Internal Schizophrenia

Internal Schizophrenia

A Poem by Illuminate23

Battle Internal & S****y opposites

see I have felt-
and on those feelings,
On each end of the spectrum,
You are on the side of where
the strings of emotions
are instantaneous-
your blues look of red hues-
Your hands are of heated mitts-
the air is a little sweeter,
and the thought of parings in arms seem to
See Dee,
I figure I ask what is your story?
I pump a little harder now days-
Your blood,
a little hotter too-
Shots that spark synapses tenfold
and usually,
only certain zaps are here and there on a normal day-
I'm hearing the tunes of "G" minor
The strumming of harps
and a group of percussions in unison-
Its the hum of your breath
and the rhythm of your step-
Just the other day,
I noticed the smell of sea salts,
and cries of gulls-
You were on the coastline I imagine-
And although I cannot sight this environment,
my guess is
that your khakis were rolled on your calfs,
and you were barefoot- Taking in the radiance-
And since whatever it is that has you this way,
I know for certain it is not present at the moment-
By your constant hand clasping,
and fixated sight on the skies,
You wish for something far more greater than I've known you
to wish for-
On your morning drive,
I had to give extra adrenaline to your limbs-
Your required reaction was needed so...
where was your mind?
Its the road that should've had your attention-
But again,
you venture to a place you wish to be-
Whether it be a park
filled with lush green blades,
and a prominent skyline as its backdrop-
I'd assume its a place of hot summers
and light winters-
A place where,
birds are the main mascots-
I am now awakened at your flash of photogenic memory
on your bank-
Your distance,
analysis of this silhouette...
It frequents you-
what is your deal?
You smile a lot more,
and the sound waves that
stream your ear,
looks as bright as ever-
Your nerves,
lit as if you were the child again-
On Christmas day-
Even certain programmings,
you are inclined to watching-
Like never before-
Though the change is enlightening..
I can only be inquisitive-
For I love the change in you,
as it motivates me,
to have your heart as red with gleam at this time-
It gives me,
zest again-
And I can only imagine the possibilitie(s)...

© 2010 Illuminate23

Author's Note

Just ramblings, I don't aim for perfection, only release.

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Added on May 10, 2010
Last Updated on May 10, 2010



Denver, CO

I'm a newbie at the usage and the formation of wording when it is put down to text. I don't aim to challenge or dissect my words or someone's own. I merely put down what feel. I grew fond for it when .. more..
