Chapter Four: Sarah's Curse

Chapter Four: Sarah's Curse

A Chapter by Imagination-mage

Sarah woke up having the familiar feeling of being in bed.  She got up, rubbing the side of her head and groaning at the dull pain.

                “Ow my head…” Sarah said.

                “You okay?” a voice said to the side of her. Looking to her right she saw Tobi sitting on a chair, sitting like a dog actually. Her eyes had concern in them and Sarah couldn’t help but smile.

                “I’m okay, my head just hurts…” Sarah replied.

                “Alright Ninkin, lets get going then!” Tobi said, hopping off the chair and going towards the door.

                “Wait, my names Sar-” Sarah was about to say till Tobi covered her mouth, shushing her.

                “Remember, you can’t say your name anymore.” Tobi whispered. “Your name is Ninkin now, Ninkin.”

                “Oh right, sorry.” Sarah said, Tobi removing her hand from her mouth.

                “Get up and get dressed Ninkin, we have a journey to attend to!” Tobi said. “Your family went out to a theme park today but I told them that you wouldn’t mind staying with me for a couple of days!”

                “What, I’d love to go to a theme park!” Sarah complained. “What could be better?”

                “You’ll see.” Tobi replied sticking her tongue out. “Now get dressed, I’ll make us breakfast!”

Sarah sluggishly got herself ready, it was Saturday and her plans were to sleep in and waist her day playing Pokemon. She dragged herself down the stairs when she was dressed, finding Tobi cooking scramble eggs, sausages, waffles and pouring apple juice in glass cups. Tobi wore her mother’s bright pink apron with frills on the ends, her warm smile lightening up the room.

                “Your plates are on the table.” Tobi said happily and went back to the eggs. Sarah sat down, her plate filled with food.

                “I-I don’t eat this much Tobi…” Sarah said, feeling guilty that she might not finish.

                “That’s okay, Brian’s coming over to eat along with Beatrix to give you your mission.” Tobi said, sitting across from her. Right on cue, the doorbell rang and Tobi stood back up and ran to go answer it.

                “You’re here!” Tobi yelled excitedly.

                “Knew you’d be here from Maxine’s presence.” A familiar voice said back to her.  Coming into the room was Beatrix and Brian, both looking normal. They seated themselves at the table and Tobi quickly served them.

                “Morning Ninkin.” Beatrix said with a smile, her dragon eyes gleaming.

                “Morning Ninkin.” Brian repeated in a softer tone along with a head nod.

                “Morning Beatrix, morning Brian.” Sarah replied. Beatrix began to eat her food, cutting the waffles and eating them away with the syrup. Brian followed the example and began to dig into his food. Sarah began to eat her meal, it was delicious. There was silence in the room, only the sound of Tobi’s singing voice filling the room making the room feel awkward.

                “So Ninkin…” Beatrix finally said, dabbing her lips with a napkin. “About your first mission, you’ll be looking for your curse.”

                “Tasha gave us a description of the one you saw before your eyes.” Brian pointed out. “There is one match as to where he is.”

                “Wait how did you know that?!” Sarah asked, suddenly panicking.

                “Tasha’s capable of seeing all information that goes through us when going through the transformation of becoming a god or goddess. To make sure false information isn’t added.”

                “Oh…sorry.” Sarah said.

                “No need to apologize, we all went to conclusions like that.” Beatrix said. “Now returning to your assignment, you’ll be looking for your curse with Tobi.”

Brian took out a map, rolling it on the table and straightening the folds. Brian pointed to Japan, in Tokyo

                “Here your curse is hiding from you.” Brian said. “We’ll provide the transportation you need but you’ll need to get back on your own.”

                “That’s all, then we can accept you as a god like us.” Beatrix said. “We can become closer to you and even tell you our names.”

Now Sarah really wanted to hear their names, their most kept secret of all their secrets. Not even their families knew their real names. Tobi came in, twirling around and sending a plate in front of Sarah.

                “Eat up Ninkin, you’ll need the energy!” Tobi said, Zorua soon coming in with a plate of his own. He held his plate up to Tobi, giving her puppy dog eyes.

                “Fine I’ll make you food too.” Tobi said and returned to the kitchen. Two other curses came in, finding places on the table. Sarah recognized Brian’s curse when he climbed on Brian and found his place on Brian’s lap like a baby sucking his thumb and clutching a fire patterned blanket. He leaned on Brian, Brian patting his back while the little curse named Blake relaxed in Brian’s arms. Sarah couldn’t help but giggle slightly.

                “What?” Brian asked coolly.

                “It’s just…he’s like a little brother to you…” Sarah said.

                “Everyone says that, its because of how he behaves.” Brian said. Tobi returned with plates filled with food. Brian cut up the waffles and poured syrup all over, giving a square piece to Blake who opened his mouth and ate the waffles in such a cute way. While the little Blake chewed, Brian helped himself to one.

                “How cute.” Sarah said.

                “Yes, he’s very cute. It’s his tantrums that drive me crazy.” Brian said bluntly. Right on cue, the little Blake grabbed a fist full of Brian’s hair and pulled, crying uncontrollably and waving his hand in Brian’s face.

                “Yes, I can see you.” Brian said turning to the little boy who calmed down. “He doesn’t like sharing me.”

Blake glared at Sarah as he was fed another waffle, Brian soon helping himself to one. Sarah turned to the little one besides Beatrix who was looking at her food. Jaya took the little one around the torso and seated her on her lap. The little one wore a light blue jump suit that was baggy and pulled up to the knees where the legs were and the sleeves were too long so it sagged, wearing yellow shoes that resembles boots on her feet and a dark blue hood over her head that hung down her back like a small cape. She had light blue short hair that was covered by the hood and sapphire eyes.

                “This is Piper.” Beatrix introduced. “She’s very much like a child, like Blake but she suffers from negative thinking. Like for example, she’s always afraid that I’m going to abandon her.”
                “Oh she’s your curse?” Sarah asked till Beatrix began to laugh.

                “It’s different for me, Piper is my Gift.” Beatrix said, stroking Piper on the head. Piper snuggled into her chest and waited for Beatrix to feed her. Beatrix fed her a piece of bacon which she enjoyed.

                “Gift, I thought there were only curses.” Sarah said.

                “No, there are only curses.” Beatrix explained, eating some of her food. Tobi came in with small plates for the kids. Zorua hugged her around the waist and ate his food. “You see, curses start out as curses but they can turn into gifts. When you get your curse, they always have a flaw that will drive you crazy. Take Tobi’s for example, his problem is that he’s selfish. He doesn’t like sharing Tobi like Blake doesn’t like sharing Brian.”

As Tobi began serving Blake, Zorua bit on Blake’s hand making him cry out making the two guardians try to calm him down while Tobi pinched Zorua’s cheeks so hard that his face glowed red. Zorua spat insults at Tobi making her even angrier with him, daring him to repeat what he said.

                “But for the Big Three which are Kit, Suki and I get these little guys called Gifts.” Beatrix said. “Means instead of them having problems they have talents. But then again it also helps with raising future children.”

Tobi finally finished making herself food, washing her dishes and joining them at the table. She ate her food, Zorua switching spots so he could be in her lap as she ate her food. Tobi didn’t seem to mind, in fact she seemed accustom to it.

                “So…only you, Suki and Kit have Gifts?” Sarah asked, receiving a nod from Beatrix. “But what about Tasha?”

                “There is no curse that can match her power.” Brian replied. “Besides, you and I are basically her curses with her grandchildren curses.”

Sarah giggled while chewing her food. Everyone finished their food, putting the plates in the sink so they would be washed. Tobi urged Zorua to clean the dishes, which he did once being blackmailed into his videogames and how most of them were illegal copies. Beatrix and Brian excused themselves, Sarah following them so she could say their goodbyes, Brian and Beatrix’s curses and Gift following close beside them. Blake reached up at Brian who picked him up. They came to the door and Brian opened the door for Beatrix like the gentlemen he was.  

                “Leave as soon as your both ready, finding your curse is easy but catching him is the hardest of it all.”  Beatrix said and the two disappeared. Sarah looked around finding them nowhere in sight.

                “Whelp, ya done eating?” Tobi asked.

Sarah nodded, realizing how hungry she was until she saw her empty plate. Tobi took the plate and placed it in the sink, washing it quickly and saying “Pack light, we leave as soon as your bag is full!”

                “Wha-what should I pack?” Sarah asked, receiving a groan from Tobi.

                “Pants, underwear, deodorant and a toothbrush oh and something to entertain yourself.” Tobi said tossing her a bag.  The two headed back up to Sarah’s room, Tobi tossing her the things she listed, including her Nintendo ds and ds charger. Once packed, Tobi tossed her the spare house keys and went outside. Tobi transformed into her anthropomorphic form as she put on her black leather jacket and put on her helmet, passing Sarah the spare. Zorua climbed in the front of Tobi and made himself comfortable. Sarah hitched her leg over the motorcycle and got comfortable. The motorcycle roared to life, glowing red like the last time Sarah got on.

                “Will I get my own ride some day?” Sarah asked nervously.

                “Yeah, after a year that is.” Tobi replied with a mischievous smirk in the reflection of her helmet. Sarah wrapped her arms around her waist and the motorcycle shot from place, Zorua screaming with glee.

                “This is dangerous!” Sarah screamed.

                “How else do you expect to get to Japan on time?!” Tobi screamed back. Sarah looked around; the scenery was zipping by, seeing different landmarks until they hit the ocean. They were going so fast that they rode on top of the water, Tobi leaning forward with Zorua under her, clinging to the handlebars with her. Suddenly the motorcycle stopped with a loud screech, throwing Sarah off.

                “We’re here Ninkin.” Tobi said. Sarah lifted herself up and looked around in amazement. They were in the capital of Japan, Tokyo. It resembled New York except with more flashing lights, smaller cars and many signs that glowed blinding neon colors. Sarah spotted a pokemon store about to run inside till Tobi stopped her by grabbing her by the shirt.

                “Eye on the prize, Ninkin.” Tobi said. “We’re looking for your curse, Zorua stay close to me.”

                “Why?” Zorua whined, till he saw Tobi tense up. Tobi remained in her transformed anthro form, pushing her hair back as she took off the helmet. Zorua instinctively went to Tobi’s side, slipping his hand in hers.

                “What’s wrong?” Sarah asked, staying close.

                “Can you sense anything Ninkin?” Tobi asked, ignoring her question. Sarah looked around, trying to think of any sign of the curse that she had to fine. It was obvious that she was the only one able to find him or her.  Looking at all the children that passed by, Sarah tried recalling what she felt when she saw the mysterious little boy appeared in her little spasm attacks.

Come find me… the voice said in her head, reminding her what she felt before. She felt, innocent all of a sudden as if no sin in the world would affect her. The feeling got stronger when a certain child passed by. Sarah’s eyes snapped open and her eyes stuck to a little boy around Zorua’s age pass by, looking innocent. He had fiery orange hair, wearing a short sleeved orange shirt and baggy short black pants, his unruly orange hair kept under a black bandana with a yellow stripe right in the middle of it, the ends tied up and looking like pig ears, on his hands were black leather gloves and on his feet orange boots, goggles around his neck and a fake pig tail attached to him. Zorua’s nose wrinkled and he covered it.

                “What’s wrong?” Tobi asked, going to one knee and checking to make sure he was alright.

                “My nose feels like its burning!” Zorua said.

Sarah continued to stare at the boy till she found herself following. She blended with the crowd, the boy hugging his arm as if lonely. He soon came to the harbor, going out on the long wooden path until he came to the very end. He looked out into the sea and whispered “Come find me….”

Hearing his voice, Sarah knew it was him. She raced over to him and put a hand on his shoulder, he turned to her and his eyes grew wide.

                “N-Ninkin?” the boy called her, tears streaming down his face. He jumped up and hugged her around the waist, sobbing uncontrollably. Tobi came running in, Zorua on her back.

                “NINKIN WE GOTTA GO!” Tobi yelled urgently. Sarah turned towards her and asked “What why?”

                “JUST GRAB HIM AND LETS GO!” Tobi said, she froze when she heard the sound of a flying saucer was heard. She ran towards Sarah, grabbing her wrist and pulling. Sarah grabbed the boy, who hoisted himself till he was carried like a baby and the four ran. Suddenly, purple lights raced towards them nearly hitting them if Tobi hadn’t pushed them out of the way. They fell in the ocean but Tobi pushed Sarah out with her newly found curse.

                “Take Zorua and your curse and GET OUT OF HERE!” Tobi said. “Maxine will come when Zorua calls!”

                “You want me to ride Maxine?!” Sarah asked with disbelief.

                “YES!” Tobi said getting out and pushing her. “NOW GET GOING!”

                “TOBI!” Zorua screamed when something tried dive bombing them. Tobi jumped Zorua, shielding him from a line of fires. They were being attacked by a hooded figure, racing through the skies. They heard a satisfying laugh echo around them. Tobi got off of Zorua and yelled at Sarah “GET THEM OUT OF HERE NOW!”

Sarah grabbed both boys by the wrist and ran back to Maxine. Tobi turned towards her competitor, spitting out a small amount of blood.

                “It’s marvelous to see you again Tobi….” A male voice echoed around Tobi.

                “Leave me alone Kidd!” Tobi said angrily.

A figure appeared behind her, riding a skateboard with a skull on the bottom. There was a boy beside it, fixing his red rimed glasses with only two fingers. The boy was tall, having his sleek black hair gelled with the ends slightly curled, three white stripes on the side of his head wearing a dark green vest over his leaf green dress shirt, long black pants and the sleeves to his dress shirt rolled to his elbows, wearing bulky black boots on his feet and a red and yellow platted scarf around his neck. His pale skin made him glow and two rings on his middle and ring finger, shaped like skulls. Tobi growled at the sight of him.

                “Where is he Tobi?” the boy asked, his glasses gleaming.

                “Where’s who?” Tobi asked a playful smirk on her face. The boy put his hands out and two silver hand guns slipped out, making it seem to have appeared from his sleeve. He charged, Tobi’s finger being replaced by red claws that glowed a gory red color. The two clashed, Tobi bringing down her other hand which he blocked with his gun the only difference was that the gun was pointed at her chest. He fired and hit Tobi in the chest with such force that she flew into a stack of crates. Tobi growled, wiping the blood from her mouth. The boy aimed, shooting at her but she was able to dodge the bullets. She grabbed hold of his neck and threw him aside, pouncing on him and balling her clawed hand into a fist. He suddenly vanished in black smoke and Tobi’s hand came in contact with concrete, causing a crater to form.

                “Kidd…KIDD!” Tobi screamed, getting up. All she heard was a devious giggle before she bolted in the direction of Sarah.

~ * ~

                “So, what’s your name?” Sarah asked the little boy that she now clutched for dear life.

                “Uh, Tee.” The boy, Tee said.

                “Well that’s a stupid name.” Zorua said all too bluntly. Sarah slapped him in the back of the head as they finally arrived to Maxine; it immediately glowed red when Sarah got too close. Zorua jumped on and pulled Tee on with him.

                “Sarah, get on!” Zorua said.

                “Maxine hates me!” Sarah said.

                “She’s really gonna hate you if you get us killed!” Zorua screamed. Sarah got on, the motorcycle roaring to life again, this time even louder. Sarah grabbed the handlebars and the motorcycle bolted off, making her scream. Zorua and Tee clung to her waist as they rode the sea.

                “WAIT, WE NEED TO GO BACK TO TOBI!” Zorua screamed.

                “She said we have to get out of there!” Sarah screamed back.

                “Look!” Tee said pointing to the sky. A black figure was following them and Zorua’s eye’s widened. He pulled at Sarah’s ear till his lips were against her jaw and yelled “FASTER!”

                “OW, OKAY!” Sarah screamed back. Suddenly bullets were raining down on them, Sarah shielding the two boys and all three of them screaming.

                “Give me the boys!” a voice demanded high above. Sarah looked over her shoulder to see Kidd gaining on them, his twin hand guns ready to fire. Just as he was about to pull the trigger, he was tackled into the sea by Tobi.

                “GET HIM TOBI!” Zorua rooted. Tobi arose from the sea, Kidd coming up with her and trying to aim properly with Tobi clawing at him. The motorcycle became smaller and smaller as they tried making a get away from it. Kidd pushed Tobi’s head under water and shot at Sarah which hit her in the shoulder, the motorcycle wobbling from Sarah trying to cover the wound. A smirk spreading on Kidd’s face till he felt something hot and gooey pour out of his side. He then screamed in pain as he tried pushing Tobi away from him, she was biting down into his side with her sharp canine teeth, digging her clawed fingers into his other side, soon shoving him aside and quickly swimming towards the motorcycle.

                “NINKIN, STOP!” Tobi screamed, hoping she could hear her. Sarah turned her back, seeing that Tobi was alright, made her slow down and make a u turn towards her. She made it to Tobi, who climbed aboard and looked at the bullet wound. The bullet hadn’t gone in deep, so Tobi simply pulled it out and tried keeping the wound clean.

                “Lets get you home.” Tobi said, taking the handle bars. The motorcycle then had a side car to it, the two boys hopping in and making themselves comfortable. Sarah leaned on Tobi’s back and said “This is too much…”

                “You’ll get used to it.” Tobi replied. “I’m just happy it wasn’t Oz.”

                “Oz, who’s that?” Sarah asked, making Tobi flinch.

                “That would be me.” a voice said, landing on the hood of the motorcycle. Tobi nearly let go of the handle bars but regained consciousness when Tee let out a scream. The boy standing on the hood was a boy about a year older then Tobi having short unruly blond hair wearing a long sleeved beige dress shirt with a brown vest over, a sloppy red tie tied around his neck wearing short baggy green pants, knee high brown boots on his feet with giant buckles keeping them in place and seaweed green eyes, a pure white over coat was over him, the ends torn and it was flapping in the wind as they sped from the sea to solid ground.

                “GET OFF MY BIKE!” Tobi screamed angrily, rising from her spot and controlling the bike with only her foot and Sarah clinging to her calf. Tobi growled and the boy only smiled playfully, his eye lids closing half way.

                “Aw you’re so cute when you’re angry.” The boy, Oz, said. Tobi swiped at him with her already blood covered claws.

                “SHUT UP!” Tobi screamed, trying to swat him off. Sarah screamed along with Zorua and Tee. Oz squatted and wrapped his arms around Tobi’s free leg only aggravating her more.  

                “GET OFF YOU FOOL!” Tobi screamed, hitting his back with her fists.

                “But I could fall off.” Oz said childishly.

                “I DON’T CARE GET OFF!” Tobi screamed.

                “Besides, I have unfinished business.” Oz said becoming serious. From his boot he pulled out a silver handgun and pointed it at Zorua’s forehead. “Hello, Zorua. Are you prepared to die?”

Zorua trembled, frozen in place. Oz smirked, a diabolical smirk and got ready to pull the trigger. Tobi then did a back flip, bringing Oz with her, a loud bang coming from the gun but missing Zorua. Sarah hanged onto her leg keeping it in place as Tobi grabbed onto the back of the seat with Oz still hugging her leg. Tobi kicked him off and he fell on the floor. Tobi seated herself back in the motorcycle and asked “Zorua are you okay?”

                “Y-Yeah, I’m fine…” Zorua said, still trembling. He looked at Tobi’s thigh and saw that it was bleeding. “TOBI, YOU’RE BLEEDING!”

                “I am?” Tobi asked and looked at her thigh. “Oh, I am.”

                “We need to get you to a hospital!” Tee said urgently.

                “No, I need to get you guys to Crown City.” Tobi said. She pushed the accelerator and they sped off, going into the sky where the same golden pathway appeared and took them up into the sky. Jane was there again, flying around the clouds till a gear appeared again, turning and showing them the golden gates that led to their safe haven.

© 2011 Imagination-mage

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Wow what a ride need to go back check a couple words. Not to freat we all have this promblem. If can't find them let me know. When I am com my pc I will point them out. Awesome work.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Can't wait for the next one - and agree with PokemonFan#1, love the pokemon store bit!

Posted 13 Years Ago

I love my Tee. He's soooo cute. I also like this part, "Sarah spotted a pokemon store about to run inside till Tobi stopped her by grabbing her by the shirt."
I wanna know what happens next! Keep it up!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on August 23, 2011
Last Updated on August 23, 2011



Suna, AZ

I'm a young mage who enjoys creating adventure, romance, horror (if i can) and sometimes a good angst. i do hope you can enjoy the stories i create, everyone enjoy! more..

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A Chapter by Imagination-mage

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