![]() A Sudden Change 2A Chapter by Alexa![]() Joey is a 15 year old boy in 9th grade, who is in love with his best friend Sam. It sucks when the one you love doesnt return your feelings. But a new boy has started his way into Joey's heart.![]()
A Sudden Change Chapter 2
Sam seemed a little taken back by my reaction. He staired at me for a second before saying what he needed to say in the first place. "I-I just wanted to see if I felt anything..." Sam blushed. "Well I want a kiss that means something, even though, you said its gross, correct?" I glared. Sam twitched, now noticing why I was soo mad. He looked down a little sad with his words. "Even though... Ive takin' a little interest in someone else..." I smiled. Sam looked up at me in shock, It seemed he didnt really know what to be feeling, this made me laugh a little. "Well whatever, since your here just grab a controller." I got off the bed and sat back down next to Nick. Jessica came next to me and whispered into my ear. "Was that really a smart move?" She asked me. "Im not sure..." I said dumbfound. She plopped back onto the bed next to Sam, who I could feel stairing at me. I felt un-easy about this, its like when your in a dark ally and you can hear foot steps behind you... Well I guess thats a little too dramatic, but you see my point. "N-nng... Its hard..." Nick glared. "Here let me help you, here play for me Jessica." "Rodger!!" She shouted. Our shoulders where touching while I was leaning over to help him. He twitched at the sudden touch, which made me smirk. I put my hands on his while they rested around the controller. I showed him a few combos at first, but then I felt his hands getting hot. I looked up at him, our faces where about 3 inches apart. I didnt really notice what I was doign when I started to come closer to his blushing face. I started to pucker my lips right before- "Who Wants Pizza?!" Sam shouted. We all turned our gazes towards him, a bit taken back. Before we could even say yes or no Sam opened his mouth again. "Great!! Joey come help me pick them up!" Sam ordered pulling my arm and me up and out the door. "Dude! Lay off!!" I shouted annoyed. "You Cant Just Do Anything You Want!!" Sam shouted back. "What?" I asked in confussion. "You... You Kissed Me!! You Cant Go Off Kissing Someone Else Soo Soon!!" He shouted at the ground. I felt a little pain in my chest, it seemed like he was about to cry. He was apple red and his eyes where glossy. His hand around my arm started to tremble. I touched his hand with a twitch from him. "Sorry... I didnt know what I was doing, okay?" I tried to speak calm to calm him down. He nodded in responce, still not able to look me in the eye. "Come on, lets go get the pizzas, or are we? Cuz im kinda hungry..." I chuckled. "Y-yeah..." He smiled. His hand slid down to mine and he tightened his grip. I smiled and wrapped my finders over his hand. We walked out the house into the cold weather. It was snowing little flakes. You would have to be paying attention to notice them, they where soo small. We caught a few stairs by some people while walking down the street. "What? They havent seen guys holding hands before?" I thought glaring at every single one of them. finally we entered the pizza parlor, which was just a few streets away from my house. I let go of Sam's hand catching a little whipmer from him. I took out my wallet and took out a 20. "Uhh... A combo and cheese?" I asked the guy behind the counter and Sam. "Yeah, sounds good!" Sam smiled. I looked back at the man and nodded. "Alright that will be $15 and it should be ready within 5 minutes." I handed the man the money with change back. We sat at a table and waited for our call. "So um... About before..." Sam started. "Hm?" I glanced. "Well... do you uhm... Still like me or someone else?" He asked turning a little red. "Ahh... I guess kinda both... I think you can tell that Nick is that 'someone else'..." "Yeah and you just met the guy..." Sam pouted. "Well he's hot, what can I say?" I chuckled at Sam's reaction and leaned back in my seat. "Heh, what you like me or somthin'?" I stuck out my tounge. "K-kinda... I mean... I dont know..." sam stuttered. "Im going to have sex with Nick."I said leaning on the table. "W-What?!" Sam shouted. "Haha im joking im joking!" I laughed. "Just love seeing you jealous" I winked. Sam blushed and looked away, averting his eyes. "Pizzas ready kids!" The man told us. I got up and walked to the 2 big boxes, The smelled soo good. "You comin?" I asked Sam. "Huh? Oh yeah..." On the way home, Sam started up another conversation and this time, about Nick. "S-so... What do you like about Nick anyway? I mean he exposes his body for everyone to see!" "He's really hot and sweet and nice, and that shyness is totally a turn on" I said smiling. Sam seemed a little nervous by my last comment. Its really fun to make him jealous... "W-well you dont even know him that much!!" Sam shouted. "I guess, but I like him. Cant really change that..." I hummed. "Nng..." Sam glared biting his thumb. I sighed and decided not to answere anymore questions. Something I couldnt understand was that my bestfriend, the guy who I dreamed of dating, is practically telling me he likes me, and im not exited as I should be! We made it home without myself dieing with all the questions he was throwing at me. "Pizzaaa!!" I shouted, letting out some relife to be home. "Pizza~ Pizza~ Pizza~" Jessica sang jumping down the stairs. Nick slowly walked down the stiars clinging to the rail. "Nick, I hope you dont mind cheese or combo" I smiled. "N-no... they are my f-favorite!" I smiled back. I could feel Sam glare at me from the back of my head. "You want both?" I asked Nick, getting him a plate. "Joeyyy~ Why cant you help me instead??" Jessica complained. "Yeah!" Sam added. "Cuz' im helping a new guest, so hush!" I ordered playfully. "Uhh... B-both please..." Nick blushed. I smiled and took out 2 pieces of both kinds. I got my slice too and I put my hand on his back and rushed him back up stairs. I felt him blush and stumble a few times. "Grrr!!!" Sam growled. "Heh, so your finalyl starting to show your real feelings~" Jessica chuckled. "Ch! Whatever!" Sam frowned. He grabbed a piece and ran upstairs. Sam was eager to get upstairs and be the gaurd of Joey. He rushed up, opening Joey's room door and caught a little scean. Joey was pinned down by Nick on the bed. They where holding hands, and Nick looked a bit scared. "What the..." Sam started, a little speachless. "I-its not what it looks like..." I blushed. "Lets eat and beat that gam-" Jessica shouted seeing Nick and I. "Oooo~ Joey you dog~" Jessica purred. "N-No! Its not like that!" I said embarrassed. Nick slowly let go of my hands and sat on the bed, he was sitting on his legs and his hands where in fists resting on his legs. His face was beat red. "Let me explain first!!" I shouted, not wanting to get Sam ready to kill. *About 8 minutes before....* "Here, set your food on this." I said getting out a portable mini table and setting it inbetween us. "T-thanks..." He shyly said. "You know, you dont have to be so shy around me..." I looked down at him, his gaze quickly catching mine. I looked beyond him, out my window when something caught my eye. I went around Nick and got ont my bed to see the animal on my neighbors roof. "Dang it! That dumb cat got out again!" I grumbled glaring at the white cat. "Huh? I L-love cats!" Nick smiled and ran onto the bed. He put his hands onto the window seal and leaned out to get a better look. His hand slipped. "Watch out!" I shouted pulling his hands back into my room. *Present* "And then he fell ontop of me." I explained. "Ch! Whatever!" Sam pouted and plopped down on the floor. "Hehe~" Jessica chuckled and sat next to Sam. I blushed and looked over to Nick, who was still as red as before. "S-sorry..." He apoligized. "For what? Listen, I'll go get my cat and bring him to you, how bout that?" I smiled. Nick perked up and looked at me with those red eyes. He nodded like wild. I laughed and got up. I left the room to go search for that annoying feline. The cat always thought of me as its favorite. She came when I called, she was always next to me, and she was always there for me. She is really the perfect pet. I walked into my back yard and yelled out. "Abby!!" A second later the cat perked up from the neighbors roof. She hopped from tree to tree and landed on my shoulder. I rubbed under her chin as she purred in responce. "Good girl~" I smiled. I walked back up to my room to see Nick still siting in his same position, Sam pouting and Jessica being Jessica. Nick saw me and stood up a bit. He's so cute... "Here, her name is Abby." I said handing her to Nick. She seemed to really like him. "S-shes really cute... And friendly!" Nick smiled widly "Shes takin' a liking to you." I staired into Nick's eyes, while they where full of joy. "Ahem!" Sam coughed. I twitched and looked over to him. "W-what?" I blushed. "We're still here ya know!"Sam said annoyed. "I know that!" I grumbled. "Hey uhh... Nick." I asked. "Hm?" He smiled. "You wanna catch a movie with me sometime?" I asked blushing, rubbing the back of my head. "Sure!" He grinned. Sam coughed, trying to get my attention. "And you guys too...." I sighed. "Great! Tonight at 8, how bout that?" Sam offered. "Yeah sure, works for me, what about you Nick?" I asked. "Y-yeah!" "Me tooo~" Jessica smiled. "Well thats in 3 hours, lets just hang here I guess" I sighed and lied on my bed. Nick sat on my bed, his back facing me. For some reason I got an urge. I sat up and hugged Nick from the back. He made a cute squeak noise. I rested my head on his shouled and smiled at him. My arms wrapped around his stomach. "Nng..." Nick muttered biting his bottom lip. I snuggled my face in his neck, it was really warm, especially when you just came in from the snow! "Warm..." I muddered, feeling sleepy. "Wah!" Nick shouted being dragged down to the bed by me. I was holding onto his stomach, and my head burried into the back of his head, cuddling his ruffled hair. It smelled really nice... The cat had ran away when we fell, I dont think Nick really minded that, since he turned around to face me. I dazily opened my eyes a bit. "You smell nice..." I mummbled before going to sleep. Nick quickly blushed at my comment and I fell asleep with a smirk. Chapter 2 END © 2011 Alexa |
Added on February 26, 2011 Last Updated on February 26, 2011 Author![]() Alexa-----, CAAboutName: Alexa Ortiz Age: 14 Born: Sep 16, 1997 Sex: Female Grade: 8th State: California Race: Mexican Facts: I am straight, I love Anime, Manga and Cosplay, I love drawing Anime and Manga~ more..Writing