscious, breathing slowly. “Goodnight Tobi….See you in the morning.” Sarah said with a smile. She led the two out of the room, the doors closing behind her. She was guided out of the haven by Martin who walked her home. As they came to Sarah’s house, Martin looked down at Zorua and said “I can take him home if you want too.” “No it’s okay; it’ll be T’s first time with me so I want him to feel comfortable since Zorua’s his first friend.” Sarah said. “Thanks for walking us home.” “No problem, I needed to get out today anyway.” Martin said. “Being in the forges for too long isn’t go for the lungs.” To give an example, James began to cough until Sarah patted his back. He beat his chest a few times and cleared his throat. “Thanks Ninkin.” Martin said and took his leave. Sarah went inside her house, welcoming the two new boys to her family who were shockingly okay with it. She led the two to her room, handing them sleeping bags. T instead crawled into the bed of Sarah’s. “T, what’re you doing?!” Sarah asked. “I feel strange if your not there with me…” T said. Sarah only sighed and hopped into the bed with him. Zorua found a spot in the corner, instantly curling up and going to sleep. T fell asleep quickly but Sarah remained awake. Her ceiling fan was on and she stared blankly at it, thinking about her day. All in one day, she had trained and found her curse, also meeting the Chasers. I’ll get stronger…for Tasha…Sarah said soon lulling to sleep.
The next morning, Sarah was awake and waking the other two up. She had made it her mission to prepare for training. She raced outside, greeted by Jane today who rode a car instead of Tobi’s motorcycle. “You have your own vehicle too?” Sarah asked. “Yup, hop in.” Jane said and the two got themselves strapped in, making sure the curses were buckled in as well. T played with Claire but Zorua remained silent only gazing out the window. “Is something wrong with him?” Jane whispered to Sarah. “I think he blames himself for Tobi’s injuries.” Sarah said. “He’s been like this since last night.” They came to their haven, greeting by Martin and Brian both waving at them as Jane parked. They hopped out, the curses running out and racing to catch up. “Sarah, today’s the day you become one of us!” Martin said gleefully. “Jane, Tasha needs your help, Suki’s already in there with her.” Brian informed. “I’ll lead you there.” “What about the curses?” Sarah asked. “Today, Beatrix will be babysitting.” Martin said. “I’ll drop them off, Ninkin you already know where Kit is right?” “Yeah I think so.” Sarah responded. “Okay, good luck!” Martin said and took the three to the daycare center while Brian led Jane to Tasha’s private room. Sarah led herself to Kit’s room, opening the door and calling “I’m here!” No response. “Kit?” Sarah called again till a large blade came, Sarah quickly diving to the floor and dodging it. She was suddenly ambushed by blades quickly dodging or blocking with a large piece of metal. As a larger blade nearly collided with her throat, Sarah’s fists lit aflame and she punched it, the metal melting and falling to the floor. Her body felt like it was in a adrenaline rush, destroying all obstacles that flew at her and she was even able to fly. She twirled and as she went faster, she changed. Her hair becoming shorter and bushy, a small pony tail in the back, her shirt turning into a top that covered her chest and revealing her belly button, expandable parachute pants and small flats on her feet, see through veils connecting from her back to her wrists and cat like ears sprouting from her head, a large red V appearing on her head, small wings sprouting from the side. She flew high into the air as missiles suddenly homed in on her, falling and free falling down. As she fell, she was surrounded by fire and destroying all the missiles in her path. She landed on the ground, a crater forming around her and her fists clenched tight. Breathing heavily, she heard the sound of satisfied clapping. Turning around she saw Kit leaning on the side clapping slowly. “Well done young patawa.” Kit said. “You are officially an anthropomorphic.” © 2011 Imagination-mageReviews
5 Reviews Added on August 24, 2011 Last Updated on August 24, 2011 Author![]() Imagination-mageSuna, AZAboutI'm a young mage who enjoys creating adventure, romance, horror (if i can) and sometimes a good angst. i do hope you can enjoy the stories i create, everyone enjoy! more..Writing