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A Screenplay by Lorna

A 15 minute short screenplay that needs urgent reviewing. The basis is - Low budget, 15 minutes maximum, a character must go through a change and it must hold some form of moral message. HELP!

 INT.SCHOOL CORRIDOR                                              
          RYAN WILLIAMS and HARRISON FORD walk down an empty school        
          corridor in unison. They wear heavy black backpacks. In one      
          hand Ryan holds a small kitchen knife. In the other, what        
          appears to be a shotgun. Harrison is holding two guns, and       
          there is a knife in his pocket. Their expressions are            
                    Dear Mum. I guess as my last ever                      
                    note, I should hype up my words and                    
                    tap into the section of my brain                       
                    that is a literal genius. Well if                      
                    that’s what you want, it’s not what                    
                    you’re getting. Blame Mrs Cherry.                      
                    She never was a good English                           
                    teacher. First of all, I don’t want                    
                    you or anyone else to spend time                       
                    blaming anything or anyone else but                    
                    me for what I’ve done. I wish I                        
                    could say I was sorry... If It                         
                    makes you feel any better, I died                      
                    happy. Doing something I wanted to                     
                    do. Don’t blame my XBOX or bullies                     
                    or horror films. Just blame me. I                      
                    don’t have a clear reason either.                      
                    Maybe fame, punishment or                              
                    something. I really don’t know. I                      
                    just want this. Please get over                        
                    this and get on with your life. I                      
                    hope people don’t give you too much                    
                    s**t, but people are dicks so no                       
                    doubt they will. The truth is mum,                     
                    we can call ourselves human as much                    
                    as we like, but we are not humane.                     
                    There is so much bad, so much evil.                    
                    There is just no humanity left.                        
                                                        3 DAYS EARLIER     
          THE SHOOTING                                                     
          Harrison and Ryan are walking down an empty, urban street.       
          Graffiti crafts itself into mouldy damp bricks. Grey clouds      
          push themselves together, hiding the distant sun. Harrison       
          opens the zip of Ryans backpack.                                 
                    It’s going to be big. Like                             
                    seriously big.                                         
          CONTINUED:                                              2.       
          He pulls out a bunch of papers and hands them to Ryan.           
                    Go over the plans. Make sure we’re                     
                    all set up and stuff.                                  
          Ryan takes the papers.                                           
          SCHOOL ROOM                                                      
          Harrison sits up the front of the class. His bold black          
          glasses reflect the light that shines through the mundane        
          window. A kid behind him, MICHAEL JOHN throws a piece of         
          paper at the back of his head. Michael is tall with slick        
          blond hair and blue eyes. His face is tanned.                    
          Sniggering fills the class. Harrison doesn’t respond. He         
          stares vacantly at the whiteboard that is smudged in red and     
          green writing. The classroom goes quiet. Harrison puts his       
          head down. His dusty brown hair covers his dark brown eyes.      
                    Oh f**k, is he angry? You never can                    
                    tell behind all that acne.                             
          JOANNA MARLEY sits up in her seat.                               
                    Shut up.                                               
                    Ohhhh, Harrisons girlfriends                           
                    getting angry!                                         
          Harrison shoots Joanna a look of apology. Sympathy fills her     
          Michael chucks another piece of paper. And then he leans         
          forward and scruffs up Harrisons hair.                           
                    Just playing with you, bender!                         
          The class starts laughing again.                                 
          Ryan is lying on his unmade bed with his headphones in his       
          ears. Paper is scattered across his floor. Unfinished            
          drawings. He is drawing in an A4 sketch pad. His bedroom         
          door knocks and Harrison enters, making Ryan jump. Ryan          
          quickly sits up and takes off his headphones.                    
          Harrison laughs.                                                 
                    Sorry. Your mum let me in.                             
                    Can’t you knock?                                       
                    I did!                                                 
          Harrison walks over to Ryans computer and begins playing a       
          PC game. Ryans short brown hair is messy. He is wearing a        
          white T-shirt and stained green tracksuit bottoms.               
                    Entering level 9. Mission: Protect                     
                    all civilians.                                         
          Harrison begins to kill civilians. His mission tab begins to     
          get smaller and smaller as he fails. Ryan jumps up and           
          smashes Harrisons hand away from the computer.                   
                    What the hell man! You’re not meant                    
                    to kill the civilians! Do you know                     
                    how long its taken me to get to                        
                    level 9!                                               
          Harrison looks disappointed as he stays seated, studying         
          Ryan’s reaction.                                                 
                    You care don’t you?                                    
                    No, man this is different. This is                     
                    a game.                                                
          CONTINUED:                                              4.       
                    That makes it worst! The people you                    
                    are protecting aren’t even real!                       
          Ryan shoots Harrison a look of annoyance.                        
                    I just worked really hard on this.                     
                    Don’t f**k it up for me, please.                       
          Ryan and Harrison are occupying a large table to themselves.     
          They have pieces of paper flung over the table, and they         
          scribble notes.                                                  
                    So if you come in through the front                    
                    We both go through the front. We                       
                    don’t split up until 10 minutes                        
                    into the carnage. When the                             
                    corridors begin to empty, and                          
                    people are bleeding out everywhere,                    
                    we’ll meet back up and finish it                       
          A group of boys walk into the near empty cafeteria and begin     
          teasing the boys. Harrison grabs up all the papers and           
          protects them with his elbows.                                   
                    If you two want to be alone, can                       
                    you do it somewhere private?                           
                    Shut up Michael.                                       
                    So you’re not gay?                                     
                    No I’m not.                                            
                    Can anyone back you up on that?                        
                    Sure, ask your girlfriend.                             
          CONTINUED:                                              5.       
          Michael charges at Harrison, knocking him to the floor. The      
          papers go flying and Ryan scurries to pick them up. The          
          dinner lady, MARGE WINTERS walks over to the boys.               
                    You’re the one that seems to love                      
                    physical contact with Harrison,                        
                    aren’t you Michael? You can’t leave                    
                    the poor boy alone!                                    
          Michaels friends begin laughing. Marge smiles.                   
                    Now get out of my Cafe, before the                     
                    whole school thinks you have a                         
                    girly crush on our Harrison.                           
          Michael kisses his teeth, annoyed. He shoots Ryan a warning      
          look. Ryan stops rustling the papers for one moment. Michael     
          looks at Harrison, who is still on the floor. He leaves with     
          his friends. Marge rushes to Harrisons side.                     
                    What on earth do you think your                        
                    playing at, winding him up? Silly                      
          Harrison brushes Marge off of him as she helps him to his        
                    Just leave it Marge.                                   
                    No Harrison. Your little old dinner                    
                    lady wont always be here to protect                    
                    you, you know!                                         
          Ryan stands, clutching the papers.                               
                    What’s all that?                                       
          Ryan begins to stutter. Harrison jumps in.                       
                    A surprise.                                            
          Marge rubs Harrisons shoulder and tucking the chairs back        
          neatly. Ryan runs out of the cafeteria.                          
          CONTINUED:                                              6.       
                    Thank you.                                             
          Harrison kisses Marge on the cheek. She looks shocked.           
                    What was that for?                                     
                    Just... Thank you.                                     
          Ryan runs, his headphones in his ears. Sweat beads fall down     
          his face, his red cheeks burn crimson. The moon is full and      
          the air is warm. Ryan closes his eyes but continues to run.      
          His arms swing swiftly to and fro as he chucks his body          
          further into the fields, into the night.                         
          INT.HARRISONS ROOM.EVENING                                       
          Harrison is looking out of his bedroom window. The muffled       
          sound of shouting parents fills his dark bedroom. He closes      
          his eyes and breathes in deeply. He opens his eyes and picks     
          up a bunch of papers on his desk. He pulls them into his         
          chest and attempts a smile.                                      
          Ryan is sitting by the window, looking out. His gaze is          
          fixed on the younger children running around in the outside      
          play area. His teacher, MRS CHERRY, tries to get his             
                              MRS CHERRY                                   
                    Well Ryan?                                             
          Ryan snaps out of his gaze and looks at Mrs Cherry, a            
          confused look fills his face. She sighs impatiently.             
                              MRS CHERRY                                   
                    Well do you think that the play was                    
                    trying to teach us our                                 
                    responsibility as human beings?                        
                    What play?                                             
          CONTINUED:                                              7.       
                              MRS CHERRY                                   
                    Seriously Ryan! An Inspector Calls!                    
                    Oh. No.                                                
                              MRS CHERRY                                   
                    No? Then what is it about?                             
                    It’s about human stupidity. Human                      
                              MRS CHERRY                                   
                    No, it is not.                                         
                    I thought you said every answer was                    
                    opinion based, and no answer was                       
          Mrs Cherry looks stunned.                                        
                              MRS CHERRY                                   
                    Yes well that’s because I didn’t                       
                    expect anybody to suggest such                         
                    ridiculous, out of context ideas!                      
          Harrison, who is sitting at the front of the class, shoots       
          Ryan a warning look.                                             
                    It’s about the destruction that                        
                    humans cause, even when they don’t                     
                    mean to they do it. Wherever they                      
                    go, whatever they do. And they do                      
                    it all together and when they do it                    
                    all together it makes somebody do                      
                    something in retaliation, to try                       
                    and gain order or justification.                       
                              MRS CHERRY                                   
                    Are you trying to suggest that Eva                     
                    Smith is some sort of heroic                           
                    vigilante who’s only reason for                        
                    committing a suicidal act is to                        
                    punish the wrong doers?                                
          Ryan stays silent.                                               
          CONTINUED:                                              8.       
                              MRS CHERRY                                   
                    You are being ridiculous. In future                    
                    keep those ideas to yourself.                          
           Michael laughs.                                                 
                              MRS CHERRY                                   
                    Enough Michael!                                        
          Michael stops immediately.                                       
                              MRS CHERRY                                   
                    Moving on...                                           
          INT.RYANS BEDROOM.EVENING                                        
          Harrison and Ryan are hovering over the computer screen          
          looking at a map of their school.                                
                    15 minutes isn’t long enough. I                        
                    need enough time to go to Mrs                          
                    Cherrys classroom before we meet                       
                    back at the cafeteria.                                 
          Harrison laughs.                                                 
                    It’s not funny. You saw how she                        
                    spoke to me today.                                     
                    Yeah and that’s exactly why we’re                      
                    doing this!                                            
                    You said this wasn’t about revenge                     
                    or anything like that.                                 
          Ryans Mother, JANE WILLIAMS, knocks and enters the room.         
          Ryan slams the power button on his computer with his index       
                    Mum! Can you not wait till I say                       
                    it’s okay to come in!                                  
                    Ryan, what on earth has got into                       
                    you lately?                                            
          Harrison looks sympathetic towards Jane. Ryan sighs.             
          CONTINUED:                                              9.       
                    Sorry. What is it?                                     
          Jane looks suspiciously over at Ryans desk and then hands        
          Ryan the phone.                                                  
                    It’s some girl asking to speak to                      
                    you and Harrison.                                      
                    A girl?                                                
          Jane leaves the room.                                            
          Jane is holding onto the banister. She looks worried. She        
          listens outside of Ryans door for a second, and then walks       
          away, defeated.                                                  
          INT.RYANS BEDROOM.EVENING                                        
          Ryan chucks the phone at Harrison, confused. Harrison            
          panicks and chucks it back. All the way through they are         
          whispering, trying to pass the caller on to one another.         
          Harrison eventually puts the phone to his ear.                   
                    About time!                                            
                    Who is this?                                           
                    It’s Joanne.                                           
          Harrison looks confused.                                         
                    Joanne? What do you want?                              
          Ryan punches Harrison in the arm and Harrison immediately        
          realises his mistake.                                            
          CONTINUED:                                             10.       
                    S**t, sorry. Not what do you want                      
                    in a nasty way, but like, what do                      
                    you -                                                  
          Ryan punches Harrison in the arm again. Harrison winces.         
                    F**k, I don’t know! Why are you                        
                    calling? How can I help you?                           
                    I was just calling to see if maybe                     
                    you and Ryan wanted to work on our                     
                    English assignment together? Unless                    
                    you guys already have a group                          
          Harrison pauses. Ryan bangs his arm again, for the third         
                    What’s wrong with you? We don’t                        
                    have a group sorted!                                   
          Harrison hangs up the phone.                                     
                    We don’t need a group though do we?                    
                    And neither does Joanne.                               
                    What does that mean? She’s been                        
                    nothing but nice to both of us!                        
                    Like that makes any difference                         
                    Are you crazy?                                         
                    This was never about revenge and                       
                    that means we don’t show favoritism                    
                    to anybody.                                            
          Harrison throws his body into the air furiously. He grabs        
          Ryans shoulders and starts shaking him. He speaks loudly         
          through gritted teeth. His eyes grow larger with every word.     
          CONTINUED:                                             11.       
                    Don’t you do this to me! We had a                      
                    plan. We said that no matter what                      
                    we would stick to the plan!                            
          Ryan tenses up. Fear fills his eyes along with tears as he       
          grabs Harrisons shoulders in retaliation.                        
                    And what if the plan goes wrong?                       
                    What if the plan is flawed?                            
                    We will fix it. You can’t back out.                    
                    Not now. You can’t leave me to do                      
                    this on my own. Have you even                          
                    written your note yet?                                 
          Ryan releases his grip.                                          
                    You haven’t have you?                                  
                    No. I haven’t.                                         
                    Let me know now. Are you in or out                     
                    because I’m doing this with or                         
                    without you.                                           
          Ryan pauses.                                                     
                    If it’s not about revenge then what                    
                    is it about?                                           
          Harrison sits down, confused by the question that he can’t       
          Ryan sits alone at a small table by the large window. The        
          skies outside are dull, and raindrops fall gently down the       
          window. Ryan stares as Michael walks into the cafe. His low      
          tracksuit pants show his black boxers. Ryans attention           
          shoots over to Joanne who is standing next to Michael. Ryan      
          looks saddened, and turns to look out of the window. Joanne      
          doesn’t notice him.                                              
                                                      BACK TO PRESENT:     
          INT.SCHOOL CORRIDOR.DAY                                          
          Ryan and Harrison continue to walk, side by side. There is       
          no sign of destruction. Everything seems normal. Grey            
          lockers packed together on either wall close Harrison and        
          Ryan in. Harrison stops. Ryan turns to him. The boys are         
          silent for a few moments.                                        
                    I can’t.                                               
                    You can.                                               
                    We could walk out now and no one                       
                    would ever have to know.                               
                    I know your f*****g with me now.                       
                    This was your idea!                                    
          Ryan starts walking closer to Harrison, bringing his gun up.     
          Joanna and Michael walk out of a classroom. Both of them         
          freeze. Michael bursts into laughter.                            
                    Oh god! The benders are role                           
          Michael reaches for his phone. Ryan swings his arm round and     
          points his gun at Michael. Harrison swings his gum round and     
          points it at Ryan. Joannas expression is solemn. Michael         
          puts his arms in the air.                                        
                    If this is a joke it isn’t funny.                      
                    You know I’m only messing with you                     
                    don’t you?                                             
                    But when it comes down to it. Maybe                    
                    there is humanity. Maybe I am                          
          Harrison pulls the trigger.                                      
          CONTINUED:                                             13.       
          THE END.                                                         

© 2013 Lorna

Author's Note

Any ideas, character developments or dialogue suggestions helpful! And go ahead on correcting grammar and such. Appreciated!

My Review

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Featured Review

Strong work! I think it's pretty much good to go. What's most interesting to me is Harrison's willingness to kill even while, at the end, acknowledging there may be humanity in the world. If the "personal change" requirement of your story is important, you might want to emphasize this a bit.

For example, Harrison's opening voiceover ends with these two lines:

"There is so much bad, so much evil.
There is just no humanity left."

His final lines, by virtue of being voiceover, would seem to be the conclusion of this letter to his mom:

"But when it comes down to it.
Maybe there is humanity. Maybe I am sorry."

These lines condemn him, and make him a compelling character. However, these two voiceover lines don't follow directly. You might want to experiment with making his opening monologue lines a little more vague, then use the last line to make it clear he's aware of the immorality of his actions.

Sorry if this is a bit confusing, I can't seem to clarify my point- lol.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

That's a really constructive review, thank you :)

11 Years Ago

Title possibility: Human Remains?


Strong work! I think it's pretty much good to go. What's most interesting to me is Harrison's willingness to kill even while, at the end, acknowledging there may be humanity in the world. If the "personal change" requirement of your story is important, you might want to emphasize this a bit.

For example, Harrison's opening voiceover ends with these two lines:

"There is so much bad, so much evil.
There is just no humanity left."

His final lines, by virtue of being voiceover, would seem to be the conclusion of this letter to his mom:

"But when it comes down to it.
Maybe there is humanity. Maybe I am sorry."

These lines condemn him, and make him a compelling character. However, these two voiceover lines don't follow directly. You might want to experiment with making his opening monologue lines a little more vague, then use the last line to make it clear he's aware of the immorality of his actions.

Sorry if this is a bit confusing, I can't seem to clarify my point- lol.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

That's a really constructive review, thank you :)

11 Years Ago

Title possibility: Human Remains?

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1 Review
Added on February 28, 2013
Last Updated on February 28, 2013
Tags: violence, school



London, East, United Kingdom

I'm Lorna, I'm enthusiatic, and I have a huge passion for writing! Usually, motivation keeps me from finishing projects, I'm a student, soon to be studying scriptwriting and journalism, And that's all.. more..
