There will be a day when a poem shall pause to a lazy halt, as if to feel the evening breeze, to look up into the sky, to lie beneath a tree, somewhere.
Where they shall forget their own country and their flaming tongue, the way an exiled lover slowly forgets his beloved's face. And goosebumps would finally be out of work. Shop closed and shut.
There will be a country then, full of nomads and bonfires who would know only to let go-a kite breaking loose in the air (like lost loves, hazy dusks, and all the things in between-that are no longer important and hence left behind or burnt) floating in its infinite lightness. And perhaps then, fleetingly, a day shall come like a morning drizzle or a lost lover, repentant and wishful, to make up for all the things that have long been dead.
"There will be a country then,
full of nomads and bonfires
who would know only to let go-a kite breaking loose in the air " My,my.. I don't even know why I paste your words into reviews, because as I do I realize there are more and more. This speaks to me of a great "letting go" a great bag full of painful letting go...of a past, a history, loved ones, things so dear. Your pain comes through your work in such a gentle, forgiving way.