![]() Spiritual HellA Chapter by Alexa![]() Prince Akira has been sent from Hell by force to look for the other 'saviours'. The saviours are people with special powers. Akira and the others must find the other three saviours.![]()
Spiritual Hell
Prince Akira stood at the corner of the mountain, watching the sea of lava flow by. His blood red eyes glared at the breath taking smoke. Akria turned around with a flow of air whipping under his cape. He walked away, slyly avoiding the cracks filled with lava. Akira entered his castle, greeted by his demon servants. He walked up to the 4th floor of the mansion, with two demon servants guiding him. Reaching his fathers throme room, his servants bow to their knees. "King Shaku." Akira turned with a speed around to glare at the bowing demons. "Ch... Get Up!" Akira ordered with a roar. The servants did as told and stood with honor. "Son... What do you desire?" The king of Hell asked with a low voice. "Father! I am never going to find the other three saviours?!" "Do not fret my boy... I have decided what you are to do." Akira's face grew with emotion. Exitement, joy, disbelief and impatienceness. "You will go to the upper level. To the human world." Akira's eyes grew with shock. "W-what? What could I possibly do up there?!" "We have gotten news that one of the saviours are entered into a public school." "And you expect me to go there looking for him?! I Am Prince Of This Kingdom!! I Will NOT Go To That Pathetic World Just For That Kid!" Akira shouted in rage. "Son... You will do as told and search for this lad. I have sent you to live with one of our servants in shape of a human. You will go and live as his child till you find this saviour. You have the great power of fire and the most experienced saviour of the other three." Akira was speachless with rage. He stood in his spot stairing at his father in the king's throne chair. He glared at his father and turned around, starting to walk out of the king's room. "Akira, begin to pack. You are leaving first thing in the morning." Akira stopped in his trackes and stood looking at the crystal floor. He shut his eyes, trying to ease his stress. Again, walking out of the throne room with the demon servant following behind. Walking down the stairs, Akira was deep in thought. He began to bite his thumb with his sharp fangs. He soon began to taste blood, yet continue to go deeper into the flesh. Akira reached his room and quickly slamming the door behind him in the servants face. "Ch! That b*****d!! He may be the king of Hell... He may even be my father, but... I really hate him..." Akira growled. Akira slammed open his walk-in-wardrobe-closet and stomped over to his clothes. They where too formal, and in a different style than the humans dressed. "Ugh!!" Akira shouted tugging on his hair. "I have to get new clothes... Pathetic rags those humans wear." Akira marched out of his closet and slumped onto his king sized 5 foot tall bed. His pure black hair slumped in his eyes. "Nnn..." He mumbled before drifting off to sleep. The next morning went by fast. Akira awoke at 6am in a terible mood. Remembering that he was going to be his first day in the human school, living with a servant and being around thousands of humans was not a great start. Being dragged out of his room by the demon servant he now has to call, father, had a tight grip on his arm, taking him to the portal, connecting to the human world to Hell. "Let Me Go Danm You!!!" Akira shouted pulling on the servants arm. Rage filled Akiras eyes, turning them a bright yellow as growing flames appeared infront of them. Akira, using his powers, took this chance to run a good 4 yards from the servant, growing his flames around the demon. "Akira!" Akira's eyes snapped from glares, to wide eyed. His eyes returned from a bright yellow, back to his blood red color. He swiftly turned around, faceing his father. "You know you are not suppose to use your powers on others!" His father snapped at him. "That guy wouldnt let go of my arm!" Akira shouted back. "You are going to the human world whether you like it or not." Akira's eyes grew, then he slumped down. "Now Go!" His father ordered. Akira turned around and slowly made his way to the portle. Before he entered the next world, He lifted up his left arm and flipped off his father. Smirking without looking, Akira entered the portal.
Akira stumbled out of the portal, his new home. It was an apartment, pretty big for a two person home. Akira looked from side to side, catching small cracks, and a few missing paint chips. "Prince Akira, we must go out and buy you some new clothes. You would look strange to the humans." The servant said, observing Akira's outfit. "Yeah yeah, lets just go before that crappy school startes!" Akira grumbled crossing his arms. The two walked into town to what they call the 'mall'. Akira was annoyed by the bright sunny blue sky, the green trees and grass, everything was so... colorfull! He hated it. The walked into the mall catching stairs for the 100th time. The walked around when the servant cought sight of a black over shirt, un-zipped, with the sleeves folded up to the elbow, a red tank-top, black skinny jeanes, red sneakers and a sliver watch. "Not the best outfit, but it has do to..." Akira grumbled to himself. They returned to their new home. Akira slowly took his time to get dressed. In about 20 minutes he was ready for school, which was starting at 7:30. Before walking out of the apartment, Akira put in his red ruby earing buds in each ear. It was a useful device from hell. Grumbling, Akira left the home. Holding a map of the new city, Akira found his way easy to the school. His gaze traveled from student to student, as there where about 100 just in the court yard. Sighing, he walked through the school gates, ignoring stairs. About every girl fell for Akira's looks, even some boys. He opened the school main doors and walked through, avoiding students after another as they ran through the school, fell over, and too much shouting to even say. Spying the 'Office' Akira practically ran to the door, slamming it shut behinde him. Looking at the old lady on the other side of the counter, Akira marched over to her. "Do You F*****g Know How Many People Can Be Injured In That Hallway?!" Akira shouted, slamming down his hands on the counter. "Excuse Me! We do not tollerate that kind of language young man!" The lady yelled back. Akira stammered back in shock at the ladys back talk. Then he remembered what his father had told him, "Remember, you are not the prince in the human world. You are a normal being." "Sorry M-Ma'm..." Akira forced out, having a hard time since had had never actually apoligized to anyone. "Now... You must be the new student, Daiki Hoshinawa?" "Yes ma'm..." "Here is your schedule. Your homeroom is number 28, just down the hall on your left." Akira took the piece of paper and left the office. Now, back in the hall of people, Akira shoved his way through the croud. The bell rang, clearing out the hall in a second. As Akira was about 3 feet from the door. He put his ear on the door to hear his new teacher speaking. "Class today we have a new student, help him around and be sure to greet him. Please come in Daiki." Hearing his entrance speach, Akira slowly opened the sliding door and stepped in. Not paying attention to the fainting girls, or the guys's glares, he looked at his teacher and stood by him. "Good Morning! Class, welcome our new student, Daiki Hoshinawa. Daiki, you can sit in any empty seat you like." The old man smiled. Akira was about to walk to a seat when the teacher started to speak again. "But before you do, would you like to tell us a little about yourself?" Akira looked up to see people stairing, waiting for him to speak. "No." Akira muttered before shoving his hands in his pockets and walking to the back of the room. As he was about to sit down, he heard some girls shout, "Kyaaaa!!!" Loud enough to puncture an ear drum. Akira annoyingly sat down in a window seat at the very back, next to a boy who had sliky long blonde hair. Kind of like a emo hairstyle. It was perfect length. He had dark blue eyes, and a perfect shade of white skin. Akira looked away from the boy and turned to the window, resting his head on his hand, supported by his elbow in his desk. "Hes pretty good looking, I wonder why he entered in this kind of school?" The boy with blonde hair thought. "Well whatever, I mean its not like we are going to be friends, a kid like that would hang out with those snobby populare kids." The blondie shrugged. An hour of boredness passed slowly. The bell rang for the students to switch classes. Well Akira didnt know this, so was struggling with why everyone was getting up and leaving. A group of people gathered around Akira, all saying the same thing, "Ill Help You To Your Next Class!!" Akira hated their ora. He didnt even want to touch these people. When he spied the blondie walking out the door, He felt a weird vibe from him... Akira hoped on the desk with a swift jump, and leaped over the people, making a great landing. Akira rushed out the class room doors and ran up to the blonde. "H-hey!" Akira shouted finnally catching up with the boy. The boy twitched in a stop, looking at Akira. "Your the new kid... Whats up?" The blonde boy asked with a polite smile. "Can youi take a look at this??" Akira shoved the schedule in the boys face. "U-uh... Sure" The boy said with a little shock. "Why couldnt you ask one of the other people?" The boy said studying the paper. "Their aura said 'rape'" Akira shuddered. "Haha you got good sences!" The boy chuckled. "Seems your next class is with me, I'll take ya'!" The boy said with a wide smile. "Oh, and the names Adaruriku, friends call me Iku for short!" "My name is-" "Daiki I know! You just got here and everyone is already talking about you, pretty populare if you as me." "Ch... I dont care about crap like that" Akira annoyfully announced. This must have taken Iku by surprise, since Akira looked like a snobby rich boy. "I-I see..." "Well heres are class!" Iku posed, showing him the door. Akira took one look in the class and out the door again, frozen on the wall. "Uhh... I'll skip... Forever" Akira stammered walking away. "Oh no you dont! Why do you want to skip?" Iku aske3d, grabbing Akira's collar. "That girl in there..." "Huh? You mean Linta? Yeah shes pretty cute, you got the hots for her too?" "Not for two worlds..." Akira grummbled walking in the class. "Aki-Kuuun!!!" A girl with dark black hair with pig-tails shouted. The girl latched herself to Akira's arm, with little blushes on her face. "Get Off Me!!" Akira shouted. His hate of being touched overwhelming his system. "Jeeeez~ Alright fine!" The girl pouted. "And dont call me that here!" Akira whispered. "You know Linta?" Every boy in class shouted. "Heh, I get it! Your dating!!" Iku playfully giggled. "No We Are Not!" Akira shouted marching angerly to a seat. Akira sat in the same position all hour, crossed arms, slumped in seat, a pouting position. The bell rang after many glares from the guys in the class. "Ch! Whats Next Iku?!" "Uhm, looks like P.E, swimming." Iku grumbled. "Fine..." The boys walked down the halls and into the very back of the school, which located the pool area. All the boys and girls rushed into the changing rooms and started to get undressed. "So why do we have to swim?" Akira asked taking off his over shirt. "Well I dont know, its fun?" Iku reply unsure of his answer. "Heh, your slow! I'll see you in the pool dude!" Iku shouted running off. "Dude? What the?" Akira asked himself, dumb-found. When everyone was done, Akira was the last to step out. He looked around with a face full of emptiness. He found his gaze locked with Iku's. "What the hell is he stairing at?" Akira glared. "Dang... He must work out a lot... His muscles practically pop out!!" Iku thought in amaze. "Hey dude, how old are you?" Iku asked walking up to Akira. "Im 15... What about it?" "Your only 15?? How are your muscles so big then?!" "I train every day..." Akira said a little embarrassed. "Class! Since we have a new student today, he will be showing us his rank in swimming!" "I-I will??" Akira confusingly asked. "Yes. I need to see how good you are at swimming. Just touch the end of the pool and back." "Ch!" Akira muttered, walking over to he pool. "Hey Linta, does Daiki suck at swimming or something?" Iku asked from Akira's expression. "No! Ak- I mean Daiki is great at everything he does!! He is perfect!!" Linta exaggerated, interwining her hands and fingers together. Linta was right, Akira swam to the other side of the pool in about 10 seconds. The least was 36 seconds! It 'wow'ed every student in the pool area. Once Akira made his way back, he reached up for the ladder and slowly stepped out of the pool. His wet body made every girls heart jump, and for some reason, even Ikus. Iku grabbed his chest with a bright blush. "W-what?" Iku asked himself. "What?" Akira's voice came. "Nng!! N-Nothing!" Iku blushed. "Whatever man" Akira sighed passing Iku. "W-where are you going?" Iku asked in panic. "To change?" "What? Why? We just started 20 minutes ago" "Well I hate swimming so yeah" Akira ignored the rest Iku had to say and left for the changing room. "If your good at something, wouldnt you want to do it?" Iku asked Linta. "Well since Daiki is like Perfect he has too much he could do, but he only loves 1 thing" Linta smirked. "Whats that?" Iku asked desperate. After that question, Linta's necklace, that was a black choker around her neck with a red ruby in the middle grew bright red. "Ah! Akira!!" Linta shouted noticing the flashing red jewel and running to the boys dressing room. "W-wait!" Iku shouted running after her. In the locker room, the two found Akira with a three and a half foot sword in his right hand. It seemed that flame was coming out of a red gem right above the handle grip. He also had two hornes on his head, the swirled one time around and came back up to a point. His eyes where bright yellow and he had huge wings coming out of his back They where ripped in some areas, but at the top tip of the wings where what looked like one big thorn. There was a 8 foot tall demon with blood coming down from his eyeball area that was empty and a slice in his stomach, which seemed like it was caused by Akira's sword. "S**t! Why Is He In Here?!" "S-sorry! My ruby lit up! You where in trouble and I had no other choice!" "Ugh! Whatever, Just Help Me With This Thing Would You?!" "Right Away~" Linta closed her eyes and held up both her arms on each side of her, shoulder width. Wind formed around her hands, making them invisible to see. A second later the wind vanished like a snap. She held a bow in one hand and a arrow in the other. There was a grey gem on the bow's base at the tip and a grey gem on the arrows bottom. Linta opened her eyes. They had changed from dark purple to bright grey. holding up her wepon at the demon, arrow in place, ready to fire, she released the hand holding the bow string. A lash of swift wind followed the arrow. Piercing the demon where the cut in its gut was, the monster fell to its feet. From that little arrow, it did more damage then seemed. He had cuts everywhere from the sharp wind, but the place the arrow had hit was worse. "Go back to Hell..." Akira muttered before flipping his sword upside down and thrusting it into the ground. Causing a crack to commit into a trentch with lava and other demons. The injured demon fell into the trentch with ease. After the demon was gone, Akira pulled his sword from the ground, causing the trench to come together, and dissapear. A blast of fire erupted around Akira's sword. A second later it vanished with the sword aswell. His eyes returned their usual blood red color. Linta's wepons dissapeared aswell. same as Akira's but wind was forced around the bow and arrow. Her eyes also went back to their dark purple. Iku sat pressed up against the lockers, terrified. "Great..." "Akira, we could easily blank his memory~!" Linta sang. "We arnt doing that Linta..." Akira sighed. "W-What Was T-That?!" Iku finally spoke up. "Listen Iku, I'll tell you everything about us, just keep quiet, alright?" Iku nodded, a little terrified of Akira at the moment. "My name is Prince Akira. My homeland is Hell. I have come here to seek out the three saviours. Linta is also from the underworld. We both obtain power. As mine, I obtain the power of fire and Linta here, has the power of wind. There are seven saviours total. There are the saviour of Earth, Fire, Lightning and Wind. We must find three more. The saviour of Ice, Snow, and Love. When we are all reunited, we will be able to save your world, which putting it the best way I can, will be destroyed if we do not fine them soon enough. Any questions?" "T-too much..." Iku dazzed. "M-my world will be destroyed?! Why??" "We are not sure why, but the demons want your world. They want to rule it as their own." "S-so how will you know when you found the uhm... Saviours??" "Oh thats right..." Akira reached into his pocket. "We will know when one is close when this gem glows the color blue, pink, or white-" Once Akira had gotten the gem, he was cut off by this strange feeling. He opened his closed fingers, to be of sight of a glowing light blue gem. "What the..." Akira started. "Ehh?? Once of them must be here!" Linta added. Akira took his gaze from the glowing gem and up to Iku. Iku was shivering with a little frear, but was also stairing at Akira. "You are... The saviour?" Akira asked. "Wha?" Both Linta and Iku said in disbelief. "He's the warrior of ice..." Akira smirked. "Heh... We found him..." Akira sighed with satisfaction. "Dang! I was just starting to like it in this world too!!" Pouted Linta. "Not Me! Lets get back to Hell guys!!" Akira shouted. "What? Wait! I cant go there!!" Iku finally interupted. "I mean... This is my home, I have family, school, its not like I can just get up and leave!!" "Well in a while, there wont be any family or schools left."Akira glared. This took Iku by surprise. He knew that, but he didnt feel he should leave it all behind. "Fine... But I want to visit here sometimes!!" Iku demanded. "Heh... If your lucky! We dont get to go into other worlds so easy!" "What?" "Listen, I'll go with you to talk to your parents, Linta, go back to Hell and get me data on Adaruriku and tell my father." Akira demanded. "Right! But im not sure the king will want me just entering his throne room..." "Do It! Tell him I sent you!" "A-alright..." Linta walked off to the girls changing room. "Iku, come on. We are going to tell your parents right now." "Parent..." "Wha?" "My father died two years ago... Its just me and my mom." Akira wasnt good in situations like this. "Uh... Uhm... S-sorry...?" Akira forced. "Heh... Dont worry, I hated him." Iku glared at the ground. "Same as myself... My mother died when I was seven, so I dont really remember. My father is always ordering me around to do his work, or... Forcing me to come to a dumb human world..." "Heh, you afraid of him? I was too..." "Nah... But i know I cant beat him in battle yet, so I'll try to force myself to be a 'good boy'." "Battle? What do you mean?" "My father is the king of Hell." Akira chuckled walking out of the changing room, thinking about Iku's shocked face. About 20 minutes later, Akira was waiting outside the school gates for Iku. "Jeez! Who takes this long to get dressed?!" Akira annoyfulyl tapped his foot. "Daikiiii!!" Iku's voice came. Akira looked over and saw Iku running from the school doors. Once in hearing length Akira said, "Its Akira!" "Wha?" "My name. Its not Daiki, its Akira." "O-oh... Sorry, just use to calling ya' that!" Iku chuckled, rubbing the back of hsi head. "Wheres your house?" Akira asked impatient. "Just two streets away." "Good." The walk was quiet, there was soo much Iku wanted to ask, but didnt know which question to ask. Then it hit him. "S-so... What power do I have?" "We are assuming you have the power of ice. Which means, you can controle ice, form a wall of ice, cool something down with ice, you know, ice...." "Heh... I feel kind of exited... Like... Im not scared at all!" "Well save up that exitement, because once we enter Hell, all that 'exitement' will vanish." Iku felt a lump in his throught that was too big to swallow... All that courage he had, just faded away... The where now walking up the stairs of the porch that leads to Iku's house. Before unlocking the door, Iku turned around and asked, "Uhm... What are we going to say to her?" "Dont worry I planned it out, just play along, okay?" "Alright" Iku opened the door and walked inside. He heard someone in the kitchen and walked over. "M-mom?" He nervously asked. "Iku honney? What are you doing? Your suppose to be at school!" "U-Uhh... I-" Akira slapped his hand on Iku's mouth before he could start. "Hello Ms. I am Iku's friend, Daiki. We are off from school early because we have a feild trip tomorrow. Iku was embarrassed to tell you at the last minute, but here is the permission slip." Akira smiled kindly. "O-oh... Where is your class going?" "England" This caught both Iku and his mother by surprise. "We will be staying at England for 2 months. The class had the best grades for the whole school year. They said that has never been done before, so they are going to lower the price to $50 in cash." "My goodness! Iku you must get packed!" "Thats right, I'll help" Akira smiled sweetly. "R-right..." Both boys went upstairs to Iku's room. "You most likely wont like the clothes in Hell, so bring yours. I tecnically hate your humans clothes." "Heh free country..." "Tell her you have to leave early tomorrow, so you will be spending the night with me. We have to get to Hell as soon as possible, got it?" "Yeah yeah" Iku sighed. "Heh..." Akira chuckled. When the boys where ready, Iku was saying good-bye to his mother. Akira waited outside. He could hear sobbing. He kind of felt a weird pain in his chest. Something he hadnt felt in a long time... "B-Bye Mom!" Iku said with a small tear on the side of his cheek. Now Akira's heart was really in pain, yet he didnt know why... "Come on, I got you 2 months, your lucky it isnt 5 months" Akira put his arm under Iku's chin and around his head, pushing his head onto his shoulder. This made Iku blush for no reasons he knew why. They walked to Akira's house which was 3 streets away. Akira was speed walking, so Iku couldnt keep up with all his luggage. "Come On! I Am Already Carrying 3 of your stupid bags!!" "Yeah yeah, quiet donw!!" "Ch..." "Wheres Linta? Is she coming?" "Yeah... She is already in Hell talkign to my father hopefully." "D-do I have to talk to your father?" "Well duh!" "I hate s-scary things!!" "He isnt scary you dork... He uhh... Well..." "See!! You Know He Does!!" "Whatever, we're here so hurry!" They went inside the apartment house, to be greeted by a nice looking man with brown short hair. "Welcome" He said happily "Ohhh~ Akira, this your dad?" Iku asked sounding relieved. "No you idiot! This is a demon servant in form of a human father." "Urk!" "Prince Akira, Linta has told me that this child is the saviour of ice?" "Yeah so lets get going!" "As you wish." Iku kept his space away from the demon, staying by Akira at all costs. "Heh... Your scared of him but not me?" "W-well yeah!! He's a demon!!" "And so am I." Akira chuckled. "Yeah but least your not in a different shape!! A-are you?" "Haha... No im not" The three headed for the underworld portal. Iku was a little scared, but felt more comfortable with Akira around. "C-can I hold y-your hand?" Iku stuttered, looking at the red and black portal. "Ehhh? Why?" "Cuz Its Scary!!" "Ugh... Why did this guy have to be a saviour?" Akira thought to himself. "No. I hate contact with others." Akira stated "Nng..." Iku shivered. "Alright are you all set Prince Akira?" "Yeah yeah lets just go!!" Akira ordered. The servant walking calmy into the portal, disappearing from sight. Akira walked towards the portal next to Iku. "Hnnn..." Iku shivered. "Ugh" Akira moaned. As they where walking into the portal, Akira grabbed Iku's hand. Which at the sudden touch, Iku thought it was a demon grabbing him, making him shreak. He looked down at the hand and back up at Akira. His frowning face made Iku laugh. He was feeling a little better. On the other side, Iku was shocked to see they where in a nice old mansion. It was huge! He looked infront of him to be greeted by demon servants. Akira quickly tightened his grip on Iku's hand, preventing him from screaming. "Good afternoon Prince Akira, Saviour Adaruriku." "Finally you guys are here! Ive been waiting!!" Linta shouted walking down the stair case. "L-Linta!" Iku shouted in relive. "Hey there newbie!" "Hows it go-" Linta stopped in the middle of her sentence. "W-What Are You Doing?? Did You Trick Akira Or Something?! Linta yelled marching into Iku's face. "W-what??" Iku questioned. "Your Holding His Hand!! You Did Something To Him!!" "I-I Swear I Didnt!" "Linta! Quiet! He didnt do anything, got it? Come on Iku, you have to talk to my father." "N-no wait! I dont want too!!" "I'll be there... Just dont talk unless spoken too, alright?" Akira whispered into Iku's ear. Iku blushed with a small nod. The two walked up stairs, being assisted by two demon servants. "Akira seems to have taken a liking to that kid... Thats Not Fair!! I never get to touch Akira without him yelling at meee!!!" Linta thought biting a rag and pulling it. The boys where now infront of the throne room doors. Akira was happy with himself since he found the saviour within a day and he didnt have to stay in that pesky human world. Althought Iku was terrified by the sitiation. All he wanted to do now was go back home. The servants slowly opened the door for the two boys. revealing a huge room full of decorations and a red carpet leading to a man sitting a chair. He had a black eye patch on his left eye, showing one of his other dark purple eyes. He had black hair, just like Akira's, sort of long, but the perfect lenghth. He wore little devil horns, which seemed like the where attatched to his head. He had big wings like Akira aswell, but his where much bigger. He wore a full black tux, with white gloves and fancy shoes. "Good job my son." The man spoke. "Yeah whatever, now what do I have to do?" Akira said, speaking rudely. "You will stay in Hell with Linta to train this new boy how to use his powers. Once he has mastered them, he will go with you and Linta to the human world again to find the next saviour, once we locate him." "Hmm... Alright, what is our time limit?" "You have 3 months to train him. When he says he is ready, that is when you can go back any time inbetween." "Heh easy..." Akira smirked. "Adaruriku." "Y-Yes!" Iku yelped. "Your power, use it wisely." "Yes sir..." Iku's stress had eased when he heard those gentle words. "Lets go Iku, its time for traning, I'll explain all the rules, and your power to you in the study room." Akira said pulling Iku's hand. "Okay..." Iku formed a gentle smile on his face, his emotions where all mixed up too much. All he knew, was that this was not going to be easy.... Chapter 1 END © 2011 Alexa |
Added on February 26, 2011 Last Updated on February 26, 2011 Author![]() Alexa-----, CAAboutName: Alexa Ortiz Age: 14 Born: Sep 16, 1997 Sex: Female Grade: 8th State: California Race: Mexican Facts: I am straight, I love Anime, Manga and Cosplay, I love drawing Anime and Manga~ more..Writing