

A Chapter by Imagination-mage

The sun awoke Harmony from her slumber, having the smell of fruit over her head. Harmony slowly got up and rubbed her eyes, trying to adjust her vision.

            “Oh I survived a night of sleeping on my own!” Harmony said excitedly. She looked down at her feet and saw raichu was still sleeping. She poked him in the side making him open one eye in irritation.

            “Raichu it’s time to get up.” Harmony said, getting up and rolling out from under the bush. Raichu stirred when he fell of the sleeping bag and rubbed his eyes, yawning wide enough to show his small canine teeth. Harmony quickly got up, throwing the sleeping over herself as she quickly changed.

            “Keep guard so no ones looking.” Harmony said.

Raichu hmphed, turning away and keeping watch to ensure trainers weren’t passing by or Pokemon became nosy. Harmony was soon well clothed, taking off the sleeping bag and rolling up her sleeping bag, attaching it back to her bag. She packed everything away, feeding raichu his pokefood and making herself some breakfast of apples and grapes. Once the two were full, Harmony dug through her pocket, taking out her map of the region.

            “Well we’re almost at Sanyou City, where we can get our first badge!” Harmony said high fiving raichu. “We should probably train, just in case.”

Harmony took out her newly caught pokabu who snorted out flames from its nose, looking ready for battle.

            “Okay pokabu, we’re gonna train raichu for his first battle, you up for the training?” Harmony asked, receiving a happy “Poka!”

            “Alright, raichu braise yourself!” Harmony said and got ready for attack. “Pokabu use ember!”

Pokabu followed the attack sending a rain of ember at raichu. Raichu quickly evaded the attack, charging at pokabu and getting an opening.

            “Well done, you okay pokabu?” Harmony asked her pokabu nodding. “Maybe using the both of you to battle one another isn’t gonna work…I know!”

Harmony placed the map in front of her Pokemon and continued “There’s a Pokemon battling club where we can train the both of you, you guys could even learn some new moves!”

Her two Pokemon cheered happily, Harmony returning pokabu to its pokeball and raichu finding his place beside Harmony. Harmony packed the last of her things and swung her bag on her back.

            “Let’s go to Sanyou City!” Harmony said excitedly and led the way.

~ * ~

            Harmony and raichu arrived at Sanyou City without any problems from Team Rocket; they entered the rather busy city, gaping at all the shops and food carts that surrounded them. Harmony kept her eye open for the battle club, easily spotting it.

            “There it is!” Harmony said excitedly, she dashed towards the battle club only colliding with someone.

            “Ow, watch it!” a familiar voice said angrily.

            “K-Kit?” Harmony asked. It certainly was Kit just buying some fruit. She wasn’t really hard to miss since her tsutarja was sitting atop her head. Kit recognized Harmony and said “Oh sorry, thought you were an unwanted rival.”

            “You said you were going the other way!” Harmony said, getting rather angry.

            “Oh…I did say something like that.” Kit said, her tsutarja agreeing.

            “Why’re you here then?” Harmony asked.

            “Well I was getting something for a friend of mine, she couldn’t get it herself.” Kit explained holding up a small wrapped package. “Have no idea what it is.”

            “Well we could’ve gone together, why’d you lie?” Harmony asked, looking at Kit sadly.

            “Sorry Harmony, I don’t really travel in packs.” Kit said, air quoting the word pack. “I’m a lone wolf if ya know what I mean.”

Tsutarja nodded as well, giving out a “Tsar.”

            “Oh, well I guess that’s okay?” Harmony said, lifting an eye brow in confusion.

            “Look I’m here for a while, so what’re you up to?” Kit asked.

            “I’m gonna battle the Sanyou Gym Leader and get my first badge.” Harmony said. “But I need to train my Pokemon.”

            “Ah heading for the battle club I see.” Kit said. “Good idea, get you powered up and ready to defeat either Pod or Corn!”

            “Wait, I heard there were three.” Harmony pointed out.

            “There were, Dent went off with some kid to fulfill his dream of being a Pokemon connoisseur.” Kit explained. “It was pretty big since he was like a fan girl favorite.”

            “Oh, then I’ll battle Corn!” Harmony said. “I’ve heard that he’s really a challenge so I wanna try and defeat him!”

            “He goes by intellect so you’re gonna need some help.” Kit pointed out. “I’ll be your training buddy.”

            “Really?” Harmony asked, finding it hard to believe.

            “Hey, just because I’m a coordinator doesn’t mean I can’t put up a mean battle.” Kit said rather darkly, her tsutarja giving raichu a sinister grin. “But then again, I need to deliver this package.”

Kit looked at the small box and Harmony asked “Can’t it wait?”

            “No, my friend really needs this.” Kit replied. “She’ll maul me if I’m late…”

Suddenly a sing song voice broke through their conversation, catching Kit’s attention.

            “Sudowoodo!” a female sing song voice sang through the town. Kit and Harmony followed the voice, finding a large crowd of people gathering around a dancing sudowoodo who happily sang and danced with the children, showering some sort of sprinkles that smelled liked roses, its maraca like branches shaking vigorously to create music.

            “A-A sudowoodo?!” Harmony asked, taking out her pokedex to see the information.

Sudowoodo, the rock type Pokemon, Sudowoodo’s pretend to be plants but they’re afraid of water and its composition is more like a rock than to a plant. Gender difference is that the female branches are shorter the pokedex said. Harmony looked at the branches a top the sudowoodo’s head seeing that the branches were shorter than the male version on the pokedex also the big give away was the pink ribbon tied around its branch like wrists. The round orbs on its branch like arms were shaking madly with the children creating a musical rhythm.

            “Ah she sent Flora.” Kit said then called over the cheering crowd. “FLORA!”

The sudowoodo stopped, the music fading as well and looking over at Kit soon waving at her happily.

            “Sudowoodo!” Flora, the sudowoodo said happily. The sudowoodo patted the children on their heads and ran up to Kit, almost being taller than Kit.

            “Bu-but sudowoodo’s don’t live to this region!” Harmony said.

            “My friend has a lot of Pokemon that aren’t from this region.” Kit said. “We traveled a lot together when she was a trainer, but she lost in three regions. She almost became the new champion in the Sinnoh region but lost when her pikachu fainted. So she helps her mom out.”

            “Wow, I hope I can surpass that!” Harmony said.

            “Sudowoodo, sudo!” Flora said holding her hands out, motioning Kit to hand over the package. Kit gave the package to Flora who placed the package in a fanny pack around her waist, zipping it up and placing her hands on her hip. Flora then put her hand out, a serious face on now. Kit groaned irritably and dug through her pocket pulling out a small candy wrapped in gold. Flora’s eyes gleamed happily as she snatched the candy from her hand and saluted. She waved goodbye then left, everyone watching her go off.

            “Wow…” Harmony said. “I really wanna meet this friend of yours now!”

            “Flora’s always mooching off me for candy.” Kit said bitterly.

            “What was it?” Harmony asked.

            “It’s a special candy made to boost energy and it’s like pokeblock except better.” Kit explained, taking another one and handing it to raichu. “It’s basically honey with a few mashed up berries in it, it’s really healthy.”

Raichu smelled the new candy soon, placing it in his mouth and eating. He marveled at the taste, saying happily “Rai, rai!”

            “Oh, I should get him a pack!” Harmony said.

            “Oh you can make it, but you can’t use someone else’s recipes.” Kit explained. “It always turns out different for whoever makes it, weird huh?”

            “Oh okay, oh look the battle club!” Harmony said pointing out the large building and racing towards it. She came to the battle club the sliding doors opening before her and she walked inside.

            “Welcome to the battle club, I’m Don George owner of this fine training ground.” Don George said, he was a muscular man wearing a baggy shirt and pants, a red belt tied around his waist having brown hair and a mustache covering his mouth.

            “I-I’d like to train my Pokemon.” Harmony said receiving a heavy pat on the back knocking the wind out of her lungs.

            “You came to the right place!” Don George said with a laugh. “Which ones need the training?”

Harmony unleashed her eevee and pokabu both gleefully roaring. Don George examined each Pokemon, giving the two a nice pat on the head. He led them inside the battle club training ground, turning to Harmony and saying “We’ll start with your normal type then.”

            “Eevee that’s you.” Harmony said, her eevee coming to her side. They came to the gymnasium, a full set out to be used. Harmony and eevee went inside examining the weights, seeing the treadmill and immediately getting on, pokabu and raichu joined them.

            “Let’s begin.” Don George said and started the machine.

~ * ~

            The next day Harmony stood outside of Sanyou gym, her fist tightened as she took in a deep breath. Raichu gave an encouraging push to her calf, Harmony looking down at her raichu and smiling.

            “Oh hurry up!” Kit said, she shoved Harmony forward making her go through the doors and being welcomed by two boys dressed as waiters, both wearing a black vest and dark pants as well, one having ocean blue hair with his bangs covering one eye, the other having his red hair up like fire.

            “Welcome to Sanyou Gym!” the red head said shocking Harmony.

            “Yes, welcome. It’s good to see you again Kit.” The blue head said, taking Kit’s hand and kissing it. Kit giggled and said “Always the romantic one aren’t we Corn?”

            “You know him?” Harmony asked.

            “Yup, we were close when we were young, that’s his brother Pod.” Kit explained.

            “Is this our challenger?” Corn asked. “Well this’ll be quite exciting.”

            “So which one of us do you wanna battle?” Pod asked.

            “I’d like to battle Corn.” Harmony said, Corn looking rather shocked.

            “Wow, many haven’t had the nerve to battle me.” Corn said then winked towards Harmony. “I accept!”

He pressed a button under the table; the wall began to rise to reveal a Pokemon battle arena. Kit found a place on the sides, staying a distance from the cheerleaders and called “Go Harmony!”

            “Choose your Pokemon.” Corn said politely.

            “I choose you raichu!” Harmony said, her raichu stepping forward and into the arena.

            “A raichu, we don’t really have those in our region.” Corn said. “This’ll be interesting.”

The cheerleaders cheered louder for him as he gorgeously brushed his hair from his eye, unleashing his pokeball. He threw it into the air, a hiyappu appearing in the arena.

            “Let’s get started then!” Pod said, he was referee. “BEGIN!”

            “Raichu use quick attack, jump from rock to rock!” Harmony ordered, raichu following her orders to get closer to the hiyappu who awaited its trainers orders.

            “Hiyappu use mud shot, to your left.” Corn said calmly, his hiyappu obeying and hitting raichu causing him to be temporarily blinded and landing on his back. Raichu desperately tried wiping the mud from his eyes.

            “Now use water gun!” Corn said, his hiyappu obeying and causing Harmony’s raichu to be pushed away by the great force and colliding with the wall.

            “Raichu, are you aright?” Harmony asked, raichu was capable of getting up, he spat out the water in his mouth. Raichu growled, Harmony calling “Come on raichu this isn’t over, use thunder bolt!”

 Raichu unleashed a powerful attack, Corn soon becoming serious and commanding “Hiyappu, dodge the attack by using dig!”

Hiyappu quickly dug under ground, out of raichu’s sight.

            “Go in after him and use bolt tackle!” Harmony commanded catching Corn by surprise. Raichu jumped into the hole, a serious of flashing light from under ground. Soon an explosion erupted from below, causing a giant hole. The two Pokemon were currently battling one another, both neck in neck.

            “Raichu quick attack!” Harmony commanded.

            “Hiyappu use mud shot!” Corn commanded.

Hiyappu let out a stream of mud shot attacks, raichu dodging the attacks and getting closer. Harmony then saw her chance and said”Use bolt tackle, now!”

Corn was caught by surprise as raichu’s speed suddenly advance coming closer and closer to his hiyappu. Raichu hit hiyappu in the stomach and the two smashed into the wall. Dust surrounded them and everyone was holding their breath. As the smoke cleared, hiyappu was sprawled on the ground, knocked out while raichu stood beside him breathing heavily. Corn looked at his fainted Pokemon in shock while his cheerleaders were suddenly silenced.

            “Hiyappu is unable to battle!” Pod declared. “Harmony is the winner!”

Harmony suddenly crumbled to her knees, all the feeling leaving her. She suddenly got a burst of energy, shooting up and racing towards raichu. She scooped him up and hugged him tightly.

            “We did it raichu!” Harmony said excitedly.

            “Rai, rai!” Raichu said happily. Corn approached him hiyappu and scooped him up, his hiyappu awakening and looking sad at its defeat.

            “It’s alright; you did your best and gave it your all.” Corn complimented. “You deserve some rest.”

His hiyappu returned inside its pokeball and walked up to Harmony. Kit was soon there too, patting Harmony’s back in gratitude.

            “You got your first badge!” Kit said.

            “Yes, congratulations.” Corn said, Pod right next to him with a small box in his hands. “And as a reward for defeating me, I present to you the Tri badge.”

Pod opened the box containing a small badge with three connected diamonds to it, one red, one blue and one green. Corn handed the badge to Harmony and Harmony said victoriously “WE GOT THE TRI BADGE!”

Kit only giggled as she watched Harmony happily twirl in place, still hanging onto her raichu. Corn walked beside her and said “I thought you were a lone wolf.”

            “Well we’ll be taking separate ways once she gets some rest.” Kit said. “I have a contest coming up.”

            “I’ll be there.” Corn said politely. Kit only smiled and turned to Harmony who was still dancing this time Pod joining the party.

What a weird girl… Kit thought. But she has a lot of potential.

© 2011 Imagination-mage

My Review

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I wonder if Kit will be her rival. But anyways, STILL REALLY GOOD AND INTERESTING!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on June 25, 2011
Last Updated on June 25, 2011



Suna, AZ

I'm a young mage who enjoys creating adventure, romance, horror (if i can) and sometimes a good angst. i do hope you can enjoy the stories i create, everyone enjoy! more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Imagination-mage