![]() Chapter Three: Anthropomorphics (anthro for short)A Chapter by Imagination-mageWhen the light faded Sarah was welcomed to a giant room, the clouds surrounding the ground with a long table with silk cloth covering it, food filling the table. Three other people feasted at the large banquet, Sarah recognized Jane flying around the room like the fairy she was till she ran into one of the pillars. She also recognized the boy who had put her to sleep the other day. “That’s Brian.” Tobi said, catching Sarah staring at Brian blankly who munched on a pretzel. He spotted Tobi and Sarah, waving them over and pointing at a seat he saved. Tobi took Sarah’s wrist and led her to the table, seating her next to Brian. Tobi pulled a chair out and Sarah sat in it, Brian crossing his arms and leaning back into his chair. “Don’t worry, he doesn’t bite.” Tobi reassured. Sarah slipped into the chair and Tobi pushed the chair in. She stood beside her and Sarah observed her surroundings. The place was like Olympus in the Greeken myths, clouds on the floor, the long table having silk over it with food, the goblets always refilling themselves with an odd liquid that tasted like any drink you desired. The ceiling revealed the sky, whatever weather it was reflected on the ceiling. Sarah marveled at the beautiful scenery but her thoughts were interrupted by Brian who passed her a bowl filled with Cheetos. “Want some?” Brain asked. “Y-Yes, thank you.” Sarah said helping herself to one. “No need to be so formal!” Jane said, suddenly flying in and landing next to her. “We’re all classmates here, Martin says he’ll be joining us shortly after he’s done with the new laptop he’s inventing.” “Jane…do you have a…a curse?” Sarah asked nervously. “Yes, we all do.” Jane said and whistled. A little girl came running out, her short light brown hair, wearing a brown beanie on her head looking like the top of an acorn, wearing a long dark brown sweater wearing short pants, cloth yellow boots on her feet with a fuzzy brown scarf around her neck. “This is Claire.” Jane said. “He-hello rookie.” The girl, Claire stuttered. “She’s so extremely shy that it’s annoying.” Jane said. “She’s also rather clingy.” Right on cue, Claire glued herself to Jane’s arm, gripping it tightly. Jane seemed accustom to the fact that her circulation was being cut off. Sarah looked at Brian who pointed under the table. Sarah lifted the table cloth coming face to face with an orange spiky haired boy who wore a short sleeved light orange shirt and short pale pants, a tail coming from his behind with a flame on the end, large eyes that stared back at Sarah. “His name is Blake.” Brian said. “He’s rather infantile for his age.” Blake, the fire tailed boy, began teething on the leg of the table. He was carried away by Brian, seating him in his lap and giving him his goblet filled with the odd fluid. “What is this stuff?” Sarah asked, looking into her goblet. After a long refreshing gulp, Tobi replied “Ambrosia, only gods can drink this magical stuff! Go on taste it, we didn’t poison it.” Sarah looked into it, and then took a sip finding that it tasted like Capri sun juice. She gulped it down, not realizing how thirsty she was. “Yummy huh?” Tobi asked getting a nod from Sarah. Tobi laughed till a familiar curse came in. In came Zorua, a squirt gun in his hand shooting an innocent looking goose who tried running away. He tackled the goose which squawked, seeming like it was begging for mercy. Zorua snapped its neck and it fell silent. He got up, the dead goose in his arms as he approached the table, dragging the dead goose to the table and putting it on his plate. He hungrily licked his lips about to dig in, till the dead goose was snatched from his plate by Tobi. “Hey, I was gonna eat that!” Zorua said angrily, trying to snatch it back without success. “Cook it at least, besides where’d you get the goose?” Tobi asked, glaring down at him. Zorua squirmed in his seat and Tobi instantly knew he stole the other goose from her school. She was about to blow but instead let out a frustrated sigh and took out a notebook scribbling down something on the paper. “What’re you writing?” Zorua asked nervously, seeing the black notebook she was writing in. “A mental note, get new geese and punish you.” Tobi said, pinching his cheek hard making him grit his teeth at the pain. Bells suddenly rang through the room, silencing everyone. The curses sat next to the gods, Tobi pulling a chair next to Zorua who was rubbing his cheek in pain. The ceiling blackened out, everyone putting their hands in the air, began chanting. The chanting echoed through the building and Sarah could do nothing but listen and watch. A portal swirled open, more clouds pouring in. Water flooded in, nearly making Sarah scream but she realized the water was an illusion when she saw Tobi’s sapphire eyes glowing its eerie color. The water disappeared and three figures appeared before them. The lights turned back on and Tobi fell limp. “Tobi!” Sarah said. “She’s alright, don’t worry.” One of the figures said. She came out of the darkness revealing she had long ocean blue hair, wearing a strapless ocean blue dress with red markings on it, her smile brightening up the room. The other two standing beside her were of different elements. One had long dark green hair wearing a tight dark green jumpsuit with the same red markings on, a crown on her head and dragon like eyes. The other one had long blond hair, rolled on the side of her head a dark grey jump suit with a crescent moon crown on her forehead, golden heels on her feet and red eyes. Sarah shivered when they made eye contact. “So this is her?” the blond asked. “Yes Kit, so don’t be so mean.” Jane said. “Sarah, this is Kit.” Sarah realized it was Kit once seeing the Hello Kitty pinned in her hair. “This is Beatrix.” Jane said, showing her the long dark green haired girl. “Last, this is Suki.” The blue haired girl, Suki, waved to Sarah kindly. All her friends in God form. Tobi soon got up and said “How was the entrance?” “Marvelous as always, Tobi!” Suki said happily. “Sarah, no need to be frightened, we’re your friends; remember that.” Sarah gave Suki a nervous smile and Suki returned a very friendly one. Beatrix turned to Tobi and said “So has she decided a name?” “Yeah, she’d like the name Ninkin.” Tobi replied. “I’ll take her to Tasha right after she’d had her fill of food.” “Good, then let’s eat.” Beatrix said the snacks on the table were replaced by gourmet dinner foods once Jane snapped her fingers. As they began eating, Sarah just looked down at her food, Tobi catching her distracted stare. “I guess you want this done with as fast as possible?” Tobi asked. “Huh, no, no, I can wait!” Sarah said but felt Tobi grab her wrist and pull her up. They left the dining hall, Tobi leading the way with Sarah trailing behind her. Jane suddenly came in, flying in and landing in front of them. “I don’t think Tasha’s ready.” Jane said. “Tasha?” Sarah asked but was ignored. “Tasha’s always ready for another anthro, she makes explaining all this ten times as easier.” Tobi said. “Just give me the key!” Jane shot a glare at Tobi, handing her a golden key saying “Return it as soon as the ceremony is over. Right after it’s over, Sarah has to be return home to rest, the ceremony will drain her of energy.” Jane then turned to Sarah, giving her a reassuring smile. “Everything will be fine Sarah.” Jane said, ruffling out her hair. Jane then flew back inside the dinning hall, the golden doors closing behind her. Tobi led Sarah to another room, the hall growing rather dark the deeper they went. “Wh-who’s Tasha anyway?” Sarah asked. “Tasha’s the true ‘god’ of our world.” Tobi replied. “She’s life and death itself, the keeper of balance, the creator’s daughter herself. But she’s part human.” “What’s she like?” Sarah asked. “She’s the nicest person on the planet, no, in the universe!” Tobi said. “Plus the most powerful, she has powers that’ll blow your mind out the window! But she likes to keep her talents hidden to herself.” The two then came to a pair of big black doors, a black fog surrounding the floor as they came closer. The room was cold and Tobi’s grip on Sarah’s wrist tightened. “Something’s not right…” Tobi said, bringing Sarah with her as she inched towards the door handles. She released Sarah’s wrists to pull both open but as soon as she did, a rush of black fog raced past them. Sarah shielded herself from the gust but Tobi remained where she was until it finally passed. “Tasha!” Tobi called, she began walking inside with Sarah following. Tobi was looking around urgently till a pair of fox ears appeared on top of her head listening carefully. Tobi then caught something in the darkness, bolting towards it. “TASHA, TASHA!” Tobi called. She picked up a lifeless looking girl who had a boyish hair cut, wearing a red and white ball cap with the pokemon leagues logo on the front, wearing a blue and white short sleeved jacket and baggy jeans. She was barefooted and her sun kissed skin began to go pale. Tobi shook her violently, the girls head shaking like a ragged doll. “Tasha can you hear me?!” Tobi screamed. She set the girl, Tasha, down and ran out of the room calling over her shoulder “Stay close to her!” Sarah went to Tasha’s side, laying her head on her lap while Tobi dashed out of the room. Sarah didn’t really know what to do, thinking Tasha was dead. “Tasha…Tasha?” Sarah asked, poking her cheek. The girl’s brows furrowed for a brief five seconds then resumed to their relaxed position. Sarah then felt her chest rise and fall, telling her she was breathing deeply. Tobi soon returned with Suki by her side. “What’s the matter?” Suki asked. Tobi showed her the unconscious Tasha lying in Sarah’s arms. Suki ran to her need, going to her knees and placing her hands on her chest. Suki inhaled deeply, closing her eyes. Her hands glowed an ocean blue color and the red marks on her dress glowed red, pulsating through her body. “She’s alive, don’t worry Tobi.” Suki said, removing her hands. Tobi let out a sigh of relief, Suki rising from besides Tasha. “So Tasha, when are you gonna wake up?” Suki asked. “Give me a few more minutes…” a voice echoed through the room. Sarah flinched but Tobi said “Don’t move!” “Yes Sarah, please don’t move…” the voice said. “Who’s that?” Sarah whispered. “I’m Tasha, the goddess of the Anthro. I am the first anthro in this universe making me the ideal god of mankind.” Tasha said. “I’m not in my body at the moment so please give me a few more minutes before we can properly introduce ourselves.” “Tasha does this to come in contact with the spirits in the underworld, which is supposedly Kit’s job but she doesn’t like talking to the dead all that much. Also it makes it easier for Tasha to locate anthro all over the world.” Tobi explained. “Thank you Tobi for the explanation.” Tasha said. Sarah felt the body she was holding move. The room suddenly lit up, showing it was bright and the black clouds turned pure white, candles lighting all over and pictures off all the anthro- which was only seven- on the walls. The body soon got up, lifting itself up by its legs making the upper half dangle behind till the torso regained feeling. The arms moved, a sickening popping heard in the shoulders till the head was lifted up. “That’s better…” Tasha said, turning to face Sarah. “Hello, I am Tasha pleased to meet you.” ~ * ~ “So you saw Tobi in action?” Tasha asked. She had a white table in front of her, a jug of the ambrosia on it. She poured some into a tea cup and passed it to Sarah. Tobi was sent away with Suki to continue the feast, discussing new plans. Sarah’s hands were shaking as she sipped her ambrosia. “It’s alright, we’re not gonna hurt you…” Tasha said calmly. She got up from her seat and walked towards Sarah, placing a comforting hand on her trembling ones. Tasha then kissed her knuckles and said “We want you on our side.” “Uh…I don’t think I’m up to it…” Sarah said, averting her eyes from Tasha’s chocolate brown ones that just radiated happiness. Tasha simply smiled and said “That’s what all the anthro say when they’re given the job. Take Beatrix for example, she refused to leave her house until she found herself completely ready.” “I-I heard Suki, Beatrix and Kit were the first to become anthro…” Sarah brought up. “Yup, they spotted me taking out a rather large demon that needed to be disposed of.” Tasha said, hands on her hips. “I had been stressed lately and I needed help, I just didn’t know who to ask. The three were simply passing by and they saw me kill the demon with my bare hands. They of course were shocked and I didn’t know what to do. It took me three weeks to confront them, asking them if they would assist me into killing these demons. They refused the first six times…” “Six, you asked them six times?!” Sarah asked. “Surprisingly I have nothing better to do but watch over them.” Tasha explained. “I entered their dreams, minds and sometimes appear before their very eyes. They were said to have gone insane and were sent to mental hospitals because of me… but one day, Kit came to me and asked if I would take her under her wing.” “Same with Suki?” Sarah asked. “No she was black mailed by Kit…” Tasha said bluntly. “Something she would do. Beatrix was the hardest; she even began believing that she was insane. She was soon brought to her senses and joined me, ever since we’ve been going by one law. If someone spots us, they either join or are killed. Humans can’t handle all this, so if they see they’re normally killed…It’s been a while since a new member has joined us.” Sarah stared down at her drink, absorbing all this. She soon looked up at Tasha who met her in her stare. “I-I want to join…I want to help…” Sarah said. “Are you up for it?” Tasha asked. “Being an anthro on my side you’ll go through all types of dangers, my enemies become your enemies, my problems become your problems, do you understand?” Sarah nodded a determined face on now which made Tasha’s eyes sparkle with happiness, the happy feeling becoming over whelming. Tasha clapped her hands, a pair of white doves flying in, carrying a white fluffy robe that was placed over Tasha’s shoulders. She approached Sarah and simply said “Kneel, rookie.” Sarah quickly followed the order, a shooting star falling trough the pure white room and landing in Tasha’s hand. It was bursting with all types of colors, Tasha reaching into the pocket of her white rob and pulling out a small veil of a red liquid, Sarah recognizing it as her blood. “With your blood, you’ll be able to keep your human identity where you’ll be able to return to the human world.” Tasha said, putting the shooting star under the veil. “With this cosmic ability, you’ll be able to become an anthropomorphic being able to protect the human race from all those who threaten it. Combined with your blood, you’ll be a god!” Tasha popped open the veil lid, pouring it onto the round ball of color, which was orbiting around it till it glowed, a bright light surrounding it till the ball of color turned into a ball of fire. Sarah stared at it in aw, Tasha pushing it into Sarah’s face. “Eat it…” Tasha commanded. Sarah looked from the ball of fire back to Tasha whose chocolate eyes looked serious. Sarah took the ball of fire; it didn’t burn, and brought it to her lips. “Eat it.” Tasha commanded again. Sarah took a deep breath and stuffed the whole thing into her mouth. She swallowed, feeling a burning sensation go down her throat till it disappeared in her stomach. At first nothing happened, till Sarah felt a burning at her chest, she began glowing vibrant colors like the star did. She looked up at Tasha who gave her a reassuring smile. The smile helped dull the pain that came with the flashing, Sarah seeing images race by her mind in a fast motion. Images of Tobi, Suki, Jane, Brian, Beatrix, Kit and another boys images of how they became anthro, all their battles, items they obtained and their abilities. Everything suddenly went white in her vision, only seeing a young boy walk slowly up to her. He cocked his head to the side a bit and smiled saying “Come find me…” The moment faded, Sarah finding herself on the floor and breathing heavily. Tasha was next to her, sitting on her knees and stroking Sarah’s back. Sarah scrunched into a ball, feeling like she was hyperventilating. Tobi was suddenly in the room and said “You called?” “Take Sarah home please, she’ll need to rest….” Tasha said. © 2011 Imagination-mage |
3 Reviews Added on August 23, 2011 Last Updated on August 23, 2011 Author![]() Imagination-mageSuna, AZAboutI'm a young mage who enjoys creating adventure, romance, horror (if i can) and sometimes a good angst. i do hope you can enjoy the stories i create, everyone enjoy! more..Writing
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