

A Chapter by Imagination-mage

Harmony walked down the path, her heart just about ready to burst with pure joy. Her first Pokemon had finally accepted her as its trainer and here she was, living out her dream. Best of all she had captured her second Pokemon which needed the healing powers of Nurse Joy. She stopped at Karakusa Town where she found the Pokemon Center where Nurse Joy seemed to be waiting for her.

            “I have two Pokemon that need healing.” Harmony said, setting her raichu in front of Nurse Joy and the pokeball that contained her new eevee.

            “Alright, I’ll have them ready in no time.” Nurse Joy promised and left the room with her Pokemon. Harmony looked around, trying to pass the time as she sat down and read a magazine. As she was reading, she spotted some Pokemon out of their pokeballs, running around freely with their young trainers. Harmony couldn’t help but smile happily.

            “Your Pokemon are all set.” Nurse Joy said happily catching Harmony by surprise. She handed raichu back to Harmony who happily sat on her lap and Harmony tucked the pokeball in with all her other pokeballs, in her fanny pack.

            “Thank you so much Nurse Joy.” Harmony said. “Is there a good pokemart around here somewhere?”

            “Oh yes, you can restock on pokefood and medicine.” Nurse Joy said. “But I must warn you, Team Rocket is on roads so be careful.”

            “Team Rocket, who’re they?” Harmony asked.

            “They’re a gang of trainers who go around stealing other people’s Pokemon.” Nurse Joy said. “Just be on high alert when you’re on the road.”

            “I’ll be careful.” Harmony said. This Nurse Joy sounds a lot like my mom… Harmony excused herself from the Pokemon Center and headed for the pokemart where she bought food, water and a few remedies that would help raichu on the road. Once done shopping, Harmony headed off to continue her journey to Sanyou City. Raichu remained by her side, walking beside her and enjoying the freedom. They didn’t realize they were being watched; in the bushes lay a trio of Rocket members watching her through binoculars. One man, one woman and one Meowth who laid in wait as she passed by.

            “A beginner I presume?” the woman asked, her long ruby red hair curled at the end wearing a black uniform with a red R on the front.

            “Defiantly, it says she only has two Pokemon.” The man said his hair short stopping at his neck and wearing a uniform as well. He took out a briefcase which revealed to be a laptop, he took down Harmony’s information and the Meowth snickered.

            “Pitiful, just started out today.” Meowth said. “This’ll be an easy catch.”

The two snickered bitterly as they planned their way to capture the unsuspecting trainer.

            “James, do you have the metal wire?” the woman asked.

            “Already ahead of you Jessie.” James said. “Meowth, the bait.”

The Meowth took out a scared pokabu who trembled when the trio looked down at it. They giggled and soon climbed up a tree awaiting the unsuspecting Harmony and her raichu.

            “So raichu, do you really think we’re gonna meet up with Kit again?” Harmony asked, her raichu merely shrugging. Suddenly a pokabu arose from the bushes, looking scared and timid. When it spotted Harmony, its small black ears rose up and it quickly ran to her, screaming “Poka-pokabu!”

            “Rai, rai?” raichu responded sounding rather concerned.

            “What is it raichu?” Harmony asked. Suddenly a gloved claw sprang from the trees and grabbed raichu and the pokabu both squealing for help.

            “Raichu, pokabu!” Harmony screamed, running after them as they were being carried off by a blimp. Harmony quickly took out a pokeball and unleashed her eevee.

            “Eevee, use ice beam on the claw!” Harmony commanded. Her eevee happily obeyed and shot the ice beam at the claw causing it to pause in place.

            “Catapulted yourself from the tree with quick attack!” Harmony said, her eevee ran at full speed up a tree and sliced through the claw causing it to break and free the two Pokemon. Harmony was able to catch all her Pokemon in one hug and Team Rocket scowled at her.

            “Not bad for a twerp.” Jessie said bitterly.

            “Raichu use thunder bolt!” Harmony commanded aggressively, her raichu sending a powerful thunder attack causing the blimp to explode. Amidst the blackened smoke, Team Rocket blasted away on jet packs.

            “Almost as annoying as those other twerps.” Jessie mumbled and they disappeared in the sky. Once gone, Harmony checked her Pokemon to make sure they weren’t injured.

            “You’re all okay right?” Harmony asked urgently. Raichu only brushed off with a “raichu”.

The pokabu gleefully jumped into Harmony’s arms along with eevee making raichu agitated.

            “You both are so cute!” Harmony commented. The pokabu happily licked Harmony’s cheek and wagged its tail.

            “You look hungry.” Harmony said, after holding it up and seeing how thin the poor thing really was. Harmony set out a picnic blanket and set out three dishes for her Pokemon, pouring their food till the brim. The pokabu quickly ate away its food while raichu and eevee took their time. She looked up the pokabu on her pokedex and soon came to a conclusion.

            “Do you wanna travel with me pokabu?” Harmony asked.

The pokabu’s eyes shimmered happily, jumping into Harmony’s lap in agreement. Harmony took out a pokeball and captured her new found friend. The pokeball blinked for a couple of seconds till a satisfying click ended the blinking.

            “I CAUGHT A POKABU!” Harmony said triumphantly, raichu and eevee clapping happily for her. The Pokemon finished their food, Harmony cleaning up and putting the blanket away. She returned eevee back inside its pokeball and raichu accompanied her down the road.

            “Well raichu now we know we need to be aware.” Harmony said, raichu agreeing. “Team Rocket could try capturing you again, so if that does happen I want you to defend yourself.”

Raichu nodded, staying close to Harmony just in case. As the two were walking down the path, Harmony realized how late it really was.

            “We should probably camp.” Harmony said. She unleashed her large, comfy sleeping bag and placed it beside the bushed where fresh fruit was growing. She changed into her pajama’s and went inside, snuggling into her large sleeping bag. Raichu found his place on top, making Harmony feel safe as she tucked a pillow under her head.

            “Good-night raichu…” Harmony said, the sky soon blackening and Harmony falling asleep.

© 2011 Imagination-mage

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1 Review
Added on June 25, 2011
Last Updated on June 25, 2011



Suna, AZ

I'm a young mage who enjoys creating adventure, romance, horror (if i can) and sometimes a good angst. i do hope you can enjoy the stories i create, everyone enjoy! more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Imagination-mage