

A Chapter by Imagination-mage

Aloe woke up early today, unable to sleep knowing she had a gravely sick daughter a few doors down the hall. So feeling incredibly motherly �"not any different since Kidachi always called her Mama- she made hot tea and came up with a bowl filled with cold water. She made it to Tyki’s room, the door having her name nailed in the center. Aloe knocked saying “Tyki, you up? I’m here to give you some tea and cool you off.”

No reply.

            “Tyki?” Aloe asked, more sternly. “Tyki, are you alright?”

Aloe opened the door, only to find it bare.  Aloe dropped both held items which crashed to the floor but she didn’t care. She hurriedly ran back to her room where Kidachi laid asleep and vigorously shook him awake.

            “What, what is it?” Kidachi asked, trying to find his glasses even though he was still tired.

            “TYKI’S GONE!” Aloe said, shaking her husband in panic. Kidachi’s eyes widened, shooting up and racing over to Tyki’s room, finding it empty. He checked all the rooms, screaming out Tyki’s name frantically. Aloe went to wake Brendon and Max who immediately ran to the police station. The family was in a frenzy to find the youngest child Tyki.


            N was looking towards Tyki’s house, he had promised himself the night before that he would come completely clean with Tyki. After hearing those painful words Tyki said the other day really enlightened him, they still rang in his ears.

 Nope, just friends and always will be. He shook his head and took a deep breath to get rid of the butterflies in his stomach. He approached the house only to see Brendon and Max running out the door, still in their pajama’s and head for the police station. N watched them run in confusion till he was grabbed firmly by the arm and twirled around facing a worried Kidachi and Aloe.       

            “Have you seen Tyki?” Aloe asked.

            “U-Uh no, why what happened?” N asked, he was panicking now.

            “Tyki’s gone missing!” Kidachi said suddenly bursting into tears. N’s eyes went wide. He leant down besides Kidachi and reassured “Sh-She’s probably not that far off. I’ll search the other towns and warn anyone we know!”

            “Please help us find her!” Aloe begged, tears streaming down her cheeks now. N nodded soon turning away and running up the path, pulling out his phone and contacting Cheren.

Hello? Cheren asked, he sounded annoyed.

            “Cheren call Kit and tell her we need a search party!” N said. “Tyki’s gone missing!”

~ * ~

            Tyki was currently helping a mother minuzumi move her many eggs to a new nest that was deep in a trunk.

Thank you so much! The minuzumi said happily and hid away in her new home. Tyki only exhaled, she still wasn’t accustomed to being able to communicate with pokemon. She continued her walk with Tamaki walking beside her.

            “Hey Tama-chan…” Tyki said, catching Tamaki’s attention. “You think I should’ve told mom and dad?”

Tamaki only shrugged, Tyki sighing in frustration. Tamaki suddenly stopped, looking around with her ears up and listening. Tyki became alert as well, suddenly scared. Just as she was about to run, a clawed hand sprung from the bushes and grabbed Tamaki. Tamaki squealed in surprise as she was sprung back in the bush. Tyki ran after them only to be pushed back by an inflating balloon with a large red R on the front. Team Rocket floated into the air with a captured Tamaki trapped in a glass box. Tamaki tried using her electric attacks to free herself but was sadly unable to escape. Tyki chased after the floating balloon, taking out a pokeball from her belt.

            “Come on out Tiny!” Tyki said and called out her flygon, hopping aboard his back and soaring into the sky at a lightening speed.

            “Lay off twerp!” James said and cast his own pokeball. A desumasu appeared before them, James commanding “Use shadow ball!”  

            “Bat it away with dragon tail!” Tyki said. As the shadow ball came close, Tiny’s tail lit up and he swatted the shadow ball back hitting the desumasu and making it collide with the balloon. The balloon began to plummet, Tyki thinking fast.

            “Use whirlwind now!” Tyki said, Tiny quickly following. The balloon was soon trapped in an aggressive whirl wind that kept it up. Tamaki’s cage was freed from its bounds and now flailing in the air. Tyki leaned forward, catching the cage and bringing Tamaki back in, freeing her from the cage.

            “You’ll never get away!” Jessie said.

            “Tama-chan…” Tyki said, Tamaki’s cheeks sparking to life. She fired a powerful electric attack, causing them to be shrouded in a dusty cloud. Escaping from the clouds, were three figures zooming through the sky on jet packs. Tyki squinted, only to see Team Rocket escape.

            “They always slip through our fingers.” Tyki said frustratingly. “But you’re safe now.”

Tamaki nodded happily, licking Tyki’s cheek. Tiny safely went to the ground, receiving a scratch on the side of his head.

            “You deserve some rest; we’ll get Seth to fly us to the next town.” Tyki said and returned Tiny back inside. She pulled out another pokeball and summoned Seth who rubbed his head against her cheek. That was when she remembered. She was subconsciously brushing her fingers over her belt till she felt the empty slot where darkrai was supposed to be. She panicked, looking through her bag to find his pokeball empty.

            “We have to find darkrai!” Tyki said, panicking now.

But you need to get to the tree of life remember? Tamaki reminded.

            Tyki’s shoulders slumped, feeling utterly shameful that finding darkrai would have to wait.

            “Let’s camp out tonight…” Tyki suddenly said. “It’s getting late.”

~ * ~

            “This can not wait!” Arceus said strictly.

Tyki had went to sleep as soon as she set up camp, telling Seth that they’d use him in the morning when they’d be going to the next town to restock on food and water. Tyki was then sent to Arceus who had more to talk about with her. Of course, Tyki pleaded that he could somehow delay their due date so she could search for her lost darkrai who was probably waiting for her.

            “Please Arceus, darkrai needs me!” Tyki pleaded.

            “No means no!” Arceus said strictly, the room rumbled and turned red. Arceus calmed himself before he got too angry. He took a deep breath and said “I’ll let you meet him and tell him your dilemma.”

Tyki was sobbing now, all the worries over darkrai were flooding through her but hearing Arceus’s reassuring words stopped the tears.

            “R-Really?” Tyki hiccuped.

            “Yes, just give me a moment please.” Arceus said. The room shifted and Arceus disappeared. Tyki found herself in a forest, the trees making a beautiful arch overhead and the bushes just bursting berries. Tyki walked around in the darkened place, hoping that Arceus hadn’t just made a dream for her so she would forget her true mission. She looked around, going through bushes till she came to a clearing, a pond in the center with trees surrounding it. Tyki looked around, her eyes suddenly settling down on a particular shadow that made her eyes grow wide.    

            “I’ve been waiting…” darkrai said, being embraced in a hug by Tyki. Tyki was sobbing, trying to pull herself together.

            “Darkrai I’m so sorry!” Tyki said, darkrai placing a clawed hand on her shoulder to comfort her. “So many crazy things are happening right now! I am Arceus’s jewel!”

Darkrai looked at her with disbelief but sighed and said “If only I was there to save you.”

            “No darkrai don’t blame this on yourself.” Tyki said. “Even is you were there, Zekrom would kill you.”

Darkrai turned back and said “But I have to protect you!”

Tyki put a hand on his shoulder soon saying “Just wait for me….I’ll be back.”

Darkrai seemed rather sad but he knew dreams didn’t last forever. Darkrai nodded and Tyki said “Take care of yourself until we find you.”

Tyki gave him one last squeeze before disappearing in a mist of fairy dust it seemed.

© 2011 Imagination-mage

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Ahhhhhhhhhh!........ I know that your going to say, "I'm working on it." Or, "I don't know what to do next." Right?..... I'm probobley waaaaay off.
And I love it! Keep going!

Posted 13 Years Ago


Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on August 16, 2011
Last Updated on August 16, 2011



Suna, AZ

I'm a young mage who enjoys creating adventure, romance, horror (if i can) and sometimes a good angst. i do hope you can enjoy the stories i create, everyone enjoy! more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Imagination-mage