

A Chapter by Imagination-mage

“And here ya go, a new sketch book and the new addition to Pokemon breeding.” The cashier said, handing Tyki the things she ordered. “Would you like this new pencil set that comes with it?”

            “No thanks, I got good pencils.” Tyki replied, the cashier bagging her things.

            “That’ll be eighteen ninety nine.” The cashier said and Tyki paid. Once finished, Tyki looked through the things she had obtained. She pulled out a new collar, wrapping it around Tamaki’s neck, the tag gleaming.

            “There since your collar broke a few days ago, you needed a new one anyway.” Tyki said, Tamaki licking her cheek. As Tyki was walking down the road, she suddenly bumped into someone familiar.

            “Well if it isn’t the ‘Trainer of many Talents’.” A voice said. Looking up, Tyki came face to face with her friend N, a boy who used to work on the ‘dark side’ she called it.

            “Hi N!” Tyki said happily, hugging her friend tightly. “How’ve ya been?”

            “Well nothing much actually, I’ve been searching for Reshiram.” N said.

            “I bet you’ll see it soon.” Tyki said. Tyki was too dense to notice that N had a very, very large crush on her ever since the day they met; which was during a Pokemon battle. Tyki defeated him with her final Pokemon when he was still having all his Pokemon. She welcomed him in as a friend even after all he’s done. So he left Team Plasma and joined Tyki on many of her journeys. He grew a very strong bond with her, soon falling in love with her. Of course he hasn’t told her, not wanting her to brutally reject him. So N accompanied her down the dirt path, Tyki looking through her things.

            “Making another master piece for Artie?” N asked.

            “Nah, my sketchbook got filled so I needed another one.” Tyki said. “I’ve been debating if I should try making a comic or something. I mean, there never is a boring day for trainers like us.”

N chuckled and replied “I’m shocked you have time for all this.”

            “What do you mean?” Tyki asked.

            “Well, you’re training so when your mother retires, you can take her place as gym leader, you’re trying to make a masterpiece worthy of going in Arti’s art museum and to top it all off you’re studying to become a breeder.” N said. “Why don’t you take a break?”

            “I’ll take a break when I accomplish my dreams!” Tyki said sourly. “As long as I work hard, the doors will open and I’ll walk through them, on my path to victory.”

            “You’ve been reading another one of Shikimi’s novels again haven’t you?” N guessed.

            “She’s amazing!” Tyki said. “She’s a league member and a novelist; it shows that anyone who really sets their mind to it can do it!”

            “Always the stubborn one.” N said with a smile. He then caught sight of Tamaki’s new collar. “That’s a nice collar Tama-chan.”

Tamaki nodded happily, jumping down from Tyki’s shoulder and helping herself to the berries in the bushes.

            “So tell me about your work.” Tyki said, she had stopped and was now sitting beneath a tree with N by her side.

            “Well Cheren’s been keeping a close eye on me, to ensure that I don’t do something stupid again.” N explained.

            “But you’ve changed.” Tyki defended.

            “Yes, I’ve changed; doesn’t mean my father or the Seven Sages have too.” N explained. “Cheren knows that I still have information that could be life or death and my father isn’t too happy about me going against him, so I’m basically a prisoner, even when Team Plasma has fallen apart.”

            “Well at least you’re trying.” Tyki said with a smile. Her smile made N blush, making him turn away and hide his face under the shadow of his hat.

            “So changing topic, what’s the plan for today?” N asked.

            “Well I’ll be going to Arti’s museum again soon.” Tyki explained. “I’ve been working on a painting for the last few months, based on darkrai.”

            “How is he?” N asked.

Tyki frowned, suddenly turning away as she replied “Not so good.”

            “Well, let me check on him.” N said. “He’s bound to be healed by now right?”

            “I-I suppose…” Tyki said, taking out her pokeball. She threw it into the air and unleashed darkrai who immediately sunk into the shadows. N approached it, saying “Darkrai, I’m not going to hurt you.”

The darkrai didn’t respond, but it appeared from its shadow and came closer to N who extended his hand. N placed his hand on darkrai’s clawed one and went into a deep meditation. Tamaki had returned with her paws full of fruits, finding her place on Tyki’s lap.

            “Well he seems to be getting better with people.” N said, darkrai sinking back into the shadows. “But he’s still scared.”

            “I don’t blame him.” Tyki said, Tamaki handing her a peacha berry and Tyki eating it away. Tyki then sprung an idea, soon digging through her pocket and pulling out her iPod.

            “Remember when me, you and Kit all went to that one place where they had the world’s largest music box?” Tyki asked.

            “Yeah.” N said.

            “Well, I met this girl named Alice there and she was all about this song called Oracion.” Tyki said mysteriously.

            “Everyone knows about Oracion Tyki.” N said.

            “Well, Alice tried teaching me how to play it on the grass whistle, but I epically failed.” Tyki said, hearing N begin to giggle but hide it by covering his lips. “So she let me record it, she also mentions that it soothed the darkrai in her town.”

N stopped giggling and asked, “You think it’ll work for yours?”

            “I don’t know.” Tyki said.  She took out the headphones so the iPod would automatically go to speaker. She turned the volume on high and pressed play. The music flowed through the forest, beautiful as if Alice was there with them. Darkrai seemed to have calmed down a bit, the trees rustling in the wind and the air just giving off relaxation. The darkrai’s shadow moved closer to Tyki, as if accepting her or just wanting to get closer to the music. Tyki laid her head on N’s shoulder, making him blush a little but not push her away. Tamaki curled into Tyki’s lap, Tyki subconsciously stroking her back.

This is beautiful music… A voice suddenly said, catching the trainers by surprise.

            “Who said that?” N asked.

I did…. The voice said again. They turned finding only darkrai’s shadow.

            “You can speak?” Tyki asked. “That’s so cool!”

Only telepathically. Darkrai responded. I have been very wary of you humans, I wasn’t sure I could trust you.

            “I don’t blame you honestly.” Tyki replied. “You’ve been captured by Team Rocket for weeks, going through nonstop torture.”

Thank you…Thank you for rescuing me… Darkrai suddenly said, arising from his shadow form and appearing before their eyes.

            “It was an honor.” Tyki said. “I’ll give you a choice.”

N and darkrai looked at her in surprise. Tyki handed him an Oran berry and continued “You can stay with me and my Pokemon or I can let you free.”

I’d very much like to remain by your side. Darkrai replied, eating away the Oran berry. He was suddenly embraced in a hug by Tyki, he cautiously returned it. Once he had finished, he requested to return inside his pokeball. Once inside, Tyki rose and Tamaki found her place back on her shoulder, N following her lead.

            “Are you gonna return home?” N asked.

            “Yeah, it’s getting late.” Tyki said. “I still need to stop by the Pokemon center for Tamaki and my other Pokemon.”

As the two walked down the path, a trainer suddenly bumped into them nearly knocking Tyki over but N caught her.

            “Hey, watch where you’re going!” N said.

            “No, no, it’s okay.” Tyki said and turned to the trainer who stopped in his tracks. “Sorry for sort of running into you.”

            “You should be, I’m in a bit of a hurry.” The trainer said, turning it was a boy with a baggy orange shirt and brown baggy pants, sneakers on his feet and light brown hair. Tyki glared at him and said “Not the response I was looking for.”

            “Hey, your Aloe’s kid aren’t you?” the boy asked.

            “That would be me.” Tyki said.

            “Aka, the ‘Trainer of many Talents’?” the boy asked.

            “Yeah.” Tyki said.

            “Battle me.” the boy said bluntly.

            “No.” Tyki said. “I have to be home soon.”

            “I just wanted to see if the rumors were true or not, if the youngest of Aloe’s children was truly the strongest in all of Shippou City.” The boy said, tauntingly. “Guess it was a lie.”

            “That’s going too far.” N said. “That is totally uncalled for.”

            “FINE LETS BATTLE, RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW!” Tyki said angrily. “N, you’re referee!”

            “O-Okay…” N said. They got themselves ready for battle, Tamaki staying besides N to make sure none of he attacks would hit him.

            “Before we begin, what’s your name?” Tyki asked.

            “My name is Shooti and I plan on becoming the next champion.” Shooti replied.

            “Oh, I’m Tyki and I have a lot of plans for my future.” Tyki replied. “Now let’s DO THIS!”

            “Let the battle begin.” N said. Shooti took out his pokeball and called out his janovy. It looked as smug as its trainer. Tyki took out her pokeball and tossed it into the air, calling out her flygon Tiny. He looked around, a little drowsy till he saw his trainer; he flinched when he felt the enraged aura she was giving off.

            “No mercy.” Tyki said, Tiny nodding.

            “Janovy, use cut!” Shooti said.

            “Dodge then use sandstorm!” Tyki commanded. Tiny dodged the attack, soon flapping his wings vigorously till a sand storm picked up. It blinded Shooti and his janovy.

            “Stay alert!” Shooti ordered.

            “Too late, Tiny use dragon rage!” Tyki ordered, Shooti’s janovy only getting a glimpse of blue light till a shot of dragon shaped blue flames attack it and engulfed it. Once the attack passed, janovy was unconscious.

            “Janovy is unable to battle.” N declared. “Tiny is the winner.”

            “Well done Tiny.” Tyki said, her anger disappearing. Tiny approached her, nudging its head into her cheek and Tyki petting him on the side.

            “You name your Pokemon?” Shooti asked.

            “Yeah, got a problem with it?” Tyki asked.

            “Well I find it rather pointless, you’ll be getting an army soon so what’s the point?” Shooti asked.

            “All Pokemon are people too, a name just clarifies that my Pokemon belong to me.” Tyki explained, showing Shooti Tiny’s collar. “See, I’ve given all my Pokemon special collars, just in case.”

            “Whatever, lets continue shall we?” Shooti asked, calling out his vanillite, Tiny suddenly shivering at the ice type.

            “Don’t worry Tiny; you won’t have to fight this one.” Tyki said kindly. “Tamaki will.”

            “Pika?” Tamaki asked.

            “Come on Tama-chan!” Tyki said. “Tiny will take your place and I promise you we’ll get you some candy.”

Tamaki agreed when she heard candy and took Tiny’s place. The vanillite glared, Tamaki leering at it instead.

            “Begin.” N said.

            “Vanillite, use ice beam!” Shooti said.

            “Dodge it with quick attack, then use head butt!” Tyki said. Tamaki dodged it them head butted the vanillite to the ground, sticking to it.

            “Thunder shock!” Tyki called, Tamaki letting loose her attack. Once it ended, the vanillite fainted.

            “Vanillite is unable to battle.” N declared. “Tama-chan is the winner.”

            “Way to go Tama-chan!” Tyki said happily, Tamaki running to Tyki and jumping into her arms. Tamaki climbed onto her shoulder and got comfortable.

            “And that’s how it goes!” Tyki said triumphantly. “I am freakin’ awesome!!!”

            “For now.” Shooti said. “Being beat by you only pushes me to become stronger. By the way, I met another pikachu almost as powerful as yours.”

Tyki looked at him questionably asking “Who?”

Shooti was about to answer but the air began to pick up. Tyki returned Tiny back inside while Tamaki clung to her vest.

            “What’s happening?!” N called, till a clawed hand grabbed Tamaki. Tyki grabbed onto the claw to prevent it from grabbing Tamaki.

            “TYKI!” N called.

© 2011 Imagination-mage

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1 Review
Added on August 5, 2011
Last Updated on August 5, 2011



Suna, AZ

I'm a young mage who enjoys creating adventure, romance, horror (if i can) and sometimes a good angst. i do hope you can enjoy the stories i create, everyone enjoy! more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Imagination-mage