![]() Love Startes With A Kiss 1A Chapter by Alexa![]() Chris and Clover have been going at it, fighting over and over about their friend Ellie being gay, they are going on a school trip and maybe this will change their relationship.![]()
Love Startes With A Kiss Clover has been such a dick latley. First of all, he has been going out with these dumb b*****s for money. He only goes out with these girls so they can buy him stuff. Ugh he has just been complaining about them too, saying they have been finding out he has more than one girlfriend. Its not my problem so why tell me? I am Chris Riley. Its my first year in high school, and I have not been having a good experience with friends. As I have said, Clover has been my main problem. Its always about him, whining, pouting, complaining and every other annoyance you could think of. Im heading to school on this Tuesday morning. Its snowing a little, but it feels nice. I am pretty use to the cold since it snows about everyday. Thats how life is in Utah. Today, we have a feild trip to California for 3 weeks. Im pretty exited since they say its warm, calm, and a great place to be. I havent been there before, but im going to be sharing a hotel room with Clover and Ellie, my very good friend. "Chriiiiissss!!!" I head a voice haller. I looked to the side to see my friend Ellie running to me. "Hey dude, you have a lott of energy this morning" I smiled at him. "Well duhh!! Todays the feild trip!!" Ellie smiled. "Oh yeah... Well we better be heading on to the air port before we're late Ellis!" I shouted, running off. "Dont Call Me That!!" Ellie shouted at me. Ellis has been my buddy since we where born, our mothers are best friends, who talk everyday and visit each other often. Usually our moms bring us if they are visiting each other, so we hang out a lot. Hes like a brother. We walked on to the air port and saw a bunch of kids from our school. A lot of people seemed annoyed by the loud noise and screaming kids. I sighed and walked on, my backpack stuffed, and my big black suit case rolling behind me. "Oooo~ You guys are a little late!" Clover smiled, walking to us. "You missed it, I totally just made out in front of everyone with Kim" Clover smirked. "Is that so" I said with no interest. "Well my 8th girlfriend is waiting for me, so if you will excuse me" Clover smiled, walking away. "Ugh... He is such a dick" Ellie grumbled. "Yeah, well no more about him, what about you? Hows your boyfriend?" I asked Ellie, sitting down in a chair, same as Ellie. "We are great! I love him soo much! Hes the cuttes hottest guy in the world! He is actually buying his own ticket to come with me to California!!" Ellie went on. "Really? Whys that?" "Well he said he wanted to protect me, incase something happened. Isnt he the sweetest?" Ellie blushed. "Aww and im not?" I played. "Oh of course you are~" Ellie smiled, kissing my cheek. "Come over here baby!" Clover said sitting inbetween us, with one of his girlfriends on his lap. "Huh? Which one is this?" I asked, examining the girl. "Shhh!!" Clover whispered to me. "Why this is my lovley girlfriend, isnt she the cuttest?" Clover smiled, kissing her neck. "Ellis!!" A husky voice called out. A second later, Ellie jumped up and ran to his boyfriend. "Hehe! Jordan, im soo glad you came!!" Ellie giggled. "Well I said I would, didnt I?" Jordan smiled. Jordan and Ellie where perfect together. Ellie was just a little blonde kid and Jordan was like that football player, he had beautiful light blue eyes and long brown hair, that went down below his ears. "Chris, can you keep it a secret, Jordan will be staying in our hotel room." Ellie asked. "Oh yeah sure" I said with a true smile. "Heeeeeack no." Clover said. "I aint havin' some gay-wads in my room, doing it 24/7!" "Dude shut up!" I shouted at Clover. "Yeah Clover, I might be gay but at least I dont date fifty girls for money!!" "What?!" The girl butted in. "Yeah, your about his 13th girlfriend hes dating" Ellie said, crossing his arms. "You A*s Hole!!" She shouted, slapping Clover accross the face. "Here cutie, you call me" The girl said to me, handing me a note with her phone number. "You little dick..." Clover glared at Ellie. Clover put up his arm, like he was about to punch Ellie. I quickly pulled Clover down from the back of the shoulders, taking him to the ground, seeing Jordan move infront of Ellie. "What The F**k Dude?!" Clover shouted at me. "Dont You Ever Lay A Hand On Ellie! You Got That?!" I shouted, pinning Clover to the ground. "Get Off Me!!" Clover shouted. "You alright Chris???" Ellie asked me with concern, yet a little blush. "Yeah im fine." I said glaring at Clover. "Thanks for sticking up for me Chris" Ellie smiled, hugging me. "Well he was gonna punch you! Im not going to let anyone hurt you..." I smiled, bringing his head up to look me in the eye. "If you two are gay for eachother, then go at it, just stay out of the hotel room when you do!" Clover said to Ellie and I. "Ugh dude! Just shut up!!" I shouted, lightly pushing Ellie to Jordan to face Clover. "What you gonna do?" Clover smirked. "Im gonna kick your a*s, thats what im gonna do!!" I shouted back. "Chris! Dont stoop to his level!" Ellie said, grabbing my arm. "Ugh yeah I guess..." I glared, turning back to Ellie. "Students, we are bording the plane, so please have your tickets ready at the doors." Our teacher, Miss. Miller said. "Come on Chriss, Jordan" Ellie said, grabbing Jordan's hand. We all walked onto the plane without any trouble. I sat infront with Ellie and Jordan, as the seats seated 3. Clover sat infront of us, having 5 girls on both sides of him. "Damn it Clover...." I sighed. Its not that I hate Clover, we are best friends actually. Hes a great person, and I do care for him, but even the best of friends have their moments, and we fight a lot, but go back to usual about an hour later. "I packed some chips, you want one Jordan?" Ellie asked. "Oh sure~" "Say Ahhh~" Ellie smiled, putting a chip in Jordan's mouth. Heh, they are always soo lovey dovey, its pretty cute. Ellie has found a great person that he can be with forever. "Cloooverr~" A girl giggled, rubbing his chest. "Oooo~ I think all your girls are getting lucky tonight~" Clover winked. "Ughh..." I groaned. "You jealous Chrissy boy?" Clover smirked. "Heh, with those hoes? I honestly doubt that." I chuckled. "What Did You Call Us???" A girl jumped up. "Chris... Dont do this again..." Ellie whispered to me. "Ooohh here comes prince Ellie to the rescue!" Clover huffed. "Just shut up Clover!" Jordan shouted annoyed. "I dont take s**t from gays!!" Clover stood up yelling. "Thats It You Son Of A B***h!!" I yelled, jumping up and tackling Clover. "Chris! Not This Again!!" Ellie shouted. "Boys! Not Again! Dont Do This On The Plane!!" A teacher shouted, just as we where starting to throw punches at each other. "Stop Making Fun Of Them Clover!!!" I shouted. "Shut The F**k Up! I Can Do Whatever I Want!!" He shouted back. "Thats It! Clover and Chris! Come To The Back Of The Plane!" The teacher shouted, grabbing both our arms and dragging us to the back. The teacher sat us down on a bench in the back with the luggage. "Now you two will sit back here till you learn to get along with each other!!" The teacher yelled, walking back. We sat there for a few minutes in scilence, but I knew that Clover wasnt one to be quiet for long. Soon he would start running his mouth. "Ughhh!! Right now I could be covered in ladies...." Clover groaned. "Well if you werent such a dick then I wouldnt pounce on you like that." "I wasnt even talking to you! I was talking to those gay-wads!!" "Dude! Stop F*****g Calling Them That! Yeah They Are Gay, Who The F**k Cares?!" I shouted, standing up. Clover staired at me for a while, not saying a word. "What?" I asked, glaring. "Do you have a bonner for Ellie?" Clover asked me. "W-what??" I asked in shock. "I mean, you say hes like a brother to you, but you always are all flirty with him" "W-well I.... Ugh" I grumbled, turnign my head to the side. "So your mad im calling them gay, beacuse your gay yourself?" "No! I hate it when you always make fun of them like that! Its not right!!" Clover slowly stood up and turned to me. He quickly pushed my against the wall. "I know..." Clover narrowed his eyes and lightly placed his lips on mine. I was too much in shock to actually do anything about it. I was weirded out and didnt know what to do. Chapter 1 END © 2011 Alexa |
Added on March 13, 2011 Last Updated on March 13, 2011 Author![]() Alexa-----, CAAboutName: Alexa Ortiz Age: 14 Born: Sep 16, 1997 Sex: Female Grade: 8th State: California Race: Mexican Facts: I am straight, I love Anime, Manga and Cosplay, I love drawing Anime and Manga~ more..Writing