

A Chapter by Imagination-mage

“Wow, the weathers been acting weird recently hasn’t it?” Satoshi asked, trying to dig into his soup, the wind trying to knock away all napkins and anything that wasn’t heavy. The trainers were currently eating their dinner, provided by Dent and their Pokemon were feasting on their food. Raichu was sitting on Harmony’s lap, being hand fed by Harmony.

            “Yeah, the weather reporter didn’t say anything about horrible wind.” Iris said, a kibago suddenly popping out from her hair.

            “Aw a kibago!” Harmony said. “He’s so cute.”

            “Yeah, he’ only a baby. The elder at my home village gave him to me.” Iris explained. Her kibago greeted raichu who waved at him, giving him a smile. Harmony then remembered the egg she had. She went through her bag and pulled out the egg. Satoshi, Dent and Iris gathered around, awing at her egg.

            “You have an egg?!” Satoshi asked.

            “Yeah, the professor gave it to me.” Harmony explained. “I can’t wait for it to hatch!”

A strong breeze suddenly blew away the napkins, making Dent panic. Everyone lunged for the napkins, Iris catching most of them with her monkey like climbing skills. Once all the napkins were captured, they finished their meal and packed their things away.

            “So your aiming to becoming the next champion?” Satoshi asked.

            “Yeah, I’m gonna beat the Elite Four and the champion!” Harmony said, helping with packing away the plates.

            “Well how many badges do you have?” Satoshi asked.

            “Only two so far.” Harmony said. “What about you?”

            “Already have three.” Satoshi said, looking rather prideful.

            “What?!” Harmony said, soon glaring at the boy.

            “Hey, how bout a battle?” Satoshi suddenly asked, catching Harmony’s interest.

            “You’re on!” Harmony said. “Raichu what do you say?”

Raichu agreed by patting his stomach and a smug smile on his face. Pikachu also agreed. Dent and Iris were just putting the remaining things away, both sighing in annoyance.

            “Both children…” Iris muttered to herself.

            “I’ll be referee.” Dent said and got ready.

~ * ~

            The two trainers were currently in battle position, pikachu verses raichu who both smiled smugly.

            “On my right is Satoshi with his partner pikachu, on my left is Harmony with her partner raichu. Let the battle…BEGIN!”

            “Pikachu quick attack!” Satoshi quickly commanded.

            “Dodge then use iron tail!” Harmony commanded.

Raichu hopped out of the way, pikachu skidding to a stop while raichu charged with his iron tail ready to strike.

            “Block with iron tail!” Satoshi quickly commanded. The two iron tail attacks collided, making the strong wind blow viciously at the two Pokemon. The two were soon blown away, the trainers quickly lunging for their Pokemon. Harmony grabbed her raichu, Satoshi his pikachu. The wind soon twirled around them, black clouds soon surrounding the area. The trainers grabbed for anything that was rooted to the Earth. Harmony soon found herself twirling in the air, desperately clinging to he raichu, screaming. She then felt someone grab onto her ankle, looking down it was Dent.

            “Hold on!” Dent called, trying to dig his nails in the tree he was trying to get a grip onto.

            “Okay!” Harmony cried. Dent’s hand suddenly slipped from the bark, causing the two to be carried away in the wind. Dent went through his pocket, pulling out a pokeball and calling out his Pokemon. A yanappu appeared, trying to fight the wind.

            “Yanappu, vine whip!” Dent called, his yanappu following orders. One vine appeared, grabbing Dent around the waist and another tying around the trunk of a tree. Dent used both hands to pull down Harmony; who was huddled into a ball. Dent’s yanappu was soon able to pull the four of them to the ground, the two clinging to the tree.

            “We need to seek shelter!” Iris called, trying to hang onto her kibago.

            “Kiba, kiba!” her kibago agreed.

            “The Pokemon center!” Satoshi said, pointing to his left. Some distance away, the Pokemon center was. The trainers released their grip to the object they were clinking to and made their way towards it. Dent set Harmony down, keeping her close as they fought the wind. Miraculously, they eventually made it to the Pokemon center, the sliding doors opening for them and they fell to the floor, relieved that gravity was as it should be. Nurse Joy was instantly there with her tabunne standing beside her.

            “Are you alright?” Nurse joy asked.

            “W-We’re fine.” Satoshi said. “The weather just caught us by surprise.”

            “Can we stay here for the night?” Iris asked.

            “Of course, I’ll get a room ready for you trainers.” Nurse Joy said and disappeared down the hall. Once able to get the feeling back in their legs, they all wobbled over to the lounge sofas. Harmony was shaking, Dent trying to comfort her somehow. Raichu sensed her insecurity and licked her cheek, causing her to snap out of her trance.

            “Th-That was scary…” Harmony mumbled.

            “Don’t worry, it’s over now.” Dent said. Harmony released a sigh, leaning back and feeling at peace.

            “Yeah…it’s over…” Harmony said with a small smile. Nurse Joy soon reappeared, smiling warmly.

            “There’s an open room waiting for you, follow me please.” Nurse Joy said. She led them down the hall and brought them to an large room. “Please enjoy your stay.”

~ * ~

            That night, the trainers were sleeping soundly in their sleeping bags. Harmony was the first to pass out, raichu sleeping near her head and the sound of his breathing soothing her. Harmony was sleeping soundly till she heard something. At first she ignored it but eventually the sound became too unbearable to deal with. Harmony opened one eye, looking around the room. She sat up, rubbing one eye and trying to wake herself up. She then heard the sound of something scratching against glass. She shivered, grabbing a pokeball and leaving the room. She tip toed out, peaking her head out the door and looking down the halls. The Pokemon center was rather creepy at night. Harmony slowly walked out, grasping the pokeball tightly. The scratching noise soon sped up, making Harmony’s heart race. She made it to the lobby, the shadows of the trees outside being reflected inside making creepy hand designs all over. Thunder suddenly clapped from outside, making Harmony freeze and turn towards the window. She spotted a figure lingering outside, looking directly at her before scampering away. Harmony squealed, throwing her pokeball and calling out her eevee. Eevee looked around, looking tired. She spotted her trainer standing on a desk, cowering from the shadows it seemed.

            “Th-th-there’s something out there!” Harmony claimed. Eevee turned, finding nothing out there. Eevee raised an eyebrow, thinking her trainer had completely lost it. Harmony’s face suddenly paled, making eevee turn back. Standing on the window sill was the figure, which slammed its round paws against the glass, causing it to pop out of place and crash to the floor. Eevee screamed, jumping into its trainers arms who also screamed blindly.


            Raichu’s ears perked up at the sound of a crash, waking him from his sleep. He sat up, rubbing one eye and turning towards Harmony, who seemed to have disappeared. Raichu panicked, running around the room, on the stomachs of the other trainers and shaking pikachu away while frantically shouting “Raichu, rai, rai!”

            “What is it raichu?” Satoshi asked with a big yawn. Raichu pointed to Harmony’s empty sleeping bag, still panicking.

            “She probably went to the bathroom.” Dent explained. They then heard a banshee like scream echo the halls of the Pokemon center. Raichu bolted out of the room, the others following. When they came to the lobby, they found Harmony trying to escape a shadowed figure, small and trying to block her exit. Harmony hopped onto a chair, the unknown creature knocking her over to land on the floor. Still panicking, Harmony raced outside of the Pokemon center, the unknown beast chasing after her.

            “Harmony, wait!” Iris called, the others chasing after her. They found Harmony cornered, the unknown beast an electric type because it was sending little shocks at Harmony when she tried taking a step. Raichu charged into action, thinking it was another Pokemon from Team Rocket. He head butted the creature causing it to slide away from his trainer. The clouds that were blocking the moon suddenly revealed a pikachu, who was fuming.

            “A-A pikachu!” Iris said.

            “An angry one at that.” Dent identified. The pikachu angrily growled, sending a powerful electric attack at the trainers, Satoshi and Iris unleashing their Pokemon.

            “Go pokabu!” Satoshi said.

            “Come out emolga!” Iris said. The two Pokemon appeared, ready for battle.

            “Pokabu, flame charge!” Satoshi commanded. His pokabu stomped its feet, causing fire to surround it till it shot from place and towards the Pokemon. The pikachu surrounded itself in electricity, charging.

            “It knows bolt tackle?!” Iris asked. “Quick emolga, use attract.”

Her emolga winked, sending little hearts towards the pikachu. The hearts hit the pikachu, only to burn up in the fiery attack.

            “It’s not working!” Iris said.

            “It’s a female!” Satoshi said. His pokabu collided with the attack, the pikachu quickly over powering the flame charge attack and head butting pokabu in the stomach, making the two of them plummet to the ground. The pikachu turned to emolga. Its tail shined brilliantly as it jumped into the air and hit emolga in the back making it cry out. The two Pokemon were easily defeated, pokabu paralyzed and emolga lying unconscious. The pikachu turned away, returning her attention back to Harmony. It launched another attack, Harmony hugging her eevee. Unconsciously, eevee preformed protect shield both itself and its trainer. The pikachu was shocked, about ready to attack again till raichu hit the pikachu in the side, Satoshi’s pikachu finishing her off with an iron tail attack causing the female pikachu to roll and slam into a tree, lying unconscious.

            “What was that all about?” Satoshi asked, returning his pokabu back inside.

            “The real question is how’s this Pokemon so powerful? “ Dent wondered. “Pikachu’s aren’t normally that powerful.”

            “Yeah, took my pikachu awhile to get that powerful.” Satoshi said. “Taking out two Pokemon with one hit….that’s powerful.”

Harmony approached the unconscious pikachu, looking how it slept peacefully. She picked up the pikachu and said “Well until we find answers, let’s take care for it.”

            “But it attacked you!” Satoshi said.

            “Yeah but it obviously belonged to someone.” Harmony said. “Besides, this pikachu reminds me of someone, just can’t put my finger on it.”

Satoshi suddenly yawned, raichu running to Harmony’s side.

            “Well, let’s go back to bed.” Iris suggested. “I’m tired.”

            “Yeah me too.” Satoshi said.

The trainers returned inside, returning back to sleep.

© 2011 Imagination-mage

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Getting more and more interesting!

Posted 13 Years Ago

I love this, & I love pokemon!!!

Posted 13 Years Ago

Awsome!!!! It was so amazingly awsome!!!! Can't wait for chapter 8 now.

Posted 13 Years Ago

YIPPEE, chapter 7 is up!!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Added on June 29, 2011
Last Updated on June 29, 2011



Suna, AZ

I'm a young mage who enjoys creating adventure, romance, horror (if i can) and sometimes a good angst. i do hope you can enjoy the stories i create, everyone enjoy! more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Imagination-mage