![]() Chapter Two: Welcome to our little SocietyA Chapter by Imagination-mageSarah woke up in her bed and the suns light was streaking through her window. She squinted her eyes to adjust her vision, feeling a horrible pain in her head as she tried to sit up. “Ow, what happened?” Sarah asked. She remembered passing out but the whole day was a black out. When her head stopped spinning she got out of bed and searched for her family members, hoping they would have answers. But she found no one home; she almost panicked till she saw a note on the table with a steaming hot bagel waiting to be eaten. She took the bagel, began eating it and read the note which said Sarah, We were worried that if you went to school you’d hurt yourself. So stay home for the day and just relax, we heard that you fainted from work overload and we just want you to take a break from all that. So just relax, your favorite pokemon movies are on the counter and just brainwash yourself through mindless video games. See you at dinner. Love mom and dad Sarah shrugged, true she had been doing a lot of homework lately but she didn’t feel that was the main cause of her passing out. She sat down and began to chomp away her bagel. “Why am I complaining?” Sarah asked. “I have a whole house to myself, DVDs that I can watch and play my pokemon games all day! I don’t have a care in the world.” “Yeah great ain’t it?” a voice said across from her. Sarah nearly jumped through the ceiling when she heard Tobi across from her, sipping coffee and just smiling at her. Sarah backed into the wall and tried going for the phone. “Don’t try calling the police; your parents invited me here.” Tobi said. “Of course I couldn’t let down the offer.” The memory of yesterday came running back through Sarah’s brain. She remembered seeing Tobi killing a demon, a little boy carrying her back when she tried running away and being told that she either had to become like Tobi or be killed. That was when everything blacked out. “What do you want?” Sarah asked. Tobi set down her cup of coffee which had been drained and approached Sarah. “Sarah you said you’d join us so I have to help you find your inner anthropomorphic.” Tobi said. “What exactly is an anthropomorphic?” Sarah asked. “A being whose half human and half creature.” Tobi replied. “We’re called that because of our half animal appearances and weird powers. There are a lot of people like me but I can’t tell you everything now, you need to go through the ceremony.” Sarah heard of ceremony’s from the Indiana Jones movies and didn’t like the idea of being thrown into a fiery pit or having her heart wrenched out of her chest. So on reflex, she ran. She heard Tobi curse as she ran out the door, screaming in sheer terror as Tobi ran after her. “Wait, wait!” Tobi called after her. “STALKER, I’M BEING CHASED BY A STALKER!” Sarah screamed, hoping to wake her whole neighborhood. Tobi eventually tackled her to the ground, flung her on her shoulder and returned back to Sarah’s house where she was kicking and punching at her back. “Put me down this is harassment!” Sarah said. “Is not!” Tobi said back. “You hang around Kit too much.” They arrived back to Sarah’s home, opening the door and going back inside. Tobi dropped Sarah on her couch and sat on the floor, breathing heavily. Sarah clutched a pillow and breathed into it. “Sarah, I’m not gonna hurt you.” Tobi said. “Then why’d you let that little kid bite me?!” Sarah asked, showing Tobi the tiny bite marks on her hand. “We needed the blood to see what type of creature you are.” Tobi explained. “We’re not like those creepy people you see on shows or read from books that talk about drinking blood, sacrificing your heart or something gory like that.” Sarah let go of a breath she was holding in, her head leaning on the pillow. Tobi giggled, a devious grin that matched Zorua’s was on her face. “Now, let’s get this ceremony over with shall we?” Tobi asked, paper and pen in hand at once. She put her reading glasses on and said “Think of it as a quiz.” “Alright, you mean like those personality quizzes?” Sarah asked. “Yup!” Tobi said gleefully. “Now lets start, there are only like ten questions so don’t panic.” Sarah nodded and relaxed a bit as Tobi sat beside her, leaning her head on her shoulder. “First question, if you could change your name what would it be?” Tobi asked. “I don’t know I like my name actually.” Sarah replied. “Well it has to be changed, if someone were to know your real name then your life would be put in danger along with the ones you love and hold dear to you.” Tobi explained plainly and with a shrug. “Choose one.” “You mean…Tobi’s not your real name?” Sarah asked. “…Yeah…” Tobi said sadly. “I’d tell you my real name but your not one of us just yet, so answer the question.” “Hmm…Harmony?” Sarah asked. “Already taken.” Tobi said bluntly. “…Ninkin?” Sarah asked. “Good, a bit unusual but I like it!” Tobi said happily and wrote it down. “Second question, favorite color.” “I like all colors.” Sarah replied. “Alright, age.” Tobi said. “Sixteen.” Sarah replied, seeing Tobi scribble it down. “Hobby.” Tobi went on. “Collecting anything that’s Pokemon.” Sarah replied getting a laugh from Tobi. They continued with the questions till the paper was filled with answerers. Tobi folded it up and stuffed it in her pocket. “Okay Sarah now we have to go to Crown City to have this registered by Beatrix, Kit, and Suki. Once that’s done we’ll find your curse!” “Curse?!” Sarah asked. “Get up, get ready lazy bones!” Tobi said excitedly pushing her to her bathroom. “We leave as soon as you’re ready!” ~ * ~ Sarah had gotten herself ready finding Tobi waiting outside for her. Tobi looked like she couldn’t contain herself. When Sarah made it outside, Tobi ran up and hugged her. “Finally, I don’t have to lie to you anymore!” Tobi said excitedly. “That’s great Tobi, but how do we get to this Crown City?” Sarah asked. “On my motorcycle.” Tobi said bluntly. Waiting to be ridden was a black motorcycle that had a blue and yellow helmet with cat ears on top, another right beside it that had the colors of a pokeball on it. “You can drive this?” Sarah asked. “Well, not like this.” Tobi said, returning to her anthropomorphic self as she was yesterday when she was fighting the demon. She hopped on; the motorcycle came to life having electric blue writings all over when she touched the handles, roaring it seemed. Tobi tucked her head in the cat like helmet and passed the pokeball one to Sarah. Two leather jackets were also there and she zipped one up around her, tossing the seconded one to Sarah and helping her zip up and fasten on. “Well…get on.” Tobi said. “Is it safe?” Sarah asked, getting on and wrapping her arms around Tobi’s waist. “Yeah, Maxine’s perfectly safe.” Tobi said, the motorcycle suddenly bucking upward when Sarah was completely seated, almost knocking her over. The electric blue suddenly turned blood red, the motorcycles roaring continued. “But he doesn’t seem to like guests.” Tobi said and leaned forward, kicking the foot peg up. The motorcycle went up like a horse and sped off, Sarah screaming and gripping Tobi’s waist for dear life. Tobi turned and securely put Sarah’s helmet on and returned to the handles, the motorcycle speeding into the street. Sarah was breathing heavily inside her helmet; all she could see was Tobi’s long red hair in her face as it flew into the wind. She hugged Tobi harder and screamed “Can we slow down?!” “What?!” Tobi screamed back, her motorcycle making sure she couldn’t hear. “SLOW DOWN!!” Sarah screamed. “Faster, okay if you say so!” Tobi said back. The motorcycle went faster, Tobi lifting it up till they were riding on only one wheel, they fell forward landing on a golden path that led up into the sky. They sped up the golden path, spiraling upward. Tobi released her hands from handle bars and let herself lean back slightly, feeling the wind blow by her happily. “WOOHOO!” Tobi screamed gleefully while Sarah screamed in sheer terror. As they reached the clouds, Tobi gripped the handle bars again and a pulse went through the clouds, erupting from it was a strange power that seemed light green, different shades of it. A young girl soon appeared from it, wearing baggy dark green pants and a baggy light green shirt, her light green hair short and up, having cute boots on her feet and her leaf green eyes hypnotizing. Two of her hairs stuck up like antennas and she flew beside Tobi with her fairy like wings on her back. “Hi Tobi!” she said and looked over at Sarah. “I see you brought the guest, I’ll prepare the feast!” “Thanks Jane, you really should stop with the feasts though.” Tobi said. “We’re having sushi and chocolate today.” Jane, the girl, bribed. “The feast is gonna be fantastic!” Tobi said completely forgetting about her earlier comment. “J-Jane?” Sarah asked. “Hi Sarah, don’t forget about our English homework!” Jane said, saluting and flying on ahead. She circled around once till a blue glowing gear with ancient writing appeared, opening a golden gate for them. Tobi sped up and soon the two made it inside, the clouds rushing by and going through the gates. They stopped once past the gates and the gates closed, the giant gear disappears and Jane came flying in by Sarah. “Thanks Jane.” Tobi said hugging Jane tightly. “No problem.” Jane replied. “But you’d better hurry, Beatrix is becoming antsy.” “On it.” Tobi said, Jane disappeared in a swirl of leaves and leaving behind the scent of lavender. Tobi led Sarah off her motorcycle, which turned off and down the beige colored brick road, till they came to a giant pare of golden doors. Tobi was about to push it open but looked back at Sarah asking “Ready to meet the Big Three?” Sarah nodded nervously and clutched her skirt. Tobi just smiled and opened the doors, a blinding light erupting from inside. © 2011 Imagination-mage |
2 Reviews Added on August 18, 2011 Last Updated on August 18, 2011 Author![]() Imagination-mageSuna, AZAboutI'm a young mage who enjoys creating adventure, romance, horror (if i can) and sometimes a good angst. i do hope you can enjoy the stories i create, everyone enjoy! more..Writing
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