Twenty Two

Twenty Two

A Chapter by Imagination-mage

Tyki woke up at Kit’s time, which was extremely early. Tyki assisted Kit in grooming, feeding, dressing and bathing all the pokemon that would participate in the show. Kit was in charged of practicing her acts with the two pokemon she would be picking which was her yorterry and shandera. She refused to Tyki, afraid she’d let it slip and practiced in private. Soon the show started and Tyki found her seat in the front row in the balcony, watching over as everyone got dressed for the show. Tyki decided that Tamaki should remain where she was, inside her pokeball until the show ended and they started their journey again.

            “Ladies and gentlemen!” the announcer said happily, making the crowd cheer. Tyki clapped happily, screaming along with the crowd. That is until someone sat beside her. Tyki looked and she froze in place. There sitting beside her was Shooti, looking smug as ever. Shooti caught her stare so Tyki quickly turned away.

            “That’s a weird outfit.” Shooti said, after looking Tyki over.

            “S-So I’ve been told.” Tyki responded, trying so hard not to send death glares at him. The stadium began to dim, telling the audience to quite down.

            “First up, undefeated trainer so far, Kit!” the announcer said, making Tyki shoot up and scream “YEAH KIT!”

Kit appeared from the back wearing a black corset top and a frilly pink shirt, Hello Kitty printed onto it wearing hit boots and her hair in a high pony tail, tsutarja on her shoulders like a scarf. She bowed and took out a pokeball that was dark purple with stars imprinted on it. She threw it into the audience presenting her shandera.

            “Shan~” her shandera said cutely.

            “Lights please.” Kit said and the stadium went black. “Shandera, use will o wisp please.”

The ends of her shandera’s flames glowed a blue flame, making the audience lean in. The flames moved in the darkness like poi, making images in the air with shandera’s quick and smooth movement.

            “Bring them together.” Kit said, no one knew where she was. Her shandera brought the flames together till they erupted in a shower of flames.

            “Now use flash!” Kit said. Her shandera glowed brilliantly, Kit suddenly emerging from the darkness the light looking like she was giving it off like an angel. She pushed her hair back, making the boys goggle at her.

            “Wow, when Kit’s not being a savage beast she looks almost angelic.” Tyki muttered. “Almost angelic…”

            “That was marvelous!” the announcer said happily joining Kit. “The darkness really brought out the act! Now let’s turn to out judges!”

Nurse Joy, a man named Kazuki and a breeder name Carmen all gave Kit thumbs up, along with high scores which really pleased the crowd. Kit bowed, her shandera following the example and the two left the stage. The rest of the contest was followed by performers that seemed to be trying too hard. Tyki was simply bubbling in her seat, unable to contain herself. Shooti only looked bored soon saying “What a dull act.”

Tyki glared, wanting to punch him but she contained her anger and replied “Says the boy who has no taste in fashion…”

            Shooti glared at her and Tyki only smirked evilly. The acts continued on and one soon leading to the battles. Kit came out again up against a girl who had used her pokemon to do a series of circus acts.

            “Choose your pokemon!” the announcer said.

            “I choose you yanakkie!” the competitor said.

            “Come on out yorterry!” Kit said and summoned her cutest pokemon of her party who gleefully barked and ran in circles. The crowd simply went gaga for her pokemon, Tyki saying “Cutest one ever!”

            “Yeah, but I highly doubt that it’ll win.” Shooti said. “Just because its cute doesn’t mean that it can possibly win.”

Tyki sent a glare at him, this time really holding in her rage.

            “Just you wait and see!” Tyki said angrily, she was rolling up her sleeve now getting ready to punch his lights out.

            “Let the battle…BEGIN!” the announcer said.

            “Yanakkie, use leaf storm!” the trainer said, her yanakkie sending out a storm of leaves.

            “Protect yorterry!” Kit said, her yorterry producing a large force field around itself and blocking the attack. One the attack ended, Kit quickly said “Now use flame charge!”

Her yorterry stomped its little paws creating a large barrier of fire and catapulted itself at the yanakkie. It hit the yanakkie in the chest and caused it to collide with the wall easily knocking it out.

            “Now that was a fast battle.” The announcer said. “Kit is our winner!”

Tyki shot up and screamed “BONZAI!!!”

Shooti remained silent, clearly showing his humiliation. Kit bowed and her yorterry running around her legs and barking merrily up at her. Kit kneeled down and picked it up, allowing it to rest on her shoulder where her tsutarja licked yorterry’s cheek. Kit waved as she got off the stage and Tyki settled down. She sat back down in her seat and looked smugly at Shooti who avoided her glare. Tyki only said “Told ya so.”

            “You seem to be a big fan of her.” Shooti said.

            “I happen to be a friend.” Tyki said.

            “That what’s your name?” Shooti asked, smiling now. Tyki suddenly froze, knowing that since Kit was such a celebrity now her friends were obviously known and that was sort of hard to keep yourself hidden when you give yourself away. Shooti was just a stubborn trainer who wanted to always fight Tyki and Tyki didn’t want anything to do with him; especially now. Tyki squirmed in her seat, Shooti now looking victorious probably thinking that she was some hyper fan who wanted him to believe that she was close friends with Kit. Tyki was about to come up with an elaborate explanation till the next event came up. The rounds went on and on tediously, Tyki tapping her foot to see kit come up again and beat the competition. Kit was soon the last one up, up against a though looking watchog who had also been blowing the competition away. Kit called out her yorterry again, who was still fired up and ready to fight.

            “This is the last battle for the ribbon!” the announcer said, the tense was really building up in the air. “Let the battle…BEGIN!”

            “Watchog use flash!” the trainer said and the watch hog shined brilliantly make the whole crowd turn away. Once the flash attack faded, yorterry was a bit dizzy. Kit bit her lip, thinking quickly.

            “Listen carefully yorterry.” Kit said and her yorterry listened. The watchog lept into the air and its trainer called “Use hyper fang!”

            “Use protect!” Kit said, her yorterry shielding itself and causing the watchog to collide with the shield and bounce off, hitting the ground hard. Kit’s fist tightened as she said “Yorterry, use head butt!”

Her yorterry launched itself and hit the watchog in the stomach making the two slide across the floor.

            “Use crunch!” Kit said, her yorterry biting down on the watchdog’s stomach. “Now, use take down!” Kit said and her yorterry finished it off with a powerful take down, only getting damaged by recoil by a little. The watchog fainted, the crowd erupting in cheers. Tyki got up as well, waving her hands in the air and screaming “SHE DID IT, SHE DID IT!”

            “THAT IS IT FOLKS!” the announcer said coming besides Kit and throwing an arm over her shoulders. Kit’s tsutarja found its place on her head and yorterry returned inside its pokeball. “KIT THE UNDEFEATED HAS WON AGAIN, WITH OF COURSE AN AMAZING FINISH!”

            “Thank you, thank you.” Kit said bowing. She shook hands with the lost trainer and returned to waving towards the crowd. Tyki was clapping her hands in the air madly now, screaming at the top of her lungs. Confetti fell from the ceilings, showing Kit in her victory. The judges presented Kit with the badge that beautifully gleamed, Kit’s eyes shining at the sight of it. She picked it up and held it up for the crowd to see.

            “YEAH KIT!!” Tyki screamed. That was when Tyki felt something deep within herself, a horrible danger approaching.  Tyki suddenly went to the floor; right on cue the ceiling erupted. The crowd ran for it, trying to exit the balcony. Kit and the announcer quickly escaped the tumbling ruble from above and hid back behind stage. Tyki covered her head, finding herself alive. When she looked up, she saw a force field over her, making the giant piles to stop in place. Tyki crawled out and as soon as she was out, the rocks tumbled down. The balcony was beginning to collapse and she needed to get out.

            “Hey twerp, we’re back for ya!” an all too familiar voice said. Tyki looked up, seeing Team Rocket flying a helicopter now. She panicked, quickly getting up and running. A claw came down on her but she dodged its grabbing and descended upward, toward a small window. The claw suddenly caught her, bring her down. Tyki desperately dug through her pocket and pulled out a pokeball. She tossed it and Tamaki emerged, looking a bit confused.

            “T-Tamaki!” Tyki cried. Tamaki took in the situation and preformed and iron tail attack which shattered the claw that had a death grip on Tyki. Tyki grabbed Tamaki and made her way to the exit.

            “Oh no, you don’t!” James said. “Desumasu use shadow ball!”

James’s desumasu fired a shadow ball destroying the window. Tyki quickly made her way down the seats, almost reaching the door till that was destroyed as well. Tyki was running out of options.

            “Give it up twerp!” Jessie said and called out her koromori. “Use gust!”

It created a powerful gust cause Tyki to edge closer and closer to the edge till she fell, the claw coming after her.

            “Shandera use psychic!” Kit called and Tyki stopped in midair, dodging the claw that nearly grabbed her. Looking back, Kit’s shandera was standing still and using its psychic abilities to levitate Tyki.

            “Desumasu, take them out!” James said and his desumasu got ready to attack it.

            “Pururiru use water pulse!” a voice said and desumasu was knocked aside and crashed into the wall. Looking to her left, Shooti appeared with his pururiru beside him.

            “And to think I’d meet Tyki again.” Shooti said plainly. “Should’ve known it was you.”

            “Do you mind?!” Tyki screamed angrily.

            “Desumasu use confusion ray!” James said.

            “Koromori use screech!” Jessie said and the combined attacks attacked the two pokemon. Kit’s shandera sway and soon collided with pururiru causing the two to spin. Tyki then flew through the hole that Team Rocket made and disappeared in the sky. Kit returned her shandera inside and screamed “TYKI!!”

© 2011 Imagination-mage

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Keep it up Tyki! (Now It's almost to the part where I read on the USB!) I loved it!

Posted 13 Years Ago

Interesting - I like the Pokemon contest part!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on August 23, 2011
Last Updated on August 31, 2011



Suna, AZ

I'm a young mage who enjoys creating adventure, romance, horror (if i can) and sometimes a good angst. i do hope you can enjoy the stories i create, everyone enjoy! more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Imagination-mage