![]() A Sudden Change 5A Chapter by Alexa![]() Joey is a 15 year old boy in 9th grade, who is in love with his best friend Sam. It sucks when the one you love doesnt return your feelings. But a new boy has started his way into Joey's heart.![]()
A Sudden Change
We all sat quiet for the longest time. I was embarressed about Sam, and I was nervous with Nick. Jessica, well she was just clinging to my arm. I cant belive Sam did that, usually he would stay back... "S-Sam I-" "Joey I-" Sam and I said at the same time. "Y-you go first..." Sam blushed. I got up and made my way to him. "Uhm... Well, I seriously gotta think about this you know..." I whispered into his ear. "Yeah I know..." He sighed. "Huh? Where you going Nick?" Jessica asked. Sam and I where too distracted to even notice. "The bathroom..." He replied. "Sam... I do like you, I know you know that... But I really like Nick..." "Yeah yeah, well we are gonna be in here for a while so think about it" Sam rested his hands on the back of his head, and winked at me. Blushing, I walked to the little room, and lied down on the bed. I noticed that Nick wasnt around, then saw the bathroom door closed. "Crap..." I thought to myself. "Nick?" I asked knocking on the bathroom door. "Y-yeah?" He blushed opening the door. "Um... You ok?" "Yeah... Just fine..." He looked at the ground, his hair covering his face. For some reason I took him into a hug. I realised that he and I would freak out when I let him go, be decided to let the fear go. I actually tightened my grip more. "Nng... J-Joey?" Nick asked into my chest. "S-sorry..." I blushed, trying to hide my faced by putting it on his shoulder. "Ugh... I freakin love you..." Excaped my lips. Quickly I realised what I had said and pulled him away. "S-Sorry!!"I blushed covering my mouth Nick stood there quiet and staired at me. Including Sam and Jessica. "Dude..." Sam said stunned. "How cute~ Joey confessed!!" Jessica shrieked. "Nng..." I mumbled glaring at all of them. "S**t!" I shouted running to the little bed room and closing the door. "J-Joey!!" Nick shouted at the door. I was soo embarassed. You know when your face is soo hot, that your eyes become glossy? Ugh I hate that... How annoying! It looked like I was crying, which I wasnt!! "Joey..." Nick said leaning on the door. I opened the door, making him fall into my arms. I closed the door back up. I sighed and sat on the bed while Nick stood stairing at me. "J-Joey I..." "Dont speak." I ordered closing my eyes and laying down, crossing my arms behind my head. Silence broke out. I didnt know what to say, and with him talking, well that would lead to embarassing myself even more... I felt the bed tip. I opened an eye to see Nick getting on the bed, and laying agienst the wall, putting his hand over my stomach. I tried to hold back a blush, which I failed at. "Joey... I really do like you... But I have to think about it..." Nick whispered. "Heh... Yeah, I said the same thing to Sam..." I chuckled. "But while im thinking about it... Please dont let Sam kiss you..." I looked over at Nick and smiled. "Yeah no worries about that" I smiled. Nick sat up, pushing back some of his hair and leaning down. He gently placed his soft lips on mine. It seems like I have felt them before... Like when I was falling asleep with Nick by me... That WAS a dream right? I looked at him, my face expression normal, but his, apple red. Very cute. I smiled at him and closed my eyes. I wasnt tired at all, expecially with a huge tornado right above my house. Speaking of which, I havent even heard the thing. I saw it though... Maybe it already passed? No... "J-Joey?" Nick asked burrying his head into my chest. "Hm?" "If I dont give you a answer in a while, will you give up on me?" "Heh, no way... You dont know how bad I want you..." I chuckled. I felt him turn hot. "H-how many guys have you dated...?" "Hmm... about 5" I answered counting my fingers. "Five?!" Nick shouted shooting his headup from my chest and looking at me. "Uhhh... Yeah?" "Hmph!" Nick pouted putting his head back on my chest. "Hey love birds! Come see the news!" Jessica shouted at us. I got up, moving Nick to the side, causing him to whimper. I opened the door and sat on the couch next to Sam. "So what did you guys do huh?" Sam asked me shoving his face into my space. "We talked" I glared. "About?" "Stuff" "What kind of stuff?" "Stuff that you shouldnt concern yourself with..." "Ugh would you two be quiet and listen?!" Jessica shouted at us. We watched the television, the news on screen. They said the tornado warning was over in some areas... Jeez thats helpful! "Great... I have t-to model today too..." Nick sighed. "My moms car is here... I can take you" I told him. "Dude you do that and your dead, not by the tornado, by me" Sam glared. "He lives like a few blocks away right?" I told Sam. "If you do, im coming with you, since your not the 'smartest' kid in the world." "Do what you want!" I blushed. "You want to NicK?" I asked him. "B-but what about the-" "They said its clear in some areas sherlock, now lets go" Sam commanded. "I wanna go too!! Its scary here alone!!" "Yeah yeah, lets just go!" I ordered. We all went upstairs, I slowly twisted the handel. It was quiet up there. I looked out the window and there was nothing there, no houses where even touched. I had a bad feeling about this... I locked my cat down stairs just in case. "Lets hurry..." I felt a little scared to do this, im such an idiot... We all piled into the car. I always snuck out, so I was a pro at driving by now. Sam sat in the passengers seat, and Nick and Jessica sat in the back. My arm was resting on the door, when I felt a slight tug. I looked in the mirror to see Nick a little scared. I slid my arm down to hold his hand. I was glad Sam couldnt see this, or he would be pissed. The whole way I drove, holding Nick's hand. Jeez... I really hope he says yes to my answere... I had to admit, I was terrified to be out here. Since the tornado didnt pass through our part, it could easily come around... I could see a mansion like house. Claimed to be Nick's residence. "Holy..." All 3 of us said as Nick looked at us dumb found. I felt the car go slower and slower, it was weird, I was putting about full gas. I felt the car shake. I looked into the mirror and saw the tornado of death. "S**t!" I shouted. Everyone looked at me confussion and looked back. "Uhm Nick, you guys have an undergound place right?" I asked. "Y-yeah its w-where I do most o-of my p-photos!" Nick stuttered in fear. "Good..." I glared at the road, pressing down hard on the gass. Where where about 15 yards from his house when I had enough of the car. I shouted at everyone to get out. I slammed my door open and grabbed Nick's hand, running to the house. The wind was horrific. I saw some wooden fences being tore apart, and other objects flying up Wegotto the door, which was locked. I growled to myself and punched a window, shattering the glass everywhere. I helped Nick in first, then Jessica, then Sam. Sam pulled me into the house with force. Nick led us to the door that held the basement. We ran down as fast as we could. Nick closed the door and we where finally safe again. I was too scared, my heart was beating a thousand beats per second. I looked at the others as I slumped down on the wall. Jessica was almost to tears, Sam was breathing heavy, and Nick seem terrifed. "Ow..." I mumbled with everyone dragging their gaze to me. "Ah f**k ouch!" I shouted. A piercing pain going through my hand. I looked down at my hand to see blood driping from every angle. Glass still in my hand and deep wounds everywhere. "S**t!!" I shouted clentching my teeth and eyes closed. "J-Joey!!" All of the shouted running to my side. "Ugh jeez dude..." Sam sighed teaing some of his shirt. Jessica took out the glass which making me flinch at every movement. "Ahh... Nng it hurts..." I mumbled. When Jessica was done taking out the glass, Sam wrapped my hand with his torn shirt piece. "Thanks dude..." I huffed. "Your such an idiot... Stop doing reckles things!" Sam shouted with a worry look. He kissed my cheeck and looked me in the eye. I couldnt resist him, but I knew I promissed Nick I wouldnt kiss him... "Nng... Sam..." I sort of moand as he kept kissing my cheek and moved to my neck. "W-wait!" I shouted pushing him away. I was breathing heavy with my head down blushing like mad. "Ch..." Sam grunted putting his hands in his pockets and walking away. I put my hand on my heart and glared at the ground. "I promissed..." I said. Nick smiled at me and bent down to look me in the face. "Dont do stuff like that again, alright?" He smiled. I nodded and looked around the place. It was huge and full of light colors. I saw some rooms, which held a bed, a photo shoot screen set, and others. I really didnt want to get up. The pain in my hand was unbearable. Everyone else scattered around the huge basement. I sat there agienst the wall in pain. I felt my eyes water. I would never show a tear infront of people though. Not even my family. I tightened my grip on my arm, my arm turned a little pink. I felt someone take my hand away from my arm. I looked up to see Nick standing over me with concern in his eyes. He sat down infront of me and held my injoured hand and rubbed it. "Dont squeez your arm till it looses feeling!" Nick exclaimed. "It hurts though..." I glared "Im sorry... Its my fault..." "No... I just wanted to get you guys safe, I did it with out thinking" I forcefully smiled. He looked at me. I saw a tear fall down one of his cheeks. "D-dont cry..." I said shocked. It didnt help though, he cried even more. I looked around wondering what to do... Ugh... I leaned in and licked the tears on one cheek away. "Im alright, see?" I smiled at him. He blushed, still holding my hand. I leaned in and kissed him lightly on the lips. He kissed back a second later. He leaned in more, giving more pressure to the kiss. He had his hands on the walls beside me. I opened my eyes when I broke the kiss. I laid my forehead on his and chukled. "Jeez... I have never felt soo good in my life..." I smiled Chapter 5 END © 2011 Alexa |
Added on February 26, 2011 Last Updated on February 26, 2011 Tags: http://www.booksie.com/users/bet Author![]() Alexa-----, CAAboutName: Alexa Ortiz Age: 14 Born: Sep 16, 1997 Sex: Female Grade: 8th State: California Race: Mexican Facts: I am straight, I love Anime, Manga and Cosplay, I love drawing Anime and Manga~ more..Writing