

A Chapter by Imagination-mage

            An alarm rang through a young girl’s ear as she tried fighting her way out of her dream. Her eyes slowly opened, feeling like they were sealed shut as sunlight leaked in through her closed curtains. She rubbed her eyes, trying to find the source of the ringing till she looked to her left night stand. There, ringing its life away was a pikachu alarm clock screaming “Pika pi, pika pi, pika pi!” over and over. The girl desperately tried coordinating her hand to find the snooze button, finding it successfully. She pushed herself up from her over sized pillow and rubbed her eyes. She lazily turned her head and caught sight of her calendar. Today was circled in big red letters, arrows surrounding the circle, with the words Pokemon Journey Begins written in giant letters. Seeing those three words written there seemed to awaken her body fully as she kicked off her comforter and jumped out of bed, pulling the curtains away and letting the morning sun to come into her room fully. She inhaled a lung full of spring air, putting her fists in the air and screaming “TODAY’S THE DAY!”

            She ran from her room, kicking open her door and running down her staircase as she squealed with pure ecstasy.

            “MOM, MOM, TODAYS THE DAY!” the girl screamed happily, waking her mother from her overnight paperwork, a spoink organizing the fallen papers.

            “Oh Harmony…what’s today?” her mother asked, adjusting her glasses.

            “MY BIRTHDAY!” the girl, Harmony, screamed happily. “The day I get my first Pokemon remember?!”

Her mother seemed a bit dazed till her thoughts seemed to be coming back to her because her eyes widened, her finger finding its place at her chin and saying “Oh!”

            “Mom, this is the biggest day of my life and you already forgot!” Harmony said.

            “No I didn’t!” her mother countered. “I’ve just been busy lately with all this paper signing and spoinks been rather sluggish as well.”

            “Sorry mom, well I’m gonna get ready.” Harmony said, heading back up the stairs. “Can you make me some pancakes this morning please?”

            “Of course, it is your birthday.” Her mother said rising from the chair and seeing her daughter run back up the stairs. Harmony walked back up the stairs, colliding with her three other sisters who were running down the stairs as well, the middle holding a piplup, the middle-youngest possessing a parcharisu and the youngest having a bulbasaur, it was strange, being the eldest and not having a Pokemon like her other siblings. In order for her to start her journey, Harmony had to wait till her fourteenth birthday to get her starter and start out on her journey. Harmony raced to the bathroom, getting the shower ready and hopped in. She bathed herself in and even sang to get rid of the excitement building up in the pit of her stomach. Her shower came to an end, wrapping a towel around her like a small dress and wrapping her hair as well. She started brushing her teeth, not being able to contain spinning around a few times, nearly falling over the first three times. Once finished, she tore off the towel containing her hair and began to blow-dry it, humming a completely random tune. Once her hair was nice and dry, she walked back to her room, setting out her clothes, drying herself off and going into her underwear and putting deodorant under her armpits. She quickly changed into a long white short sleeved shirt with green rings on each of the sleeves, wearing a dark green skirt and a white beret on her head. She pulled on some thigh high socks, green and white striped, wearing black boots on her feet. She fitted on some black wrist bands and looked at herself in the mirror. She frowned, not liking her hair. She tore off the beret and began to brush her hair, putting it in low pig tails and pushing her bangs away from her eyes, putting the beret back on her head.

            “Perfect!” Harmony said happily. She grabbed her largest bag and began to put clothes inside, along with lotions, soaps, her toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, mouthwash, toiletries, and stuffed her pillow on top. Her bag had straps on the bottom so she could clip on her sleeping bag for all the nights she’ll be camping out. She clipped a dark blue fanny-pack around her hip and deemed herself ready to travel. She slid down the staircase rails, hopping off and landing on her feet as she bolted for the door.

            “I’m going mom!” Harmony called, her mother suddenly in front of her blocking her from the door.

            “Wait!” her mom shouted before Harmony could run out. Harmony screeched to a stop, nearly falling forward but her mom caught her just in time. Once regaining her balance, Harmony asked “What mom?”

Her mom presented her with a green scarf, with thin white rings around it. Harmony couldn’t help but giggle but her mom looked serious.

            “Mom, it’s not even cold out.” Harmony pointed out.

            “I know…but you can never be sure.” Her mom said. “Harmony I just want you to bring a bit of home with you, so you’ll always know we’re routing for you.”

Harmony smiled, taking the scarf and wrapping it around her neck. The scarf improved her look making Harmony smile even wider. Her mom opened the door for her, Harmony hugging her mom one last time and bolting out, her mother waving her off. As Harmony ran through the fields she inhaled a lung full of Isshu air.

            “One small leap for man, one giant leap for HARMONY!” Harmony squealed, jumping into the air and landing again, heading for the town professor.


            Professor Araragi yawned sleepily as she arrived to her lab. She dug through her coat pocket, finding the key at the very bottom of her lab coat pocket. As she was about to open the glass door she heard “WAIT PROFESSOR ARARAGI!”

She turned, seeing Harmony running up the hill and towards her. Seeing her like this made the professor laugh. Professor Araragi was a young looking woman, wearing her white lab coat at all times over her long sleeved light green shirt and pale green long skirt that really showed off her hips, a giant bun on top of her head as Harmony finally arrived.

            “Ah Harmony, somehow I knew you’d be the first one here.” The professor said.

            “R-Really?” Harmony asked, completely out of breath.

            “Yup, come on in, we’ll get you all set up.” The professor said and opened the door which slid open. The lab was clean and full of plants on the side, the lobby, with waiting chairs on the sides and even small bowls of food for the Pokemon that stayed there.

            “Come on, this way young trainer.” Professor Araragi said and Harmony quickly followed. Going into the back, Harmony was welcomed to a lab, filled with computers, scanners and a lot of other technologies that she couldn’t name. She was led to a tray, three pokeballs sitting on the tray filled with a sleeping Pokemon.

            “Which one would you like?” Araragi asked. “Pokabu, Tsutarja or mijumaru?”

As Harmony thought long and hard on which one to choose, the sound of pattering feet came scampering in the room. A raichu suddenly appeared, jumping on professor Araragi’s shoulder basically scolding in her ear.

            “The doors open for you raichu.” Professor Araragi said, looking rather annoyed.  The raichu was healthy looking, seeming to have the habit of jumping on the professors shoulder. Long triangular yellow ears, round body, stubby front legs and large hind legs, a long lightening shaped tail with brown fur and yellow ears. Harmony marveled at the creature, swiping it from the professor’s shoulders and saying “It’s so cute!”

            “Be careful with him Harmony!” professor Araragi warned.

Harmony embraced the raichu in a hug, making its face shoved into her chest. Raichu somehow managed to part some to gasp for air.

            “He’s gorgeous, so healthy and strong!” Harmony said, rubbing her cheek against raichu’s.

            “Wait Harmony!” the professor said but it was too late. Raichu had enough affection, tightening his little fists and electrocuting Harmony, the professor able to protect herself by hiding behind a larger piece of equipment. Once the attack ended, raichu glared up at Harmony expecting her to shriek, release him and run away.

            “Wow…that was powerful…” Harmony said. “But still, cute is cute!”

Harmony embraced the raichu into an even bigger hug nearly chocking the poor Pokemon. Professor Araragi was shocked -not from the attack- that Harmony was able to withstand the electric attack. Professor Araragi looked at her in shock.

            “Can I keep him?!” Harmony asked, raichu flinched in horror. He shook his head but the professor seemed to be ignoring him.

            “I don’t see why not.” Professor Araragi said receiving a hug from Harmony. Raichu was stuck in the middle, being squeezed in yelped from lack of air. Professor Araragi broke the hug and said “Well then Harmony, I guess I’ll give you your pokedex and six pokeballs. Wait here.”

Professor Araragi left the lab room, leaving Harmony alone with her raichu who had no choice but to remain in her arms. Harmony walked around the lab, observing all her surroundings. As she was looking around, she came to a glass case and inside was an-

            “AN EGG!” Harmony squealed with glee.

            “Yes, yes an egg.” Professor Araragi said, returning with the equipment. “The sad thing is that I don’t know what to do with it.”

Harmony rose her hand in the air, waving it around frantically making the professor laugh.

            “Harmony, would you like to care for this egg?” The professor asked.

            “Yes, yes, yes, please!” Harmony said, squeezing her raichu till he squealed again making her loosen her grip. The professor walked over, taking out the egg and handing it to Harmony. Harmony set raichu down, who quickly scurried to the professor’s side. Harmony took the egg with excellent care, marveling at the beauty.

            “What type of Pokemon is it?” Harmony asked, never taking her eyes off the egg.

            “I don’t know; make sure you contact me when it hatches.” Professor Araragi said with a smile.

            “I will most defiantly!” Harmony said excitedly.

            “Whelp your all set, contact me any time you want Harmony!” Professor Araragi said and Harmony set off, dragging raichu along with her. She placed the egg securely in her bag, Raichu was only following, knowing she’d chase after him if he dared tried running away.

            “Raichu, which way do you think the gym is?” Harmony asked, raichu only turned his head away, showing that he was ignoring her.

            “I’ll give you some time.” Harmony said, with a sweet smile. Raichu’s face heated up at that smile, he had never gotten such kind smiles form any human normally scowls. He turned away trying to still look pestered, Harmony only giggled. Harmony soon spotted someone up ahead with a tsutarja with a red bow tied around its neck.

            “Leaf blade!” the trainer commanded, her Pokemon instantly following orders. It twirled into the air; cutting at the trees till two apples fell from the trees. It landed in front of its trainer, looking rather prideful as it placed its small hands on its hips.

            “Well done, that ribbon is bound to be ours tsutarja.” The trainer said, she was an interesting sort of girl. She had extremely long brown hair wearing a bright pink hat with the pokemon symbol on the front, wearing a light pink spaghetti strap tang top wearing jeans that were short, knee high black and pink thigh highs and laced boots on her feet. Her hair was curled and put into a high pony tail where was stuck out from the back, some of her long curled hair in the front, big blue eyes along with a smug smile. The bag she wore was outrageously adorable, Hello Kitty strapped to her back and a black wrist band on her wrist. Her tsutarja ran to her side, the girl lifting it up and placing it atop her head where it curled up and rested.

            “We’ll move onto the next city then.” The girl said taking a bite of her apple.

            “Excuse me!” Harmony called, catching the girl’s attention. “A-Are you a pokemon trainer?”

            “Nope, a pokemon coordinator to be exact!” the girl said matter-of-factually. “I’m gonna be the winner and be top coordinator!”

            “Well you’re tsutarja is quite gorgeous.” Harmony said, looking at the girls tsutarja who seemed to like the compliment.

            “Of course she is, raised by the best!” the girl bragged. “Me!”

Harmony gave a nervous laugh and put her hand out saying “My names Harmony and I’m a beginner pokemon trainers.”

            “Oh, how rude of me, I’m Kit.” Kit said shaking hands with her. “I just finished up here; I just needed a few things for my next contest. But my tsutarja got hungry and we decided to have a snack.”

Her tsutarja ate the last of its apple and tossed it over its shoulder, soon sun bathing.

            “She likes staying out of her pokeball, to absorb the sunlight.” Kit explained. “A friend of mine told me that she sunbathes to gather energy and she gives off the sweetest fragrance!”

Harmony smelled the air and suddenly the smell of freshly dewed flowers reached her nose. Raichu seemed to smell it too, he suddenly became more relaxed. Kit snapped her fingers in front of Harmony’s face and said “Come back to me Harmony.”

            “Oh sorry, I’m still new to all this.” Harmony said nervously. Kit only smiled but tsutarja was suddenly on high alert. The bushes rustled, catching all their attention. From the bushes came an eevee, Harmony’s eyes gleamed with excitement.

            “A-an eevee!” Harmony said excitedly.

            “Whelp…what’re you gonna do?” Kit hinted. Harmony quickly caught onto the idea, looking over at raichu who just looked the other way.

            “Raichu, please.” Harmony said, raichu finally looking at her. Kit stayed at the side, waiting for the upcoming battle. Raichu sighed, getting in front and agreeing to fight.

            “Thank you, raichu!” Harmony said happily. “Let’s use tackle!”

Raichu charged, hitting the eevee and catching it off guard only upsetting it. It glared, growling and charged using quick attack.

            “Jump, now!” Harmony ordered, raichu obeying and hopping over just as the eevee was about to hit him. He landed behind the eevee, quickly turning around.

            “Now use thunder!” Harmony said, raichu obeyed soon sending off the attack. The eevee opened its mouth and sent out an ice beam catching the two by surprise. The two attacks collided and soon backfired. From the smoke, Harmony called out “Raichu, use head butt!”

Raichu came shooting out from the smoke; hitting the eevee in the stomach and making it fall on its back. It laid there, fainted and raichu called “Rai, rai!”

            “Oh right!” Harmony said, digging into her bag and unleashing a pokeball. She threw the pokeball and it hit the eevee till it was absorbed inside the pokeball. The two waited as the pokeball moved back and forth, then hearing a victorious click.

            “YES!” Harmony screamed, making a pack of mamepato erupt from the trees and fly elsewhere. Kit just remained where she was, clapping in a satisfied way.

            “Congratulations, you’ve caught your second Pokemon.” Kit said then looked at her watch. “Oh but I gotta go!”

            “Aw, don’t you wanna join me?” Harmony asked hopefully.

            “I can’t you’ll obviously go to Sanyou Gym to get the Tri badge.” Kit said, “I’m going the other way.”

Even though Harmony found it bitter sweet to not have a companion she still smiled and said “Hope to see you soon.”

            “We’ll meet again, don’t worry.” Kit said and raced off. Harmony waved goodbye and looked at the road ahead. She sighed, rather sadly till she felt someone tug at her socks. Looking down it was raichu who seemed to have finally accepted her as his trainer.

            “Rai, rai!” Raichu said happily.

            “Yeah, let’s work super hard raichu!” Harmony said, scooping up raichu and running down the path, where her adventure would begin.

© 2011 Imagination-mage

My Review

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Really good so far - I hope she has a rival and other friends besides Kit too! :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

Awesome! though i faund it somewhat familiar to Ashs first day: the hurry, the mom, the running to professer, the getting an electric type, etc.(and i tohught all the Professers had plant names? why name this one after butterfly?)
plus i found a part that was abviously the victim of a spell check mistake or something:

"“I don’t know; make sure you contact me when it hatches.” Professor Araragi said with a smile.

“I will most {defiantly!}” Harmony said excitedly.

“{Whelp} your all set, contact me any time you want Harmony!” "

:P its cool though.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on June 25, 2011
Last Updated on June 25, 2011



Suna, AZ

I'm a young mage who enjoys creating adventure, romance, horror (if i can) and sometimes a good angst. i do hope you can enjoy the stories i create, everyone enjoy! more..

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A Chapter by Imagination-mage

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