Chapter One: A normal day?

Chapter One: A normal day?

A Chapter by Imagination-mage

The sun light streaked through Sarah’s window on a Tuesday morning, she dreadfully got out of bed and looked at her pikachu clock ticking on her night stand. Sarah rose from bed and dragged herself to the dining room finding her two sisters already dressed and backpacks strapped to their backs. Her mom approached her with a cup of coffee in her hands.

                “Sarah, you’re not dressed!” her mom said disapprovingly.

                “I don’t wanna go to school.” Sarah complained, sliding into an open chair and sighing in frustration. Her mom got into the chair next to her and said “I know you didn’t want to move schools but maybe this will be a new beginning for you.”

                “I didn’t want to leave mom.” Sarah said, crossing her arms. “I had friends and everything there.”

                “You’ll really like this school; I heard there are other pokemon fanatics just like you.” Her mom said warmly. “Come on, go get ready.”

Even though Sarah still disliked the idea of having to go to a whole new school where everyone knew each other since the first grade and that she would be leaving friends behind, she was happy that there were some people who still adored pokemon as much as she did. She returned to her room and set out some clothes, getting ready to bathe. Once finished she lotioned herself down and dressed herself in a green miniskirt wearing black tights under, a short sleeved white shirt that was rather long with a brown belt around it, a green and white striped scarf and black shoes on her feet. She looked at her hair as she brushed it in front of the mirror, tying them into small pigtails and putting a hat on her head, slipping on black wrist bands. She pulled a brown messenger bag over her shoulder. She ran back out, grabbing a muffin from the counter and running into the car with her mother and two sisters, all driving away towards the Phoenix school of the Arts, Desert Marigold.


                “And that is what isotope is made of.” Their science teacher said as class came to an end. The day was half over and Sarah hadn’t made any new friends. She got up, gathering her notebooks till she ran into another girl causing her to drop her notebooks and sketch book.

                “Gee watch it!” the girl said.

                “I am so sorry!” Sarah said.

                “No I’m kidding, you must be the new girl.” The girl said, picking up her things and shoving them in her bag. “Must be tough.”

                “Yeah it is.” Sarah replied.

                “Well, it’s lunch time and I got nothing’ to eat.” The girl said gleefully. “You can have lunch with me.”

Sarah immediately nodded her head happily making the girl laugh. The girl got up, dusting off her knees and hugging her.

                “My names Ya-Tobi.” She said then repeated. “Yeah Tobi, my names Tobi.”

                “Hey Tobi, you forget your name or something?” Sarah said with a laugh.

Tobi laughed nervously, rubbing the back of her neck nervously then returning to her happy nature.

                “Come on, we can eat out in the sun!” Tobi said gleefully leading her away. Sarah took a second to see what she wore, just in case. She had shoulder length black hair, her bangs died red and wearing a black shirt with a purple octopus with the words Hugs please written across the top, wearing baggy short black pants with black leggings under and furry boots on, her dark skin reminding her of chocolate and happiness glowed in her eyes. Tobi took Sarah’s wrist and said “Come on the suns not gonna stay out all day!”

Sarah happily followed her new friend outside to have a delightful lunch minus the food.



                The end of the day came by faster as Sarah became closer to Tobi over the day. Tobi was a great friend it turned out and opened her up to her other friends. She met Beatrix, Kit, Jane, Dria, Cymantha and Suki who were all great friends as well. Sarah happily enjoyed their company but was rather sad when the day came to an end. Her car pulled up and she was playing a delightful game of tag with Tobi.

                “Sarah, come on moms leaving!” her sister called from the car.

Sarah stopped, having Tobi run into her and Tobi embraced her in a tight hug that had her off her feet.

                “See you tomorrow.” Tobi said happily. Tobi then ran off to the wall where she jumped up and sat on the edge. Sarah loaded herself in the car, her heart fluttering happily.

                “So, how was school?” her mom asked.

                “Boring.” One sister said.

                “Good.” The youngest sister said.

                “Fabulous!” Sarah sad happily, buckling herself in. “I made all types of new friends there, Tobi was her name! She’s so much fun and random, it’s hilarious!”

                “I’m very happy to hear that Sarah.” Her mom said with a warm smile. “I bet you this is gonna be one heck of a year!”

                “Yeah and I want to savor every moment of it!” Sarah said. The car then drove, Sarah even spotted Tobi waving her goodbye. She rolled down the window and waved back, she couldn’t wait till tomorrow.


One Year Later


                It was Friday, finally. Sarah kicked off her sheets and getting ready in a heartbeat. Tobi had promised that she, herself and Kit would be going to Panda Express together with the class but sneaking off to Game Stop on the way while everyone ate, getting cheat codes for their pokemon games. Once finished dressing and stuffing her wallet in her bag, Sarah was downstairs eating cereal with her two sisters. She was at her dads today and he was the one in a rush. The girls had finished their food and were now waiting for him on the couch.

                “Hurry up dad!” the youngest said irritably. “I need to get to school now!”

                “At this point we’ll be late!” the middle said crossing her arms.

                “Just five more minutes!” their father called from the back, tying his tie and trying to brush his hair.

                “You said that twenty minutes ago!” all three sisters said in unison. “Hurry UP!”

Their father finally came out, looking at his watch and seeing he made his daughters late as they predicted. They loaded up in the car and drove towards school. Sarah began playing with her Nintendo, her sisters playing against her in battle. The game stopped when they drove into the school driveway, saving and shutting down their Nintendo’s. They rushed out of the car, waving goodbye to their dad and running to the office for a late slip. Once that was accomplished, they took their separate ways, Sarah’s younger siblings going to the other side of school campus and herself running into the high school building. She slowly opened the door and slid through, finding a seat next to Tobi who was trying not to fall asleep during their science lecture. Tobi turned, finding Sarah in the doorway and let out a quiet squeal-not really quiet because she’s always load. Sarah slid into the seat next to her and Tobi hugged her tightly.

                “I thought you were bailing on me!” Tobi whispered to her.

                “My dad made us late.” Sarah said, their science teacher at her side and she gave him the late slip. He continued his lecture on protons and neutrons, everyone scribbling down what he wrote on the board. Sarah spotted Tobi writing another storyline.

                “What’s this story about?” Sarah asked, trying to read over her shoulder. Tobi immediately covered it with her arms and said nervously “It’s nothing, I just had a dream last night and wanted to change it into a story.”

                “I wanna read it!” Sarah said, trying to snatch the notebook from Tobi but she slid out of her grasp.

                “No it’s just…gibberish.” Tobi said. “Besides you’re already reading like five of the stories I’ve written and drawn. I think that’s enough for you.”

Tobi turned her attention back to the black board and Sarah did as well. The truth was Tobi’s been acting rather secretive over the year. She wouldn’t let Sarah read her storylines anymore and some of her drawings made no sense anymore. But Tobi brushed it off saying that it was nothing. As a friend, Sarah wanted to find out but knew it would be better just leave it be. The two stopped talking for the rest of the class and their break followed.

                “I need to check on something, Kit promised me that she’d include you in the conversations.” Tobi said. “You’ll be okay.”

                “I’ve eaten alone with your friends before Tobi, I’m not gonna die.” Sarah said and went to join her friends, Tobi heading off in the other direction. Sarah set her lunch down and conversed with her other friends while taking out her sketch book but then realizing that she forgot her pencil. She got up and walked in the same direction as Tobi. Sarah was walking towards the pond, seeing a small boy who had his bangs put up like a small ball of fire; it was black died red at the middle and up to the tip. He wore a grey shirt with a furry black scarf around his neck, tight grey elbowed lengthen shirt and black jeans wearing red shoes, his electric blue eyes hypnotizing. Sarah stopped and looked at the boy, he had dark skin like Tobi but a mischievous smile was on his face. He put on some red leather gloves as he loomed into the geese that surrounded the pond. They squawked when he came to close. He licked his lips and said “Come to me lunch!”

One of the male geese approached him, biting him on the nose making him squeal with pain. He fell on his backside, the ducks around him sounding as if they were laughing at him. He glared at the geese and said “You stupid over sized duck!”

He lunged, grabbing the goose and snapping its neck, falling limp in his arms. The other goose and ducks scattered, running away from him. The boy held up his dead prize and said “I’m not gonna starve today!”

                Sarah was about to cry out to the boy till he froze in place. The strangest thing happened as he looked more alert. Black fox ears popped on top of his head along with a bunched up black tail. He clutched the dead goose and looked around as if expecting something. Right on cue a hideous monster lunged at him but he was able to jump out of the way, landing on a tree branch. The monster was odd and looked almost human. Its face was covered in eyes, red skin, and long droopy black hair and a spider’s bottom head replacing legs, it had three arms all twitching and trying to grab the boy. Its mouth opened, roaring at the young boy who clung to his goose for dear life.

                “Leave me alone cretin!” he screamed, the monsters pouncing at him. He was able to dodge one swing but the demons five other hands swatted him to the ground causing him to fall with a load thud. The boy tried pushing himself up but the demon pinned him down to the ground. The demon snatched the dead goose from the boy who angrily screamed “HEY THAT’S MINE!”

The demon ate the goose, its bones crunching when it chewed and the head of the goose still hanging from the side of its mouth, but it slurped it up like spaghetti and swallowed the whole thing whole. Sarah nearly vomited at the sight of it but the boy was beating him with his tiny fists on his giant hand.

                “Let me go you ugly brute!!” the boy screamed at him, biting down on his finger. The demon chuckled deviously as it drooled down at the boy who tried pushing him off.

                “You’ll be sorry is you so much as lay a finger on me!” the boy threatened angrily. His fox like nails dug into the skin of the demon, who poked him hard in the chest making his face glow red with rage. He threw back his head and screamed at the top of his lungs, silence befalling. The birds dispersed around them, the ducks scattering and the small creatures hiding away. The demon was about to bite down on the boy till a load roar returned the little fox boys cry. Her smirked deviously up at the demon and said “You’re in for some a*s kicking.”

The demon looked down at him in confusion till he was kicked off he boy. Sarah looked to the side, seeing a dark skinned girl with long bushy red hair; the ends tainted black wearing a leather jacket, a red top showing her stomach and baggy short pants that stopped at her knees, long boots on her feet and a sapphire emerald keeping her hair in a low pony tail, she had grey fox ears on her head and as she roared Sarah saw fangs.

                Sarah stared in aw as the girl kicked the monster right off the boy who got up and ran to the ducks hiding place.  The girl glared at the demon before charging and raising her fists, her fingers becoming red claws that glowed. She punched the demon in the stomach, swiping at his stomach soon ripping out innards that evaporated when they hit the floor. The demon fell as she jumped into the air and raised her arms in the air, her arms glowing a dark purple. She brought down her arms, a giant dark explosion happened when she brought down her arms. Smoke erupted around them, temporarily blinding Sarah as she covered her eyes. When the smoke cleared, the demon was gone and the girl stood there with a heart in her hands. She looked over at the boy who was cowering in the bushes finally worked up the nerve to come out to meet her.

                “I could’ve been killed!” the boy said till he was slapped over the head with the girls bloodied fists.

                “Makes me wonder why I saved you!” the girl said angrily, crushing the heart in her hands. A white soul looking mournful floated up to the heavens where it disappeared in the sun light. 

                “You idiotic child, I specifically said not to come to the pond during lunch time today! You knew that demon would be here!” the girl said aggressively. “What could possibly have brought you here when I told you not too?!”

The boy pointed to the goose and said “I was hungry.”

                “I packed you a lunch didn’t I?” the girl asked, she was trying to contain anger telling by her twitching eyebrow.

                “I don’t like curry plain.” The boy said bluntly. “I felt for geese today but that stupid demon ate my goose!”

The girl grabbed both his cheeks, painfully pulling them and said “You don’t kill the school geese for a lunch you idiotic child!!!”

                “Ow- well your cooking sucks-OW!” the boy said as the girl pulled harder on his cheeks.

                “Say that again!” the girl said, leering down at him angrily, just as the boy was about to spit out another comment he turned to his left, seeing Sarah. The girl followed his stare and spotting Sarah as well. She froze in place when she saw Sarah. She released the boy who hid behind her to hide from Sarah. Sarah flinched when the two came towards her. Sarah was about to run till the girl grabbed her wrist through the bars that blocked her.

                “Wait, wait, wait!” the girl said desperately. “Y-you can’t tell anyone!”

                “Bu-but you just killed someone!!” Sarah said she was scared when she saw the blood on the girl’s hands.

                “For a good cause, just talk to me!” the girl said. Sarah froze, suddenly recognizing the voice.

                “T-Tobi?” Sarah asked the girl’s eyes widened.

                “T-Tobi, who’s Tobi, I know no Tobi.” The girl lied.

                “What’re you talking about you are Tobi.” The boy suddenly said, receiving a pinch to the cheek again and another leer from the girl. Sarah took the opportunity to run wrenching her wrist from Tobi’s grip.

                “Crap, Sarah!” Tobi called to Sarah as she ran. She slammed her fists on the bars and looked down at the boy.

                “Go get her!” Tobi demanded.

                “Why should I?” the boy asked.

                “I’ll pinch your cheeks so hard that they’ll fall off!” Tobi said angrily. “Also confiscating your games and selling them on E Bay.”

The boy cursed under his breath and his fox ears and tail disappeared, being lifted by Tobi over the bars and landing on his hands and feet. He chased after Sarah and Tobi jumped from place landing on the roof. Landing next to a shadow, which transformed into a boy. The boy had long grey hair, a black long sleeved top and black pants with a red scarf covering his mouth.

                “She found out?” he asked bluntly, his sapphire eyes looking at her.

                “Yes, I’m such an idiot for not making sure no one was there!” Tobi said her face in her hands. “Sarah doesn’t deserve this fate!”

                “But it was told by the Noah’s, you should never underestimate them.” The boy said. “She has to join us now.”

Tobi turned to the boy and said “You know Brian, ever since you became one of us, you’ve been more talkative.”

The boy, Brian, smiled behind his red scarf and said “People change Tobi…such as you did.”

                “I suppose.” Tobi said she transformed back into her normal self in one swift motion, stretching out her original body.

                “If they knew we were anthropomorphic's we’d be sent to a research lab to get poked with needles.” Tobi said.

Brian shuttered and mumbled “I hate needles.”

                “Don’t we all?” Tobi asked with a chuckle, she scanned the area seeing the boy running after Sarah soon tackling her making them both roll to a stop. The boy had amazing strength and lifted Sarah up and back to Tobi.

                “I’d better get back down there, wish me luck.” Tobi said.

                “Don’t worry she has two options, life or death.” Brian said with a smile, he disappeared in the shadows and left Tobi alone who climbed down from the roof and ran off to meet with Sarah.

~ * ~

                “Let me go!” Sarah screamed as this ten year old boy it seemed, lifted her up and put her on his shoulder. He ignored her cries and just kept walking. Sarah tried squirming out of his grip but he was stronger then he looked. Tobi soon came into view and when they were close enough, the boy set Sarah down and held onto her wrist so she couldn’t escape.

                “Good job Zorua.” Tobi said, the boy sticking his tongue out at her. Tobi ignored it and continued “Sarah I need to talk to you.”

                “What so you can kill me?” Sarah asked.

                “No, well…never mind, Sarah if I don’t talk to you the others will find you.” Tobi warned.

                “Others, there’re more?!” Sarah nearly screamed but her mouth was covered by Tobi who shushed her.

                “Come on.” Tobi said taking Sarah’s free hand and the boy, Zorua, released Sarah’s other hand sensing that she wouldn’t run. Tobi led Sarah too the high school building, going inside their small computer lab. Once inside, Zorua closed the door behind him and locked it, sitting in one of the seats. Tobi released Sarah’s hand and began to pace the room in thought.

                “Just spit it out Tobi.” Sarah said, trembling. “I can’t take the tension.”

                “Okay, okay.” Tobi said, releasing the breath she was holding. “I’m a god, well not a real god but considered one…”

Sarah stood there speechless and replied “Y-you can’t be a god.”

                “Just think Greeken gods.” Tobi clarified. “I’m god of Illusions and Thievery.”

                “Hermes.” Sarah said subconsciously.

                “Yup, I used to be human but I was stupid and witnessed something very similar to what you saw, except more blood and guts.” Tobi said. “And I was the one in need of saving.”

                “Tobi isn’t even her real name.” Zorua suddenly butted in, getting a punch in the shoulder from “Tobi”.

                “I was getting to that part!” Tobi said venomously.

                “Then what is your name?” Sarah asked, she remembered how she stuttered when they first met, how she almost couldn’t remember her name at all. Tobi sighed sadly and said “I can’t tell you…yet.”

                “Just get to the good part already!” Zorua said impatiently. Tobi leered at him again but Sarah asked “What is he talking about?”

                “Sarah look, I really didn’t want to get you dragged into this.” Tobi said honestly. “I really didn’t, but there’s no going around it.”

                “What is it?!” Sarah asked.

Tobi let out another sigh and replied “You have two options. First choice is to join our side and become an anthropomorphic like me or I kill you right here and now.”

                “As painless as we can.” Zorua said with a dark chuckle.

Sarah gulped and said “Only those two options?”

                “I’d really just pretend this never happened but…Beatrix has her way of finding out.” Tobi said, scratching the back of her head.

                “Whoa, whoa, whoa, Beatrix?!” Sarah asked.

                “I’ve said too much, you in or dead?” Tobi asked she put her pinky out waiting for Sarah to pinky swear. Sarah looked at Zorua who had his devious smile on again, chuckling darkly through his clenched teeth. Sarah gulped and intertwined her pinky with Tobi’s. A surge of power was suddenly poured into her, weakening them both as Tobi released her pinky first. Right on cue, Zorua came and bit her hand, making her yelp at the bite. He released her, drawing blood.

                “What was that for?!” Sarah asked, clenching her bleeding hand. Zorua licked the blood from his lip and replied “Just getting a taste ~tee hee~”

A shadow appeared next to them, Brian at Tobi’s side holding his hands into the air where a ball of blue light began to form till he fired it at Sarah. Before Sarah could scream she was hit and collapsed to the floor.

                “That was a good dream, right Brian?” Tobi asked.

                “Of course.” Brian said. “So what do we tell the teacher?”

                “She fainted from homework overload.” Tobi said bluntly and turned to Zorua. “Go home.”

                “Make me!” Zorua said back, sticking his tongue out. Tobi grabbed both his cheeks and pulled, gritting her teeth in anger. Brian laughed behind his red scarf and said “This is what curses do to you.”

                “I understand that Brian.” Tobi said through gritted teeth. “But what I don’t get is why they gotta be little b-“

                “Hey come on guys its time for class!” their teacher said, the two had transformed back to their humans selves, Brian a blond tall boy with his short blond hair wearing a white short sleeved shirt wearing baggy brown jeans and a baggy grey jacket over him.

                “Yes Mr. Martin.” The two said. Their teacher looked down at Sarah and said “What happened?!”

                “She fainted from overload; she’s been pushing herself to catch up with the rest of us.” Tobi said lifting Sarah. “I’ll take her to the office and have them call her mom.”

                “Thank you Tobi.” Mr. Martin said. “Brian, come on you need to get to class.”

Without complaint, Brian followed Mr. Martin into the next room, leaving Tobi alone with Sarah and Zorua.

                “What now?” Zorua asked.

                “We call her mom and have her pick her up.” Tobi said bluntly. “Get back to class Zorua.”

Zorua stuck his tongue out and left the room, Tobi following but walking to the office instead. She looked down at the sleeping Sarah and said “I’m so sorry Sarah…But the Noah’s are never wrong.”

© 2011 Imagination-mage

Author's Note

the pic is a for now pic, i can't find the pic i wanted at the moment

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At first I was in a strange sene then it got werid. Than everything became clear. That I was dreaming. Awesome I love dreams like this.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on August 18, 2011
Last Updated on August 18, 2011



Suna, AZ

I'm a young mage who enjoys creating adventure, romance, horror (if i can) and sometimes a good angst. i do hope you can enjoy the stories i create, everyone enjoy! more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Imagination-mage